14 research outputs found

    Modeling and management of profiles and competencies in VBEs

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    A Blockchain-based Service Provider Validation and Verification Framework for Health-care Virtual Organization

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    Virtual organization (VO) and blockchain are two newly emerging technologies that researchers are exploring their potentials to solve many information and communication technology unaddressed problems and challenges. Health care is one of the sectors that are very dynamic, and it is in need of constant improvement in the quest to better the quality of cares and reduce cost. One of the hotlines of research in the sector is the use of information and communication technology to provide health care, and this is where the concept of virtual health care is relevant. In virtual health care, patients and care providers are collaborating in virtual settings where two of the most difficult challenges are verifying and validating the identity of the communicating parties and the information exchanged. In this paper, we propose a conceptual framework using blockchain technology to address the health-care provider and record verification and validation issue. The framework is specific to health-care systems developed based on Virtual Breeding Environment and VO. We outline and explain each step in the the framework and demonstrate its applicability in a simple health-care scenario. This paper contributes toward the continuing effort to address user identity and information verification and validation issues in virtual settings in general and in health care in specific

    UNICOMP: Identification of Enterprise Competencies to Build Collaborative Networks

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    Abstract. In a context of decision-aid to support the identification of collaborative networks, this paper focuses on extracting essential facets of firm competencies. Due to the complexity of the notion of competence, this contribution is based on a semantic representation of information using semantic ontology, bonds and a linguistic treatment based on the utilization of syntactic patterns. To identify enterprise competencies, the UNICOMP system uses company web sites as information source, as well as a general ontology of competencies as semantic resource

    A generic vobe framework to manage home healthcare collaboration

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    In this paper we propose a conceptual framework to manage Home HealthCare (HHC) provision and stakeholder collaborations using the concepts of Virtual Breeding Environment (VBE) and Virtual Organisation (VO). Providing healthcare at home is gaining popularity as more and more patients prefer to receive care in the comfort of their homes. Providing care at home is complex and involves many stakeholders; collaboration and resource sharing between these stakeholders is essential for a successful home healthcare provision. In this paper we outline a framework to classify different parties involved in Home Healthcare (HHC) collaboration based on their roles. The framework consists of two main components which we call HHC-VBE and HHC-VO. The proposed framework is applied to a simple home healthcare case study and it is later evaluated. The result shows that the framework is simple and flexible and can be applied to other scenarios. This research contributes towards addressing the ongoing challenge of HHC collaboration management

    The Partner Proliferation Problem in Disaster Response Networks

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    The extraordinary conditions of a major disaster require mobilization of all available resources. This necessity, together with the stretch in the response budget in the public sector and the difficulty of raising funds in the private sector, draws various humanitarian actors with widely diverse capabilities into the affected area. This phenomenon is called the proliferation of actors, or the partner proliferation problem. This problem can have serious counterproductive effects on disaster operations, such as unmanaged independent efforts that lead to a duplication and confusion of effort. The disaster response phase generally lacks the contributions of a long-term outlook and pre-planning, which are adopted in existing long-term structures such as supply chains. The aim of this paper is to provide a structured review of the partner proliferation problem in the response phase and to suggest alternative courses of action for restructuring the disaster response network. Drawing on the concept of Virtual Organizations, the paper concludes that short-term collaboration is a suitable structure for the response phase. Short-term collaboration in the response phase is complementary to long-term collaborations such as supply chains in the recovery, mitigation, and preparedness phases of the disaster cycle. To that end, a conceptual framework is provided for re-structuring the disaster response network to align with the other phases of disaster management. Finally, further research is suggested to develop a decision making tool for partner configuration to meet the specific requirements of a disaster response network

    Towards the development of the framework for inter sensing enterprise architecture

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    [EN] Inter-enterprise architecture (IEA) is a new concept that seeks to apply the tools and methodologies of enterprise architecture (EA) in a collaborative context, in order to model collaborative organizations in an inclusive manner. According to the main enterprise architectures proposed to this point, an EA should be conformed at least for a framework, a methodology and a modelling language. Sensing enterprise (SE) is an attribute of an enterprise or a network that allows it to react to business stimuli originating on the Internet. These fields have come into focus recently, and there is not evidence of the use of IEA for modelling a SE, while finding an interesting gap to work on. Thus, this paper proposes an initial framework for inter sensing enterprise architecture (FISEA), which seeks to classify, organize, store and communicate, at the conceptual level, all the elements for inter-sensing enterprise architectures and their relationships, ensuring their consistency and integrity. This FISEA provides a clear idea about the elements and views that create collaborative network and their inter-relationships, based on the support of Future Internet.This work was supported by the European Commission FP7 UNITE Project, through its Secondment Programme and the Universitat Politecnica de Valencia ADENPRO-PJP project (ref. SP20120703).Vargas, A.; Cuenca, L.; Boza, A.; Sacala, I.; Moisescu, M. (2016). Towards the development of the framework for inter sensing enterprise architecture. Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing. 27(1):55-72. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10845-014-0901-zS5572271Adaba, G., Rusu, L., & Mekawy, M. (2010). Business-IT alignment in trade facilitation: A case study. In organizational, business, and technological aspects of the knowledge society. Communications in Computer and Information. Science, 44(112), 146–154.Afsarmanesh, H., & Msanjila, S. (2008). Inter-organizational trust in VBEs. In L. Camarinha-Matos, H. Afsarmanesh, & M. Ollus (Eds.), Methods and tools for collaborative networked organizations (pp. 91–118). New York: Springer.Afsarmanesh, H., Camarinha-Matos, L., & Ermilova, E. (2008). VBE reference framework. In L. Camarinha-Matos, H. Afsarmanesh, & M. Ollus (Eds.), Methods and tools for collaborative networked organizations (pp. 35–68). New York: Springer.Arango, M., Londoño, J., & Zapata, J. (2010). Arquitectura empresarial- Una visión general. Revista Ingenierías Universidad de Medellín, 9(16), 101–111.Audy, J., Lehoux, N., & D’Amours, S. (2012). A framework for an efficient implementation of logistics collaborations. 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    V předložené disertační práci jsou řešeny hlavní problematické oblasti související s postavením logistiky v prostředí virtuální organizace. Teorie virtuálních organizací byla doplněna o definici virtuality a rámcový model. Dvě základní míry virtuální organizace jsou použity pro konstrukci 2x2 matice centralizace – integrace, která poskytuje jasnou klasifikaci virtuálních organizací. Dualita hierarchického rozměru účastnické struktury a vrstev virtuálního rozměru vedla k popisu funkční struktury virtuální společnosti pomocí 3x3 matice vrstev virtuální společnosti a hierarchie řízení. V tomto paradigmatu jsou interpretovány i procesy změn ve virtuální organizaci, životní cyklus virtuální organizace. Je pojednána dynamika a stabilita virtuální organizace. Je provedena interpretace logistické koncepce ve virtuální organizaci, konzistentní s prezentovanou teorií virtuální organizace. Dynamický výklad logistické koncepce je podán v podobě návrhu metodiky tvorby logistických koncepcí pro virtuální organizace. Použití a možnosti teorie byly ukázány na příkladu metodiky implementace RFID technologie ve virtuálních společnostech s přihlédnutím k přínosům a nákladům zavádění této technologie.The thesis addresses the role of logistic concept in a virtual organization. Theory of virtual organization was complemented by a definition of virtuality and a model of virtual organization was created. Two measurable properties of virtual organizations are used for construction of a 2x2 matrix of centralization – integration giving thus clear view of virtual organizations taxonomy. Duality of hierarchic dimension of network structure and layers of the virtual dimension led to a comprehensive description of virtual enterprises with the aid of newly created 3x3 matrix of virtual layer – hierarchy level. Within this framework are interpreted processes in virtual organization during virtual enterprise’s lifecycle. Dynamic restructuring and stability issues are explained with the aid of the matrixes. A consistent approach of presented virtual organization’s theory gives interpretation of emerging logistic concept. The use and application potential of presented theory is exemplified in development of RFID implementation method for virtual organizations. Attention is paid to RFID costs and benefits analysis under condition of virtual organizing.

    Assessing organizations collaboration readiness: a behavioral approach

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    Dissertation presented at the Faculty of Sciences and Technology of the New University of Lisbon to obtain the degree of Doctor in Electrical Engineering, specialty of Robotics and Integrated ManufacturingThis thesis presents an approach for assessing organizations‘ readiness to collaborate. This assessment is based in three fundamental aspects, namely (1) on collaboration preparedness, which aims at assessing whether a partner has adequate collaboration-related character traits; (2) on competencies fitness which is predominantly aimed at assessing how well an organization is able to use its competencies in a collaboration context; and (3) on willingness to collaborate, which is a concept applied to assess whether an organization is, or is not, really interested to engage in concrete collaboration opportunities. The proposed approach contributes to the formation of improved collaborative networks, increasing their likelihood of success. The principal characteristic of the model lies in the fact that it follows a behavioral perspective. As such, collaboration preparedness is based on the idea of the organizations‘ character, traits and behavioral patterns. Competencies fitness is in turn based on the so-called soft competencies, exploring the performance influences/effects of the soft competencies on the hard ones in a collaboration context. Finally, willingness to collaborate is based on the organization‘s planned behavior, attitudes and intentions that are perceived in/from a partner. The work involved in the conceptualization of readiness to collaborate includes the utilization of text data mining to discover the behavioral aspects, namely the collaboration-related organization‘s traits which are relevant for assessing collaboration readiness. Bayesian belief networks are proposed as a way to deal with the underlying uncertainty in assessing collaboration readiness. A soft versus hard competencies dichotomy is used to develop the concept of competencies fitness, proposing the adjusted competencies profile and the fitness level, as the way to assess whether a partner‘s competencies fit in a collaboration opportunity. The Theory of the Planned Behavior is adapted from social sciences and used in organizations in collaboration contexts. Various modeling experiments were performed to assist in the development of this readiness concept. The validation through some cases of partnerships is proposed to evaluate the underlying collaboration readiness assessment model

    Models and tools for value systems analysis in collaborative environments

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    Dissertation to obtain the degree of Doctor in Electrical and Computer Engineering, specialization of Collaborative NetworksParticipation in collaborative networks is vital for small and medium-sized enterprises to survive in the current market, bringing them several benefits. However,participation in collaborative networks also involves risks and often consortia fail due to internal conflicts. Conflicts can be originated by different prioritization of values and different perceptions of outcomes. The perception of outcomes is, to some extent, subjective given that it depends on the preferences of the subject and how exchanges are evaluated. Therefore, the establishment of a common Value System or the effort to align the Value Systems of network members can play an important role in the collaboration sustainability. Although the topic of values and values alignment has been studied within the scope of various scientific disciplines, there is still no common understanding on these concepts and the literature does not include any suitable models to formally represent and analyze Value Systems within the scope of collaborative networks. This thesis proposes a set of models and formal mechanisms for specifying and analyzing Value Systems in collaborative networks. The development of models and methods followed a hybrid approach, where qualitative and quantitative techniques are used in order to represent and analyze the Value System. A web application was designed and a prototype developed in order to show that the models and methods proposed can be implemented by a computer program and can be integrated into a single framework in order to support Value Systems management within the scope of collaborative networks. The application of a multifaceted and systematic validation strategy, supported by the “Square Validation Framework” brought together a set of preliminary results that attest the theoretical and practical relevance of the proposed approach and allow us to conclude that: (i) it is possible to define and analyze Value Systems in collaborative networks, considering the economic and sociologic approach, in an integrated and unambiguous way, (ii) the potential impacts between Value Systems in collaborative environments can be inferred if the typical influences among core values are known and the preferences of the actors, regarding those values, are identified; (iii) the identification and assessment of Value Systems misalignments would be improved if qualitative and quantitative assessment methods integrating the notion of shared-values, potential for conflict and positive impacts were developed