52 research outputs found

    Overview of Technical Challenges, Available Technologies and Ongoing Developments of AC/DC Microgrids

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    Gradual depletion of fossil fuel resources, poor energy efficiency of conventional power plants, and environmental pollution have led to a new grid architecture known as smart microgrid. The smart microgrid concept provides a promising solution that enables high penetration of distributed generation from renewable energy sources without requiring to redesign the distribution system, which results in stable operation during faults and disturbances. However, distributed generators/loads and interaction between all nodes within a microgrid will substantially increase the complexity of the power system operation, control, and communications. Many innovative techniques and technologies have been proposed to address the complexity and challenges of microgrids including power quality, power flow balancing, real‐time power management, voltage and frequency control, load sharing during islanding, protection, stability, reliability, efficiency, and economical operation. All key issues of the microgrids, different solutions, and available methods and technologies to address such issues are reviewed in this chapter. Pros and cons of each method are discussed. Furthermore, an extensive comprehensive review for researchers and scholars working on microgrid applications is provided in this chapter to help them identify the areas that need improvements and innovative solutions for increasing the efficiency of modern power distribution grid

    Optimal energy management and control of microgrids in modern electrical power systems

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    Microgrids (MGs) are becoming more popular in modern electric power systems owing to their reliability, efficiency, and simplicity. The proportional-integral (PI) based droop control mechanism has been widely used in the MG control domain as the setpoint generator for the primary controller which has several drawbacks. In order to mitigate these issues, and to enhance the transient and steady-state operations in islanded MGs, advanced control and intelligent optimization methodologies are presented in this dissertation. First, to improve the existing PI-based droop relationship in DCMGs, a multi-objective optimization (MOO) based optimal droop coefficient computation method is proposed. Considering the system voltage regulation, system total loss minimization, and enhanced current sharing among the distributed generators (DGs), the Pareto optimal front is obtained using the Elitist non dominated sorting genetic algorithm (NSGA II). Then, a fuzzy membership function approach is introduced to extract the best compromise solution from the Pareto optimal front. The drawbacks of PI-based droop control cannot be entirely mitigated by tuning the droop gains. Hence, a droop free, approximate optimal feedback control strategy is proposed to optimally control DGs in islanded DCMGs. Further, to gain the fully optimal behavior, and to mitigate constant power load (CPL) instabilities, a decentralized optimal feedback control strategy is also introduced for the active loads (ALs) in the MG. In both algorithms, the approximate dynamic programming (ADP) method is employed to solve the constrained input infinite horizon optimal control problem by successive approximation of the value function via a linear in the parameter (LIP) neural network (NN). The NN weights are updated online by a concurrent reinforcement learning (RL) based tuning algorithm, and the convergence of the unknown weights to a neighborhood of the optimal weights is guaranteed without the persistence of excitation (PE). Finally, a local optimal control strategy is presented to path optimization of islanded ACMGs to enhance the transient operations while mitigating the voltage and frequency deviations caused by the traditional droop control. Optimal state and control transient trajectories in the d-q reference frame are obtained by Pontryagin's minimum principle which drives each DG from a given initial condition to their steady-state manifold. Both simulation and experimental results are presented to validate the concepts

    Decentralized Optimal Control With Application In Power System

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    An output-feedback decentralized optimal controller is proposed for power systems with renewable energy penetration. Renewable energy source is modeled similar to the classical generator model and is equipped with the unified power flow controller (UPFC). The transient performance of power system is considered and stability of the dynamical states are investigated. An offline decentralized optimal controller is designed that utilizes only the local states. The network comprises conventional synchronous generators as well as renewable sources with inverter equipped with UPFC. Subsequently, the optimal decentralized controller is compared to the initial stabilizing controller used to obtain the optimal controller. An online decentralized optimal controller is designed for discrete-time system. Two neuro networks are utilized to estimate value function and optimal control strategy. Furthermore, a novel observer-based decentralized optimal controller is developed on small scale discrete-time power system. The system is trained followed by least square rules and successive approximation. Simulation results on IEEE 14-, 30-, and 118-bus power system benchmarks shows satisfactory performance of the online decentralized controller. And also, simulation results demonstrate great performance of the observer and the optimal controller compare to the centralized optimal controller

    Modelo y desarrollo de un sistema de gestión óptima para una microrred empleando algoritmos bio-inspirados

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    Tesis por compendio[ES] Las fuentes de energía renovable (ER) permiten una alta disgregación, por lo que hacen posible generar la energía que se utilizará en el mismo sitio de su aprovechamiento. Esto favorece un cambio en la estructura de las redes eléctricas, permitiendo pasar de un esquema de generación centralizado a un esquema distribuido. Sin embargo, las fuentes de ER son altamente dependientes de las condiciones medioambientales como la radiación solar, la nubosidad, el viento, entre otros, por lo que lograr un sistema de generación basado en energías renovables es un reto en la actualidad. Los sistemas de generación que integran fuentes renovables tienen que ser capaces de establecer estrategias de control y gestión de la energía que para hacer un uso eficiente de ella e intentar cubrir la demanda de energía de forma óptima al combinar más de un tipo de fuente y sistema de almacenamiento, siendo posible operar de manera aislada o conectada a la red eléctrica. En la actualidad es de interés el estudio, desarrollo e implementación de sistemas gestores de la energía (SGE) para microrredes eléctricas híbridas, que permitan aumentar su eficiencia, fiabilidad, y disminuir los costes de instalación, operación y mantenimiento. Diversos estudios de investigación han probado múltiples estrategias, desde SGE basados en reglas, algoritmos comparativos, controladores clásicos, y en años recientes, la integración de algoritmos de optimización bio-inspirados e inteligencia artificial. Estos algoritmos han mostrado ser una alternativa interesante a las técnicas clásicas para la solución de problemas de optimización y control en diversos problemas de ingeniería, su aplicación en el ámbito de las microrredes sigue en estudio y en ello se basa este trabajo de investigación. Los algoritmos bio-inspirados se fundamentan en imitar matemáticamente los mecanismos y estrategias que la naturaleza ha implementado a lo largo de millones de años para lograr un equilibrio en su funcionamiento, por ejemplo, imitando el cómo las aves vuelan en parvada buscando alimento, o como las hormigas y los lobos siguen patrones para la búsqueda de su alimento, o como las especies llevan a cabo mecanismos de cruce con el objetivo de mejorar su raza haciéndolas una especie optimizada y mejorando su supervivencia. Por tanto, se puede hacer una analogía con los sistemas artificiales para la mejora de controladores y diseño de sistemas en microrredes eléctricas. En este trabajo de investigación se muestra el modelo y desarrollo de un sistema de gestión óptima para una microrred empleando algoritmos bio-inspirados con el objetivo de mejorar su desempeño, partiendo desde el control primario, con la mejora de los convertidores de potencia, hasta el control terciario con las transacciones energéticas de la microrred. Se exploran diversos algoritmos, evaluando su desempeño. Los resultados para las diferentes etapas de esta investigación se encuentran plasmados en cuatro diferentes publicaciones científicas que se detallan en el Capítulo 2 del presente documento, donde se explica la metodología y los principales resultados y hallazgos para cada una de ellas.[CA] Les fonts d'energia renovables (ER) permeten una alta desagregació, pel que fan possible generar l'energia que s'utilitzarà en el mateix lloc del seu aprofitament. Això afavoreix un canvi en l'estructura de les xarxes elèctriques, permetent passar d'un esquema de generació centralitzat a un esquema distribuït. No obstant, les fonts d'ER són altament dependents de les condicions mediambientals com la radiació solar, la nuvolositat, el vent, entre altres; pel que aconseguir un sistema de generació basat en energies renovables és un repte. Els sistemes de generació que integren energies renovables han de ser capaços de: establir estratègies de control i gestió de l'energia que es genera per fer un ús eficient d'ella i intentar cobrir la demanda d'energia de la millor manera possible al combinar més d'un tipus de font d'energia, i sistemes d'emmagatzemament. Aquest esquema es coneix com a microxarxa elèctrica, la qual és capaç d'operar de manera aïllada de la xarxa elèctrica principal, o de manera interconnectada. Actualment s'està interessant en l'estudi, desenvolupament i implementació de sistemes gestors de l'energia (SGE) per a microxarxes elèctriques híbrides, que permeten augmentar la seua eficiència, fiabilitat i reduir els costos de la seua instal·lació i d'operació i manteniment. S'han provat múltiples estratègies, des de SGE basats en regles, algorismes comparatius, controladors clàssics i, en anys recents, la integració d'algorismes d'optimització bio-inspirats i intel·ligència artificial. Aquests algorismes han demostrat ser una alternativa interessant a les tècniques clàssiques per a la solució de problemes d'optimització i control en diversos problemes d'enginyeria, la seua aplicació en l'àmbit de les microxarxes continua en estudi. Els algorismes bio-inspirats es basen en imitar matemàticament els mecanismes i estratègies que la Natura ha implementat al llarg de milions d'anys per aconseguir equilibri en el seu funcionament, per exemple, imitant com les aus volen en ramat buscant menjar, o com les formigues i els llops segueixen patrons per a la recerca del seu menjar, o com les espècies porten a terme mecanismes de creuament amb mira a millorar la seua raça fent-les una espècie més apta per a la supervivència;, el qual es pot fer una analogia a sistemes artificials per a la millora de controladors i disseny de sistemes en microxarxes elèctriques. En aquest treball de recerca es mostra el model i desenvolupament d'un sistema de gestió òptima per a una microxarxa emprant algorismes bio-inspirats amb l'objectiu de millorar el seu rendiment, partint des del control primari, amb la millora dels convertidors de potència, fins al control terciari amb les transaccions energètiques de la microxarxa. S'exploren diversos algorismes, avaluant el seu rendiment. Els resultats per a les diferents etapes d'aquesta recerca es troben plasmats en quatre diferents publicacions científiques que es detallen al Capítol 2 del present document, on s'explica la metodologia i els principals resultats i troballes per a cada una d'elles.[EN] Renewable energy sources (RES) allow for high disaggregation, making it possible to generate energy at the site of its use. This favors a change in the structure of electrical grids, allowing for a transition from a centralized generation scheme to a distributed scheme. However, RES are highly dependent on environmental conditions such as solar radiation, cloudiness, wind, among others, making the creation of a renewable energy generation system a challenge. Generation systems that integrate renewable energies must be able to establish control and energy management strategies to make efficient use of the energy generated and try to meet the energy demand in the best possible way by combining more than one type of energy source and storage systems. This scheme is known as a microgrid, which is capable of operating independently from the main electrical grid or interconnecting with it. Currently, the study, development, and implementation of energy management systems (EMS) for hybrid microgrids are of interest in order to increase their efficiency, reliability, and reduce installation, operation, and maintenance costs. Multiple strategies have been tested, including rule-based EMS, comparative algorithms, classical controllers, and in recent years, the integration of bio-inspired optimization algorithms and artificial intelligence. These algorithms have shown to be an interesting alternative to classical techniques for solving optimization and control problems in various engineering problems, although their application in the field of microgrids is still under study. Bio-inspired algorithms are based on mathematically imitating the mechanisms and strategies that Nature has implemented over millions of years to achieve balance in its operation, for example, by imitating how birds fly in flocks in search of food, or how ants and wolves follow patterns to search for food, or how species carry out crossing mechanisms in order to improve their breed and make them more suitable for survival; in other words, they are based on how Nature optimizes its resources to prosper. Therefore, an analogy can be made with artificial systems for improving controllers and designing systems in microgrids. In this research work, the model and development of an optimal management system for a microgrid using bio-inspired algorithms is presented with the aim of improving its performance, starting from primary control, with the improvement of power converters, to tertiary control with the energy transactions of the microgrid. Various algorithms are explored, evaluating their performance. The results for the different stages of this research are reflected in four different scientific publications that are detailed in Chapter 2 of this document, where the methodology and main results and findings for each of them are explained.The authors wish to acknowledge the National Council of Science and Technology of Mexico (CONACYT) for funding this work through the Ph.D. scholarship number 486670. The authors would also thank the Institute of Energy Engineering of the Polytechnic University of Valencia, Spain, and the Department of Water and Energy Studies of the University of Guadalajara, Mexico, for all their support and collaboration. This study has also been supported by Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations through the project “Design of a Hybrid Renewable Microgrid System”.Águila León, J. (2023). Modelo y desarrollo de un sistema de gestión óptima para una microrred empleando algoritmos bio-inspirados [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/196747Compendi

    Power Flow Control In Hybrid Ac/Dc Microgrids

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    Microgrid structures allow for more efficient utilization of renewable resources as well as autonomous operation. Ideally, a centralized controller would be available to allow for an optimizer to take all components into account so that they may collaboratively work towards a shared goal. To this end, a centralized optimization method was developed called the squared slack interior point method. The novelty of this method is that it incorporates the fraction to bound rule to alleviate the known ill-conditioning introduced by utilizing squared slack variables to handle inequality constraints. In addition, this method also allows for inequality constraint violations to be quantified in the same manner that equality constraints are quantified. The proposed method is found to quickly and accurately calculate the optimal power flow and reject solutions that violate the inequality constraints beyond some specified tolerance. Where centralized information is not available, a decentralized method is required. In this method, constrained game theoretical optimization is utilized. However, due to unknown information about remote loads, inconsistent solution among players result in overloaded generators. To alleviate this issue, two perturbation methods are introduced. The first is overload feedback and the second is the perturb and observe squeeze method. In both methods, the goal is to adjust voltage angles and magnitudes to locally manage generator output. Both methods are found to rapidly drive overloaded sources back within their desired tolerances. Moreover, the game theoretical approach is found to have poor performance in the absence of shared load information among players. It is determined that the localized optimizers should be removed to reduce cost and that the operating condition should be perturb starting from the most recently available power flow calculation or starting from the nominal value. Also, to manage voltage stability in the absence of communication, a Hamiltonian approach is implemented for the voltage source rectifier. This approach resulted in a highly stable voltage and a fast response to large step changes. The method was able to maintain the reference dc output at unity power factor while not requiring any information about loading or interconnection

    Advanced Modeling, Design, and Control of ac-dc Microgrids

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    An interconnected dc grid that comprises resistive and constant-power loads (CPLs) that is fed by Photovoltaic (PV) units is studied first. All the sources and CPLs are connected to the grid via dc-dc buck converters. Nonlinear behavior of PV units in addition to the effect of the negative-resistance CPLs can destabilize the dc grid. A decentralized nonlinear model and control are proposed where an adaptive output-feedback controller is employed to stabilize the dc grid with assured stability through Lyapunov stability method while each converter employs only local measurements. Adaptive Neural Networks (NNs) are utilized to overcome the unknown dynamics of the dc-dc converters at Distributed Energy Resources (DERs) and CPLs and those of the interconnected network imposed on the converters. Additionally, the use of the output feedback control makes possible the utilization of other measured signals, in case of loss of main signal, at the converter location and creates measurement redundancy that improves reliability of the dc network. The switching between measurement signals of different types are performed through using the NNs without the need to further tuning. Then, in a small-scale ac grid, PV-based Distributed Generation (DG) units, including dc/dc converters and inverters, are controlled such that mimic a synchronous generator behavior. While other control schemes such as Synchronverters are used to control the inverter frequency and power at a fixed dc link voltage, the proposed approach considers both the dc-link voltage and the inverter ac voltage and frequency regulation. The dc-link capacitor stores kinetic energy similar to the rotor of a synchronous generator, providing inertia and contributes to the system stability. Additionally, a reduced Unified Power Flow Controller (UPFC) structure is proposed to enhance transient stability of small-scale micro grids. The reduced UPFC model exploits dc link of the DG unit to generate appropriate series voltage and inject it to the power line to enhance transient stability. It employs optimal control to ensure that the stability of the system is realized through minimum cost for the system. A neural network is used to approximate the cost function based on the weighted residual method

    A Comprehensive Method For Coordinating Distributed Energy Resources In A Power Distribution System

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    Utilities, faced with increasingly limited resources, strive to maintain high levels of reliability in energy delivery by adopting improved methodologies in planning, operation, construction and maintenance. On the other hand, driven by steady research and development and increase in sales volume, the cost of deploying PV systems has been in constant decline since their first introduction to the market. The increased level of penetration of distributed energy resources in power distribution infrastructure presents various benefits such as loss reduction, resilience against cascading failures and access to more diversified resources. However, serious challenges and risks must be addressed to ensure continuity and reliability of service. By integrating necessary communication and control infrastructure into the distribution system, to develop a practically coordinated system of distributed resources, controllable load/generation centers will be developed which provide substantial flexibility for the operation of the distribution system. On the other hand, such a complex distributed system is prone to instability and black outs due to lack of a major infinite supply and other unpredicted variations in load and generation, which must be addressed. To devise a comprehensive method for coordination between Distributed Energy Resources in order to achieve a collective goal, is the key point to provide a fully functional and reliable power distribution system incorporating distributed energy resources. A road map to develop such comprehensive coordination system is explained and supporting scenarios and their associated simulation results are then elaborated. The proposed road map describes necessary steps to build a comprehensive solution for coordination between multiple agents in a microgrid or distribution feeder.\u2

    Microgrids: Planning, Protection and Control

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    This Special Issue will include papers related to the planning, protection, and control of smart grids and microgrids, and their applications in the industry, transportation, water, waste, and urban and residential infrastructures. Authors are encouraged to present their latest research; reviews on topics including methods, approaches, systems, and technology; and interfaces to other domains such as big data, cybersecurity, human–machine, sustainability, and smart cities. The planning side of microgrids might include technology selection, scheduling, interconnected microgrids, and their integration with regional energy infrastructures. The protection side of microgrids might include topics related to protection strategies, risk management, protection technologies, abnormal scenario assessments, equipment and system protection layers, fault diagnosis, validation and verification, and intelligent safety systems. The control side of smart grids and microgrids might include control strategies, intelligent control algorithms and systems, control architectures, technologies, embedded systems, monitoring, and deployment and implementation

    CPS Attacks Mitigation Approaches on Power Electronic Systems with Security Challenges for Smart Grid Applications: A Review

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    This paper presents an inclusive review of the cyber-physical (CP) attacks, vulnerabilities, mitigation approaches on the power electronics and the security challenges for the smart grid applications. With the rapid evolution of the physical systems in the power electronics applications for interfacing renewable energy sources that incorporate with cyber frameworks, the cyber threats have a critical impact on the smart grid performance. Due to the existence of electronic devices in the smart grid applications, which are interconnected through communication networks, these networks may be subjected to severe cyber-attacks by hackers. If this occurs, the digital controllers can be physically isolated from the control loop. Therefore, the cyber-physical systems (CPSs) in the power electronic systems employed in the smart grid need special treatment and security. In this paper, an overview of the power electronics systems security on the networked smart grid from the CP perception, as well as then emphases on prominent CP attack patterns with substantial influence on the power electronics components operation along with analogous defense solutions. Furthermore, appraisal of the CPS threats attacks mitigation approaches, and encounters along the smart grid applications are discussed. Finally, the paper concludes with upcoming trends and challenges in CP security in the smart grid applications