120 research outputs found

    10421 Abstracts Collection -- Model-Based Testing in Practice

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    From 17.10. to 22.10.2010, the Dagstuhl Seminar 10421 ``Model-Based Testing in Practice \u27\u27 was held in Schloss Dagstuhl~--~Leibniz Center for Informatics. During the seminar, several participants presented their current research, and ongoing work and open problems were discussed. Abstracts of the presentations given during the seminar as well as abstracts of seminar results and ideas are put together in this paper. The first section describes the seminar topics and goals in general. Links to extended abstracts or full papers are provided, if available

    Model-Based Testing in Practice: An Industrial Case Study using GraphWalker

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    Model-based testing (MBT) is a test design technique that supports the automation of software testing processes and generates test artefacts based on a system model representing behavioural aspects of the system under test (SUT). Previous research has shown some positive aspects of MBT such as low-cost test case generation and fault detection effectiveness. However, it is still a challenge for both practitioners and researchers to evaluate MBT tools and techniques in real, industrial settings. Consequently, the empirical evidence regarding the mainstream use, including the modelling and test case generation using MBT tools, is limited. In this paper, we report the results of a case study on applying GraphWalker, an open-source tool for MBT, on an industrial cyber-physical system (i.e., a Train Control Management System developed by Bombardier Transportation in Sweden), from modelling of real-world requirements and test specifications to test case generation. We evaluate the models of the SUT for completeness and representativeness, compare MBT with manual test cases written by practitioners using multiple attributes as well as share our experiences of selecting and using GraphWalker for industrial application. The results show that a model of the SUT created using both requirements and test specifications provides better understanding of the SUT from testers’ perspective, making it more complete and representative than the model created based only on the requirements specification alone. The generated model-based test cases are longer in terms of the number of test steps, achieve better edge coverage and can cover requirements more frequently in different orders while achieving the same level of requirements coverage as manually created test cases

    Putting formal specifications under the magnifying glass: Model-based testing for validation

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    A software development process is effectively an abstract form of model transformation, starting from an end-user model of requirements, through to a system model for which code can be automatically generated. The success (or failure) of such a transformation depends substantially on obtaining a correct, well-formed initial model that captures user concerns. Model-based testing automates black box testing based on the model of the system under analysis. This paper proposes and evaluates a novel model-based testing technique that aims to reveal specification/requirement-related errors by generating test cases from a test model and exercising them on the design model. The case study outlined in the paper shows that a separate test model not only increases the level of objectivity of the requirements, but also supports the validation of the system under test through test case generation. The results obtained from the case study support the hypothesis that there may be discrepancies between the formal specification of the system modeled at developer end and the problem to be solved, and using solely formal verification methods may not be sufficient to reveal these. The approach presented in this paper aims at providing means to obtain greater confidence in the design model that is used as the basis for code generation

    Test-aware combinatorial interaction testing

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    Combinatorial interaction testing (CIT) approaches system- atically sample a given configuration space and select a set of configurations, in which each valid t-way option setting combination appears at least once. A battery of test cases are then executed in the selected configurations. Exist- ing CIT approaches, however, do not provide a system- atic way of handling test-specific inter-option constraints. Improper handling of such constraints, on the other hand, causes masking effects, which in turn causes testers to de- velop false confidence in their test processes, believing them have tested certain option setting combinations, when they in fact have not. In this work, to avoid the harmful conse- quences of masking effects caused by improper handling of test-specific constraints, we compute t-way test-aware cov- ering arrays. A t-way test-aware covering array is not just a set of configurations as is the case in traditional covering arrays, but a set of configurations, each of which is asso- ciated with a set of test cases. We furthermore present a set of empirical studies conducted by using two widely-used highly-configurable software systems as our subject applica- tions, demonstrating that test-specific constraints are likely to occur in practice and the proposed approach is a promis- ing and effective way of handling them

    A Comparison of State-Based Modelling Tools for Model Validation

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    In model-based testing, one of the biggest decisions taken before modelling is the modelling language and the model analysis tool to be used to model the system under investigation. UML, Alloy and Z are examples of popular state-based modelling languages. In the literature, there has been research about the similarities and the differences between modelling languages. However, we believe that, in addition to recognising the expressive power of modelling languages, it is crucial to detect the capabilities and the weaknesses of analysis tools that parse and analyse models written in these languages. In order to explore this area, we have chosen four model analysis tools: USE, Alloy Analyzer, ZLive and ProZ and observed how modelling and validation stages of MBT are handled by these tools for the same system. Through this experiment, we not only concretise the tasks that form the modelling and validation stages of MBT process, but also reveal how efficiently these tasks are carried out in different tools

    Feedback driven adaptive combinatorial testing

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    The configuration spaces of modern software systems are too large to test exhaustively. Combinatorial interaction testing (CIT) approaches, such as covering arrays, systematically sample the configuration space and test only the selected configurations. The basic justification for CIT approaches is that they can cost-effectively exercise all system behaviors caused by the settings of t or fewer options. We conjecture, however, that in practice many such behaviors are not actually tested because of masking effects – failures that perturb execution so as to prevent some behaviors from being exercised. In this work we present a feedback-driven, adaptive, combinatorial testing approach aimed at detecting and working around masking effects. At each iteration we detect potential masking effects, heuristically isolate their likely causes, and then generate new covering arrays that allow previously masked combinations to be tested in the subsequent iteration. We empirically assess the effectiveness of the proposed approach on two large widely used open source software systems. Our results suggest that masking effects do exist and that our approach provides a promising and efficient way to work around them

    Controllability problems in MSC-based testing

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    This is a pre-copyedited, author-produced PDF of an article accepted for publication in The Computer Journal following peer review. The definitive publisher-authenticated version [Dan, H and Hierons, RM (2012), "Controllability Problems in MSC-Based Testing", The Computer Journal, 55(11), 1270-1287] is available online at: http://comjnl.oxfordjournals.org/content/55/11/1270. Copyright @ The Authors 2011.In testing systems with distributed interfaces/ports, we may place a separate tester at each port. It is known that this approach can introduce controllability problems which have received much attention in testing from finite state machines. Message sequence charts (MSCs) form an alternative, commonly used, language for modelling distributed systems. However, controllability problems in testing from MSCs have not been thoroughly investigated. In this paper, controllability problems in MSC test cases are analysed with three notions of observability: local, tester and global. We identify two types of controllability problem in MSC-based testing. It transpires that each type of controllability problem is related to a type of MSC pathology. Controllability problems of timing are caused by races but not every race causes controllability problems; controllability problems of choice are caused by non-local choices and not every non-local choice causes controllability problems. We show that some controllability problems of timing are avoidable and some controllability problems of choice can be overcome when testers have better observational power. Algorithms are provided to tackle both types of controllability problems. Finally, we show how one can overcome controllability problems using a coordination service with status messages based on algorithms developed in this paper.EPSR