18 research outputs found

    Robust EM algorithm for model-based curve clustering

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    Model-based clustering approaches concern the paradigm of exploratory data analysis relying on the finite mixture model to automatically find a latent structure governing observed data. They are one of the most popular and successful approaches in cluster analysis. The mixture density estimation is generally performed by maximizing the observed-data log-likelihood by using the expectation-maximization (EM) algorithm. However, it is well-known that the EM algorithm initialization is crucial. In addition, the standard EM algorithm requires the number of clusters to be known a priori. Some solutions have been provided in [31, 12] for model-based clustering with Gaussian mixture models for multivariate data. In this paper we focus on model-based curve clustering approaches, when the data are curves rather than vectorial data, based on regression mixtures. We propose a new robust EM algorithm for clustering curves. We extend the model-based clustering approach presented in [31] for Gaussian mixture models, to the case of curve clustering by regression mixtures, including polynomial regression mixtures as well as spline or B-spline regressions mixtures. Our approach both handles the problem of initialization and the one of choosing the optimal number of clusters as the EM learning proceeds, rather than in a two-fold scheme. This is achieved by optimizing a penalized log-likelihood criterion. A simulation study confirms the potential benefit of the proposed algorithm in terms of robustness regarding initialization and funding the actual number of clusters.Comment: In Proceedings of the 2013 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN), 2013, Dallas, TX, US

    Clustering analysis to improve total unit weight prediction from CPTu

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    Accurate estimates of soil unit weight are fundamental for correctly post process CPTu data and making use of Soil Behavior Type-based classification systems. Soil-specific and global regressions have been proposed for this purpose. However, soil-specific correlation might pose a problem of pertinence when applied at new sites. On the other hand, global correlations are easy to apply, but generally carry large systematic uncertainties. In this context, this work proposes a data clustering technique applied to geotechnical database aiming to identify hidden linear trends among dimensionless soil unit weight and normalized CPTu parameter according to some unobservable soil classes. Global correlations are then revisited according to such data subdivision aiming to improve accuracy of soil unit weight prediction while reducing transformation uncertainty. A new probabilistic criterion for soil unit weight prediction is also obtained. The potential benefits of the proposed procedure are illustrated with data from a Llobregat delta site (Spain).Postprint (published version

    The discriminative functional mixture model for a comparative analysis of bike sharing systems

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    Bike sharing systems (BSSs) have become a means of sustainable intermodal transport and are now proposed in many cities worldwide. Most BSSs also provide open access to their data, particularly to real-time status reports on their bike stations. The analysis of the mass of data generated by such systems is of particular interest to BSS providers to update system structures and policies. This work was motivated by interest in analyzing and comparing several European BSSs to identify common operating patterns in BSSs and to propose practical solutions to avoid potential issues. Our approach relies on the identification of common patterns between and within systems. To this end, a model-based clustering method, called FunFEM, for time series (or more generally functional data) is developed. It is based on a functional mixture model that allows the clustering of the data in a discriminative functional subspace. This model presents the advantage in this context to be parsimonious and to allow the visualization of the clustered systems. Numerical experiments confirm the good behavior of FunFEM, particularly compared to state-of-the-art methods. The application of FunFEM to BSS data from JCDecaux and the Transport for London Initiative allows us to identify 10 general patterns, including pathological ones, and to propose practical improvement strategies based on the system comparison. The visualization of the clustered data within the discriminative subspace turns out to be particularly informative regarding the system efficiency. The proposed methodology is implemented in a package for the R software, named funFEM, which is available on the CRAN. The package also provides a subset of the data analyzed in this work.Comment: Published at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/15-AOAS861 in the Annals of Applied Statistics (http://www.imstat.org/aoas/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org

    Model-Based Co-Clustering of Multivariate Functional Data

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    International audienceHigh dimensional data clustering is an increasingly interesting topic in the statistical analysis of heterogeneous large-scale data. In this paper, we consider the problem of clustering heterogeneous high-dimensional data where the individuals are described by functional variables which exhibit a dynamical longitudinal structure. We address the issue in the framework of model-based co-clustering and propose the functional latent block model (FLBM). The introduced FLBM model allows to simultaneously cluster a sample of multivariate functions into a finite set of blocks, each block being an association of a cluster over individuals and a cluster over functional variables. Furthermore, the homogeneous set within each block is modeled with a dedicated latent process functional regression model which allows its segmentation according to an underlying dynamical structure. The proposed model allows thus to fully exploit the structure of the data, compared to classical latent block clustering models for continuous non functional data, which ignores the functional structure of the observations. The FLBM can therefore serve for simultaneous co-clustering and segmentation of multivariate non-stationary functions. We propose a variational expectation-maximization (EM) algorithm (VEM-FLBM) to monotonically maximize a variational approximation of the observed-data log-likelihood for the unsupervised inference of the FLBM model

    Feature quantization for parsimonious and interpretable predictive models

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    For regulatory and interpretability reasons, the logistic regression is still widely used by financial institutions to learn the refunding probability of a loan from applicant's historical data. To improve prediction accuracy and interpretability, a preprocessing step quantizing both continuous and categorical data is usually performed: continuous features are discretized by assigning factor levels to intervals and, if numerous, levels of categorical features are grouped. However, a better predictive accuracy can be reached by embedding this quantization estimation step directly into the predictive estimation step itself. By doing so, the predictive loss has to be optimized on a huge and untractable discontinuous quantization set. To overcome this difficulty, we introduce a specific two-step optimization strategy: first, the optimization problem is relaxed by approximating discontinuous quan-tization functions by smooth functions; second, the resulting relaxed optimization problem is solved via a particular neural network and stochas-tic gradient descent. The strategy gives then access to good candidates for the original optimization problem after a straightforward maximum a posteriori procedure to obtain cutpoints. The good performances of this approach, which we call glmdisc, are illustrated on simulated and real data from the UCI library and Crédit Agricole Consumer Finance (a major Eu-ropean historic player in the consumer credit market). The results show that practitioners finally have an automatic all-in-one tool that answers their recurring needs of quantization for predictive tasks

    Gaussian Based Visualization of Gaussian and Non-Gaussian Based Clustering

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    International audienceA generic method is introduced to visualize in a "Gaussian-like way", and onto R 2 , results of Gaussian or non-Gaussian based clustering. The key point is to explicitly force a visualization based on a spherical Gaussian mixture to inherit from the within cluster overlap that is present in the initial clustering mixture. The result is a particularly user-friendly drawing of the clusters, providing any practitioner with an overview of the potentially complex clustering result. An entropic measure provides information about the quality of the drawn overlap compared to the true one in the initial space. The proposed method is illustrated on four real data sets of different types (categorical, mixed, functional and network) and is implemented on the R package ClusVis