1,003 research outputs found

    Optimal design and control of electrified powertrains

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    Optimal design and control of electrified powertrains

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    Mississippi State University EcoCAR Extended Range Electric Vehicle Thermal System Design, Integration, Optimization, and Validation

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    A continued increase in government regulations for fuel economy and emissions has driven automakers and suppliers to take a large interest in hybridizing vehicles to help them achieve the new requirements. This increased vehicle electrification has resulted in unconventional vehicle cooling requirements. Electrified vehicle batteries and motors operate under different temperature regimes and cooling loads change drastically with driving styles and conditions. A variable-load cooling system was designed, implemented and tested on the Mississippi State University EcoCAR extended-range electric vehicle (E-REV). This system, utilizing variable flow pumps and variable speed fans, was shown to successfully cool the electronic components under the worst-case design conditions, while providing low energy consumption under normal conditions. When compared to a baseline system utilizing no variable duty cycle components, the variable cooling power system reduced energy consumption during testing both on-road at MSU’s facility and on-road at General Motors proving grounds in Michigan

    Development of a Thermal Management System for Electrified Aircraft

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    This paper describes the development and optimization of a conceptual thermal management system for electrified aircraft. Here, a vertical takeoff and landing (VTOL) vehicle is analyzed with the following electrically sourced heat loads considered: motors, generators, rectifiers, and inverters. The vehicle will employ liquid-cooling techniques in order to acquire, transport, and reject waste heat from the vehicle. The purpose of this paper is to threefold: 1) Present a potential modeling framework for system level thermal management system simulation, 2) Analyze typical system characteristics, and 3) Perform optimization on a system developed for a specific vehicle to minimize weight gain, power utilization, and drag. Additionally, the paper will study the design process, specifically investigating the differences between steady state and transient sizing, comparing simulation techniques with a lower fidelity option and quantifying expected error

    Impact of Predictive Battery Thermal Management for a 48V Hybrid Electric Vehicle

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    Overheating of battery packs in electrified vehicles is detrimental to their lifetime and performance. Unfortunately, designing a control strategy that ensures battery protection without jeopardizing fuel economy is not a straightforward task. In this paper, we investigate battery temperature-sensitive optimal energy management for a 48V mild-hybrid electric vehicle to prevent overheating with minimal fuel consumption increase. Indeed, this family of hybrid architectures is challenging due to the absence of an active cooling system.In particular, we modeled a p0 parallel-hybrid with a 48V battery pack and we employed dynamic programming to numerically investigate the fuel economy capability while tracking the battery pack temperature.First, we tuned a battery current-constrained powertrain control strategy in order to avoid battery overheating, which could be easily implemented on-board. Then, we implemented a predictive temperature-constrained strategy that exploits the a priori knowledge of driving conditions and temperature constraints to maximize fuel economy.Results show that both strategies are able to meet the battery temperature constraints, although the predictive temperature-constrained control strategy outperforms the current-constrained strategy in terms of fuel economy. This case study demonstrates the theoretical benefits of a predictive battery thermal management for 48V mild hybrids

    Overview of NASA Electrified Aircraft Propulsion Research for Large Subsonic Transports

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    NASA is investing in Electrified Aircraft Propulsion (EAP) research as part of the portfolio to improve the fuel efficiency, emissions, and noise levels in commercial transport aircraft. Turboelectric, partially turboelectric, and hybrid electric propulsion systems are the primary EAP configurations being evaluated for regional jet and larger aircraft. The goal is to show that one or more viable EAP concepts exist for narrow body aircraft and mature tall-pole technologies related to those concepts. A summary of the aircraft system studies, technology development, and facility development is provided. The leading concept for mid-term (2035) introduction of EAP for a single aisle aircraft is a tube and wing, partially turbo electric configuration (STARC-ABL), however other viable configurations exist. Investments are being made to raise the TRL level of light weight, high efficiency motors, generators, and electrical power distribution systems as well as to define the optimal turbine and boundary layer ingestion systems for a mid-term tube and wing configuration. An electric aircraft power system test facility (NEAT) is under construction at NASA Glenn and an electric aircraft control system test facility (HEIST) is under construction at NASA Armstrong. The correct building blocks are in place to have a viable, large plane EAP configuration tested by 2025 leading to entry into service in 2035 if the community chooses to pursue that goal

    Development of Integrated Models for Thermal Management in Hybrid Vehicles

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    [ES] En los últimos años, la industria de la automoción ha hecho un gran esfuerzo para producir sistemas de propulsión más eficientes y menos contaminantes sin menguar su rendimiento. Las nuevas regulaciones impuestas por las autoridades han empujado a la industria hacia la electrificación de los sistemas de propulsión mientras que las tecnologías desarrolladas para el sistema de propulsión convencional, basado en motores de combustión interna alternativos (MCIA), ya no son suficientes. El modelado numérico ha demostrado ser una herramienta indispensable para el diseño, desarrollo y optimización de sistemas de gestión térmica en trenes motrices electrificados, ahorrando costes y reduciendo el tiempo de desarrollo. La gestión térmica en los MCIA siempre ha sido importante para mejorar el consumo, las emisiones y la seguridad. Sin embargo, es todavía más importante en los sistemas de propulsión híbridos, a causa de la complejidad del sistema y al funcionamiento intermitente del MCIA. Además, los trenes motrices electrificados tienen varias fuentes de calor (es decir, MCIA, batería, máquina eléctrica) con diferentes requisitos de funcionamiento térmico. El objetivo principal de este trabajo ha sido desarrollar modelos térmicos para estudiar la mejora de los sistemas de gestión térmica en sistemas de propulsión electrificados (es decir, vehículo híbrido), estudiando y cuantificando la influencia de diferentes estrategias en el rendimiento, la seguridad y la eficiencia de los vehículos. La metodología desarrollada en este trabajo consistió tanto en la realización de experimentos como en el desarrollo de modelos numéricos. De hecho, se llevó a cabo una extensa campaña experimental para validar los diferentes modelos del tren motriz electrificado. Los datos obtenidos de las campañas experimentales sirvieron para calibrar y validar los modelos así como para corroborar los resultados obtenidos por los estudios numéricos. En primer lugar, se estudiaron las diferentes estrategias de gestión térmica de manera independiente para cada componente del tren motriz. Para el MCIA se estudió el uso de nanofluidos, el aislamiento del colector y puertos de escape, así como el cambio de volumen de sus circuitos hidráulicos. De igual forma, se evaluó el impacto de diferentes estrategias para la mejora térmica de las baterías. Además, el modelo de máquina eléctrica se utilizó para desarrollar pruebas experimentales que emulaban el daño térmico producido en ciclos reales de conducción. En segundo lugar, los modelos de tren motriz se integraron utilizando un estándar de co-simulación para evaluar el impacto de un sistema de gestión térmica integrado. Finalmente, se implementó un nuevo control del sistema de gestión de energía para evaluar el impacto de considerar el estado térmico del MCIA al momento de decidir la distribución de potencia del vehículo híbrido. Los resultados han demostrado que el uso de nanofluidos tiene un impacto muy limitado tanto en el MCIA como en el comportamiento térmico de la batería. Además, también mostraron que al reducir el volumen de refrigerante en un 45 %, la reducción en el tiempo de calentamiento del MCIA y el consumo de combustible en comparación con el caso baso fue del 7 % y del 0.4 %, respectivamente. Además, para condiciones de frio (7ºC), el impacto fue todavía mayor, obteniendo una reducción del tiempo de calentamiento y del consumo de combustible del 13 % y del 0.5 % respectivamente. Por otro lado, los resultados concluyeron que durante el calentamiento del MCIA, el sistema integrado de gestión térmica mejoró el consumo de energía en un 1.74 % y un 3 % para condiciones de calor (20ºC) y frío (-20ºC), respectivamente. Esto se debe al hecho que el sistema de gestión térmica integrado permite evitar la caída de temperatura del MCIA cuando el sistema de propulsión está en manera eléctrica pura.[CA] En els últims anys, la indústria de l'automoció ha fet un gran esforç per a produir sistemes de propulsió més eficients i menys contaminants sense minvar el seu rendiment. Les noves regulacions imposades per les autoritats han espentat a la indústria cap a l'electrificació dels sistemes de propulsió mentre que les tecnologies desenvolupades per al sistema de propulsió convencional, basat en motors de combustió interna alternatius (MCIA), ja no són suficients. El modelatge numèric ha demostrat ser una eina indispensable per al disseny, desenvolupament i optimització de sistemes de gestió tèrmica en trens motrius electrificats, estalviant costos i reduint el temps de desenvolupament. La gestió tèrmica en els MCIA sempre ha sigut important per a millorar el consum, les emissions i la seguretat. No obstant això, és encara més important en els sistemes de propulsió híbrids, a causa de la complexitat del sistema i al funcionament intermitent del MCIA. A més, els trens motrius electrificats tenen diverses fonts de calor (és a dir, MCIA, bateria, màquina elèctrica) amb diferents requisits de funcionament tèrmic. L'objectiu principal d'aquest treball va ser desenvolupar models tèrmics per a estudiar la millora dels sistemes de gestió tèrmica en sistemes de propulsió electrificats (és a dir, vehicle híbrid), estudiant i quantificant la influència de diferents estratègies en el rendiment, la seguretat i l'eficiència dels vehicles. La metodologia desenvolupada en aquest treball va consistir tant en la realització d'experiments com en el desenvolupament de models numèrics. De fet, es va dur a terme una extensa campanya experimental per a validar els diferents models del tren motriu electrificat. Les dades obtingudes de les campanyes experimentals van servir per a calibrar i validar els models així com per a corroborar els resultats obtinguts pels estudis numèrics. En primer lloc, es van estudiar les diferents estratègies de gestió tèrmica de manera independent per a cada component del tren motriu. Per al MCIA es va estudiar l'us de nanofluids, l'aïllament del col·lector i ports d'eixida així com el canvi de volum dels seus circuits hidràulics. D'igual forma, es va avaluar l'impacte de diferents estratègies per a la millora tèrmica de les bateries. A més, el model de màquina elèctrica es va utilitzar per a desenvolupar proves experimentals que emulaven el mal tèrmic produït en cicles reals de conducció. En segon lloc, els models de tren motriu es van integrar utilitzant un estàndard de co-simulació per a avaluar l'impacte d'un sistema de gestió tèrmica integrat. Finalment, es va implementar un nou control del sistema de gestió d'energia per a avaluar l'impacte de considerar l'estat tèrmic del MCIA al moment de decidir la distribució de potència del vehicle híbrid. Els resultats han demostrat que l'us de nanofluids té un impacte molt limitat tant en el MCIA com en el comportament tèrmic de la bateria. A més, també van mostrar que en reduir el volum de refrigerant en un 45 %, la reducció en el temps de calfament del MCIA i el consum de combustible en comparació amb el cas base va ser del 7 % i del 0.4 %, respectivament. A més, per a condicions de fred (-7ºC), l'impacte va ser encara major, obtenint una reducció del temps de calfament i del consum de combustible del 13 % i del 0.5 % respectivament. D'altra banda, els resultats van concloure que durant el calfament del MCIA, el sistema integrat de gestió tèrmica va millorar el consum d'energia en un 1.74 % i un 3 % per a condicions de calor (20ºC) i fred (-20ºC), respectivament. Això es deu al fet que el sistema de gestió tèrmica integrat permet evitar la caiguda de temperatura del MCIA quan el sistema de propulsió està en manera elèctrica pura.[EN] In recent years, the automotive industry has made a great effort to produce more efficient and less polluting propulsion systems without diminishing their performance. The new regulations imposed by the authorities have pushed the industry towards the electrification of powertrains while, technologies developed for the conventional propulsion system based on alternative internal combustion engines (ICEs), are no longer sufficient. Numerical modeling has proven to be an indispensable tool for the design, development and optimization of thermal management systems in electrified powertrains, saving costs and reducing development time. Thermal management in ICEs has always been important for improving consumption, emissions and safety. However, it is even more important in hybrid powertrains, due to the complexity of the system and the intermittent operation of the ICE. In addition, electrified powertrains have various heat sources (i.e., ICE, battery, Electric machine) with different thermal operating requirements. The main objective of this work was to develop thermal models to study the improvement of thermal management systems in electrified powertrains (i.e., hybrid electric vehicle), shedding light and quantifying the influence of different strategies on performance, safety and efficiency of the vehicles. The methodology developed in this paper consisted both in carrying out experiments and in developing numerical models. In fact, an extensive experimental campaign was carried out to validate the various models of the electrified powertrain. The data obtained from the experimental campaigns served to calibrate and validate the models as well as to corroborate the results obtained by the numerical studies. Firstly, the different thermal management strategies were studied independently for each component of the powertrain. For the ICE, the use of nanofluids, insulation of exhaust manifold and ports as well as the volume change of its hydraulic circuits were studied. Similarly, the impact of different strategies for the thermal improvement of batteries was evaluated. Furthermore, the electric machine model was used for developing experimental tests which emulated the thermal damage produced in real driving cycles. Secondly, the powertrain models were integrated using a co-simulation standard to assess the impact of an integrated thermal management system. Finally, a new control energy management system was implemented to assess the impact of considering the ICE thermal state when deciding the power split of the hybrid vehicle. The results have shown that the use of nanofluids has a very limited impact on both the ICE and the battery's thermal behaviour. In addition, they also showed that by reducing the volume of coolant by 45 %, the reduction in ICE warm up time and fuel consumption compared to the base case were 7 % and 0.4 %, respectively. In addition, for cold conditions (-7ºC), the impact was even greater, obtaining a reduction in warm up time and fuel consumption of 13 % and 0.5 % respectively. On the other hand, the results concluded that during the warming of ICE, the integrated thermal management system improved energy consumption by 1.74 % and 3 % for warm (20ºC) and cold (-20ºC) conditions, respectively. This is because the integrated TMS makes it possible to prevent the ICE temperature drop when the powertrain is in pure electric mode. Finally, significant gains during Worldwide harmonized Light vehicles Test Cycles (WLTC) and Real Driving Emissions (RDE) cycles were observed when the ICE thermal state was chosen when deciding the power distribution.The author would like to sincerely acknowledge the founding support pro- vided by Conselleria de Innovación, Universidades, Ciencia y Sociedad Digital in the framework of the Ayuda Predoctoral GVA. (ACIF/2020/234). Additionally the author would also acknowledge the support provided by Renault S.A.S.Dreif Bennany, A. (2023). Development of Integrated Models for Thermal Management in Hybrid Vehicles [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/19406
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