5,741 research outputs found

    Stanford Aerospace Research Laboratory research overview

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    Over the last ten years, the Stanford Aerospace Robotics Laboratory (ARL) has developed a hardware facility in which a number of space robotics issues have been, and continue to be, addressed. This paper reviews two of the current ARL research areas: navigation and control of free flying space robots, and modelling and control of extremely flexible space structures. The ARL has designed and built several semi-autonomous free-flying robots that perform numerous tasks in a zero-gravity, drag-free, two-dimensional environment. It is envisioned that future generations of these robots will be part of a human-robot team, in which the robots will operate under the task-level commands of astronauts. To make this possible, the ARL has developed a graphical user interface (GUI) with an intuitive object-level motion-direction capability. Using this interface, the ARL has demonstrated autonomous navigation, intercept and capture of moving and spinning objects, object transport, multiple-robot cooperative manipulation, and simple assemblies from both free-flying and fixed bases. The ARL has also built a number of experimental test beds on which the modelling and control of flexible manipulators has been studied. Early ARL experiments in this arena demonstrated for the first time the capability to control the end-point position of both single-link and multi-link flexible manipulators using end-point sensing. Building on these accomplishments, the ARL has been able to control payloads with unknown dynamics at the end of a flexible manipulator, and to achieve high-performance control of a multi-link flexible manipulator

    Stiffness Analysis Of Multi-Chain Parallel Robotic Systems

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    The paper presents a new stiffness modelling method for multi-chain parallel robotic manipulators with flexible links and compliant actuating joints. In contrast to other works, the method involves a FEA-based link stiffness evaluation and employs a new solution strategy of the kinetostatic equations, which allows computing the stiffness matrix for singular postures and to take into account influence of the external forces. The advantages of the developed technique are confirmed by application examples, which deal with stiffness analysis of a parallel manipulator of the Orthoglide famil

    Towards Safer Obstacle Avoidance for Continuum-Style Manipulator in Dynamic Environments

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    The flexibility and dexterity of continuum manipulators in comparison with rigid-link counterparts have become main features behind their recent popularity. Despite of that, the problem of navigation and motion planning for continuum manipulators turns out to be demanding tasks due to the complexity of their flexible structure modelling which in turns complicates the pose estimation. In this paper, we present a real-time obstacle avoidance algorithm for tendondriven continuum-style manipulator in dynamic environments. The algorithm is equipped with a non-linear observer based on an Extended Kalman Filter to estimate the pose of every point along the manipulator’s body. A local observability analysis for the kinematic model of the manipulator is also presented. The overall algorithm works well for a model of a single-segment continuum manipulator in a real-time simulation environment with moving obstacles in the workspace of manipulators, able to avoid the whole body of manipulators from collision

    Dynamic Modeling and Simulation of a Rotating Single Link Flexible Robotic Manipulator Subject to Quick Stops

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    Single link robotic manipulators are extensively used in industry and research operations. The main design requirement of such manipulators is to minimize link dynamic deflection and its active end vibrations, and obtain high position accuracy during its high speed motion. To achieve these requirements, accurate mathematical modeling and simulation of the initial design, to increase system stability and precision and to obtain very small amplitudes of vibration, should be considered. In this paper the modeling of such robotic arm with a rigid guide and a flexible extensible link subject to quick stops after each complete revolution is considered and its dynamical behavior analyzed. The extensible link which rotates with constant angular velocity has one end constrained to a predefined trajectory. The constrained trajectory allows trajectory control and obstacle avoidance for the active end of the robotic arm. The dynamic evolution of the system is investigated and the flexural response of the flexible link analyzed under the combined effect of clearance and flexibility.

    An Analysis of the Finite Element Method Applied on Dynamic Motion and Maximum Payload Planning of Flexible Manipulators

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    This paper is concerned with the dynamic motion analysis and the planning of maximum payload path of flexible manipulators. The finite element method was employed for dynamic modelling of the system and the motion of the model was considered as a combination of the rigid displacement and the elastic deformation of each link. Each manipulator link was treated as a finite number of elements and total displacement was derived by means of the shape functions of flexible elements. The problem of maximum payload trajectory planning was formulated as an optimal control problem. An indirect optimal control solution was employed. This method converts an optimality problem to a two-point boundary value problem. The effect of the number of elements on the dynamic motion, optimal trajectory and maximum allowable dynamic payload of the system was studied. Finally, a number of simulations were performed to verify the applicability and capability of the method for the nonlinear dynamic modelling and the control of flexible manipulators

    The impact of local masses and inertias on the dynamic modelling of flexible manipulators

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    After a brief review of the recent literature dealing with flexible multi-body modelling for control design purpose, the paper first describes three different techniques used to build up the dynamic model of SECAFLEX, a 2 d.o.f. flexible in-plane manipulator driven by geared DC motors : introduction of local fictitious springs, use of a basis of assumed Euler-Bernouilli cantilever-free modes and of 5th order polynomial modes. This last technique allows to take easily into account local masses and inertias, which appear important in real-life experiments. Transformation of the state space models obtained in a common modal basis allows a quantitative comparison of the results obtained, while Bode plots of the various interesting transfer functions relating input torques to output in-joint and tip mea-surements give rather qualitative results. A parametric study of the effect of angular configuration changes and physical parameter modifications (including the effect of rotor inertia) shows that the three techniques give similar results up to the first flexible modes of each link when concentrated masses and inertias are present. From the control point of view, “pathological” cases are exhibited : uncertainty in the phase of the non-colocated transfer functions, high dependence of the free modes in the rotor inertia value. Robustness of the control to these kinds of uncertainties appears compulsory

    Vibration Analysis of Flexible Composite Manipulator

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    Flexible Manipulators are promising in field of robotics, it provide a prominent replacement for rigid manipulators which consume more power, response time is slower and due to mass moment inertia difficult to maneuver. On the other hand Flexible Manipulators being light in weight consume less power, response time is also fast, and being light weight there is no problem of mass moment inertia so safe in operations. However in using flexible manipulators in operations some difficulties are faced. The main drawback while using flexible manipulator is its residual vibration produced due to its light weight. By choosing appropriate material as manipulator and using proper control techniques the effect of vibration such as vibration amplitude and vibration settling time can be decreased. Flexible materials are being used in many fields such as space, underwater as well as high speed energy efficient manipulation. Here vibration analysis is done on three types of single link flexible manipulators i.e. aluminum, Kevlar epoxy composite and graphite epoxy composite. Many researches have been done on modelling of the flexible manipulator using finite element procedures and thus this thesis is done to analyze vibrational property of manipulator for different materials and finally concluded which type of flexible manipulator gives best resul

    Modelling robotic systems with DADS

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    With the appearance of general off-the-shelf software packages for the simulation of mechanical systems, modelling and simulation of mechanisms has become an easier task. The authors have recently used one such package, DADS, to model the dynamics of rigid and flexible-link robotic manipulators. In this paper, we present this overview of our learning experiences with DADS, in the hope that it will shorten the learning process for others interested in this software

    Stiffness Analysis Of Multi-Chain Parallel Robotic Systems

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    The paper presents a new stiffness modelling method for multi-chain parallel robotic manipulators with flexible links and compliant actuating joints. In contrast to other works, the method involves a FEA-based link stiffness evaluation and employs a new solution strategy of the kinetostatic equations, which allows computing the stiffness matrix for singular postures and to take into account influence of the internal forces. The advantages of the developed technique are confirmed by application examples, which deal with stiffness analysis of the Orthoglide manipulator