8 research outputs found

    Qualitative Evaluation of Latency and Packet Loss in a Cloud-based Games

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    On-demand multimedia services are more popularthan ever and continue to grow. Consumers can now streammusic, movies, television, and video games at the push of abutton. Such services typically require a minimum connectionspeed to support streaming. However, transient network effectssuch as packet loss and delay variation can play a crucial role indetermining the user quality of experience (QoE) in streamingmultimedia systems. This paper will seek to establish thesubjective impact of negative network effects on the userexperience of a popular cloud-based on-demand video gameservice

    Virtual transcendence experiences: Exploring technical and design challenges in multi-sensory environments

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    In this paper 1, we introduce the concept of Virtual Transcendence Experience (VTE) as a response to the interactions of several users sharing several immersive experiences through different media channels. For that, we review the current body of knowledge that has led to the development of a VTE system. This is followed by a discussion of current technical and design challenges that could support the implementation of this concept. This discussion has informed the VTE framework (VTEf), which integrates different layers of experiences, including the role of each user and the technical challenges involved. We conclude this paper with suggestions for two scenarios and recommendations for the implementation of a system that could support VTEs

    Network Traffic Adaptation For Cloud Games

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    With the arrival of cloud technology, game accessibility and ubiquity have a bright future; Games can be hosted in a centralize server and accessed through the Internet by a thin client on a wide variety of devices with modest capabilities: cloud gaming. However, current cloud gaming systems have very strong requirements in terms of network resources, thus reducing the accessibility and ubiquity of cloud games, because devices with little bandwidth and people located in area with limited and unstable network connectivity, cannot take advantage of these cloud services. In this paper we present an adaptation technique inspired by the level of detail (LoD) approach in 3D graphics. It delivers multiple platform accessibility and network adaptability, while improving user's quality of experience (QoE) by reducing the impact of poor and unstable network parameters (delay, packet loss, jitter) on game interactivity. We validate our approach using a prototype game in a controlled environment and characterize the user QoE in a pilot experiment. The results show that the proposed framework provides a significant QoE enhancement

    Use of Cloud Gaming in Education

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    The use of digital games in education has been the subject of research for many years and their usefulness has been confirmed by many studies and research projects. Standardized tests, such as PISA test, show that respondents achieved better reading, math and physics results if they used the computer more for gaming-related activities. It has been proven that the application of video games in education increases student motivation, improves several types of key skills—social and intellectual skills, reflexes and concentration. Nevertheless, there are several challenges associated with the application of video games in schools and they can be categorized as technical (network and end device limitations), competency (teachers’ knowledge in the area), qualitative (lack of educational games of high quality), and financial (high cost of purchasing games and equipment). The novel architecture for delivery of gaming content commonly referred to as “cloud gaming” has the potential to solve most of the present challenges of using games in education. A well-designed cloud gaming platform would enable seamless and simple usage for both students and teachers. While solving most of the present problems, cloud gaming introduces a set of new research challenges which will be discussed in this section

    Network Latency in Teleoperation of Connected and Autonomous Vehicles:A Review of Trends, Challenges, and Mitigation Strategies

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    With remarkable advancements in the development of connected and autonomous vehicles (CAVs), the integration of teleoperation has become crucial for improving safety and operational efficiency. However, teleoperation faces substantial challenges, with network latency being a critical factor influencing its performance. This survey paper explores the impact of network latency along with state-of-the-art mitigation/compensation approaches. It examines cascading effects on teleoperation communication links (i.e., uplink and downlink) and how delays in data transmission affect the real-time perception and decision-making of operators. By elucidating the challenges and available mitigation strategies, the paper offers valuable insights for researchers, engineers, and practitioners working towards the seamless integration of teleoperation in the evolving landscape of CAVs

    Modeling and Characterizing User Experience in a Cloud Server Based Mobile Gaming Approach

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    Abstract—With the evolution of mobile devices and networks, and the growing trend of mobile Internet access, rich, multi-player gaming using mobile devices, similar to PC-based Internet games, has tremendous potential and interest. However, the current client-server architecture for PC-based Internet games, where most of the storage and computational burden of the game lies with the client device, does not work with mobile devices, constraining mobile gaming to either downloadable, single player games, or very light non-interactive versions of the rich multi-player Internet games. In this paper, we study a cloud server based approach, termed Cloud Mobile Gaming (CMG), where the burden of executing the gaming engines is put on cloud servers, and the mobile devices just communicate the users ’ gaming commands to the servers. We analyze the factors affecting the quality of user experience using the CMG approach, including the game genres, video encoding factors, and the conditions of the wireless network. Based on the above analysis, we develop a model for Mobile Gaming User Experience (MGUE), and develop a prototype for real-time measurement of MGUE that can be used in real networks. We validate MGUE model using controlled subjective testing, and then use it to characterize user experience achievable using the CMG approach in wireless networks. I

    Modeling and Characterizing User Experience in a Cloud Server Based Mobile Gaming Approach

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    Abstract—With the evolution of mobile devices and networks, and the growing trend of mobile Internet access, rich, multi-player gaming using mobile devices, similar to PC-based Internet games, has tremendous potential and interest. However, the current client-server architecture for PC-based Internet games, where most of the storage and computational burden of the game lies with the client device, does not work with mobile devices, constraining mobile gaming to either downloadable, single player games, or very light non-interactive versions of the rich multi-player Internet games. In this paper, we study a cloud server based approach, termed Cloud Mobile Gaming (CMG), where the burden of executing the gaming engines is put on cloud servers, and the mobile devices just communicate the users ’ gaming commands to the servers. We analyze the factors affecting the quality of user experience using the CMG approach, including the game genres, video encoding factors, and the conditions of the wireless network. Based on the above analysis, we develop a model for Mobile Gaming User Experience (MGUE), and develop a prototype for real-time measurement of MGUE that can be used in real networks. We validate MGUE model using controlled subjective testing, and then use it to characterize user experience achievable using the CMG approach in wireless networks. I

    Mobile User Experience : Entwicklung eines Messinstruments zur Evaluierung der Nutzererfahrung in mobilen Kaufsituationen ĂĽber das Smartphone

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    Der Bereich Mobile Commerce gewinnt für den Handel immer mehr an Bedeutung. Allerdings stellt die kundenorientierte Anpassung von Onlineangeboten an mobile Endgeräte eine Reihe von Herausforderungen an die Anbieter von Webinhalten dar. Umso wichtiger ist daher die Möglichkeit, ein umfassendes, schnell auswertbares und zugleich nützliches Feedback der Nutzer hinsichtlich der Umsetzung eines mobilen Onlineshops erhalten zu können. Da ein insgesamt positives Nutzererlebnis, auch User Experience genannt, für den Erfolg von Onlineangeboten von maßgebender Bedeutung ist, steht die Entwicklung eines standardisierten Messinstruments der Mobile User Experience im Fokus der Arbeit. Ausgehend von unterschiedlichen theoretischen Ansätzen zur Beschreibung von User Experience und unter Einbeziehung der technischen Grundvoraussetzungen der mobilen Smartphone-Nutzung wurde zunächst ein mehrdimensionales Modell der Mobile User Experience entwickelt. Dieses basiert auf einem integrativen Ansatz, der Aspekte der holistischen und reduktiven User Experience Forschung berücksichtigt. Zudem ist es prozessorientiert ausgerichtet und stellt den Aspekt der Nutzer-Produkt-Interaktion in den Mittelpunkt. Das Modell liefert die theoretische Grundlage für einen daraus abgeleiteten prototypischen Fragebogen zur Evaluierung der Mobile User Experience. Mittels einer Analyse und Kategorisierung geprüfter Messinstrumente der klassischen User Experience-, Usability- und Emotionsforschung wurden relevante Subskalen im Sinne des Modells extrahiert und zu einem Messinstrument der Mobile User Experience zusammengefasst. Eine expertenbasierte Relevanzbewertung sowie die Überprüfung der entscheidenden Gütekriterien schließen die Arbeit ab und geben zugleich Anregungen für zukünftige Forschungsansätze und eine mögliche Optimierung des Messinstruments