28,125 research outputs found

    Economic analysis of condition monitoring systems for offshore wind turbine sub-systems

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    The use of condition monitoring systems on wind turbines has increased dramatically in recent times. However, their use is mostly restricted to vibration based monitoring systems for the gearbox, generator and drive train. There are many forms and types of condition monitoring systems now available for wind turbines. A survey of commercially available condition monitoring systems and their associated costs has been undertaken for the blades, drive train and tower. This paper considers what value can be obtained from these systems if they are used correctly. This is achieved by running simulations on an operations and maintenance model for a 20 year life cycle wind farm. The model uses Hidden Markov Models to represent both the actual system state and the observed state. The costs for system failures are derived, as are possible reductions in these costs due to early detection. Various scenarios are simulated including the addition of condition monitoring systems to the drive train and blade and tower monitoring. Finally, the efficacy of these systems is examined and its effect on operation costs

    Nonlinear system identification for model-based condition monitoring of wind turbines

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    This paper proposes a data driven model-based condition monitoring scheme that is applied to wind turbines. The scheme is based upon a non-linear data-based modelling approach in which the model parameters vary as functions of the system variables. The model structure and parameters are identified directly from the input and output data of the process. The proposed method is demonstrated with data obtained from a simulation of a grid-connected wind turbine where it is used to detect grid and power electronic faults. The method is evaluated further with SCADA data obtained from an operational wind farm where it is employed to identify gearbox and generator faults. In contrast to artificial intelligence methods, such as artificial neural network-based models, the method employed in this paper provides a parametrically efficient representation of non-linear processes. Consequently, it is relatively straightforward to implement the proposed model-based method on-line using a field-programmable gate array

    Gaussian process models for SCADA data based wind turbine performance/condition monitoring

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    Wind energy has seen remarkable growth in the past decade, and installed wind turbine capacity is increasing significantly every year around the globe. The presence of an excellent offshore wind resource and the need to reduce carbon emissions from electricity generation are driving policy to increase offshore wind generation capacity in UK waters. Logistic and transport issues make offshore maintenance costlier than onshore and availability correspondingly lower, and as a result, there is a growing interest in wind turbine condition monitoring allowing condition based, rather than corrective or scheduled, maintenance.;Offshore wind turbine manufacturers are constantly increasing the rated size the turbines, and also their hub height in order to access higher wind speeds with lower turbulence. However, such scaling up leads to significant increments in terms of materials for both tower structure and foundations, and also costs required for transportation, installation, and maintenance. Wind turbines are costly affairs that comprise several complex systems connected altogether (e.g., hub, drive shaft, gearbox, generator, yaw system, electric drive and so on).;The unexpected failure of these components can cause significant machine unavailability and/or damage to other components. This ultimately increases the operation and maintenance (O&M) cost and subsequently cost of energy (COE). Therefore, identifying faults at an early stage before catastrophic damage occurs is the primary objective associated with wind turbine condition monitoring.;Existing wind turbine condition monitoring strategies, for example, vibration signal analysis and oil debris detection, require costly sensors. The additional costs can be significant depending upon the number of wind turbines typically deployed in offshore wind farms and also, costly expertise is generally required to interpret the results. By contrast, Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) data analysis based condition monitoring could underpin condition based maintenance with little or no additional cost to the wind farm operator.;A Gaussian process (GP) is a stochastic, nonlinear and nonparametric model whose distribution function is the joint distribution of a collection of random variables; it is widely suitable for classification and regression problems. GP is a machine learning algorithm that uses a measure of similarity between subsequent data points (via covariance functions) to fit and or estimate the future value from a training dataset. GP models have been applied to numerous multivariate and multi-task problems including spatial and spatiotemporal contexts.;Furthermore, GP models have been applied to electricity price and residential probabilistic load forecasting, solar power forecasting. However, the application of GPs to wind turbine condition monitoring has to date been limited and not much explored.;This thesis focuses on GP based wind turbine condition monitoring that utilises data from SCADA systems exclusively. The selection of the covariance function greatly influences GP model accuracy. A comparative analysis of different covariance functions for GP models is presented with an in-depth analysis of popularly used stationary covariance functions. Based on this analysis, a suitable covariance function is selected for constructing a GP model-based fault detection algorithm for wind turbine condition monitoring.;By comparing incoming operational SCADA data, effective component condition indicators can be derived where the reference model is based on SCADA data from a healthy turbine constructed and compared against incoming data from a faulty turbine. In this thesis, a GP algorithm is constructed with suitable covariance function to detect incipient turbine operational faults or failures before they result in catastrophic damage so that preventative maintenance can be scheduled in a timely manner.;In order to judge GP model effectiveness, two other methods, based on binning, have been tested and compared with the GP based algorithm. This thesis also considers a range of critical turbine parameters and their impact on the GP fault detection algorithm.;Power is well known to be influenced by air density, and this is reflected in the IEC Standard air density correction procedure. Hence, the proper selection of an air density correction approach can improve the power curve model. This thesis addresses this, explores the different types of air density correction approach, and suggests the best way to incorporate these in the GP models to improve accuracy and reduce uncertainty.;Finally, a SCADA data based fault detection algorithm is constructed to detect failures caused by the yaw misalignment. Two fault detection algorithms based on IEC binning methods (widely used within the wind industry) are developed to assess the performance of the GP based fault detection algorithm in terms of their capability to detect in advance (and by how much) signs of failure, and also their false positive rate by making use of extensive SCADA data and turbine fault and repair logs.;GP models are robust in identifying early anomalies/failures that cause the wind turbine to underperform. This early detection is helpful in preventing machines to reach the catastrophic stage and allow enough time to undertake scheduled maintenance, which ultimately reduces the O&M, cost and maximises the power performance of wind turbines. Overall, results demonstrate the effectiveness of the GP algorithm in improving the performance of wind turbines through condition monitoring.Wind energy has seen remarkable growth in the past decade, and installed wind turbine capacity is increasing significantly every year around the globe. The presence of an excellent offshore wind resource and the need to reduce carbon emissions from electricity generation are driving policy to increase offshore wind generation capacity in UK waters. Logistic and transport issues make offshore maintenance costlier than onshore and availability correspondingly lower, and as a result, there is a growing interest in wind turbine condition monitoring allowing condition based, rather than corrective or scheduled, maintenance.;Offshore wind turbine manufacturers are constantly increasing the rated size the turbines, and also their hub height in order to access higher wind speeds with lower turbulence. However, such scaling up leads to significant increments in terms of materials for both tower structure and foundations, and also costs required for transportation, installation, and maintenance. Wind turbines are costly affairs that comprise several complex systems connected altogether (e.g., hub, drive shaft, gearbox, generator, yaw system, electric drive and so on).;The unexpected failure of these components can cause significant machine unavailability and/or damage to other components. This ultimately increases the operation and maintenance (O&M) cost and subsequently cost of energy (COE). Therefore, identifying faults at an early stage before catastrophic damage occurs is the primary objective associated with wind turbine condition monitoring.;Existing wind turbine condition monitoring strategies, for example, vibration signal analysis and oil debris detection, require costly sensors. The additional costs can be significant depending upon the number of wind turbines typically deployed in offshore wind farms and also, costly expertise is generally required to interpret the results. By contrast, Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) data analysis based condition monitoring could underpin condition based maintenance with little or no additional cost to the wind farm operator.;A Gaussian process (GP) is a stochastic, nonlinear and nonparametric model whose distribution function is the joint distribution of a collection of random variables; it is widely suitable for classification and regression problems. GP is a machine learning algorithm that uses a measure of similarity between subsequent data points (via covariance functions) to fit and or estimate the future value from a training dataset. GP models have been applied to numerous multivariate and multi-task problems including spatial and spatiotemporal contexts.;Furthermore, GP models have been applied to electricity price and residential probabilistic load forecasting, solar power forecasting. However, the application of GPs to wind turbine condition monitoring has to date been limited and not much explored.;This thesis focuses on GP based wind turbine condition monitoring that utilises data from SCADA systems exclusively. The selection of the covariance function greatly influences GP model accuracy. A comparative analysis of different covariance functions for GP models is presented with an in-depth analysis of popularly used stationary covariance functions. Based on this analysis, a suitable covariance function is selected for constructing a GP model-based fault detection algorithm for wind turbine condition monitoring.;By comparing incoming operational SCADA data, effective component condition indicators can be derived where the reference model is based on SCADA data from a healthy turbine constructed and compared against incoming data from a faulty turbine. In this thesis, a GP algorithm is constructed with suitable covariance function to detect incipient turbine operational faults or failures before they result in catastrophic damage so that preventative maintenance can be scheduled in a timely manner.;In order to judge GP model effectiveness, two other methods, based on binning, have been tested and compared with the GP based algorithm. This thesis also considers a range of critical turbine parameters and their impact on the GP fault detection algorithm.;Power is well known to be influenced by air density, and this is reflected in the IEC Standard air density correction procedure. Hence, the proper selection of an air density correction approach can improve the power curve model. This thesis addresses this, explores the different types of air density correction approach, and suggests the best way to incorporate these in the GP models to improve accuracy and reduce uncertainty.;Finally, a SCADA data based fault detection algorithm is constructed to detect failures caused by the yaw misalignment. Two fault detection algorithms based on IEC binning methods (widely used within the wind industry) are developed to assess the performance of the GP based fault detection algorithm in terms of their capability to detect in advance (and by how much) signs of failure, and also their false positive rate by making use of extensive SCADA data and turbine fault and repair logs.;GP models are robust in identifying early anomalies/failures that cause the wind turbine to underperform. This early detection is helpful in preventing machines to reach the catastrophic stage and allow enough time to undertake scheduled maintenance, which ultimately reduces the O&M, cost and maximises the power performance of wind turbines. Overall, results demonstrate the effectiveness of the GP algorithm in improving the performance of wind turbines through condition monitoring

    Improved wind turbine monitoring using operational data

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    With wind energy becoming a major source of energy, there is a pressing need to reduce all associated costs to be competitive in a market that might be fully subsidy-free in the near future. Before thousands of wind turbines were installed all over the world, research in e.g. understanding aerodynamics, developing new materials, designing better gearboxes, improving power electronics etc., helped to cut down wind turbine manufacturing costs. It might be assumed, that this would be sufficient to reduce the costs of wind energy as the resource, the wind itself, is free of costs. However, it has become clear that the operation and maintenance of wind turbines contributes significantly to the overall cost of energy. Harsh environmental conditions and the frequently remote locations of the turbines makes maintenance of wind turbines challenging. Just recently, the industry realised that a move from reactive and scheduled maintenance towards preventative or condition-based maintenance will be crucial to further reduce costs. Knowing the condition of the wind turbine is key for any optimisation of operation and maintenance. There are various possibilities to install advanced sensors and monitoring systems developed in recent years. However, these will inevitably incur new costs that need to be worthwhile and retro-fits to existing turbines might not always be feasible. In contrast, this work focuses on ways to use operational data as recorded by the turbine's Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition (SCADA) system, which is installed in all modern wind turbines for operating purposes -- without additional costs. SCADA data usually contain information about the environmental conditions (e.g. wind speed, ambient temperature), the operation of the turbine (power production, rotational speed, pitch angle) and potentially the system's health status (temperatures, vibration). These measurements are commonly recorded in ten-minutely averages and might be seen as indirect and top-level information about the turbine's condition. Firstly, this thesis discusses the use of operational data to monitor the power performance to assess the overall efficiency of wind turbines and to analyse and optimise maintenance. In a sensitivity study, the financial consequences of imperfect maintenance are evaluated based on case study data and compared with environmental effects such as blade icing. It is shown how decision-making of wind farm operators could be supported with detailed `what-if' scenario analyses. Secondly, model-based monitoring of SCADA temperatures is investigated. This approach tries to identify hidden changes in the load-dependent fluctuations of drivetrain temperatures that can potentially reveal increased degradation and possible imminent failure. A detailed comparison of machine learning regression techniques and model configurations is conducted based on data from four wind farms with varying properties. The results indicate that the detailed setup of the model is very important while the selection of the modelling technique might be less relevant than expected. Ways to establish reliable failure detection are discussed and a condition index is developed based on an ensemble of different models and anomaly measures. However, the findings also highlight that better documentation of maintenance is required to further improve data-driven condition monitoring approaches. In the next part, the capabilities of operational data are explored in a study with data from both the SCADA system and a Condition Monitoring System (CMS) based on drivetrain vibrations. Analyses of signal similarity and data clusters reveal signal relationships and potential for synergistic effects of the different data sources. An application of machine learning techniques demonstrates that the alarms of the commercial CMS can be predicted in certain cases with SCADA data alone. Finally, the benefits of having wind turbines in farms are investigated in the context of condition monitoring. Several approaches are developed to improve failure detection based on operational statistics, CMS vibrations or SCADA temperatures. It is demonstrated that utilising comparisons with neighbouring turbines might be beneficial to get earlier and more reliable warnings of imminent failures. This work has been part of the Advanced Wind Energy Systems Operation and Maintenance Expertise (AWESOME) project, a European consortium with companies, universities and research centres in the wind energy sector from Spain, Italy, Germany, Denmark, Norway and UK. Parts of this work were developed in collaboration with other fellows in the project (as marked and explained in footnotes)

    Comparative study of binning and gaussian process based rotor curves of a wind turbine for the purpose of condition monitoring

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    The wind turbines deteriorating performance cause failures, including catastrophic failures that lead to high operation and maintenance (O&M) cost. SCADA based continuous monitoring of wind turbines is a cost-effective approach and plays an essential role as turbine sizes increase, and they are placed in more remote locations, for example, offshore to improve the performance of wind turbines and reduces the O&M cost. Various studies suggest that the internal operation of the wind turbine depends on various variables, especially on rotor speed. The proper analysis of rotor speed can be useful for constructing effective SCADA based models for wind turbine condition monitoring. Gaussian Process (GP) is a nonparametric, stochastic process that's designed to solve regression and probabilistic classification problems. GP models powerful to solve nonlinear systems, however, its application are not much explored in wind turbine condition monitoring.This paper describes a wind turbine condition monitoring Gaussian Process technique that uses the rotor speed to derive a rotor curve for wind turbine condition monitoring. Developed GP model, then compared with the conventional approach based on binned rotor curves together with individual bin probability distributions to identify operational anomalies. The proposed techniques have been validated experimentally using SCADA data sets obtained from operational turbines. Finally, comparative analysis of these techniques described outlining the strength and weakness of individual models

    Prognostic Algorithms for Condition Monitoring and Remaining Useful Life Estimation

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    To enable the benets of a truly condition-based maintenance philosophy to be realised, robust, accurate and reliable algorithms, which provide maintenance personnel with the necessary information to make informed maintenance decisions, will be key. This thesis focuses on the development of such algorithms, with a focus on semiconductor manufacturing and wind turbines. An introduction to condition-based maintenance is presented which reviews dierent types of maintenance philosophies and describes the potential benets which a condition- based maintenance philosophy will deliver to operators of critical plant and machinery. The issues and challenges involved in developing condition-based maintenance solutions are discussed and a review of previous approaches and techniques in fault diagnostics and prognostics is presented. The development of a condition monitoring system for dry vacuum pumps used in semi- conductor manufacturing is presented. A notable feature is that upstream process mea- surements from the wafer processing chamber were incorporated in the development of a solution. In general, semiconductor manufacturers do not make such information avail- able and this study identies the benets of information sharing in the development of condition monitoring solutions, within the semiconductor manufacturing domain. The developed solution provides maintenance personnel with the ability to identify, quantify, track and predict the remaining useful life of pumps suering from degradation caused by pumping large volumes of corrosive uorine gas. A comprehensive condition monitoring solution for thermal abatement systems is also presented. As part of this work, a multiple model particle ltering algorithm for prog- nostics is developed and tested. The capabilities of the proposed prognostic solution for addressing the uncertainty challenges in predicting the remaining useful life of abatement systems, subject to uncertain future operating loads and conditions, is demonstrated. Finally, a condition monitoring algorithm for the main bearing on large utility scale wind turbines is developed. The developed solution exploits data collected by onboard supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) systems in wind turbines. As a result, the developed solution can be integrated into existing monitoring systems, at no additional cost. The potential for the application of multiple model particle ltering algorithm to wind turbine prognostics is also demonstrated

    Comparative analysis of binning and Gaussian Process based blade pitch angle curve of a wind turbine for the purpose of condition monitoring

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    Several studies have used the power curve as a critical indicator to assess the performance of wind turbines. However, the wind turbine internal operation is affected by various parameters, particularly by blade pitch angle. Continuous monitoring of blade pitch angle can be useful for power performance assessment of wind turbines. The blade pitch curve describes the nonlinear relationship between pitch angle and hub height wind speed which to date has been little explored for wind turbine condition monitoring. Gaussian Process models are nonlinear and nonparametric technique, based on Bayesian probability theory. Such models have the potential give results quickly and efficiently. In this paper, we propose a Gaussian Process model to predict blade pitch curve of a wind turbine for condition monitoring purposes. The obtained Gaussian Process based blade pitch curve is then compared with a conventional approach based on a binned blade pitch curve for identifying operational anomalies purposes. Finally, the weaknesses and strengths of these methods are summarised. SCADA data from healthy wind turbines are used to train and evaluate the performance of these techniques

    Condition based maintenance optimization for multi-state wind power generation systems under periodic inspection

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    As the wind power system moves toward more efficient operation, one of the main challenges for managers is to determine a cost effective maintenance strategy. Most maintenance optimization studies for wind power generation systems deal with wind turbine components separately. However, there are economic dependencies among wind turbines and their components. In addition, most current researches assume that the components in a wind turbine only have two states, while condition monitoring techniques can often provide more detailed health information of components. This study aims to construct an optimal condition based maintenance model for a multi-state wind farm under the condition that individual components or subsystems can be monitored in periodic inspection. The results are demonstrated using a numerical example.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    A model-based approach to wind turbine condition monitoring using SCADA data

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    Modern wind turbines are complex aerodynamic, mechanical and electrical machines incorporating sophisticated control systems. Their design continues to increase in size and they are increasingly being positioned offshore where the environment is hostile and where there are limited windows of opportunity for repair and maintenance activities. Condition monitoring is essential offshore if Wind Turbines (WTs) are to achieve the high reliability necessary for sustained operation. Contemporary WT monitoring systems already provide vast amounts of data, the essential basis of condition monitoring, much of which is ignored until a fault or breakdown occurs. This paper presents a model-based approach to condition monitoring of WT bearings. The backbone of the approach is the use of a least squares algorithm for estimating the parameters of a discrete time transfer function (TF) model relating WT generator temperature to bearing temperature. The model is first fitted to data where it is known no problems exist. It is then used in predictive mode and the estimates of the bearing temperature are compared with the real measurements. The authors propose that significant discrepancies between the two are indicative of a developing problem with the bearings. The promising experimental results achieved so far indicate that the approach is viable

    Modelling offshore wind farm operation and maintenance with view to estimating the benefits of condition monitoring

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    Offshore wind energy is progressing rapidly and playing an increasingly important role in electricity generation. Since the Kyoto Protocol in February 2005, Europe has been substantially increasing its installed wind capacity. Compared to onshore wind, offshore wind allows the installation of larger turbines, more extensive sites, and encounters higher wind speed with lower turbulence. On the other hand, harsh marine conditions and the limited access to the turbines are expected to increase the cost of operation and maintenance (O&M costs presently make up approximately 20-25% of the levelised total lifetime cost of a wind turbine). Efficient condition monitoring has the potential to reduce O&M costs. In the analysis of the cost effectiveness of condition monitoring, cost and operational data are crucial. Regrettably, wind farm operational data are generally kept confidential by manufacturers and wind farm operators, especially for the offshore ones.To facilitate progress, this thesis has investigated accessible SCADA and failure data from a large onshore wind farm and created a series of indirect analysis methods to overcome the data shortage including an onshore/offshore failure rate translator and a series of methods to distinguish yawing errors from wind turbine nacelle direction sensor errors. Wind turbine component reliability has been investigated by using this innovative component failure rate translation from onshore to offshore, and applies the translation technique to Failure Mode and Effect Analysis for offshore wind. An existing O&M cost model has been further developed and then compared to other available cost models. It is demonstrated that the improvements made to the model (including the data translation approach) have improved the applicability and reliability of the model. The extended cost model (called StraPCost+) has been used to establish a relationship between the effectiveness of reactive and condition-based maintenance strategies. The benchmarked cost model has then been applied to assess the O&M cost effectiveness for three offshore wind farms at different operational phases.Apart from the innovative methodologies developed, this thesis also provides detailed background and understanding of the state of the art for offshore wind technology, condition monitoring technology. The methodology of cost model developed in this thesis is presented in detail and compared with other cost models in both commercial and research domains.Offshore wind energy is progressing rapidly and playing an increasingly important role in electricity generation. Since the Kyoto Protocol in February 2005, Europe has been substantially increasing its installed wind capacity. Compared to onshore wind, offshore wind allows the installation of larger turbines, more extensive sites, and encounters higher wind speed with lower turbulence. On the other hand, harsh marine conditions and the limited access to the turbines are expected to increase the cost of operation and maintenance (O&M costs presently make up approximately 20-25% of the levelised total lifetime cost of a wind turbine). Efficient condition monitoring has the potential to reduce O&M costs. In the analysis of the cost effectiveness of condition monitoring, cost and operational data are crucial. Regrettably, wind farm operational data are generally kept confidential by manufacturers and wind farm operators, especially for the offshore ones.To facilitate progress, this thesis has investigated accessible SCADA and failure data from a large onshore wind farm and created a series of indirect analysis methods to overcome the data shortage including an onshore/offshore failure rate translator and a series of methods to distinguish yawing errors from wind turbine nacelle direction sensor errors. Wind turbine component reliability has been investigated by using this innovative component failure rate translation from onshore to offshore, and applies the translation technique to Failure Mode and Effect Analysis for offshore wind. An existing O&M cost model has been further developed and then compared to other available cost models. It is demonstrated that the improvements made to the model (including the data translation approach) have improved the applicability and reliability of the model. The extended cost model (called StraPCost+) has been used to establish a relationship between the effectiveness of reactive and condition-based maintenance strategies. The benchmarked cost model has then been applied to assess the O&M cost effectiveness for three offshore wind farms at different operational phases.Apart from the innovative methodologies developed, this thesis also provides detailed background and understanding of the state of the art for offshore wind technology, condition monitoring technology. The methodology of cost model developed in this thesis is presented in detail and compared with other cost models in both commercial and research domains