149 research outputs found

    Dynamic adaptation of service compositions with variability models

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    Web services run in complex contexts where arising events may compromise the quality of the whole system. Thus, it is desirable to count on autonomic mechanisms to guide the self-adaptation of service compositions according to changes in the computing infrastructure. One way to achieve this goal is by implementing variability constructs at the language level. However, this approach may become tedious, difficult to manage, and error-prone. In this paper, we propose a solution based on a semantically rich variability model to support the dynamic adaptation of service compositions. When a problematic event arises in the context, this model is leveraged for decision-making. The activation and deactivation of features in the variability model result in changes in a composition model that abstracts the underlying service composition. These changes are reflected into the service composition by adding or removing fragments of Business Process Execution Language (WS-BPEL) code, which can be deployed at runtime. In order to reach optimum adaptations, the variability model and its possible configurations are verified at design time using Constraint Programming. An evaluation demonstrates several benefits of our approach, both at design time and at runtime.This work has been developed with the support of MICINN under the project everyWare TIN2010-18011 and co-financed with ERDF.Alférez Salinas, GH.; Pelechano Ferragud, V.; Mazo, R.; Salinesi, C.; Díaz, D. (2014). Dynamic adaptation of service compositions with variability models. Journal of Systems and Software. 91:24-47. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jss.2013.06.034S24479

    Formal Design and Verification of Long-Running Transactions with Extensible Coordination Tools

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    Verification and Analysis of Web Service Composition

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    Quality of (Digital) Services in e-Government

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    Internet growth in the nineties supported government ambition to provide better services to citizens through the development of Information and Communication Technologies based solutions. Thanks to the Lisbon conference, which in 2000 covered and investigated this topic, e-government has been recognized as one of the major priorities in Public Administration innovation process. As a matter of\ud fact in the last 10 years the number of services provided to citizens through Information and Communication Technologies has increased rapidly. Nevertheless the increasing rate, the access and usage of digital services do not follow the same trend. Nowadays Public Administrations deliver many electronic services which\ud are seldom used by citizens. Different reasons contribute to the highlighted situation.\ud The main assumption of the thesis is that quality of e-government digital services strongly affects real access to services by citizens. According to the complexity of quality in e-government, one of the main challenges was to define a suitable quality model. To reach such aim, domain-dependent characteristics on the services delivery have been investigated. The defined model refers to citizen,\ud technology and service related quality characteristics. Correspondingly a suitable way to represent, assess, and continuously improve services quality according to\ud such domain requirements has been introduced.\ud Concerning the service related quality aspects a methodology and a tool permitting to formally and automatically assess the quality of a designed service with\ud respect to the quality model has been defined. Starting from an user friendly notation, both for service and quality requirements, the proposed methodology has\ud been implemented as an user friendly tool supported by a mapping from user friendly notations to formal language. The tool allows to verify formally via model checking, if the given service satisfies one by one the quality requirements addressed by the quality model.\ud Additionally in some case an unique view on e-government service quality is quite useful. A mathematical model provides a single value for quality starting from the assessment of all the requirements defined in the quality model. It relies on the following activities: homogeneity, interaction and grouping.\ud A set of experiments has been performed in order to validate the goodness of the work. Services already implemented in a local Public Administration has\ud been considered. Literature review and domain experts knowledge were the main drivers of this work. It proofs the goodness of the quality model, the application of formal techniques in the complex field of study such as e-government and the quality aggregation via the mathematical model.\ud This thesis introduces advance research in e-government by providing the contributions that quality oriented service delivery in Public Administration promotes services used by the citizens. Further applications of the proposed approaches could be investigated in the areas of practical benchmarking and Service Level Agreement specification


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    Analysis and Verification of Service Contracts

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    Capturing functional and non-functional connector

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    The CONNECT Integrated Project aims to develop a novel networking infrastructure that will support composition of networked systems with on-the-fly connector synthesis. The role of this work package is to investigate the foundations and verification methods for composable connectors. In this deliverable, we set the scene for the formulation of the modelling framework by surveying existing connector modelling formalisms. We covered not only classical connector algebra formalisms, but also, where appropriate, their corresponding quantitative extensions. All formalisms have been evaluated against a set of key dimensions of interest agreed upon in the CONNECT project. Based on these investigations, we concluded that none of the modelling formalisms available at present satisfy our eight dimensions. We will use the outcome of the survey to guide the formulation of a compositional modelling formalism tailored to the specific requirements of the CONNECT project. Furthermore, we considered the range of non-functional properties that are of interest to CONNECT, and reviewed existing specification formalisms for capturing them, together with the corresponding modelchecking algorithms and tool support. Consequently, we described the scientific advances concerning model-checking algorithms and tools, which are partial contribution towards future deliverables: an approach for online verification (part of D2.2), automated abstraction-refinement for probabilistic realtime systems (part of D2.2 and D2.4), and compositional probabilistic verification within PRISM, to serve as a foundation of future research on quantitative assume-guarantee compositional reasoning (part of D2.2 and D2.4)

    Service Quality Assessment for Cloud-based Distributed Data Services

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    The issue of less-than-100% reliability and trust-worthiness of third-party controlled cloud components (e.g., IaaS and SaaS components from different vendors) may lead to laxity in the QoS guarantees offered by a service-support system S to various applications. An example of S is a replicated data service to handle customer queries with fault-tolerance and performance goals. QoS laxity (i.e., SLA violations) may be inadvertent: say, due to the inability of system designers to model the impact of sub-system behaviors onto a deliverable QoS. Sometimes, QoS laxity may even be intentional: say, to reap revenue-oriented benefits by cheating on resource allocations and/or excessive statistical-sharing of system resources (e.g., VM cycles, number of servers). Our goal is to assess how well the internal mechanisms of S are geared to offer a required level of service to the applications. We use computational models of S to determine the optimal feasible resource schedules and verify how close is the actual system behavior to a model-computed \u27gold-standard\u27. Our QoS assessment methods allow comparing different service vendors (possibly with different business policies) in terms of canonical properties: such as elasticity, linearity, isolation, and fairness (analogical to a comparative rating of restaurants). Case studies of cloud-based distributed applications are described to illustrate our QoS assessment methods. Specific systems studied in the thesis are: i) replicated data services where the servers may be hosted on multiple data-centers for fault-tolerance and performance reasons; and ii) content delivery networks to geographically distributed clients where the content data caches may reside on different data-centers. The methods studied in the thesis are useful in various contexts of QoS management and self-configurations in large-scale cloud-based distributed systems that are inherently complex due to size, diversity, and environment dynamicity

    A Conceptual Framework for Adapation

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    This paper presents a white-box conceptual framework for adaptation that promotes a neat separation of the adaptation logic from the application logic through a clear identification of control data and their role in the adaptation logic. The framework provides an original perspective from which we survey archetypal approaches to (self-)adaptation ranging from programming languages and paradigms, to computational models, to engineering solutions