285,516 research outputs found

    The Effect of Modeling Simultaneous Events on Simulation Results

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    This thesis explores the method that governs the prioritizing process for simultaneous events in relation to simulation results for discrete-event simulations. Specifically, it contrasts typical discrete-event simulation (DES) execution algorithms with how events are selected and ordered by the discrete-event system specification (DEVS) formalism. The motivation for this research stems from a desire to understand how the selection of events affects simulation output (i.e., response). As a particular use case, we briefly investigate the processing of simultaneous events by the Advanced Framework for Simulation, Integration and Modeling (AFSIM), a military discrete-event combat modeling and simulation package. To facilitate the building of classic DEVS-based models, the python software package PythonPDEVS is used. Initial results indicate that the explicit modeling of how simultaneous events are selected as promoted by the DEVS formalism plays a significant role on simulation results

    Modeling and simulation of the two-tank system within a hybrid framework

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    Most real-world dynamical systems are often involving continuous behaviors and discrete events, in this case, they are called hybrid dynamical systems (HDSs). To properly model this kind of systems, it is necessary to consider both the continuous and the discrete aspects of its dynamics. In this paper, a modeling framework based on the hybrid automata (HA) approach is proposed. This hybrid modeling framework allows combining the multi-state models of the system, described by nonlinear differential equations, with the system’s discrete dynamics described by finite state machines. To attest to the efficiency of the proposed modeling framework, its application to a two-tank hybrid system (TTHS) is presented. The TTHS studied is a typical benchmark for HDSs with four operating modes. The MATLAB Simulink and Stateflow tools are used to implement and simulate the hybrid model of the TTHS. Different simulations results demonstrate the efficiency of the proposed modeling framework, which allows us to appropriately have a complete model of an HDS

    Parallel and pseudorandom discrete event system specification vs. networks of spiking neurons: Formalization and preliminary implementation results

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    International audienceUsual Parallel Discrete Event System Specification (P-DEVS) allows specifying systems from modeling to simulation. However, the framework does not incorporate parallel and stochastic simulations. This work intends to extend P-DEVS to parallel simulations and pseudorandom number generators in the context of a spiking neural network. The discrete event specification presented here makes explicit and centralized the parallel computation of events as well as their routing, making further implementations more easy. It is then expected to dispose of a well defined mathematical and computational framework to deal with networks of spiking neurons

    A Python-based Mixed Discrete-Continuous Simulation Framework for Digital Twins

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    The use of Digital Twins is set to transform the manufacturing sector by aiding monitoring and real-time decision making. For several applications in this sector, the system to be modeled consists of a mix of discrete-event and continuous processes interacting with each other. Building simulation-based Digital Twins of such systems necessitates an open, flexible simulation framework which can support easy modeling and fast simulation of both continuous and discrete-event components, and their interactions. In this paper, we present an outline and key design aspects of a Python-based framework for performing mixed discrete-continuous simulations. The continuous processes in the system are assumed to be loosely coupled to other components via pre-defined events. For example, a continuous state variable crossing a threshold may trigger an external event. Similarly, external events may lead to a sudden change in the trajectory, state value or boundary conditions in a continuous process. We first present a systematic events-based interface using which such interactions can be modeled and simulated. We then discuss implementation details of the framework along with a detailed example. In our implementation, the advancement of time is controlled and performed using the event-stepped engine of SimPy (a popular discrete-event simulation library in Python). The continuous processes are modelled using existing frameworks with a Python wrapper providing the events interface. We discuss possible improvements to the time advancement scheme, a roadmap and use cases for the framework.Comment: Under review for publication in Springer Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems (LNNS

    Load sharing for optimistic parallel simulations on multicore machines

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    Parallel Discrete Event Simulation (PDES) is based on the partitioning of the simulation model into distinct Logical Processes (LPs), each one modeling a portion of the entire system, which are allowed to execute simulation events concurrently. This allows exploiting parallel computing architectures to speedup model execution, and to make very large models tractable. In this article we cope with the optimistic approach to PDES, where LPs are allowed to concurrently process their events in a speculative fashion, and rollback/ recovery techniques are used to guarantee state consistency in case of causality violations along the speculative execution path. Particularly, we present an innovative load sharing approach targeted at optimizing resource usage for fruitful simulation work when running an optimistic PDES environment on top of multi-processor/multi-core machines. Beyond providing the load sharing model, we also define a load sharing oriented architectural scheme, based on a symmetric multi-threaded organization of the simulation platform. Finally, we present a real implementation of the load sharing architecture within the open source ROme OpTimistic Simulator (ROOT-Sim) package. Experimental data for an assessment of both viability and effectiveness of our proposal are presented as well. Copyright is held by author/owner(s)

    Simulating non-Markovian stochastic processes

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    We present a simple and general framework to simulate statistically correct realizations of a system of non-Markovian discrete stochastic processes. We give the exact analytical solution and a practical an efficient algorithm alike the Gillespie algorithm for Markovian processes, with the difference that now the occurrence rates of the events depend on the time elapsed since the event last took place. We use our non-Markovian generalized Gillespie stochastic simulation methodology to investigate the effects of non-exponential inter-event time distributions in the susceptible-infected-susceptible model of epidemic spreading. Strikingly, our results unveil the drastic effects that very subtle differences in the modeling of non-Markovian processes have on the global behavior of complex systems, with important implications for their understanding and prediction. We also assess our generalized Gillespie algorithm on a system of biochemical reactions with time delays. As compared to other existing methods, we find that the generalized Gillespie algorithm is the most general as it can be implemented very easily in cases, like for delays coupled to the evolution of the system, where other algorithms do not work or need adapted versions, less efficient in computational terms.Comment: Improvement of the algorithm, new results, and a major reorganization of the paper thanks to our coauthors L. Lafuerza and R. Tora

    On Object Oriented Nondeterministic Supervisory Control

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    Implementation of complex discrete event fabrication processes can be considerably simplified by use of general reusable software modules representing the physical components. At the same time, construction of the control system can be facilitated by applying the supervisory control theory for the automatic generation of control laws. These two aspects can be joined into a general concept with object-oriented modeling and control law synthesis as foundations. The goal is to allow an operator to specify operation lists describing the required sequences of operations for the manufacturing of the product, independently of constraints given by a specific plant. With a suitable model of the capabilities and constraints of the resources of that plant, a product route can be automatically generated from the operation list. Such a product route describes all available paths through the system, for each type of product, irrespective of any other type of product that may be simultaneously present within the production system. Given a set of product routes and a model of the plant, control laws guaranteeing production according to those product specifications can be synthesized. Based on the supervisory control theory, using interleaved product routes as specification, we show how such control laws can be synthesized. An added complexity is that the specification becomes non-deterministic, in the sense that the same string of events can lead to different system states. We show that the supervisory control theory can be used with non-deterministic specifications assuming certain properties. An algorithm for synthesis of a non-deterministic supervisor is presented. We also describe an object-oriented modeling approach to discrete event fabrication processes. It is shown that the properties that have been defined as necessary for the non-deterministic supervisory approach are immediate by the modeling approach. Thus, we show that the approach to non-deterministic supervisory control can be combined with object-oriented modeling techniques, and so we have a powerful framework for implementing control of large and complex discrete event fabrication processes

    Hybrid Petri nets-based Flow modeling and application on hybrid system.

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    Flow management is necessary in several application areas, in the optimization of industrial production lines, in IT to manage data flows and in the automation of industrial systems. Physical systems in general consist of continuous processes interacting with discrete processes forming a hybrid dynamic system constituted by continuous dynamic type models and discrete events. The application of the hybrid Petri nets tool in the modeling, study and performance evaluation of these systems helps to analyze the dynamic properties by acting on the parameters and the structure of the models in order to evaluate their behavior. This work is focused on the application of this tool to model a material flow management system between a rotary kiln and a clinker cooler in a production line (cement process). The implementation of the modeling and the analysis of the results obtained by simulation on a software platform (Visual Object Net ++), aims to study industrial processes with mathematical tools and to follow their behavior on software, this allows us an optimal analysis of complex systems in dangerous environments, and to try practical and effective solutions by simple means before moving on to the implementation and programming of actions that require more expensive means