107 research outputs found

    Interactive effect of beta-adrenergic stimulation and mechanical stretch on low-frequency oscillations of ventricular action potential duration in humans

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    Ventricular repolarization dynamics are crucial to arrhythmogenesis. Low-frequency oscillations of repolarization have recently been reported in humans and the magnitude of these oscillations proposed to be a strong predictor of sudden cardiac death. Available evidence suggests a role of the sympathetic nervous system. We have used biophysically detailed models integrating ventricular electrophysiology, calcium dynamics, mechanics and ß-adrenergic signaling to investigate the underlying mechanisms. The main results were: (1) Phasic beta-adrenergic stimulation (ß-AS) at a Mayer wave frequency between 0.03 and 0.15 Hz resulted in a gradual decrease of action potential (AP) duration (APD) with concomitant small APD oscillations. (2) After 3-4 minutes of phasic ß-AS, the mean APD adapted and oscillations of APD became apparent. (3) Phasic changes in haemodynamic loading at the same Mayer wave frequency (a known accompaniment of enhanced sympathetic nerve activity), simulated as variations in the sarcomere length, also induced APD oscillations. (4) The effect of phasic ß-AS and haemodynamic loading on the magnitude of APD oscillations was synergistic. (5) The presence of calcium overload and reduced repolarization reserve further enhanced the magnitude of APD oscillations and was accompanied by afterdepolarizations and/or spontaneous APs. In conclusion, low-frequency oscillations of repolarization recently reported in humans were induced by phasic ß-AS and phasic mechanical loading, which acted synergistically, and were greatly enhanced by disease-associated conditions, leading to arrhythmogenic events

    Interactive effect of beta-adrenergic stimulation and mechanical stretch on low-frequency oscillations of ventricular action potential duration in humans

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    Ventricular repolarization dynamics are crucial to arrhythmogenesis. Low-frequency oscillations of repolarization have recently been reported in humans and the magnitude of these oscillations proposed to be a strong predictor of sudden cardiac death. Available evidence suggests a role of the sympathetic nervous system. We have used biophysically detailed models integrating ventricular electrophysiology, calcium dynamics, mechanics and β-adrenergic signaling to investigate the underlying mechanisms. The main results were: (1) Phasic beta-adrenergic stimulation (β-AS) at a Mayer wave frequency between 0.03 and 0.15Hz resulted in a gradual decrease of action potential (AP) duration (APD) with concomitant small APD oscillations. (2) After 3-4minutes of phasic β-AS, the mean APD adapted and oscillations of APD became apparent. (3) Phasic changes in haemodynamic loading at the same Mayer wave frequency (a known accompaniment of enhanced sympathetic nerve activity), simulated as variations in the sarcomere length, also induced APD oscillations. (4) The effect of phasic β-AS and haemodynamic loading on the magnitude of APD oscillations was synergistic. (5) The presence of calcium overload and reduced repolarization reserve further enhanced the magnitude of APD oscillations and was accompanied by afterdepolarizations and/or spontaneous APs. In conclusion, low-frequency oscillations of repolarization recently reported in humans were induced by phasic β-AS and phasic mechanical loading, which acted synergistically, and were greatly enhanced by disease-associated conditions, leading to arrhythmogenic events

    In silico study of calcium handling in the human failing heart

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    Tesis por compendio[EN] Heart failure, a cardiomyopathy that produces mechanical dysfunction and sudden cardiac death following fatal arrhythmias, is one of the main causes of mortality worldwide that also causes elevated morbidity rates. Current clinical therapies are challenged by the complexity of this cardiac pathology, in which many factors are involved in the electrical instabilities that lead to an altered function. The electrical activity of the heart comprises a wide range of spatial and temporal scales. Ion transport across transmembrane proteins initiate the cellular depolarization that is propagated cell to cell through the myocardium depolarizing and then repolarizing the entire heart in an orchestrated manner. The electrical excitation of cardiomyocytes triggers the cellular contraction, a process in which Ca2+ ions are the main mediators. Ca2+ dynamics plays a relevant role in controlling excitation-contraction coupling and consequently, investigations have focused on Ca2+-handling proteins and the regulation of Ca2+ homeostasis to elucidate the causes of impaired contractility and pro-arrhythmic conditions in cardiac diseases. This thesis takes advantage of the existence of mathematical models with detailed representation of the subcellular processes to perform computational simulations of cardiac electrophysiology and understand the altered mechanisms that govern heart failure, especially those related with intracellular Ca2+ cycling. It is known that failing myocytes undergo a specific remodeling of ion channels and Ca2+-handling proteins that lead to an impaired excitation-contraction coupling. Initially, it was analyzed, in the human action potential model of ventricular myocytes selected for the whole study, the effects of modulating ionic mechanisms on the electrical activity and Ca2+ dynamics. In tissue, heart failure induces additional changes affecting cellular coupling. The development of fibroblasts and impact on myocyte electrophysiology was investigated, including the vulnerability to generate alternans, a common precursor to arrhythmogenesis. Finally, the beta-adrenergic signaling model was integrated with the action potential model because of the electrophysiological modulation exerted by the sympathetic nervous system, which is aggravated under heart failure conditions. Results highlighted the need of studying heart failure therapies on failing cells because of the different response of ion channels and membrane proteins to drugs. Functional Ca2+ proteins were important to maintain Ca2+ homeostasis and to avoid malignant electrical consequences, being SERCA pump the most critical factor. Apart from the electrophysiological remodeling, fibroblast interaction contributed to alter Ca2+ dynamics in myocytes and, when analyzing Ca2+ alternans, spatial electrical discordances predominated in failing tissues. The inclusion of beta-adrenergic stimulation showed that the inotropic response was diminished in heart failure as well as the antiarrhythmic benefits provided by catecholamines in the normal heart. These findings contribute to gain insight into the pathophysiology of heart failure and the development of new pharmacological agents targeted to restore Ca2+ dynamics. The control of intracellular Ca2+ cycling is crucial to ensure both the mechanical force and the electrical activity that lead to a rhythmic contraction of the heart.[ES] La insuficiencia cardíaca, una cardiomiopatía que provoca disfunción mecánica y muerte súbita tras arritmias cardíacas letales, es una de las principales causas de mortalidad en todo el mundo que además causa tasas de morbilidad elevadas. Las terapias usadas actualmente en la clínica están comprometidas por la complejidad de esta patología cardíaca, ya que son muchos los factores que están implicados en las inestabilidades eléctricas que conllevan a alteraciones funcionales. La actividad eléctrica del corazón abarca un amplio rango escalas espaciales y temporales. El transporte de iones a través de las proteínas transmembrana inicia la despolarización celular que se propaga de célula en célula a través del miocardio, despolarizando y luego repolarizando todo el corazón de manera sincronizada. La excitación eléctrica de los cardiomiocitos desencadena la contracción celular, un proceso en el que los iones de Ca2+ son los principales intermediarios. La dinámica de Ca2+ tiene un papel relevante en el control del acoplamiento excitación-contracción y, como consecuencia, las investigaciones se han centrado en las proteínas que controlan el ciclo del Ca2+ y la regulación homeostática para encontrar las causas que empeoran la contractilidad y conducen a condiciones proarrítmicas en casos de insuficiencia cardíaca. Esta tesis hace uso de la existencia de modelos matemáticos con una representación detallada de los procesos subcelulares para realizar simulaciones computacionales de electrofisiología cardíaca y comprender los mecanismos que están alterados y predominan en insuficiencia cardíaca, especialmente aquellos relacionados con el ciclo intracelular de Ca2+ . Se sabe que los miocitos dañados por insuficiencia cardíaca experimentan un remodelado específico en los canales iónicos y en las proteínas partícipes en el ciclo de Ca2+, ocasionando fallos en el acoplamiento excitación-contracción. Inicialmente, se analizaron, en el modelo de potencial de acción humano de miocitos ventriculares seleccionado para todo el estudio, los efectos de la modulación de los mecanismos iónicos sobre la actividad eléctrica y la dinámica de Ca2+. En los tejidos, la insuficiencia cardíaca induce cambios adicionales que afectan el acoplamiento celular. Se ha investigado la presencia de fibroblastos y su impacto en la electrofisiología de los miocitos, incluida la vulnerabilidad para generar alternantes, un precursor común de la arritmogénesis. Finalmente, se ha incluido el modelo de señalización -adrenérgica integrado con el modelo de potencial de acción debido a la modulación electrofisiológica ejercida por el sistema nervioso simpático, que se agrava en condiciones de insuficiencia cardíaca. Los resultados han destacado la necesidad de estudiar las terapias de insuficiencia cardíaca en células de estos corazones debido a la diferente respuesta de los canales iónicos y las proteínas de membrana a los medicamentos. El buen funcionamiento de las proteínas reguladoras del Ca2+ es importantes para mantener la homeostasis del Ca2+ y evitar consecuencias eléctricas malignas, siendo la bomba SERCA el factor más crítico. Además del remodelado electrofisiológico, la interacción con fibroblastos contribuye a alterar la dinámica de Ca2+ en los miocitos y, al analizar los alternantes de Ca2+, predominan las discordancias eléctricas espaciales en los tejidos de corazones con insuficiencia cardíaca. La inclusión de la estimulación -adrenérgica ha mostrado que la respuesta inotrópica disminuye en insuficiencia cardíaca, así como los beneficios antiarrítmicos proporcionados por las catecolaminas en un corazón normal. Estos hallazgos contribuyen a obtener información sobre la fisiopatología de la insuficiencia cardíaca y el desarrollo de nuevos agentes farmacológicos destinados a restaurar la dinámica de Ca 2+. El control del ciclo de Ca2+ intracelular es crítico para garantizar tanto la fuerza mecánica como la actividad eléctrica que conducen a una contracción rítmica del corazón.[CA] La insuficiència cardíaca, una cardiomiopatia que provoca disfunció mecànica i mort sobtada després d'arrítmies cardíaques letals, és una de les principals causes de mortalitat a tot el món que a més causa taxes de morbiditat elevades. Les teràpies utilitzades actualment en la clínica estan compromeses per la complexitat d'aquesta patologia cardíaca, ja que són molts els factors que estan implicats en les inestabilitats elèctriques que comporten a alteracions funcionals. L'activitat elèctrica del cor abasta un ampli rang d'escales espacials i temporals. El transport d'ions a través de les proteïnes transmembrana inicia la despolarització cel·lular que es propaga de cèl·lula en cèl·lula a través del miocardi, despolaritzant i després repolaritzant tot el cor de manera sincronitzada. L'excitació elèctrica dels cardiomiòcits desencadena la contracció cel·lular, un procés en el qual els ions de Ca2+ són els principals intermediaris. La dinàmica de Ca2+ té un paper rellevant en el control de l'acoblament excitació-contracció i, com a conseqüència, les investigacions s'han centrat en les proteïnes que controlen el cicle del Ca2+ i la regulació homeostàtica per a trobar les causes que empitjoren la contractilitat i condueixen a condicions proarrítmiques en casos d'insuficiència cardíaca. Aquesta tesi fa ús de l'existència de models matemàtics amb una representació detallada dels processos subcel·lulars per a realitzar simulacions computacionals de l'electrofisiologia cardíaca i comprendre els mecanismes que estan alterats i predominen en insuficiència cardíaca, especialment aquells relacionats amb el cicle intracel·lular de Ca2+. Se sap que els miòcits danyats per insuficiència cardíaca experimenten un remodelat específic en els canals iònics i en les proteïnes partícips en el cicle de Ca2+, ocasionant fallades en l'acoblament excitació-contracció. Inicialment, es van analitzar, en el model de potencial d'acció humà de miòcits ventriculars seleccionat per a tot l'estudi, els efectes de la modulació dels mecanismes iònics sobre l'activitat elèctrica i la dinàmica de Ca2+. En els teixits, la insuficiència cardíaca indueix canvis addicionals que afecten l'acoblament cel·lular. S'ha investigat la presència de fibroblasts i el seu impacte en l'electrofisiologia dels miòcits, inclosa la vulnerabilitat per a generar alternants, un precursor comú de l'arritmogènesi. Finalment, s'ha inclòs el model de senyalització beta-adrenèrgica integrat amb el model de potencial d'acció a causa de la modulació electrofisiològica exercida pel sistema nerviós simpàtic, que s'agreuja en condicions d'insuficiència cardíaca. Els resultats han destacat la necessitat d'estudiar les teràpies d'insuficiència cardíaca en cèl·lules d'aquests cors a causa de la diferent resposta dels canals iònics i les proteïnes de membrana als medicaments. El bon funcionament de les proteïnes reguladores del Ca2+ és importants per a mantindre l'homeòstasi del Ca2+ i evitar conseqüències elèctriques malignes, sent la bomba SERCA el factor més crític. A més del remodelat electrofisiològic, la interacció amb fibroblasts contribueix a alterar la dinàmica de Ca2+ en els miòcits i, en analitzar els alternants de Ca2+, predominen les discordances elèctriques espacials en els teixits de cors amb insuficiència cardíaca. La inclusió de l'estimulació beta-adrenèrgica ha mostrat que la resposta inotròpica disminueix en insuficiència cardíaca, així com els beneficis antiarrítmics proporcionats per les catecolamines en un cor normal. Aquestes troballes contribueixen a obtindre informació sobre la fisiopatologia de la insuficiència cardíaca i el desenvolupament de nous agents farmacològics destinats a restaurar la dinàmica de Ca2+. El control del cicle de Ca2+ intracel·lular és crític per a garantir tant la força mecànica com l'activitat elèctrica per a una contracció rítmica del cor.Mora Fenoll, MT. (2020). In silico study of calcium handling in the human failing heart [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/153143TESISCompendi

    J Physiol

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    Cardiac electrophysiology and Ca| handling change rapidly during the fight-or-flight response to meet physiological demands. Despite dramatic differences in cardiac electrophysiology, the cardiac fight-or-flight response is highly conserved across species. In this study, we performed physiological sympathetic nerve stimulation (SNS) while optically mapping cardiac action potentials and intracellular Ca| transients in innervated mouse and rabbit hearts. Despite similar heart rate and Ca| handling responses between mouse and rabbit hearts, we found notable species differences in spatio-temporal repolarization dynamics during SNS. Species-specific computational models revealed that these electrophysiological differences allowed for enhanced Ca| handling (i.e. enhanced inotropy) in each species, suggesting that electrophysiological responses are fine-tuned across species to produce optimal cardiac fight-or-flight responses.|Sympathetic activation of the heart results in positive chronotropy and inotropy, which together rapidly increase cardiac output. The precise mechanisms that produce the electrophysiological and Ca| handling changes underlying chronotropic and inotropic responses have been studied in detail in isolated cardiac myocytes. However, few studies have examined the dynamic effects of physiological sympathetic nerve activation on cardiac action potentials (APs) and intracellular Ca| transients (CaTs) in the intact heart. Here, we performed bilateral sympathetic nerve stimulation (SNS) in fully innervated, Langendorff-perfused rabbit and mouse hearts. Dual optical mapping with voltage- and Ca| -sensitive dyes allowed for analysis of spatio-temporal AP and CaT dynamics. The rabbit heart responded to SNS with a monotonic increase in heart rate (HR), monotonic decreases in AP and CaT duration (APD, CaTD), and a monotonic increase in CaT amplitude. The mouse heart had similar HR and CaT responses; however, a pronounced biphasic APD response occurred, with initial prolongation (50.9\ua0\ub1\ua05.1\ua0ms at t\ua0=\ua00\ua0s vs. 60.6\ua0\ub1\ua04.1\ua0ms at t\ua0=\ua015\ua0s, P\ua0<\ua00.05) followed by shortening (46.5\ua0\ub1\ua09.1\ua0ms at t\ua0=\ua060\ua0s, P\ua0=\ua0NS vs. t\ua0=\ua00). We determined the biphasic APD response in mouse was partly due to dynamic changes in HR during SNS and was exacerbated by \u3b2-adrenergic activation. Simulations with species-specific cardiac models revealed that transient APD prolongation in mouse allowed for greater and more rapid CaT responses, suggesting more rapid increases in contractility; conversely, the rabbit heart requires APD shortening to produce optimal inotropic responses. Thus, while the cardiac fight-or-flight response is highly conserved between species, the underlying mechanisms orchestrating these effects differ significantly.16GRNT30960054/American Heart Association/K99 HL138160/NHLBI NIH HHS/National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute/United StatesR01 HL111600/NHLBI NIH HHS/National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute/United StatesUC Davis Academic Federation Professional Development Award (LW)/OT2 OD026580/ODCDC CDC HHS/Office of the Director/United StatesOT2 OD026580/ODCDC CDC HHS/Office of the Director/United StatesR01HL131517/NHLBI NIH HHS/National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute/United StatesR01 HL131517/NHLBI NIH HHS/National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute/United States1OT2OD026580/NIH HHS/National Institutes of Health/United States15SDG24910015/American Heart Association/R01 HL131517/NHLBI NIH HHS/National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute/United States1OT2OD023848-01/NIH HHS/National Institutes of Health/United StatesOT2 OD023848/ODCDC CDC HHS/Office of the Director/United States1OT2OD026580-01/NIH HHS/National Institutes of Health/United StatesR01HL141214/NHLBI NIH HHS/National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute/United StatesRG/17/3/32774/British Heart Foundation/United KingdomK99 HL138160/NHLBI NIH HHS/National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute/United StatesR01HL111600/NHLBI NIH HHS/National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute/United StatesR01 HL111600/NHLBI NIH HHS/National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute/United StatesK99HL138160/NHLBI NIH HHS/National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute/United StatesR01 HL141214/NHLBI NIH HHS/National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute/United States2020-08-01T00:00:00Z31215643PMC66756326525vault:3359

    Multiscale Modeling and Simulation of Human Heart Failure

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    Tesis por compendio[EN] Heart failure (HF) constitutes a major public health problem worldwide. Operationally it is defined as a clinical syndrome characterized by the marked and progressive inability of the ventricles to fill and generate adequate cardiac output to meet the demands of cellular metabolism that may have significant variability in its etiology and it is the final common pathway of various cardiac pathologies. Much attention has been paid to the understanding of the arrhythmogenic mechanisms induced by the structural, electrical, and metabolic remodeling of the failing heart. Due to the complexity of the electrophysiological changes that may occur during heart failure, the scientific literature is complex and sometimes equivocal. Nevertheless, a number of common features of failing hearts have been documented. At the cellular level, prolongation of the action potential (AP) involving ion channel remodeling and alterations in calcium handling have been established as the hallmark characteristics of myocytes isolated from failing hearts. At the tissue level, intercellular uncoupling and fibrosis are identified as major arrhythmogenic factors. In this Thesis a computational model for cellular heart failure was proposed using a modified version of Grandi et al. model for human ventricular action potential that incorporates the formulation of the late sodium current (INaL) in order to study the arrhythmogenic processes due to failing phenotype. Experimental data from several sources were used to validate the model. Due to extensive literature in the subject a sensitivity analysis was performed to assess the influence of main ionic currents and parameters upon most related biomarkers. In addition, multiscale simulations were carried out to characterize this pathology (transmural cardiac fibres and tissues). The proposed model for the human INaL and the electrophysiological remodeling of myocytes from failing hearts accurately reproduce experimental observations. An enhanced INaL appears to be an important contributor to the electrophysiological phenotype and to the dysregulation of calcium homeostasis of failing myocytes. Our strand simulation results illustrate how the presence of M cells and heterogeneous electrophysiological remodeling in the human failing ventricle modulate the dispersion of action potential duration (APD) and repolarization time (RT). Conduction velocity (CV) and the safety factor for conduction (SF) were also reduced by the progressive structural remodeling during heart failure. In our transmural ventricular tissue simulations, no reentry was observed in normal conditions or in the presence of HF ionic remodeling. However, defined amount of fibrosis and/or cellular uncoupling were sufficient to elicit reentrant activity. Under conditions where reentry was generated, HF electrophysiological remodeling did not alter the width of the vulnerable window (VW). However, intermediate fibrosis and cellular uncoupling significantly widened the VW. In conclusion, enhanced fibrosis in failing hearts, as well as reduced intercellular coupling, combine to increase electrophysiological gradients and reduce electrical propagation. In that sense, structural remodeling is a key factor in the genesis of vulnerability to reentry, mainly at intermediates levels of fibrosis and intercellular uncoupling.[ES] La insuficiencia cardíaca (IC) constituye un importante problema de salud pública en todo el mundo. Operacionalmente se define como un síndrome clínico caracterizado por la incapacidad marcada y progresiva de los ventrículos para llenar y generar gasto cardíaco adecuado para satisfacer las demandas del metabolismo celular, que puede tener una variabilidad significativa en su etiología y es la vía final común de varias patologías cardíacas. Se ha prestado mucha atención a la comprensión de los mecanismos arritmogénicos inducidos por la remodelación estructural, eléctrica, y metabólica del corazón afectado de IC. Debido a la complejidad de los cambios electrofisiológicos que pueden ocurrir durante la IC, la literatura científica es compleja y, a veces equívoca. Sin embargo, se han documentado una serie de características comunes en corazones afectados de IC. A nivel celular, se han establecido como las características distintivas de los miocitos aislados de corazones afectados de IC la prolongación del potencial de acción (PA), que implica la remodelación de los canales iónicos y las alteraciones en la dinámica del calcio. A nivel de los tejidos, el desacoplamiento intercelular y la fibrosis se identifican como los principales factores arritmogénicos. En esta tesis se propuso un modelo celular computacional para la insuficiencia cardíaca utilizando una versión modificada del modelo de potencial de acción ventricular humano de Grandi y colaboradores que incorpora la formulación de la corriente tardía de sodio (INaL) con el fin de estudiar los procesos arritmogénicas debido al fenotipo de la IC. Los datos experimentales de varias fuentes se utilizaron para validar el modelo. Debido a la extensa literatura en la temática se realizó un análisis de sensibilidad para evaluar la influencia de las principales corrientes iónicas y los parámetros sobre los biomarcadores relacionados. Además, se llevaron a cabo simulaciones multiescala para caracterizar esta patología (en fibras y tejidos transmurales). El modelo propuesto para la corriente tardía de sodio y la remodelación electrofisiológica de los miocitos de corazones afectados de IC reprodujeron con precisión las observaciones experimentales. Una INaL incrementada parece ser un importante contribuyente al fenotipo electrofisiológico y la desregulación de la homeostasis del calcio de los miocitos afectados de IC. Nuestros resultados de la simulaciones en fibra ilustran cómo la presencia de células M y el remodelado electrofisiológico heterogéneo en el ventrículo humano afectado de IC modulan la dispersión de la duración potencial de acción (DPA) y el tiempo de repolarización (TR). La velocidad de conducción (VC) y el factor de seguridad para la conducción (FS) también se redujeron en la remodelación estructural progresiva durante la insuficiencia cardíaca. En nuestras simulaciones transmurales de tejido ventricular, no se observó reentrada en condiciones normales o en presencia de la remodelación iónica de la IC. Sin embargo, determinadas cantidades de fibrosis y / o desacoplamiento celular eran suficientes para provocar la actividad reentrante. En condiciones donde se había generado la reentrada, el remodelado electrofisiológico de la IC no alteró la anchura de la ventana vulnerable (VV). Sin embargo, niveles intermedios de fibrosis y el desacoplamiento celular ampliaron significativamente la VV. En conclusión, niveles elevados de fibrosis en corazones afectados de IC, así como la reducción de acoplamiento intercelular, se combinan para aumentar los gradientes electrofisiológicos y reducir la propagación eléctrica. En ese sentido, la remodelación estructural es un factor clave en la génesis de la vulnerabilidad a las reentradas, principalmente en niveles intermedios de fibrosis y desacoplamiento intercelular. El remodelado electrofisiológico promueve la arritmogénesis y puede ser alterado dependi[CA] La insuficiència cardíaca (IC) constitueix un important problema de salut pública arreu del món. A efectes pràctics, es defineix com una síndrome clínica caracteritzada per la incapacitat marcada i progressiva dels ventricles per omplir i generar el cabal cardíac adequat, per tal de satisfer les demandes del metabolisme cel·lular, el qual pot tenir una variabilitat significativa en la seua etiologia i és la via final comuna de diverses patologies cardíaques. S'ha prestat molta atenció a la comprensió dels mecanismes aritmogènics induïts per la remodelació estructural, elèctrica, i metabòlica del cor afectat d'IC. A causa de la complexitat dels canvis electrofisiològics que poden ocórrer durant la IC, trobem que la literatura científica és complexa i, de vegades, equívoca. No obstant això, s'han documentat una sèrie de característiques comunes en cors afectats d'IC. A nivell cel·lular, com característiques distintives dels miòcits aïllats de cors afectats d'IC, s'han establert la prolongació del potencial d'acció (PA), que implica la remodelació dels canals iònics, i les alteracions en la dinàmica del calci. A nivell dels teixits, el desacoblament intercel·lular i la fibrosi s'identifiquen com els principals factors aritmogènics. Per tal d'estudiar els processos aritmogènics a causa del fenotip de la IC, es va proposar un model cel·lular computacional d'IC utilitzant una versió modificada del model de potencial d'acció ventricular humà de Grandi i els seus col·laboradors, el qual incorpora la formulació del corrent de sodi tardà (INaL). Amb l'objectiu de validar el model es van utilitzar dades experimentals de diverses fonts. A causa de l'extensa literatura en la temàtica, es va realitzar una anàlisi de sensibilitat per tal d'avaluar la influència de les principals corrents iòniques i els paràmetres sobre els biomarcadors relacionats. A més, es van dur a terme simulacions multiescala per a la caracterització d'aquesta patología (fibres i teixits transmurals). El model proposat per al corrent de sodi tardà i la remodelació electrofisiològica dels miòcits de cors afectats d'IC van reproduir amb precisió les observacions experimentals. Una INaL incrementada sembla contribuir de manera important al fenotip electrofisiològic i a la desregulació de l'homeòstasi del calci dels miòcits afectats d'IC. Els resultats de les nostres simulacions en fibra indiquen que la presència de cèl·lules M i el remodelat electrofisiològic heterogeni en el ventricle humà afectat d'IC modulen la dispersió de la durada del potencial d'acció (DPA) i el temps de repolarització (TR). La velocitat de conducció (VC) i el factor de seguretat per a la conducció (FS) també es van reduir en la remodelació estructural progressiva durant la IC. A les nostres simulacions transmurals de teixit ventricular, no s'observà cap reentrada ni en condicions normals ni en presència de la remodelació iònica de la IC. No obstant això, amb determinades quantitats de fibrosi i/o desacoblament cel·lular sí que es provocà l'activitat reentrant. I amb les condicions que produïren la reentrada, el remodelat electrofisiològic de la IC no va alterar l'amplada de la finestra vulnerable (FV). Tanmateix, nivells intermedis de fibrosi i el desacoblament cel·lular sí que ampliaren significativament la FV. En conclusió, nivells elevats de fibrosi en cors afectats d'IC, així com la reducció d'acoblament intercel·lular, es combinen per augmentar els gradients electrofisiològics i reduir la propagació elèctrica. Per tant, la remodelació estructural és un factor clau en la gènesi de la vulnerabilitat a les reentrades, principalment en nivells intermedis de fibrosi i desacoblament intercel·lular.Gómez García, JF. (2015). Multiscale Modeling and Simulation of Human Heart Failure [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/52389TESISCompendi

    Human iPSC-Derived Cardiac Myocytes: Toward an In Vitro Model of Cardiac Physiology

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    University of Minnesota Ph.D. dissertation. May 2017. Major: Integrative Biology and Physiology. Advisor: Joseph Metzger. 1 computer file (PDF); vii, 187 pages.Cardiovascular Disease is a growing public health issue in the modern world, with a high incidence rate that continues to increase, and poor mortality rates. Recent technological advances have made it possible to efficiently derive cardiac myocytes from human induced pluripotent stem cells (hiPSC-CMs). These have been seen as a model for human heart disease, as well as a potential source for cellular transplantation into failing diseased heart tissue. Many laboratories have devoted substantial effort to examining the functional properties of hiPSC-CMs, including electrophysiology, intracellular calcium handling, and gene/protein expression and force. In the first part of this thesis, we utilize traction force microscopy (TFM) to determine the maximum force production of isolated hiPSC-CMs under varied culture and assay conditions. We elucidate here the relationship between cell morphology and force production, and find a significant relationship between cell size and force. HiPSC-CMs developing in culture for two weeks produce significantly less force than cells cultured from one to three months and hiPSC-CMs cultured for three months resemble the cell morphology of neonatal rat ventricular myocytes. Unexpectedly, hiPSC-CMs produce less force when assayed on increasingly stiff substrates, and generate less strain energy. Finally, hiPSC-CMs cultured in conditions of physiologic calcium concentrations are larger and produce more force than cells cultured in standard media. In the second part of this thesis, we address the concept of immaturity in hiPSC-CMs, and attempt to accelerate maturation. We use genome editing to engineer hiPSC-CMs that contain an inducible gene expression cassette, in order to overexpress two proteins associated with maturity: SERCA2a and cardiac troponin I (cTnI). We find that we are able to overexpress both proteins in differentiated hiPSC-CMs after two weeks of treatment with doxycycline. SERCA2a-overexpressing cells showed significant alterations in physiologic function, including increased chronotropy and decreased time to peak in calcium transients following treatment with isoproterenol, a β-adrenergic agonist. Furthermore, using an impedance-measuring system to track contractility kinetics, we found that SERCA2a-overexpressing cells had shortened time to peak and time to baseline after gene induction, with continued response to isoproterenol. As a sign of maturation, SERCA cells also expressed increased cTnI, a key marker of maturity. Using RNAseq, we found that cTnI-overexpressing cells had marked, global changes in their gene expression profile. Key findings include upregulation of genes associated with cardiac contractility and development, such as cardiac myomesin and tropomyosin and ryanodine receptor, and downregulation of genes associated with pacemaker and ventricular cell types, such as HCN and GREM2, and genes associated with skeletal myocytes, such as skeletal muscle actin. Overall, our findings show that hiPSC-CMs have physiologic function similar to that of immature cardiac myocytes, but that we are able to induce maturation by overexpression of genes associated with maturity

    A Mathematical Model of the Combined β1- and β2-Adrenergic Signaling System in the Mouse Ventricular Myocyte

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    The β1- and β2-adrenergic signaling systems play different roles in the functioning of cardiac cells. Experimental data shows that the activation of the β1-adrenergic signaling system produces significant inotropic, lusitropic, and chronotropic effects in the heart, while the effects of the β2-adrenergic signaling system is less apparent. In this dissertation, a comprehensive experimentally-based mathematical model of the combined β1- and β2-adrenergic signaling systems in mouse ventricular myocytes is developed to simulate the experimental findings and make testable predictions of the behavior of the cardiac cells under different physiological conditions. Simulations describe the dynamics of major signaling molecules in different subcellular compartments; kinetics and magnitudes of phosphorylation of ion channels, transporters, and Ca2+ handling proteins; modifications of action potential shape and duration; and [Ca2+]i and [Na+]i dynamics upon stimulation of β1- and β2-adrenergic receptors (β1- and β2-ARs). The model reveals physiological conditions when β2-ARs do not produce significant physiological effects and when their effects can be measured experimentally. Simulations demonstrated that stimulation of β2-ARs with isoproterenol caused a marked increase in the magnitude of the L-type Ca2+ current, [Ca2+]i transient, and phosphorylation of phospholamban only upon additional application of pertussis toxin (PTX) or inhibition of phosphodiesterases of type 3 and 4. The model also made testable predictions of the changes in magnitudes of [Ca2+]i and [Na+]i fluxes, the rate of decay of [Na+]i concentration upon both combined and separate stimulation of β1- and β2-ARs, and the contribution of phosphorylation of PKA targets to the changes in the action potential and [Ca2+]i transient. A comprehensive mathematical model of the mouse ventricular myocyte overexpressing β2-adrenergic receptors was also developed. It was found that most of the β2-adrenergic receptors are active in control conditions in TG mice. Simulations describe the increased basal adenylyl cyclase activity; modifications of action potential; the effects on the L-type Ca2+ current and [Ca2+]i transients upon stimulation of β2-adrenergic receptors in control, after the application of PTX, upon stimulation with zinterol, and upon stimulation with zinterol in the presence of PTX. The model also describes the effects of inverse agonist ICI-118,551 on adenylyl cyclase activity, action potential, and [Ca2+]i transients