51 research outputs found

    Detecting Conflicts and Inconsistencies in Web Application Requirements

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    Web applications evolve fast. One of the main reasons for this evolution is that new requirements emerge and change constantly. These new requirements are posed either by customers or they are the consequence of users’ feedback about the application. One of the main problems when dealing with new requirements is their consistency in relationship with the current version of the application. In this paper we present an effective approach for detecting and solving inconsistencies and conflicts in web software requirements. We first characterize the kind of inconsistencies arising in web applications requirements and then show how to isolate them using a modeldriven approach. With a set of examples we illustrate our approach

    Promoting a separation of concerns via closely-related interaction and presentation models

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    Modelando a Interação (Humano-Computador) de um Fórum de Discussão para MOOC: MoLIC em uso

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    Um dos maiores desafios em MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) é promover engajamento do estudante, a fim de relacionar-se com seus pares e melhorar a aprendizagem durante o curso. Estudos apontam que em cursos MOOC a interação entre os estudantes é posta em segundo plano, cabendo a tarefa de engajar somente ao conteúdo apresentado e aos instrutores. Este artigo apresenta uma proposta de modelagem do design de interação de um fórum de MOOC por meio da MoLIC (Modeling Language for Interaction as Conversation) com a adição de um tutorial autodirigido (user onboard experience) de modo a favorecer o engajamento. Espera-se com a modelagem adequada e o tutorial autodirigido, motivar a colaboração e a integração entre os estudantes para promover a construção e o compartilhamento de conhecimento em rede. A modelagem da interação realizada, por meio da MoLIC, é descrita nos resultados do estudo, com o objetivo de criar cenários de interação propícios para o engajamento dos estudantes

    Extreme designing: binding sketching to an interaction model in a streamlined HCI design approach

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    ABSTRACT This paper presents a streamlined approach to human-computer interaction design called extreme designing. Extreme designing follows on the footsteps of agile methods and is analogous to extreme programming. However, it is not radically committed to "user interface coding" (sketching or prototyping alone), but instead proposes to combine user interface sketches with a more structured representation such as an interaction model. By doing so, it brings together the advantages of sketching and prototyping as a communication tool, and of interaction modeling as a glue that binds together the sketches to allow designers to gain a more comprehensive view of and to reflection on the interactive artifact, thus promoting a more coherent and consistent set of design decisions

    Detecting Conflicts and Inconsistencies in Web Application Requirements

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    Web applications evolve fast. One of the main reasons for this evolution is that new requirements emerge and change constantly. These new requirements are posed either by customers or they are the consequence of users' feedback about the application. One of the main problems when dealing with new requirements is their consistency in relationship with the current version of the application. In this paper we present an effective approach for detecting and solving inconsistencies and conflicts in web software requirements. We first characterize the kind of inconsistencies arising in web applications requirements and then show how to isolate them using a model-driven approach. With a set of examples we illustrate our approach.Publicado en Lecture Notes in Computer Science book series (LNCS, vol. 7059).Laboratorio de Investigación y Formación en Informática Avanzad

    Detecting Conflicts and Inconsistencies in Web Application Requirements

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    Web applications evolve fast. One of the main reasons for this evolution is that new requirements emerge and change constantly. These new requirements are posed either by customers or they are the consequence of users' feedback about the application. One of the main problems when dealing with new requirements is their consistency in relationship with the current version of the application. In this paper we present an effective approach for detecting and solving inconsistencies and conflicts in web software requirements. We first characterize the kind of inconsistencies arising in web applications requirements and then show how to isolate them using a model-driven approach. With a set of examples we illustrate our approach.Publicado en Lecture Notes in Computer Science book series (LNCS, vol. 7059).Laboratorio de Investigación y Formación en Informática Avanzad

    Uma proposta de design de intera??o para uma ferramenta de coleta e minera??o de textos em redes sociais online para fins de pesquisa cient?fica

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    As redes sociais online t?m se tornando cada vez mais populares e, associado a este crescimento, o volume de informa??o gerado em formato digital tem aumentado de forma significativa. Independentemente do tipo de rede social, ? poss?vel aproveit?-la como fonte de informa??o para a constru??o de conhecimento cient?fico, nas mais diferentes ?reas. Por?m realizar tais atividades manualmente ? absolutamente invi?vel, sendo necess?ria a utiliza??o das t?cnicas de Minera??o de Textos para analisar e extrair informa??es ?teis dessa extensa base de dados. Em geral, h? boas op??es de ferramentas no mercado, contudo, se considerarmos a quest?o do ponto de vista acad?mico, seja por falta de habilidade para operar a interface dos programas existentes, ou desconhecimento de sua exist?ncia, a utiliza??o de ferramentas experimentais ainda ? relativamente baixa na pesquisa acad?mica nacional da ?rea de m?dias sociais. Neste contexto, esta pesquisa teve o objetivo de desenvolver o design da intera??o do Framework Or?culo, uma ferramenta de apoio ao processo de coleta e minera??o de textos, voltada para o apoio de usu?rios que coletam e mineram dados em redes sociais online, para fins de pesquisa cient?fica. A pesquisa foi desenvolvida inicialmente com a identifica??o das necessidades e defini??o dos requisitos dos pesquisadores de institui??es de ensino em rela??o ? coleta e an?lise de dados em redes sociais online e, em seguida, foi feito o design do framework, seguindo a abordagem do Design Centrado na Comunica??o, seguido da constru??o do prot?tipo funcional de alta fidelidade. Uma avalia??o preliminar do prot?tipo foi realizada junto aos seus potenciais usu?rios, e os resultados apontaram a facilidade de uso e a aceitabilidade da sua interface, proporcionando a satisfa??o dos usu?rios, que foi refletida na vontade de utilizar o Or?culo em suas pesquisas futuras. Assim, acredita-se que, com o trabalho, foi poss?vel contribuir com as ?reas de IHC e minera??o de textos, ao trazer considera??es sobre aspectos relevantes para o design e avalia??o de ferramentas de coleta e minera??o de dados provenientes de RSOs, sob o ponto de vista da intera??o humano-computador.Disserta??o (Mestrado Profissional) ? Programa de P?s-Gradua??o em Educa??o, Universidade Federal dos Vales do Jequitinhonha e Mucuri, 2019.Online social networks are becoming increasingly popular and, associated with this growth, the volume of information generated in digital format has increased significantly. Regardless of the type of social network, it can be used as a source of information for the construction of scientific knowledge in the most different areas. However, performing such activities manually is absolutely not feasible, requiring the use of Text Mining techniques to analyze and extract useful information from this extensive database. In general, there are good tool options on the market, however, if we consider the issue from the academic point of view, either because of the lack of ability to operate the interface of existing programs or lack of knowledge about them, the use of experimental tools is still relatively low. low in national academic research in the area of social media. In this context, this research aimed to develop the interaction design of the Oracle Framework, a tool to support the process of collecting and mining texts, aimed at supporting users who collect and mine data on online social networks, for the purpose of scientific research. The research was initially developed with the identification of the needs and definition of the requirements of the researchers of educational institutions in relation to the collection and analysis of data in online social networks. Then, the framework design was made, following the Centered Design approach. Communication, followed by the construction of the high fidelity functional prototype. A preliminary evaluation of the prototype was carried out with its potential users, and the results showed the ease of use and the acceptability of its interface, providing users' satisfaction, which was reflected in the desire to use the Oracle in their future research. Thus, it is believed that, with the work, it was possible to contribute to the areas of HCI and text mining, by bringing considerations on relevant aspects for the design and evaluation of data collection and mining tools from RSOs, under the point point of view of human-computer interaction