15,935 research outputs found

    Locating a bioenergy facility using a hybrid optimization method

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    In this paper, the optimum location of a bioenergy generation facility for district energy applications is sought. A bioenergy facility usually belongs to a wider system, therefore a holistic approach is adopted to define the location that optimizes the system-wide operational and investment costs. A hybrid optimization method is employed to overcome the limitations posed by the complexity of the optimization problem. The efficiency of the hybrid method is compared to a stochastic (genetic algorithms) and an exact optimization method (Sequential Quadratic Programming). The results confirm that the hybrid optimization method proposed is the most efficient for the specific problem. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    Stochastic make-to-stock inventory deployment problem: an endosymbiotic psychoclonal algorithm based approach

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    Integrated steel manufacturers (ISMs) have no specific product, they just produce finished product from the ore. This enhances the uncertainty prevailing in the ISM regarding the nature of the finished product and significant demand by customers. At present low cost mini-mills are giving firm competition to ISMs in terms of cost, and this has compelled the ISM industry to target customers who want exotic products and faster reliable deliveries. To meet this objective, ISMs are exploring the option of satisfying part of their demand by converting strategically placed products, this helps in increasing the variability of product produced by the ISM in a short lead time. In this paper the authors have proposed a new hybrid evolutionary algorithm named endosymbiotic-psychoclonal (ESPC) to decide what and how much to stock as a semi-product in inventory. In the proposed theory, the ability of previously proposed psychoclonal algorithms to exploit the search space has been increased by making antibodies and antigen more co-operative interacting species. The efficacy of the proposed algorithm has been tested on randomly generated datasets and the results compared with other evolutionary algorithms such as genetic algorithms (GA) and simulated annealing (SA). The comparison of ESPC with GA and SA proves the superiority of the proposed algorithm both in terms of quality of the solution obtained and convergence time required to reach the optimal/near optimal value of the solution

    Robust Multi-Objective Sustainable Reverse Supply Chain Planning: An Application in the Steel Industry

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    In the design of the supply chain, the use of the returned products and their recycling in the production and consumption network is called reverse logistics. The proposed model aims to optimize the flow of materials in the supply chain network (SCN), and determine the amount and location of facilities and the planning of transportation in conditions of demand uncertainty. Thus, maximizing the total profit of operation, minimizing adverse environmental effects, and maximizing customer and supplier service levels have been considered as the main objectives. Accordingly, finding symmetry (balance) among the profit of operation, the environmental effects and customer and supplier service levels is considered in this research. To deal with the uncertainty of the model, scenario-based robust planning is employed alongside a meta-heuristic algorithm (NSGA-II) to solve the model with actual data from a case study of the steel industry in Iran. The results obtained from the model, solving and validating, compared with actual data indicated that the model could optimize the objectives seamlessly and determine the amount and location of the necessary facilities for the steel industry more appropriately.This article belongs to the Special Issue Uncertain Multi-Criteria Optimization Problem

    An integrated model for cash transfer system design problem

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    This paper presents an integrated model that incorporates strategic, tactical, and operational decisions for a cash transfer management system of a bank. The aim of the model is to decide on the location of cash management centers, number and routes of vehicles, and the cash inventory management policies to minimize the cost of owning and operating a cash transfer system while maintaining a pre-defined service level. Owing to the difficulty of finding optimal decisions in such integrated models, an iterative solution approach is proposed in which strategic, tactical, and operational problems are solved separately via a feedback mechanism. Numerical results show that such an approach is quite effective in reaching greatly improved solutions with just a few iterations, making it a promising approach for similar integrated models

    An ESPC algorithm based approach to solve inventory deployment problem

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    Global competitiveness has enforced the hefty industries to become more customized. To compete in the market they are targeting the customers who want exotic products, and faster and reliable deliveries. Industries are exploring the option of satisfying a portion of their demand by converting strategically placed products, this helps in increasing the variability of product produced by them in short lead time. In this paper, authors have proposed a new hybrid evolutionary algorithm named Endosymbiotic-Psychoclonal (ESPC) algorithm to determine the amount and type of product to stock as a semi product in inventory. In the proposed work the ability of previously proposed Psychoclonal algorithm to exploit the search space has been increased by making antibodies and antigen more cooperative interacting species. The efficacy of the proposed algorithm has been tested on randomly generated datasets and the results obtained, are compared with other evolutionary algorithms such as Genetic Algorithm (GA) and Simulated Annealing (SA). The comparison of ESPC with GA and SA proves the superiority of the proposed algorithm both in terms of quality of the solution obtained, and convergence time required to reach the optimal /near optimal value of the solution

    On the use of biased-randomized algorithms for solving non-smooth optimization problems

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    Soft constraints are quite common in real-life applications. For example, in freight transportation, the fleet size can be enlarged by outsourcing part of the distribution service and some deliveries to customers can be postponed as well; in inventory management, it is possible to consider stock-outs generated by unexpected demands; and in manufacturing processes and project management, it is frequent that some deadlines cannot be met due to delays in critical steps of the supply chain. However, capacity-, size-, and time-related limitations are included in many optimization problems as hard constraints, while it would be usually more realistic to consider them as soft ones, i.e., they can be violated to some extent by incurring a penalty cost. Most of the times, this penalty cost will be nonlinear and even noncontinuous, which might transform the objective function into a non-smooth one. Despite its many practical applications, non-smooth optimization problems are quite challenging, especially when the underlying optimization problem is NP-hard in nature. In this paper, we propose the use of biased-randomized algorithms as an effective methodology to cope with NP-hard and non-smooth optimization problems in many practical applications. Biased-randomized algorithms extend constructive heuristics by introducing a nonuniform randomization pattern into them. Hence, they can be used to explore promising areas of the solution space without the limitations of gradient-based approaches, which assume the existence of smooth objective functions. Moreover, biased-randomized algorithms can be easily parallelized, thus employing short computing times while exploring a large number of promising regions. This paper discusses these concepts in detail, reviews existing work in different application areas, and highlights current trends and open research lines

    Development of transportation and supply chain problems with the combination of agent-based simulation and network optimization

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    Demand drives a different range of supply chain and logistics location decisions, and agent-based modeling (ABM) introduces innovative solutions to address supply chain and logistics problems. This dissertation focuses on an agent-based and network optimization approach to resolve those problems and features three research projects that cover prevalent supply chain management and logistics problems. The first case study evaluates demographic densities in Norway, Finland, and Sweden, and covers how distribution center (DC) locations can be established using a minimizing trip distance approach. Furthermore, traveling time maps are developed for each scenario. In addition, the Nordic area consisting of those three countries is analyzed and five DC location optimization results are presented. The second case study introduces transportation cost modelling in the process of collecting tree logs from several districts and transporting them to the nearest collection point. This research project presents agent-based modelling (ABM) that incorporates comprehensively the key elements of the pick-up and delivery supply chain model and designs the components as autonomous agents communicating with each other. The modelling merges various components such as GIS routing, potential facility locations, random tree log pickup locations, fleet sizing, trip distance, and truck and train transportation. The entire pick-up and delivery operation are modeled by ABM and modeling outcomes are provided by time series charts such as the number of trucks in use, facilities inventory and travel distance. In addition, various scenarios of simulation based on potential facility locations and truck numbers are evaluated and the optimal facility location and fleet size are identified. In the third case study, an agent-based modeling strategy is used to address the problem of vehicle scheduling and fleet optimization. The solution method is employed to data from a real-world organization, and a set of key performance indicators are created to assess the resolution's effectiveness. The ABM method, contrary to other modeling approaches, is a fully customized method that can incorporate extensively various processes and elements. ABM applying the autonomous agent concept can integrate various components that exist in the complex supply chain and create a similar system to assess the supply chain efficiency.Tuotteiden kysyntä ohjaa erilaisia toimitusketju- ja logistiikkasijaintipäätöksiä, ja agenttipohjainen mallinnusmenetelmä (ABM) tuo innovatiivisia ratkaisuja toimitusketjun ja logistiikan ongelmien ratkaisemiseen. Tämä väitöskirja keskittyy agenttipohjaiseen mallinnusmenetelmään ja verkon optimointiin tällaisten ongelmien ratkaisemiseksi, ja sisältää kolme tapaustutkimusta, jotka voidaan luokitella kuuluvan yleisiin toimitusketjun hallinta- ja logistiikkaongelmiin. Ensimmäinen tapaustutkimus esittelee kuinka käyttämällä väestötiheyksiä Norjassa, Suomessa ja Ruotsissa voidaan määrittää strategioita jakelukeskusten (DC) sijaintiin käyttämällä matkan etäisyyden minimoimista. Kullekin skenaariolle kehitetään matka-aikakartat. Lisäksi analysoidaan näistä kolmesta maasta koostuvaa pohjoismaista aluetta ja esitetään viisi mahdollista sijaintia optimointituloksena. Toinen tapaustutkimus esittelee kuljetuskustannusmallintamisen prosessissa, jossa puutavaraa kerätään useilta alueilta ja kuljetetaan lähimpään keräyspisteeseen. Tämä tutkimusprojekti esittelee agenttipohjaista mallinnusta (ABM), joka yhdistää kattavasti noudon ja toimituksen toimitusketjumallin keskeiset elementit ja suunnittelee komponentit keskenään kommunikoiviksi autonomisiksi agenteiksi. Mallinnuksessa yhdistetään erilaisia komponentteja, kuten GIS-reititys, mahdolliset tilojen sijainnit, satunnaiset puunhakupaikat, kaluston mitoitus, matkan pituus sekä monimuotokuljetukset. ABM:n avulla mallinnetaan noutojen ja toimituksien koko ketju ja tuloksena saadaan aikasarjoja kuvaamaan käytössä olevat kuorma-autot, sekä varastomäärät ja ajetut matkat. Lisäksi arvioidaan erilaisia simuloinnin skenaarioita mahdollisten laitosten sijainnista ja kuorma-autojen lukumäärästä sekä tunnistetaan optimaalinen toimipisteen sijainti ja tarvittava autojen määrä. Kolmannessa tapaustutkimuksessa agenttipohjaista mallinnusstrategiaa käytetään ratkaisemaan ajoneuvojen aikataulujen ja kaluston optimoinnin ongelma. Ratkaisumenetelmää käytetään dataan, joka on peräisin todellisesta organisaatiosta, ja ratkaisun tehokkuuden arvioimiseksi luodaan lukuisia keskeisiä suorituskykyindikaattoreita. ABM-menetelmä, toisin kuin monet muut mallintamismenetelmät, on täysin räätälöitävissä oleva menetelmä, joka voi sisältää laajasti erilaisia prosesseja ja elementtejä. Autonomisia agentteja soveltava ABM voi integroida erilaisia komponentteja, jotka ovat olemassa monimutkaisessa toimitusketjussa ja luoda vastaavan järjestelmän toimitusketjun tehokkuuden arvioimiseksi yksityiskohtaisesti.fi=vertaisarvioitu|en=peerReviewed

    The Incremental Cooperative Design of Preventive Healthcare Networks

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    This document is the Accepted Manuscript version of the following article: Soheil Davari, 'The incremental cooperative design of preventive healthcare networks', Annals of Operations Research, first published online 27 June 2017. Under embargo. Embargo end date: 27 June 2018. The final publication is available at Springer via http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10479-017-2569-1.In the Preventive Healthcare Network Design Problem (PHNDP), one seeks to locate facilities in a way that the uptake of services is maximised given certain constraints such as congestion considerations. We introduce the incremental and cooperative version of the problem, IC-PHNDP for short, in which facilities are added incrementally to the network (one at a time), contributing to the service levels. We first develop a general non-linear model of this problem and then present a method to make it linear. As the problem is of a combinatorial nature, an efficient Variable Neighbourhood Search (VNS) algorithm is proposed to solve it. In order to gain insight into the problem, the computational studies were performed with randomly generated instances of different settings. Results clearly show that VNS performs well in solving IC-PHNDP with errors not more than 1.54%.Peer reviewe

    Current Trends in Simheuristics: from smart transportation to agent-based simheuristics

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    Simheuristics extend metaheuristics by adding a simulation layer that allows the optimization component to deal efficiently with scenarios under uncertainty. This presentation reviews both initial as well as recent applications of simheuristics, mainly in the area of logistics and transportation. We also discuss a novel agent-based simheuristic (ABSH) approach that combines simheuristic and multi-agent systems to efficiently solve stochastic combinatorial optimization problems. The presentation is based on papers [1], [2], and [3], which have been already accepted in the prestigious Winter Simulation Conference.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version