2 research outputs found

    On exposing strategic and structural mismatches between business and information systems: misalignment symptom detection based on enterprise architecture model analysis = StratĂ©giai Ă©s strukturĂĄlis összehangolĂĄsi zavarok feltĂĄrĂĄsa az ĂŒzleti Ă©s informatikai terĂŒletek között: összehangolĂĄsi zavarok tĂŒneteinek azonosĂ­tĂĄsa vĂĄllalati architektĂșra modellek elemzĂ©sĂ©vel

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    One of the most important issues on information systems (IS) research is the need to align business with information systems and information technology (IT). Since information systems facilitate the success of business strategies, the importance of business-IT (or strategic) alignment is unquestionable. While organisations address alignment achievement, they are continually suffering from misalignments. These difficulties (the misalignments) encumber the achievement of alignment, and lead us to the phenomenon of misalignment. This Ph.D. dissertation deals with the concept of misalignment, with special attention on enterprise architecture (EA)-based analytical potential. The main purpose of the proposed research is to analyse strategic misalignment between the business dimension and the information systems dimension. The problem of business-IT alignment is translated into the aspects of enterprise architecture. The study aims to accomplish an EA-based, systematic analysis of mismatches between business and information systems

    Évaluation du niveau de maturitĂ© de l'Alignement StratĂ©gique des Technologies Digitales d’une organisation publique

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    Digital/Business Strategic Alignment (DBSA), which refers to the deployment of Digital Technologies in harmony with objectives, is a crucial issue for strategic management and is necessary to achieve performance excellence. This research aims to assess the DBSA maturity level of a Moroccan organization. The organization under study is a governmental organization that provides a multitude of administrative services to citizens and businesses. The DBSA maturity level is assessed based on Jerry Luftman's most relevant strategic alignment model. Our empirical study, which focuses on a single case, aims to assess alignment across different dimensions: communication, value measurement, governance, partnership, scope and architecture, and skills. We conducted a quantitative study, the results show that the organization's strategic alignment maturity level is 3 on a scale of 5 and there are significant differences in perception between the digital and business teams related to the evaluation of the criteria of the maturity of DBSA. Thus, several recommendations, confirmed by interviews conducted as part of monitoring the results of the study, are formulated to improve this level of maturity. The objective of this research is not only to evaluate the DBSA of the organization and to compare it with another which is more advanced in terms of technological tools, but also to present an approach and a construct, based on the Luftman model, which could be adopted by any other organization to assess and improve alignment during its digital transformation. Keywords: strategic alignment maturity model, SAMM, evaluation, dimensions of Digital/Business alignment, Moroccan governmental organization, Digital Technologies JEL Classification: M15, O33 Paper type: Empirical research    L'Alignement StratĂ©gique Digital/MĂ©tier (ASDM) qui se rĂ©fĂšre au dĂ©ploiement des Technologies Digitales (TD) en harmonie avec les objectifs est une question cruciale pour le management stratĂ©gique et est nĂ©cessaire pour atteindre l'excellence de la performance. Cette recherche vise Ă  Ă©valuer le niveau de maturitĂ© de l’ASDM d’une organisation publique marocaine. L’organisation objet de l’étude est une administration qui fournit une multitude de services administratifs aux citoyens et aux entreprises. Le niveau de maturitĂ© de l’ASDM est Ă©valuĂ© sur la base du modĂšle d’alignement stratĂ©gique le plus pertinent de Jerry Luftman. Notre Ă©tude empirique qui porte sur un cas unique vise Ă  Ă©valuer l'alignement Ă  travers diffĂ©rentes dimensions : la communication, la mesure de la valeur et de la performance, la gouvernance, le partenariat, la portĂ©e et l’architecture des technologies, et les compĂ©tences. Nous avons menĂ© une Ă©tude quantitative dont les rĂ©sultats montrent que le niveau de maturitĂ© de l'alignement stratĂ©gique de l’organisation est 3 sur une Ă©chelle de 5 et qu’il y a des diffĂ©rences importantes de perception entre les Ă©quipes digitales et mĂ©tiers liĂ©es Ă  l’évaluation des critĂšres de la maturitĂ© de l’ASDM. Ainsi, plusieurs recommandations, confirmĂ©es par des entretiens menĂ©s dans le cadre du suivi des rĂ©sultats de l’étude, sont formulĂ©es pour amĂ©liorer ce niveau de maturitĂ©. L’objectif de cette recherche est non seulement d’évaluer l’ASDM de l’organisation et de le comparer avec une autre qui est plus avancĂ©e en termes d’outils technologiques, mais aussi de prĂ©senter une dĂ©marche et un construit, Ă  base du modĂšle de Luftman, qui pourraient ĂȘtre adoptĂ©s par toute autre organisation pour Ă©valuer et amĂ©liorer l’alignement au cours de sa transformation numĂ©rique. Mots clĂ©s : modĂšle de maturitĂ© de l’alignement stratĂ©gique, SAMM, Ă©valuation, dimensions de l’alignement Digital/MĂ©tier, organisation publique marocaine, Technologies Digitales Classification JEL: M15, O33 Type de l’article : Recherche appliquĂ©e