3,836 research outputs found

    The Unbearable Lightness of the Economics-Made-Fun Genre

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    Several commentators have argued that the Economics-Made-Fun (“EMF”) genre contains very little actual economics. As such, it would seem that criticisms of EMF do not apply economics more broadly. In this paper I take a contrary view, arguing that, in fact, at a deep conceptual level, the engine of EMF analyses is precisely the engine of mainstream economics. Specifically, I argue that both EMF and mainstream economics rest on a conceptual foundation known as the Principal of the Substitution of Similars (“PSS”). Understanding how PSS leads EMF practitioners to make claims well beyond what is warranted by their analysis also offers insight into how PSS leaves mainstream economists in danger of overestimating the power and scope of their analyses. I explore the consequences of such problems through an example of economic analysis of the U.S. housing market in the lead-up to the recent financial crisis.Methodology, Popular Economics, William Stanley Jevons, Ontology, Anthropology of Finance

    Measuring the Local Economic Impact of Cooperatives

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    The ability to measure the economic importance of cooperatives to communities is not purely an academic question. Policy makers, cooperative organizations, and community development practitioners are increasingly asking for such information. The most commonly used methodology is input-output analysis. The limitations of input-output analysis when applied to cooperatives have not yet been comprehensively explained in the literature, although they significantly affect the application of the model as well as the interpretation of results. We discuss five issues that need to be addressed when using input-output models and suggest additional analysis that should be completed to gain an accurate assessment of the local economic impact of cooperatives.cooperatives, economic impact, community development, input-output models, Agribusiness,

    Is the Endangered Species Act Endangering Species?

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    We develop theory and present a suite of theoretically consistent empirical measures to explore the extent to which market intervention inadvertently alters resource allocation in a sequentialmove principal/agent game. We showcase our approach empirically by exploring the extent to which the U.S. Endangered Species Act has altered land development patterns. We report evidence indicating significant acceleration of development directly after each of several events deemed likely to raise fears among owners of habitat land. Our preferred estimate suggests an overall acceleration of land development by roughly one year. We also find from complementary hedonic regression models that habitat parcels declined in value when the habitat map was published, which is consistent with our estimates of the degree of preemption. These results have clear implications for policymakers, who continue to discuss alternative regulatory frameworks for species preservation. More generally, our modeling strategies can be widely applied -- from any particular economic environment that has a sequential-move nature to the narrower case of the political economy of regulation.

    Organization and Activities of the Doctoral Program in Geoenvironmental Sciences for the Academic Year 2018

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    Entrepreneurial Supply Chains and Strategic Collaboration: The Case of Bagòss Cheese in Bagolino, Italy

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    Many small towns and communities are struggling to sustain their competitiveness in the face of increasing globalization. Yet, through entrepreneurial supply chains, some communities are organizing themselves to forge local solutions to their global challenges. The essence of entrepreneurial supply chains is its ability to facilitate alignment of all participants in the chain, eliminating moral hazard and opportunism risks. It is argued that this governance system and an ability to protect the common assets from infringement by outsiders are necessary for the success of these solutions. The research uses Bagòss cheese, produced in the small Italian village of Bagolino, to illustrate the characteristics of entrepreneurial supply chains and test the effect of the identified necessary conditions for their successful implementation.entrepreneurial supply chain, Bagòss cheese, globalization, International Development, International Relations/Trade, Q10, Q17,

    Measuring poverty in Britain as a multi-dimensional concept, 1991 to 2003

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    While poverty is widely accepted to be an inherently multi-dimensional concept, it has proved very difficult to develop measures that both capture this multi-dimensionality and facilitate comparison of trends over time. Structural equation modelling appears to offer a solution to this conundrum and is used to exploit the British Household Panel Study to create a multi-dimensional measure of poverty. The analysis reveals that the decline in poverty in Britain between 1991 and 2003 was driven by falls in material deprivation, but more especially by reduced financial stress, particularly during the early 1990s. The limitations and potential of the new approach are critically discussed. © 2008 Cambridge University Press

    Регулювання внутрішнього споживчого ринку в національній економіці

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    Introduction. Socially significant goods and services is the complex that includes a certain list of food products, certain types of products present in the domestic consumer market, which are sold at fixed prices. The regulation of the market for socially oriented goods and services requires regulation of consumer behavior and an optimal behavioral approach, which can help to improve the well-being of the population. Aim and tasks. The purpose of the article is to substantiate the theoretical and methodological principles and conceptual provisions for the regulation of the domestic consumer market in terms of socially significant goods and services in Ukraine. Results. A conceptual approach to socially oriented goods and services has been developed for the better functioning of the domestic consumer market. At the same time, it is important to take into account that the approach is built taking into account the principles: accountability and responsibility, predictability, consistency and consistency: efficiency, adaptability, social justice. The mechanism of state regulation of the market of socially significant goods and services has been improved. The concept of state regulation of the market of socially oriented goods and services is presented. The process of implementing the concept should include full interaction of all elements of state regulation of the market of socially significant goods and services. The purpose of the concept is to substantiate the theoretical and methodological aspects of state regulation of the market of socially significant goods and services in Ukraine. Conclusion. A conceptual approach to the regulation of the market of socially oriented goods and services is presented, which consists in the application of all components, namely the legislative aspect, the economic aspect of market regulation of socially significant goods and services taking into account factors influencing the regulation of domestic consumer market and legislative aspects of price regulation for socially oriented goods and services. The concept presents three components of socially oriented goods and services. State regulation is applied to each of the components (price regulation, regulation of the industry – in some industries, which are producers and suppliers of socially oriented goods and services, natural monopolies operate). Compliance principles of market regulation of socially oriented goods and services would ensure the appropriate and rational consumption of the goods by the population.Вступ. У комплексі певний перелік продуктів харчування, окремі види продуктів, присутніх на внутрішньому споживчому ринку, які реалізуються за встановленими цінами, являють собою соціально-значущі товари та послуги.  Регулювання ринку соціально-орієнтовних товарів і послуг потребує регулювання споживчої поведінки та оптимального поведінкового підходу, що може сприяти підвищенню добробуту населення. Мета та завдання. Метою статті є обґрунтування теоретико-методологічних засад і концептуальних положень щодо регулювання внутрішнього споживчого ринку в розрізі соціально-значущих товарів та послуг в Україні. Результати. Для більш вдалого функціонування внутрішнього споживчого ринку розроблено концептуальний підхід соціально орієнтованих товарів та послуг. При цьому, треба враховувати, що підхід побудовано з урахуванням принципів: підзвітність та відповідальність , передбачуваність, узгодженість та послідовність:, ефективність, адаптивність, соціальна справедливість. Удосконалено механізм державного регулювання ринку соціально значущих товарів та послуг. Представлено поняття державного регулювання ринку соціально орієнтованих товарів та послуг. Процес реалізації концепції повинен включати повну взаємодію всіх елементів державного регулювання ринку суспільно значущих товарів та послуг. Мета концепції – обґрунтувати теоретико-методологічні аспекти державного регулювання ринку соціально значущих товарів та послуг в Україні. Висновки. Представлено концептуальний підхід до регулювання ринку соціально-орієнтованих товарів та послуг, який полягає в застосуванні всіх складових, а саме законодавчого аспекту, економічного аспекту регулювання ринку соціально-значущих товарів та послуг з урахуванням факторів впливу на регулювання внутрішнього споживчого ринку в контексті соціально-значущих товарів та послуг. Представлено підходи до регулювання споживчої поведінки з урахуванням раціональності споживчого вибору та законодавчі аспекти регулювання цін на соціально орієнтовані товари. Концепція представляє три складові соціально орієнтованих товарів і послуг. Державне регулювання застосовується до кожної зі складових (регулювання цін, регулювання галузі – в деяких галузях, які є виробниками та постачальниками соціально орієнтованих товарів і послуг, діють природні монополії). Принципи дотримання ринкового регулювання соціально орієнтованих товарів та послуг забезпечують належне та раціональне споживання товарів населенням

    Exploring the Association between Job Attributes and Housing Rents: A Case Study of Guangzhou

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    The association between jobs and housing rents has garnered significant attention from scholars. However, the current body of literature only examines a limited number of job-related characteristics when investigating the link between jobs and housing rents, without delving into more comprehensive job attributes. This study utilizes job data sourced from the job search website Zhilian to conduct a comprehensive analysis of how housing rents are associated with job attributes (specifically, job position features, employer features, and distant job accessibility) at various spatial scales. The analysis is based on a sample of 3,850 communities in Guangzhou, China. This study reveals that housing rents are associated with job attributes at varying spatial scales, with the magnitude of impact generally diminishing as the spatial scale expands. When considering job attributes, it is found that employer features hold the highest level of significance, followed by job position features, while distant job accessibility is deemed to be of lesser importance. The aforementioned findings contribute novel insights into the association between specific job characteristics and housing rents. This information can prove valuable for policymakers as they strive to formulate affordable housing strategies that align with prevailing employment conditions