291 research outputs found

    Parameterized Neural Network Language Models for Information Retrieval

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    Information Retrieval (IR) models need to deal with two difficult issues, vocabulary mismatch and term dependencies. Vocabulary mismatch corresponds to the difficulty of retrieving relevant documents that do not contain exact query terms but semantically related terms. Term dependencies refers to the need of considering the relationship between the words of the query when estimating the relevance of a document. A multitude of solutions has been proposed to solve each of these two problems, but no principled model solve both. In parallel, in the last few years, language models based on neural networks have been used to cope with complex natural language processing tasks like emotion and paraphrase detection. Although they present good abilities to cope with both term dependencies and vocabulary mismatch problems, thanks to the distributed representation of words they are based upon, such models could not be used readily in IR, where the estimation of one language model per document (or query) is required. This is both computationally unfeasible and prone to over-fitting. Based on a recent work that proposed to learn a generic language model that can be modified through a set of document-specific parameters, we explore use of new neural network models that are adapted to ad-hoc IR tasks. Within the language model IR framework, we propose and study the use of a generic language model as well as a document-specific language model. Both can be used as a smoothing component, but the latter is more adapted to the document at hand and has the potential of being used as a full document language model. We experiment with such models and analyze their results on TREC-1 to 8 datasets

    Enhancing Information Retrieval Through Concept-Based Language Modeling and Semantic Smoothing.

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    Traditionally, many information retrieval models assume that terms occur in documents independently. Although these models have already shown good performance, the word independency assumption seems to be unrealistic from a natural language point of view, which considers that terms are related to each other. Therefore, such an assumption leads to two well‐known problems in information retrieval (IR), namely, polysemy, or term mismatch, and synonymy. In language models, these issues have been addressed by considering dependencies such as bigrams, phrasal‐concepts, or word relationships, but such models are estimated using simple n‐grams or concept counting. In this paper, we address polysemy and synonymy mismatch with a concept‐based language modeling approach that combines ontological concepts from external resources with frequently found collocations from the document collection. In addition, the concept‐based model is enriched with subconcepts and semantic relationships through a semantic smoothing technique so as to perform semantic matching. Experiments carried out on TREC collections show that our model achieves significant improvements over a single word‐based model and the Markov Random Field model (using a Markov classifier)

    Text-Video Retrieval via Variational Multi-Modal Hypergraph Networks

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    Text-video retrieval is a challenging task that aims to identify relevant videos given textual queries. Compared to conventional textual retrieval, the main obstacle for text-video retrieval is the semantic gap between the textual nature of queries and the visual richness of video content. Previous works primarily focus on aligning the query and the video by finely aggregating word-frame matching signals. Inspired by the human cognitive process of modularly judging the relevance between text and video, the judgment needs high-order matching signal due to the consecutive and complex nature of video contents. In this paper, we propose chunk-level text-video matching, where the query chunks are extracted to describe a specific retrieval unit, and the video chunks are segmented into distinct clips from videos. We formulate the chunk-level matching as n-ary correlations modeling between words of the query and frames of the video and introduce a multi-modal hypergraph for n-ary correlation modeling. By representing textual units and video frames as nodes and using hyperedges to depict their relationships, a multi-modal hypergraph is constructed. In this way, the query and the video can be aligned in a high-order semantic space. In addition, to enhance the model's generalization ability, the extracted features are fed into a variational inference component for computation, obtaining the variational representation under the Gaussian distribution. The incorporation of hypergraphs and variational inference allows our model to capture complex, n-ary interactions among textual and visual contents. Experimental results demonstrate that our proposed method achieves state-of-the-art performance on the text-video retrieval task

    Ontology-supported document ranking for novelty search

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    Recommending on graphs: a comprehensive review from a data perspective

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    Recent advances in graph-based learning approaches have demonstrated their effectiveness in modelling users' preferences and items' characteristics for Recommender Systems (RSS). Most of the data in RSS can be organized into graphs where various objects (e.g., users, items, and attributes) are explicitly or implicitly connected and influence each other via various relations. Such a graph-based organization brings benefits to exploiting potential properties in graph learning (e.g., random walk and network embedding) techniques to enrich the representations of the user and item nodes, which is an essential factor for successful recommendations. In this paper, we provide a comprehensive survey of Graph Learning-based Recommender Systems (GLRSs). Specifically, we start from a data-driven perspective to systematically categorize various graphs in GLRSs and analyze their characteristics. Then, we discuss the state-of-the-art frameworks with a focus on the graph learning module and how they address practical recommendation challenges such as scalability, fairness, diversity, explainability and so on. Finally, we share some potential research directions in this rapidly growing area.Comment: Accepted by UMUA

    Hypergraph Transformer for Skeleton-based Action Recognition

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    Skeleton-based action recognition aims to predict human actions given human joint coordinates with skeletal interconnections. To model such off-grid data points and their co-occurrences, Transformer-based formulations would be a natural choice. However, Transformers still lag behind state-of-the-art methods using graph convolutional networks (GCNs). Transformers assume that the input is permutation-invariant and homogeneous (partially alleviated by positional encoding), which ignores an important characteristic of skeleton data, i.e., bone connectivity. Furthermore, each type of body joint has a clear physical meaning in human motion, i.e., motion retains an intrinsic relationship regardless of the joint coordinates, which is not explored in Transformers. In fact, certain re-occurring groups of body joints are often involved in specific actions, such as the subconscious hand movement for keeping balance. Vanilla attention is incapable of describing such underlying relations that are persistent and beyond pair-wise. In this work, we aim to exploit these unique aspects of skeleton data to close the performance gap between Transformers and GCNs. Specifically, we propose a new self-attention (SA) extension, named Hypergraph Self-Attention (HyperSA), to incorporate inherently higher-order relations into the model. The K-hop relative positional embeddings are also employed to take bone connectivity into account. We name the resulting model Hyperformer, and it achieves comparable or better performance w.r.t. accuracy and efficiency than state-of-the-art GCN architectures on NTU RGB+D, NTU RGB+D 120, and Northwestern-UCLA datasets. On the largest NTU RGB+D 120 dataset, the significantly improved performance reached by our Hyperformer demonstrates the underestimated potential of Transformer models in this field
