9 research outputs found

    Psychometric properties of a clinical reasoning assessment rubric for nursing education

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    Background: Clinical reasoning is a vital competency for healthcare providers. In 2014, a clinical reasoning assessment rubric (CRAR) composed of analysis, heuristics, inference, information processing, logic, cognition and meta-cognition subdomains was developed for osteopathy students. Methods: This study was conducted to verify the validity and reliability of the CRAR in nursing education. A total of 202 case vignette assessments completed by 68 students were used for exploratory factor analysis (EFA) and confirmatory factor analysis (CFA). The Cronbach's α coefficient of the CRAR was calculated. Results: The content validity indices ranged from 0.57 to 1.0. The EFA resulted in three factors: assessment in nursing, nursing diagnosis and planning, and cognition/meta-cognition in nursing. The CFA supported a 3-factor model. The Cronbach's α coefficient of the CRAR was 0.94. This study confirmed the content validity, construct validity, and reliability of the CRAR. Therefore, the CRAR is a useful rubric for assessing clinical reasoning in nursing students. Conclusions: The CRAR is a standardized rubric for assessing clinical reasoning in nurses. This scale will be useful for the development of educational programs for improving clinical reasoning in nursing education.ope

    Problem-Based Learning as a way to teach Education students how to support people with disabilities

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    El Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior conlleva la necesidad de utilizar metodologías activas y estrategias de evaluación capaces de desarrollar la adquisición de competencias para una formación integral del alumnado. El presente trabajo describe la implementación de un proyecto de innovación basado en la aplicación del aprendizaje basado en problemas (ABP), dirigido a alumnado de educación que cursa materias relacionadas con la atención a la discapacidad. El objetivo es favorecer el desarrollo de competencias básicas para su futuro personal y profesional: capacidad de organización y planificación, comunicación oral y escrita, trabajo en equipo, habilidades interpersonales y reconocimiento y respeto hacia la discapacidad. Se diseñaron como instrumentos de evaluación, rúbricas y cuestionarios tipo Likert. Los resultados muestran que en la competencia reconocimiento y respeto hacia la discapacidad, el alumnado obtiene máximos niveles de desempeño; sin embargo, en trabajo en equipo y comunicación oral y escrita, los cambios no han sido tan acentuados. La valoración positiva del alumnado hacia la metodología parece justificar la idoneidad del ABP y la continuación de estas experiencias.The launching of the European Higher Education Area calls for a new educational paradigm, one involving active methodologies and evaluation strategies that focus on skill-building as the means to achieve the comprehensive education of students. This paper describes the implementation of an innovation project based on the application of one of these active methodologies, Problem-Based Learning (PBL), for Education students enrolled in courses that address disability awareness. PBL is applied to contribute to the development of basic competencies that will be useful in the students' personal and professional future: planning and organisational skills, written and oral communication, teamwork, interpersonal skills and recognition of and respect towards disability. Various evaluation instruments were designed, such as rubrics and Likert-type questionnaires. The results show that recognition of and respect towards disability is the competence in which the students attain the highest levels of performance after using PBL; however, with regard to teamwork and oral and written communication, the changes were not as significant. The students' positive assessment of the methodology suggests that PBL is appropriate and that this type of experience should be continued.Grupo FORCE (HUM-386). Departamento de Didáctica y Organización Escolar de la Universidad de Granad

    Layered evaluation of interactive adaptive systems : framework and formative methods

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    The Assessment, Moderated Mediating Effects, and Influencing Factors of Critical Thinking Disposition in Chinese Undergraduate Students

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    The complexity and importance of critical thinking (CT) are prompting scholars to continue exploring its framework and application, particularly in this smart and globalized world. Although most nations have integrated CT into their higher education curriculum and assessments, China has not explicitly done that. The CT framework with both critical thinking skills (CTS) and disposition (CTD) is consistent, but CTD research has received less attention than the research on CTS. However, CTD is regarded as the activation of CTS, and CTS cannot be acquired adequately without CTD. Besides, the previous CTD frameworks and assessments neglected the perspectives of the workforce, which has aroused a mismatch between students’ outcomes and labor market demands. Accordingly, the goals of this dissertation are to (a) establish a comprehensive CT framework including problem-solving skills with the support of the effectiveness of problem-based learning (PBL) on CT instructional intervention via a review of literature by meta-analysis, (b) develop a CTD inventory integrating workforce intelligence to eliminate the required competences gap between schools and the job market, (c) explore the connections between each CTD component and the gender role in these interactions in order to achieve balance and equality, and (d) identify the influencing factors in terms of demographic characteristics for the attention paid by parents and instructors. Six chapters will be listed in this dissertation, with the first (Chapter 1) and last (Chapter 6) being the general introduction, discussions, and conclusions of this dissertation, respectively, and the main four chapters (Chapters 2 to 5) being the independent studies within the dissertation topic. The first study in Chapter 2 aims to identify the effectiveness and moderators of CTS and CTD cultivation based on PBL by conducting a meta-analysis of 50 relevant empirical studies from 2000 to 2021 with 5,210 participants and 58 effect sizes. The results showed that PBL was beneficial in promoting overall CT, CTS, and CTD, demonstrating a favorable link between them. The moderators are maturity, nationality, instruction type, group size, and types of sample selection for CT, maturity, nationality, instruments, discipline, group size, and intervention duration for CTS, and sample type, instruction type, discipline, and treatment duration for CTD. The goal of the second study in Chapter 3 is to create and validate the Employer-Employee-Supported Critical Thinking Disposition Instrument (2ES-CTDI) for assessing CTD in college students. To synthesize ideas from literature, 25 employers, 43 workers, and a six-person expert panel, intelligence accumulation was used. The potential inventory was created using the interpretive structural model. In 2021, validation data were obtained from 661 undergraduate students from China (328 males, 49.6%, Mean = 19.22, SD = 1.20 and 333 females, 50.4%, Mean = 19.91, SD = 1.23). Exploratory factor analysis was used to assess the consistency of the conceptual framework and data, confirmative factor analysis and the common method variance were used to assess model fit and structural validity, partial least squares structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM) was used to identify mediating effects among CTD components, and item response theory was used to assess test endorsement and item discrimination. Eventually, a seven-point CT disposition inventory with three factors was confirmed with good reliability, validity, and item and test endorsement for future use. The purpose of the third study in Chapter 4 is to examine the gender equality of 2ES-CTDI as well as the moderated mediating effects of gender on the components of CTD in 661 Chinese undergraduates using measurement invariance (MI) and PLS-SEM. The findings revealed that (a) the scale has great reliability and validity. MI findings revealed that the configural and metric models were met, and the scalar model identified the partial invariance; (b) Females have higher self-efficacy and habitual truth-digging dispositions, whereas males have higher instant judgment; (c) Instant judgment has a negative influence on habitual truth-digging, with self-efficacy as the competitive partial mediator, in which gender moderated the relations. Using dummy variable regression on the plausible values of 661 Chinese undergraduate students, the fourth study in Chapter 5 intends to investigate the determining elements of undergraduate students’ CTD from the standpoint of demographic information. The findings revealed that (a) differences in CTD may exist between public and private universities, grades, parents’ educational levels, and family incomes when considered separately; (b) however, when integrated into a comprehensive robust regression model, family income was identified as the unique factor influencing CTD, and those from the highest income family have a higher CTD. Notwithstanding the dissertation’s successful d

    Factors That Influence Performance in a Problem-based Learning Tutorial

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    Introduction: Problem-based learning (PBL) is an educational approach that reflects a resourceful way of thinking about teaching and learning. PBL is a student group-focused pedagogy that uses an inquiry-based tutorial approach to learning. PBL is characterised by small group that uses tutorials rather than lectures as opposed to a didactic, lecture-based curriculum and it is commonly used in medicin

    L'encadrement éthique de l'innovation chirurgicale : une revue systématique des arguments présentés dans la littérature normative en bioéthique

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    Réalisé grâce à des bourses de maîtrise des Instituts de recherche en santé du Canada (IRSC), de l’Institut de recherches cliniques de Montréal et des Programmes de bioéthique de l’Université de Montréal octroyées à Lila Karpowicz, ainsi qu'une subvention des IRSC octroyée à Eric Racine et Emily Bell.L’innovation est le moteur du progrès médical. En chirurgie, elle se trouve à cheval entre la recherche et la pratique clinique. Malgré sa contribution à l’amélioration des soins cliniques, l’innovation chirurgicale demeure une activité risquée. En plus des dangers inhérents à la chirurgie, l’innovation chirurgicale comporte le risque d’amplifier les conflits d’intérêts, de fragiliser la compétence chirurgicale et d’introduire d’importantes incertitudes scientifiques, mettant en péril le bien-être et l’autonomie des patients. Malgré ces défis éthiques importants, contrairement à la recherche clinique qui est assujettie à un cadre réglementaire strict, il n’existe aucun encadrement éthique formel spécifique à l’innovation chirurgicale menée dans le contexte des soins cliniques au Canada. Pour pallier ce manque d’encadrement éthique, de nombreuses propositions ont vu le jour, du statu quo à l’encadrement réglementaire, en passant par les comités dédiés à l’évaluation ad hoc des innovations chirurgicales. Afin d’en déterminer la pertinence, nous avons analysé l’argumentation entourant ces diverses propositions par le biais d’une revue systématique des arguments présentés dans la littérature normative portant sur l’éthique de l’innovation chirurgicale. Ce faisant, nous avons relevé trois préoccupations majeures qui orientent le débat sur l’encadrement éthique de l’innovation chirurgicale, à savoir 1) la nature de l’innovation chirurgicale, 2) la protection des patients et de leur autonomie, ainsi que 3) des considérations pragmatiques concernant les mécanismes d’encadrement. Selon notre analyse des arguments, en règle générale, aucune perspective n’est avancée de manière particulièrement convaincante. En effet, en l’absence de définitions ou de taxonomie claires, et compte tenu du manque de données probantes sur les dangers de l’innovation chirurgicale et sur l’efficacité des mécanismes d’encadrement proposés, nous concluons qu’il demeure difficile de trancher sur la question de l’encadrement éthique de l’innovation chirurgicale.Innovation is the process that drives medical progress. In the field of surgery, innovation falls in a grey zone between clinical practice and research. Despite its important contribution to clinical care, surgical innovation remains a risky affair: not only is it associated with the risks that are inherent to surgery, but its specificities further enhance conflicts of interest, the imbalance of surgical competence, and empirical uncertainties that threaten the autonomy and welfare of patients. Despite these significant ethical challenges, and in stark contrast with clinical research that is subject to a strict regulatory framework, there is no formal ethical oversight specific to surgical innovation in the clinical context in Canada. With the objective to overcome this lacuna, the bioethics literature abounds with proposals for the oversight of surgical innovation, ranging from the status quo to governmental oversight and surgical innovation committees. In order to investigate the relevance of these proposed oversight mechanisms, we conducted a systematic review of arguments featured in the normative literature on the ethics of surgical innovation. We found three major themes that frame the debate: 1) the nature of surgical innovation, 2) the protection of patient welfare and autonomy, and 3) practical considerations regarding the proposed oversight mechanisms. Overall, none of the positions regarding the oversight of surgical innovation are particularly convincing as presented in the literature. Indeed, without proper definitions or taxonomy, and in the absence of sound evidence regarding the dangers of surgical innovation and the outcomes of the various ethics oversight options, we conclude that further inquiry is needed