4,183 research outputs found

    Speed perturbation and vowel duration modeling for ASR in Hausa and Wolof languages

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    International audienceAutomatic Speech Recognition (ASR) for (under-resourced) Sub-Saharan African languages faces several challenges: small amount of transcribed speech, written language normalization issues, few text resources available for language modeling, as well as specific features (tones, morphology, etc.) that need to be taken into account seriously to optimize ASR performance. This paper tries to address some of the above challenges through the development of ASR systems for two Sub-Saharan African languages: Hausa and Wolof. First, we investigate data augmentation technique (through speed perturbation) to overcome the lack of resources. Secondly, the main contribution is our attempt to model vowel length contrast existing in both languages. For reproducible experiments, the ASR systems developed for Hausa and Wolof are made available to the research community on github. To our knowledge, the Wolof ASR system presented in this paper is the first large vocabulary continuous speech recognition system ever developed for this language

    Challenges in creating speech recognition for endangered language CALL: A Chickasaw case study

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    Speech recognition technology is increasingly becoming an important component of Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL) software, as well as of a language’s digital vitality. CALL software that integrates speech recognition allows learners to practice oral skills without live instruction and receive feedback on pronunciation. This speech recognition technology may be particularly beneficial for endangered or under-resourced languages. Chickasaw is an indigenous language of North America now spoken mainly in the state of Oklahoma. It is estimated that there are fewer than 75 native speakers of the language remaining, though recent years have seen a surge of interest in Chickasaw culture and language revitalization. In 2007, the Chickasaw Nation launched a robust and multifaceted revitalization program, and in 2015 they commissioned CALL software that integrates speech recognition. However, creating a quality automatic speech recognition (ASR) system necessitates a number of resources that are not always readily available for endangered languages like Chickasaw. Modern speech recognition technology is based on large-scale statistical modeling of target language text and hand transcribed audio corpora. Such technology also assumes a single standardized phonetic orthography where speech can be directly mapped to text. Currently, most available resources for building speech recognition technology are based on languages where researchers are able to access a large pool of literate native speakers who are willing and able to record many hours of high quality audio, and where large volumes of accessible text already exist. For many endangered languages, these criteria cannot easily be fulfilled. This paper is focused on identifying the dimensions of resource challenges that affect building corpora for such languages, using Chickasaw as a case study. Furthermore, we identify techniques that we have used to create a corpus of speech data suitable for building an instructional speech recognition module for use in CALL software

    Eigentrigraphemes for under-resourced languages

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    Abstract Grapheme-based modeling has an advantage over phone-based modeling in automatic speech recognition for under-resourced languages when a good dictionary is not available. Recently we proposed a new method for parameter estimation of context-dependent hidden Markov model (HMM) called eigentriphone modeling. Eigentriphone modeling outperforms conventional tied-state HMM by eliminating the quantization errors among the tied states. The eigentriphone modeling framework is very flexible and can be applied to any group of modeling unit provided that they may be represented by vectors of the same dimension. In this paper, we would like to port the eigentriphone modeling method from a phone-based system to a grapheme-based system; the new method will be called eigentrigrapheme modeling. Experiments on four official South African under-resourced languages (Afrikaans, South African English, Sesotho, siSwati) show that the new eigentrigrapheme modeling method reduces the word error rates of conventional tied-state trigrapheme modeling by an average of 4.08% relative

    Speech recognition with probabilistic transcriptions and end-to-end systems using deep learning

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    In this thesis, we develop deep learning models in automatic speech recognition (ASR) for two contrasting tasks characterized by the amounts of labeled data available for training. In the first half, we deal with scenarios when there are limited or no labeled data for training ASR systems. This situation is commonly prevalent in languages which are under-resourced. However, in the second half, we train ASR systems with large amounts of labeled data in English. Our objective is to improve modern end-to-end (E2E) ASR using attention modeling. Thus, the two primary contributions of this thesis are the following: Cross-Lingual Speech Recognition in Under-Resourced Scenarios: A well-resourced language is a language with an abundance of resources to support the development of speech technology. Those resources are usually defined in terms of 100+ hours of speech data, corresponding transcriptions, pronunciation dictionaries, and language models. In contrast, an under-resourced language lacks one or more of these resources. The most expensive and time-consuming resource is the acquisition of transcriptions due to the difficulty in finding native transcribers. The first part of the thesis proposes methods by which deep neural networks (DNNs) can be trained when there are limited or no transcribed data in the target language. Such scenarios are common for languages which are under-resourced. Two key components of this proposition are Transfer Learning and Crowdsourcing. Through these methods, we demonstrate that it is possible to borrow statistical knowledge of acoustics from a variety of other well-resourced languages to learn the parameters of a the DNN in the target under-resourced language. In particular, we use well-resourced languages as cross-entropy regularizers to improve the generalization capacity of the target language. A key accomplishment of this study is that it is the first to train DNNs using noisy labels in the target language transcribed by non-native speakers available in online marketplaces. End-to-End Large Vocabulary Automatic Speech Recognition: Recent advances in ASR have been mostly due to the advent of deep learning models. Such models have the ability to discover complex non-linear relationships between attributes that are usually found in real-world tasks. Despite these advances, building a conventional ASR system is a cumbersome procedure since it involves optimizing several components separately in a disjoint fashion. To alleviate this problem, modern ASR systems have adopted a new approach of directly transducing speech signals to text. Such systems are known as E2E systems and one such system is the Connectionist Temporal Classification (CTC). However, one drawback of CTC is the hard alignment problem as it relies only on the current input to generate the current output. In reality, the output at the current time is influenced not only by the current input but also by inputs in the past and the future. Thus, the second part of the thesis proposes advancing state-of-the-art E2E speech recognition for large corpora by directly incorporating attention modeling within the CTC framework. In attention modeling, inputs in the current, past, and future are distinctively weighted depending on the degree of influence they exert on the current output. We accomplish this by deriving new context vectors using time convolution features to model attention as part of the CTC network. To further improve attention modeling, we extract more reliable content information from a network representing an implicit language model. Finally, we used vector based attention weights that are applied on context vectors across both time and their individual components. A key accomplishment of this study is that it is the first to incorporate attention directly within the CTC network. Furthermore, we show that our proposed attention-based CTC model, even in the absence of an explicit language model, is able to achieve lower word error rates than a well-trained conventional ASR system equipped with a strong external language model

    Using out-of-language data to improve an under-resourced speech recognizer

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    Under-resourced speech recognizers may benefit from data in languages other than the target language. In this paper, we report how to boost the performance of an Afrikaans automatic speech recognition system by using already available Dutch data. We successfully exploit available multilingual resources through 1) posterior features, estimated by multilayer perceptrons (MLP) and 2) subspace Gaussian mixture models (SGMMs). Both the MLPs and the SGMMs can be trained on out-of-language data. We use three different acoustic modeling techniques, namely Tandem, Kullback-Leibler divergence based HMMs (KL-HMM) as well as SGMMs and show that the proposed multilingual systems yield 12% relative improvement compared to a conventional monolingual HMM/GMM system only trained on Afrikaans. We also show that KL-HMMs are extremely powerful for under-resourced languages: using only six minutes of Afrikaans data (in combination with out-of-language data), KL-HMM yields about 30% relative improvement compared to conventional maximum likelihood linear regression and maximum a posteriori based acoustic model adaptation

    Multilingual Training and Cross-lingual Adaptation on CTC-based Acoustic Model

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    Multilingual models for Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) are attractive as they have been shown to benefit from more training data, and better lend themselves to adaptation to under-resourced languages. However, initialisation from monolingual context-dependent models leads to an explosion of context-dependent states. Connectionist Temporal Classification (CTC) is a potential solution to this as it performs well with monophone labels. We investigate multilingual CTC in the context of adaptation and regularisation techniques that have been shown to be beneficial in more conventional contexts. The multilingual model is trained to model a universal International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA)-based phone set using the CTC loss function. Learning Hidden Unit Contribution (LHUC) is investigated to perform language adaptive training. In addition, dropout during cross-lingual adaptation is also studied and tested in order to mitigate the overfitting problem. Experiments show that the performance of the universal phoneme-based CTC system can be improved by applying LHUC and it is extensible to new phonemes during cross-lingual adaptation. Updating all the parameters shows consistent improvement on limited data. Applying dropout during adaptation can further improve the system and achieve competitive performance with Deep Neural Network / Hidden Markov Model (DNN/HMM) systems on limited data
