4,417 research outputs found

    Analysing the impact of anisotropy pressure on tokamak equilibria

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    Neutral beam injection or ion cyclotron resonance heating induces pressure anisotropy. The axisymmetric plasma equilibrium code HELENA has been upgraded to include anisotropy and toroidal flow. With both analytical and numerical methods, we have studied the determinant factors in anisotropic equilibria and their impact on flux surfaces, magnetic axis shift, the displacement of pressures and density contours from flux surface. With p∥/p⊥≈1.5p_\parallel/p_\perp \approx 1.5, p⊥p_\perp can vary 20% on s=0.5s=0.5 flux surface, in a MAST like equilibrium. We have also re-evaluated the widely applied approximation to anisotropy in which p∗=(p∥+p⊥)/2p^*=(p_\parallel + p_\perp)/2, the average of parallel and perpendicular pressure, is taken as the approximate isotropic pressure. We find the reconstructions of the same MAST discharge with p∥/p⊥≈1.25p_\parallel/p_\perp \approx 1.25, using isotropic and anisotropic model respectively, to have a 3% difference in toroidal field but a 66% difference in poloidal current

    Modeling the effect of anisotropic pressure on tokamak plasmas normal modes and continuum using fluid approaches

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    Extending the ideal MHD stability code MISHKA, a new code, MISHKA-A, is developed to study the impact of pressure anisotropy on plasma stability. Based on full anisotropic equilibrium and geometry, the code can provide normal mode analysis with three fluid closure models: the single adiabatic model (SA), the double adiabatic model (CGL) and the incompressible model. A study on the plasma continuous spectrum shows that in low beta, large aspect ratio plasma, the main impact of anisotropy lies in the modification of the BAE gap and the sound frequency, if the q profile is conserved. The SA model preserves the BAE gap structure as ideal MHD, while in CGL the lowest frequency branch does not touch zero frequency at the resonant flux surface where m+nq=0m+nq=0, inducing a gap at very low frequency. Also, the BAE gap frequency with bi-Maxwellian distribution in both model becomes higher if p⊥>p∥p_\perp > p_\parallel with a q profile dependency. As a benchmark of the code, we study the m/n=1/1 internal kink mode. Numerical calculation of the marginal stability boundary with bi-Maxwellian distribution shows a good agreement with the generalized incompressible Bussac criterion [A. B. Mikhailovskii, Sov. J. Plasma Phys 9, 190 (1983)]: the mode is stabilized(destabilized) if p∥<p⊥(p∥>p⊥)p_\parallel < p_\perp (p_\parallel > p_\perp)

    Optimisation of out-vessel magnetic diagnostics for plasma boundary reconstruction in tokamaks

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    To improve the low frequency spectrum of magnetic field measurements of future tokamak reactors such as ITER, several steady state magnetic sensor technologies have been considered. For all the studied technologies it is always advantageous to place the sensors outside the vacuum vessel and as far away from the reactor core to minimize radiation damage and temperature effects, but not so far as to compromise the accuracy of the equilibrium reconstruction. We have studied to what extent increasing the distance between out-vessel sensors and plasma can be compensated for sensor accuracy and/or density before the limit imposed by the degeneracy of the problem is reached. The study is particularized for the Swiss TCV tokamak, due to the quality of its magnetic data and its ability to operate with a wide range of plasma shapes and divertor configurations. We have scanned the plasma boundary reconstruction error as function of out-vessel sensor density, accuracy and distance to the plasma. The study is performed for both the transient and steady state phases of the tokamak discharge. We find that, in general, there is a broad region in the parameter space where sensor accuracy, density and proximity to the plasma can be traded for one another to obtain a desired level of accuracy in the reconstructed boundary, up to some limit. Extrapolation of the results to a tokamak reactor suggests that a hybrid configuration with sensors inside and outside the vacuum vessel could be used to obtain a good boundary reconstruction during both the transient and the flat-top of the discharges, if out-vessel magnetic sensors of sufficient density and accuracy can be placed sufficiently far outside the vessel to minimize radiation damage.Comment: 36 pages, 17 figures, Accepted for publication in Nuclear Fusio

    Ideal magnetohydrodynamic simulations of unmagnetized dense plasma jet injection into a hot strongly magnetized plasma

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    We present results from three-dimensional ideal magnetohydrodynamic simulations of unmagnetized dense plasma jet injection into a uniform hot strongly magnetized plasma, with the aim of providing insight into core fueling of a tokamak with parameters relevant for ITER and NSTX (National Spherical Torus Experiment). Unmagnetized dense plasma jet injection is similar to compact toroid injection but with much higher plasma density and total mass, and consequently lower required injection velocity. Mass deposition of the jet into the background appears to be facilitated via magnetic reconnection along the jet's trailing edge. The penetration depth of the plasma jet into the background plasma is mostly dependent on the jet's initial kinetic energy, and a key requirement for spatially localized mass deposition is for the jet's slowing-down time to be less than the time for the perturbed background magnetic flux to relax due to magnetic reconnection. This work suggests that more accurate treatment of reconnection is needed to fully model this problem. Parameters for unmagnetized dense plasma jet injection are identified for localized core deposition as well as edge localized mode (ELM) pacing applications in ITER and NSTX-relevant regimes.Comment: 16 pages, 8 figures and 2 tables; accepted by Nuclear Fusion (May 11, 2011

    Optimisation of confinement in a fusion reactor using a nonlinear turbulence model

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    The confinement of heat in the core of a magnetic fusion reactor is optimised using a multidimensional optimisation algorithm. For the first time in such a study, the loss of heat due to turbulence is modelled at every stage using first-principles nonlinear simulations which accurately capture the turbulent cascade and large-scale zonal flows. The simulations utilise a novel approach, with gyrofluid treatment of the small-scale drift waves and gyrokinetic treatment of the large-scale zonal flows. A simple near-circular equilibrium with standard parameters is chosen as the initial condition. The figure of merit, fusion power per unit volume, is calculated, and then two control parameters, the elongation and triangularity of the outer flux surface, are varied, with the algorithm seeking to optimise the chosen figure of merit. A two-fold increase in the plasma power per unit volume is achieved by moving to higher elongation and strongly negative triangularity.Comment: 32 pages, 8 figures, accepted to JP

    Magnetic flux pumping in 3D nonlinear magnetohydrodynamic simulations

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    A self-regulating magnetic flux pumping mechanism in tokamaks that maintains the core safety factor at q≈1q\approx 1, thus preventing sawteeth, is analyzed in nonlinear 3D magnetohydrodynamic simulations using the M3D-C1^1 code. In these simulations, the most important mechanism responsible for the flux pumping is that a saturated (m=1,n=1)(m=1,n=1) quasi-interchange instability generates an effective negative loop voltage in the plasma center via a dynamo effect. It is shown that sawtoothing is prevented in the simulations if β\beta is sufficiently high to provide the necessary drive for the (m=1,n=1)(m=1,n=1) instability that generates the dynamo loop voltage. The necessary amount of dynamo loop voltage is determined by the tendency of the current density profile to centrally peak which, in our simulations, is controlled by the peakedness of the applied heat source profile.Comment: submitted to Physics of Plasmas (23 pages, 15 Figures

    Local magnetic divertor for control of the plasma-limiter interaction in a tokamak

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    An experiment is described in which plasma flow to a tokamak limiter is controlled through the use of a local toroidal divertor coil mounted inside the limiter itself. This coil produces a local perturbed field B_C approximately equal to the local unperturbed toroidal field B_T ≃ 3 kG, such that when B_C adds to B_T the field lines move into the limiter and the local plasma flow to it increases by a factor as great as 1.6, and when B_C subtracts from B_T the field lines move away from the limiter and the local plasma flow to it decreases by as much as a factor of 4. A simple theoretical model is used to interpret these results. Since these changes occur without significantly affecting global plasma confinement, such a control scheme may be useful for optimizing the performance of pumped limiters
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