15 research outputs found

    Requirements traceability in model-driven development: Applying model and transformation conformance

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    The variety of design artifacts (models) produced in a model-driven design process results in an intricate relationship between requirements and the various models. This paper proposes a methodological framework that simplifies management of this relationship, which helps in assessing the quality of models, realizations and transformation specifications. Our framework is a basis for understanding requirements traceability in model-driven development, as well as for the design of tools that support requirements traceability in model-driven development processes. We propose a notion of conformance between application models which reduces the effort needed for assessment activities. We discuss how this notion of conformance can be integrated with model transformations

    Una herramienta de soporte al proceso de desarrollo dirigido por modelos (MDD)

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    The use of models for building different types of software systems is at the moment one of the keys for developing new technologies. The fundamental idea of this “Model Driven Development” (MDD) it is to substitute, as main artifact in the process of software development, the code in a programming language by models. Such models are then considered as first class entities, allowing new ways of creating, analyzing and manipulating systems through different languages and tools. In this context that involves graphic modeling languages, precise specification of models, model transformation tools and formal models specification languages, among other, arises the need of developing PAMPA: a visual environment tool developed on .Net platform that allows building models starting from UML diagrams, providing also formal support with OCL expressions, based on a metamodel specification. We’ll show step by step the concerns, functionalities and application environment of the tool, which is essentially educational, in order to promote the use of the new paradigm MDD.El uso de modelos para construir distintos tipos de sistemas de software es actualmente una de las claves para desarrollar nuevas tecnologĂ­as. La idea fundamental de este “desarrollo dirigido por modelos” (MDD) es sustituir, como artefacto principal en el proceso de desarrollo de software, al cĂłdigo de lenguajes de programaciĂłn por modelos. De este modo, tales modelos son considerados como entidades de primera clase, permitiendo nuevas posibilidades de crear, analizar y manipular sistemas a travĂ©s de diversos lenguajes y herramientas. Dentro de este contexto que involucra lenguajes grĂĄficos de modelado, la especificaciĂłn de modelos precisos, herramientas de transformaciĂłn de modelos y lenguajes para especificar modelos formales, entre otros, yace la necesidad de crear PAMPA: una herramienta de entorno visual desarrollada sobre plataforma .NET que permite construir modelos a partir de diagramas UML, proveyendo soporte formal con expresiones OCL, basados en un metamodelo de especificaciĂłn. Mostraremos paso a paso las incumbencias, funcionalidades y ĂĄmbito de aplicaciĂłn de la herramienta, la cual se orienta esencialmente, con fines educativos, a fomentar el uso del nuevo paradigma MDD.III Workshop de IngenierĂ­a de Software y Bases de Datos (WISBD

    Una herramienta de soporte al proceso de desarrollo dirigido por modelos (MDD)

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    El uso de modelos para construir distintos tipos de sistemas de software es actualmente una de las claves para desarrollar nuevas tecnologĂ­as. La idea fundamental de este “desarrollo dirigido por modelos” (MDD) es sustituir, como artefacto principal en el proceso de desarrollo de software, al cĂłdigo de lenguajes de programaciĂłn por modelos. De este modo, tales modelos son considerados como entidades de primera clase, permitiendo nuevas posibilidades de crear, analizar y manipular sistemas a travĂ©s de diversos lenguajes y herramientas. Dentro de este contexto que involucra lenguajes grĂĄficos de modelado, la especificaciĂłn de modelos precisos, herramientas de transformaciĂłn de modelos y lenguajes para especificar modelos formales, entre otros, yace la necesidad de crear PAMPA: una herramienta de entorno visual desarrollada sobre plataforma .NET que permite construir modelos a partir de diagramas UML, proveyendo soporte formal con expresiones OCL, basados en un metamodelo de especificaciĂłn. Mostraremos paso a paso las incumbencias, funcionalidades y ĂĄmbito de aplicaciĂłn de la herramienta, la cual se orienta esencialmente, con fines educativos, a fomentar el uso del nuevo paradigma MDD.The use of models for building different types of software systems is at the moment one of the keys for developing new technologies. The fundamental idea of this “Model Driven Development” (MDD) it is to substitute, as main artifact in the process of software development, the code in a programming language by models. Such models are then considered as first class entities, allowing new ways of creating, analyzing and manipulating systems through different languages and tools. In this context that involves graphic modeling languages, precise specification of models, model transformation tools and formal models specification languages, among other, arises the need of developing PAMPA: a visual environment tool developed on .Net platform that allows building models starting from UML diagrams, providing also formal support with OCL expressions, based on a metamodel specification. We’ll show step by step the concerns, functionalities and application environment of the tool, which is essentially educational, in order to promote the use of the new paradigm MDD.III Workshop de IngenierĂ­a de Software y Bases de Datos (WISBD)Red de Universidades con Carreras en InformĂĄtica (RedUNCI

    IntegraciĂłn de modelos BPMN en ambientes MDA

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    En este trabajo se presenta la utilización de modelos CIM para representar los procesos de negocio en un contexto de desarrollo MDA, y la obtención de modelos PIM, mediante transformación entre modelos. Se mostrarå la adopción de dos lenguajes de modelado, BPMN y UML, para plasmar el comportamiento sistémico de la organización. El primero de ellos es utilizado con el fin de representar el funcionamiento de la organización, en forma clara y precisa a través de la creación de un CIM. El segundo de ellos permite representar modelos PIM, obtenidos a partir de los diagramas BPMN mediante el uso del lenguaje de transformaciones eståndar QVT. El modelado con BPMN en etapas iniciales de un proyecto permite obtener, luego de la transformación a artefactos UML, modelos PIM con requerimientos de negocios mås precisos y una mejor visión para el grupo de desarrollo.Eje: Workshop Ingeniería de software (WIS)Red de Universidades con Carreras en Informåtica (RedUNCI

    Una herramienta de soporte al proceso de desarrollo dirigido por modelos (MDD)

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    El uso de modelos para construir distintos tipos de sistemas de software es actualmente una de las claves para desarrollar nuevas tecnologĂ­as. La idea fundamental de este “desarrollo dirigido por modelos” (MDD) es sustituir, como artefacto principal en el proceso de desarrollo de software, al cĂłdigo de lenguajes de programaciĂłn por modelos. De este modo, tales modelos son considerados como entidades de primera clase, permitiendo nuevas posibilidades de crear, analizar y manipular sistemas a travĂ©s de diversos lenguajes y herramientas. Dentro de este contexto que involucra lenguajes grĂĄficos de modelado, la especificaciĂłn de modelos precisos, herramientas de transformaciĂłn de modelos y lenguajes para especificar modelos formales, entre otros, yace la necesidad de crear PAMPA: una herramienta de entorno visual desarrollada sobre plataforma .NET que permite construir modelos a partir de diagramas UML, proveyendo soporte formal con expresiones OCL, basados en un metamodelo de especificaciĂłn. Mostraremos paso a paso las incumbencias, funcionalidades y ĂĄmbito de aplicaciĂłn de la herramienta, la cual se orienta esencialmente, con fines educativos, a fomentar el uso del nuevo paradigma MDD.The use of models for building different types of software systems is at the moment one of the keys for developing new technologies. The fundamental idea of this “Model Driven Development” (MDD) it is to substitute, as main artifact in the process of software development, the code in a programming language by models. Such models are then considered as first class entities, allowing new ways of creating, analyzing and manipulating systems through different languages and tools. In this context that involves graphic modeling languages, precise specification of models, model transformation tools and formal models specification languages, among other, arises the need of developing PAMPA: a visual environment tool developed on .Net platform that allows building models starting from UML diagrams, providing also formal support with OCL expressions, based on a metamodel specification. We’ll show step by step the concerns, functionalities and application environment of the tool, which is essentially educational, in order to promote the use of the new paradigm MDD.III Workshop de IngenierĂ­a de Software y Bases de Datos (WISBD)Red de Universidades con Carreras en InformĂĄtica (RedUNCI

    Investigations into the model driven design of distribution patterns for web service compositions

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    Increasingly, distributed systems are being used to provide enterprise level solutions with high scalability and fault tolerance These solutins are often built using Web servces that are composed to perform useful business functions Acceptance of these composed systems is often constrained by a number of non-functional properties of the system such as availability, scalability and performance There are a number of drstribution patterns that each exhibit different non-functional charactmstics These patterns are re-occuring distribution schemes that express how a system is to be assembled and subsequently deployed. Traditional approaches to development of Web service compositions exhibit a number of Issues Firstly, Web service composition development is often ad-hoc and requires considerable low level coding effort for realisatlon Such systems often exhibit fixed architectures, making maintenance difficult and error prone Additionally, a number of the non-funchonal reqwements cannot be easily assessed by exammng low level code. In this thesis we explicitly model the compositional aspects of Web service compositions usmg UML Activity diagrams Ths approach uses a modehng and transformation framework, based on Model Dnven Software Development (MDSD), going from high level models to an executable system The framework is guided by a methodological framework whose primary artifact is a distribution pattern model, chosen from the supplied catalog. Our modelling and transfomation framework improves the development process of Web service compositions, with respect to a number of criteria, when compared to the traditional handcrafted approach Specifically, we negate the coding effort traditionally associated with Web service composition development Maintenance overheads of the solution are also slgnificantly reduced, while improved mutability 1s achieved through a flexible architecture when compared with existing tools We also improve the product output from the development process by exposing the non-functional runtime properties of Web service compositlons using distribution patterns

    An MDA Approach to Business Process Model Transformations

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    We present in this work an MDA approach for the definition of transformations for business process models. These transformations are based on the use of two platform independent workflow universal languages –UML 2.0 Activity Diagrams and BPMN– and a platform specific language, the XPDL language. The first two languages are used in the definition of a horizontal transformation, while BPMN and XPDL are used in the definition of a vertical transformation. Although there are several options for a model transformation language, we have adhered to one of the principles of MDA, namely the use of standards, therefore adopting the QVT language, which is the transformation language proposed by the OMG. We also show, in this work, a practical case of an application of the transformations proposed here.Sociedad Argentina de Informática e Investigación Operativ

    An Extensible Static Analysis Framework for Automated Analysis, Validation and Performance Improvement of Model Management Programs

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    Model Driven Engineering (MDE) is a state-of-the-art software engineering approach, which adopts models as first class artefacts. In MDE, modelling tools and task-specific model management languages are used to reason about the system under development and to (automatically) produce software artefacts such as working code and documentation. Existing tools which provide state-of-the-art model management languages exhibit the lack of support for automatic static analysis for error detection (especially when models defined in various modelling technologies are involved within a multi-step MDE development process) and for performance optimisation (especially when very large models are involved in model management operations). This thesis investigates the hypothesis that static analysis of model management programs in the context of MDE can help with the detection of potential runtime errors and can be also used to achieve automated performance optimisation of such programs. To assess the validity of this hypothesis, a static analysis framework for the Epsilon family of model management languages is designed and implemented. The static analysis framework is evaluated in terms of its support for analysis of task-specific model management programs involving models defined in different modelling technologies, and its ability to improve the performance of model management programs operating on large models