7 research outputs found


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    Abstrak Pendulum terbalik adalah sistem dinamis, nonlinear, dan sangat tidak stabil yang mensimulasikan permasalahan kestabilan dalam bidang pengaturan. Sistem ini memiliki satu input yaitu gaya dan dua output yaitu sudut pendulum dan posisi kereta sehingga proses pengendaliannya menjadi rumit. Tujuan dari penelitian ini merancang dan mengimplementasikan pengendali PID untuk stabilisasi rancang bangun sistem pendulum terbalik. Perancangan dilakukan dengan berdasar pada model dinamik sistem yang telah divalidasi untuk memastikan kesesuaian dinamika. Skema pengendali yang digunakan adalah two-loop paralel PID Controllers dengan metode penalaan Linear Quadratic Regulator (LQR). Model dinamik sistem memberikan nilai RMSE untuk masing-masing output 聽dan 聽berturut-turut sama dengan 0.043 dan 0.016, sehingga model dianggap mampu merepresentasikan dinamika sistem pendulum terbalik. Pada perancangan pengendali diperoleh nilai konstanta-konstanta PID yaitu . Implementasi pengendali pada sistem fisik diketahui bahwa pengendali PID yang dirancang memiliki kemampuan menstabilkan sistem dan ketahanan terhadap gangguan yang baik, dengan nilai RMSE pada masing-masing posisi kereta dan sudut pendulum berturut-turut sama dengan m, dan 聽radian, serta deviasi maksimum pada uji gangguan sama dengan 0.1 m dan 0.102 radian. Kata Kunci: Pendulum terbalik, pengendali PID, penalaan LQR, stabilisasi sistem Abstract Inverted pendulum is a dynamic, nonlinear, and very unstable system which simulates the problems of stability in control theory. This system has one input which is the force and the two outputs which are the pendulum angle and the cart position so that the control process becomes rather complicated. Aims of this research is to design and to implement PID controller for stabilization of the inverted pendulum system. The design is done based on the dynamical model of the system which has been validated to ensure the suitability of the dynamics. The controller scheme used is two-loop parallel PID Controller with Linear Quadratic Regulator (LQR) tuning method. The system dynamic model gives the RMSE values for each output 聽and 聽are 0.043 and 0.016, respectively, so the model is considered capable of representing the dynamics of the inverted pendulum system. On the controllers design, PID constants obtained are Implementation of the designed controllers on the physical systems is known that PID controllers have a good performance in both system stabilization and disturbance rejection, with RMSE values for each cart position and pendulum angle respectively equal to m, and radians. The maximum deviation at the distrubance test are equal 0.1 m and 0.102 radians. Keywords: Inverted pendulum, PID Controllers, LQR Tuning, System stabilizatio


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    Abstrak Pendulum terbalik adalah sistem dinamis, nonlinear, dan sangat tidak stabil yang mensimulasikan permasalahan kestabilan dalam bidang pengaturan. Sistem ini memiliki satu input yaitu gaya dan dua output yaitu sudut pendulum dan posisi kereta sehingga proses pengendaliannya menjadi rumit. Tujuan dari penelitian ini merancang dan mengimplementasikan pengendali PID untuk stabilisasi rancang bangun sistem pendulum terbalik. Perancangan dilakukan dengan berdasar pada model dinamik sistem yang telah divalidasi untuk memastikan kesesuaian dinamika. Skema pengendali yang digunakan adalah two-loop paralel PID Controllers dengan metode penalaan Linear Quadratic Regulator (LQR). Model dinamik sistem memberikan nilai RMSE untuk masing-masing output 聽dan 聽berturut-turut sama dengan 0.043 dan 0.016, sehingga model dianggap mampu merepresentasikan dinamika sistem pendulum terbalik. Pada perancangan pengendali diperoleh nilai konstanta-konstanta PID yaitu . Implementasi pengendali pada sistem fisik diketahui bahwa pengendali PID yang dirancang memiliki kemampuan menstabilkan sistem dan ketahanan terhadap gangguan yang baik, dengan nilai RMSE pada masing-masing posisi kereta dan sudut pendulum berturut-turut sama dengan m, dan 聽radian, serta deviasi maksimum pada uji gangguan sama dengan 0.1 m dan 0.102 radian. Kata Kunci: Pendulum terbalik, pengendali PID, penalaan LQR, stabilisasi sistem Abstract Inverted pendulum is a dynamic, nonlinear, and very unstable system which simulates the problems of stability in control theory. This system has one input which is the force and the two outputs which are the pendulum angle and the cart position so that the control process becomes rather complicated. Aims of this research is to design and to implement PID controller for stabilization of the inverted pendulum system. The design is done based on the dynamical model of the system which has been validated to ensure the suitability of the dynamics. The controller scheme used is two-loop parallel PID Controller with Linear Quadratic Regulator (LQR) tuning method. The system dynamic model gives the RMSE values for each output 聽and 聽are 0.043 and 0.016, respectively, so the model is considered capable of representing the dynamics of the inverted pendulum system. On the controllers design, PID constants obtained are Implementation of the designed controllers on the physical systems is known that PID controllers have a good performance in both system stabilization and disturbance rejection, with RMSE values for each cart position and pendulum angle respectively equal to m, and radians. The maximum deviation at the distrubance test are equal 0.1 m and 0.102 radians. Keywords: Inverted pendulum, PID Controllers, LQR Tuning, System stabilizatio

    Global control of reaction wheel pendulum through energy regulation and extended linearization of the state variables

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    En este documento se presenta el dise帽o y la simulaci贸n de un controlador global para el p茅ndulo invertido con rueda de reacci贸n empleando m茅todos de regulaci贸n de energ铆a y linealizaci贸n extendida de las variables de estado. La regulaci贸n de energ铆a propuesta se fundamenta en la variaci贸n gradual de la energ铆a del sistema para alcanzar la posici贸n vertical invertida. La se帽al de entrada requerida se obtiene a partir de la aplicaci贸n del teorema de estabilidad de Lyapunov. El control por realimentaci贸n extendida de las variables de estado se emplea para obtener una funci贸n no lineal suave que extienda la regi贸n de operaci贸n del sistema en un rango mayor, en contraste con la realimentaci贸n est谩tica de las variables de estado que se obtiene mediante m茅todos de linealizaci贸n aproximada alrededor de un punto de operaci贸n. El controlador dise帽ado opera a partir de la conmutaci贸n de las se帽ales de control dependiendo de la regi贸n de operaci贸n y para verificar su robustez y eficiencia se aplican perturbaciones en la se帽al de control y en las variables medidas. Finalmente las simulaciones y pruebas realizadas sobre el modelo del sistema f铆sico, permiten observar la versatilidad y funcionalidad del controlador propuesto en toda la regi贸n de operaci贸n del p茅ndulo.This paper presents the design and simulation of a global controller for the Reaction Wheel Pendulum system using energy regulation and extended linearization methods for the state feedback. The proposed energy regulation is based on the gradual reduction of the energy of the system to reach the unstable equilibrium point. The signal input for this task is obtained from the Lyapunov stability theory. The extended state feedback controller design is used to get a smooth nonlinear function that extends the region of operation to a bigger range, in contrast with the static linear state feedback obtained through the method of approximate linearization around an operating point. The general designed controller operates with a switching between the two control signals depending upon the region of operation; perturbations are applied in the control signal and the (simulated) measured variables to verify the robustness and efficiency of the controller. Finally, simulations and tests using the model of the reaction wheel pendulum system, allow to observe the versatility and functionality of the proposed controller in the entire operation region of the pendulum

    Control Global del P茅ndulo con Rueda de Reacci贸n Empleado Redes Neuronales Artificiales y Linealizaci贸n Extendida

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    In this paper describes the design and simulation of a two-stage hybrid controller for the inverted reaction wheel pendulum (RWP) is presented. In the first stage, the general pendulum arm modeling is performed through a nonlinear model to determine the stored energy in the plant, and using a strategy known as swing up energy regulation, the data required for the training of an artificial neural network are obtained. In the second stage, via a soft switching system, neuronal control is exchanged by a controller based on the extended linearization of the state variables, whereby the permanence of the pendulum in the region of operation is guaranteed. The control strategy proposed shows excellent performance against external disturbance phenomena and ensures the overall operation of the physical system.聽En este art铆culo se presenta el dise帽o y la simulaci贸n de un controlador h铆brido de dos etapas para el p茅ndulo invertido con rueda de reacci贸n (RWP). En la primera fase se realiza el modelado general del brazo pendular a trav茅s de un modelo no lineal que determina la energ铆a almacenada en la planta, y usando una estrategia de balance conocida como regulaci贸n de energ铆a (RE), se obtienen los datos necesarios para el entrenamiento de una red neuronal artificial (RNA). En la segunda etapa, por medio de un sistema de conmutaci贸n suave, se intercambia el control neuronal por un controlador basado en la linealizaci贸n extendida de las variables de estado (LEVE), con lo cual se garantiza la permanencia del p茅ndulo en la regi贸n de operaci贸n. La estrategia de control propuesta, muestra un excelente desempe帽o ante fen贸menos de perturbaci贸n externa y garantiza la operatividad global del sistema f铆sico


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    Sistem pendulum kereta memiliki karakteristik yang tidak stabil dan nonlinear. Tugas Akhir ini membahas kontrol tracking dari sistem pendulum kereta dengan menggunakan struktur kontrol yang konvensional, yaitu kontroler PID. Permasalahan yang akan diselesaikan dalam desain struktur kontrol tracking ini adalah bagaimana membuat posisi kereta dapat mengikuti sinyal referensi yang diberikan dengan tetap mempertahankan batang pendulum pada posisi equilibriumnya yaitu pada sudut nol radian. Model nonlinear dari sistem pendulum kereta direpresentasikan dengan menggunakan model fuzzy Takagi-Sugeno. Berdasarkan model tersebut, aturan kontroler disusun menggunakan konsep Parallel Distributed Compensation (PDC) berbasis teknik kontrol optimal. Hasil simulasi menunjukkan bahwa posisi kereta dapat mengikuti sinyal referensi yang diberikan. Respon sistem dengan kontroler PID yang diberi masukan sinyal referensi step memberikan performansi tracking terbaik, dengan Integral Absolute Error (IAE) terkecil diantara sinyal referensi lain, sebesar 0,1302 ========================================================================== The Pendulum-Cart system has an unstable and non-linear characteristic. This final project is mainly talk about the using of an conventional PID controller on the Pendulum-cart system for it鈥檚 tracking control. The tracking problem that could be solved by this system is how to make the cart of the Pendulum-Cart System follows the reference signal given with still can hold the position of the pendulum on its equilibrium point. The non linear model of Pendulum-Cart system is represented by a Takagi-Sugeno fuzzy model. The stabilizing controller is designed using the concept of Parallel Distributed Compensation (PDC) with an Optimal Control technique-based. The simulation results show that the reference signal given could be followed by the response of the Cart鈥檚 Position. The PID tracking controller system response using the step signal reference gives the best tracking performance of the system, It gives 0.1302 of Integral Absolute Error (IAE) value which is the smallest among the other references

    Modelling and control of a novel structure two-wheeled robot with an extendable intermediate body

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