137 research outputs found

    Controllability problems in MSC-based testing

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    This is a pre-copyedited, author-produced PDF of an article accepted for publication in The Computer Journal following peer review. The definitive publisher-authenticated version [Dan, H and Hierons, RM (2012), "Controllability Problems in MSC-Based Testing", The Computer Journal, 55(11), 1270-1287] is available online at: http://comjnl.oxfordjournals.org/content/55/11/1270. Copyright @ The Authors 2011.In testing systems with distributed interfaces/ports, we may place a separate tester at each port. It is known that this approach can introduce controllability problems which have received much attention in testing from finite state machines. Message sequence charts (MSCs) form an alternative, commonly used, language for modelling distributed systems. However, controllability problems in testing from MSCs have not been thoroughly investigated. In this paper, controllability problems in MSC test cases are analysed with three notions of observability: local, tester and global. We identify two types of controllability problem in MSC-based testing. It transpires that each type of controllability problem is related to a type of MSC pathology. Controllability problems of timing are caused by races but not every race causes controllability problems; controllability problems of choice are caused by non-local choices and not every non-local choice causes controllability problems. We show that some controllability problems of timing are avoidable and some controllability problems of choice can be overcome when testers have better observational power. Algorithms are provided to tackle both types of controllability problems. Finally, we show how one can overcome controllability problems using a coordination service with status messages based on algorithms developed in this paper.EPSR

    Multifaceted Distributed Systems Specification Using Processes and Event Synchronization

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    A new approach to modelling distributed systems is presented. It uses sequential processes and event synchronization as the major building blocks and is able to capture the functionality, architecture, scheduling policies, and performance attributes of a distributed system. The approach is meant to provide the foundation for a uniform incremental strategy for verifying both logical and performance properties of distributed systems. In addition, this approach draws together work on performance evaluation, resource allocation, and verification of concurrent processes by reducing some problems from the first two areas to equivalent problems in the third. A language called CSPS (an extension of Hoare\u27s CSP) is used in the illustration of the approach. Employing CSP as a base allows modelled system to be verified using techniques already developed for verifying CSP programs

    Toward Comprehensive Specification of Distributed Systems

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    A new approach to modelling distributed systems is presented. It uses sequential processes and event synchronization as building blocks to construct a cohesive picture of the interdependent requirements for the functionality, architecture, scheduling policies, and performance attributes of a distributed system. A language called CSPS (an extension of Hoare\u27s CSP) is used in the illustration of the approach. Employing CSP as a base allows modelled systems to be verified using techniques already developed for verifying CSP programs and leads to the emergence of a uniform incremental strategy for verifying both logical and performance properties of distributed systems. Several small distributed systems have been modelled using this approach. These exercises enabled us to evaluate the notation system and to gain some expertise on how to approach the specification of distributed systems. This paper describes one of the models and the modelling strategy that has emerged from these exercises

    Optimizing Performance of Distributed Web Systems

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    Distributed systems have been a hot topic of study in recent years. In general, a distributed system is defined as a computer system implemented within a computer network in which both software and hardware components located on computers within the network communicate and coordinate their actions via messages. Optimizing the performance of distributed web systems has become a top priority in the current context of technological evolution and the continuous growth in the number of users and online traffic. These systems are fundamental to delivering services and content to users worldwide, but the ever-increasing demands for availability and scalability have brought new challenges. Finite state machines are a powerful and flexible technique for modelling distributed systems using the Python language. Finite state machines are popular for modelling distributed systems due to the fact that they represent an easy and flexible way to represent these systems, and together with the Python language, they manage to model complex systems. The two are used to illustrate complex system behaviour, communication between system nodes, node synchronization, error handling, and performance optimization. In this study, various strategies and techniques for optimizing their performance have been analysed

    Certified Impossibility Results for Byzantine-Tolerant Mobile Robots

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    We propose a framework to build formal developments for robot networks using the COQ proof assistant, to state and to prove formally various properties. We focus in this paper on impossibility proofs, as it is natural to take advantage of the COQ higher order calculus to reason about algorithms as abstract objects. We present in particular formal proofs of two impossibility results forconvergence of oblivious mobile robots if respectively more than one half and more than one third of the robots exhibit Byzantine failures, starting from the original theorems by Bouzid et al.. Thanks to our formalization, the corresponding COQ developments are quite compact. To our knowledge, these are the first certified (in the sense of formally proved) impossibility results for robot networks

    An approach to relate business and application services using ISDL

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    This paper presents a service-oriented design approach that allows one to relate services modelled at different levels of granularity during a design process, such as business and application services. To relate these service models we claim that a 'concept gap' and an 'abstraction gap' need to be bridged. The concept gap represents the difference between the conceptual models used to construct service models by different stakeholders involved in the design process. The abstraction gap represents the difference in abstraction level at which service models are defined. Two techniques are presented that bridge these gaps. Both techniques are based on the Interaction System Design Language (ISDL). The paper illustrates the use of both techniques through an example

    Precise subtyping for synchronous multiparty sessions

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    The notion of subtyping has gained an important role both in theoretical and applicative domains: in lambda and concurrent calculi as well as in programming languages. The soundness and the completeness, together referred to as the preciseness of subtyping, can be considered from two different points of view: operational and denotational. The former preciseness has been recently developed with respect to type safety, i.e. the safe replacement of a term of a smaller type when a term of a bigger type is expected. The latter preciseness is based on the denotation of a type which is a mathematical object that describes the meaning of the type in accordance with the denotations of other expressions from the language. The result of this paper is the operational and denotational preciseness of the subtyping for a synchronous multiparty session calculus. The novelty of this paper is the introduction of characteristic global types to prove the operational completeness
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