29 research outputs found

    Model-Based IT Governance Maturity Assessments with Cobit

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    An Examination of the Practicability of COBIT Framework and the Proposal of a COBIT-BSC Model

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    Control Objectives for Information and Related Technology (COBIT) becomes very popular in recent years and is regarded as the most comprehensive IT governance framework. However, its actual utilization and effectiveness are not clear due to the lack of academic studies. Also, the proliferation of other IT standards and best practices, such as ISO27000 series and ITIL, creates great challenges for organizations to understand their relations and to take advantage of them. The main objective of this research is to explore the practicability of COBIT framework and its actual usage. A pilot COBIT program within an IT department was carried out to collect primary data. The actual usage of COBIT tools is analyzed and compared to their theoretical design. Practical problems of COBIT framework are identified. A COBIT-BSC model is proposed to illustrate a simple way of structuring COBIT control objectives. This study will contribute some practical insights to COBIT framework and help organizations take advantage of COBIT as well as other IT control frameworks.Algorithms and the Foundations of Software technolog


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    Pemanfaatan Teknologi Informasi di desa (kampung) selama ini seakan luput dalam kajian ketertinggalan pembangunan, akibatnya desa atau kampung mengalami ketertinggalan informasi yang sangat besar dibandingkan kota. Keterkaitan pentingnya penerapan teknologi informasi di pedesaan, pemerintah pusat telah mengupayakan bebeberapa sistem aplikasi berbasis database baik berjalanan pada jaringan internet online maupun berbasis dekstop offline Local Area Network. Akan tetapi belum mampu menjawab permasalahan pada sistem pemerintahan Kampung. Hal tersebut dipengaruhi oleh tidak adanya perencanaan dalam pengembangan serta minimnya infrastruktur pendukung serta kurangnya sumber daya manusia yang memiliki kemampuan dibidang teknologi informasi. Pemerintah kampung belum mampu mengkaji sumberdaya yang dimiliki dalam perencanaan teknologi informasi. Hal tersebut menjadi dasar kajian penelitian untuk menganalisis penerapan teknologi informasi menggunakan kerangka kerja Control Objectives for Information and Related Technology (COBIT5). Kriteria penilaian difokuskan pada domain pendefenisian rencana strategis (PO1), domain arsitektur teknologi informasi (PO2) dan domain proses teknologi infomasi (PO4) tingkat kelayakan atau kematangan (maturity level). Hasil penilaian tingkat kematangan dari tiga domain tersebut menunjukan bahwa penerapan teknologi informasi di kantor pemerintah Kampung Kuma 1 dikategorikan pada level 0 (Non Existent). Jika dikonversikan kedalam maturity skala level 0 (non-existent) hingga level 5 (optimised), Level 0 (Non Existent) memiliki arti kekurangan yang menyeluruh terhadap proses apapun yang dapat dikenali. Perusahaan dalam hal inipemerintah Kampung Kuma 1 tidak mengetahui bahwa terdapat permasalahan yang harus diatasi. Hasilpenilaian ini menjadi rekomendasi untuk perubahan dan perencanaan pengembangan master planteknologi informasi,dalam menyusun rencana pembangunan jangka menengah desa (RPJMD) dan menyusun rencana anggaran pengadaan infrastruktur TIK

    An Examination of the Practicability of COBIT Framework and the Proposal of a COBIT-BSC Model

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    Control Objectives for Information and Related Technology (COBIT) becomes very popular in recent years and is regarded as the most comprehensive IT governance framework. However, its actual utilization and effectiveness are not clear due to the lack of academic studies. Also, the proliferation of other IT standards and best practices, such as ISO27000 series and ITIL, creates great challenges for organizations to understand their relations and to take advantage of them. The main objective of this research is to explore the practicability of COBIT framework and its actual usage. A pilot COBIT program within an IT department was carried out to collect primary data. The actual usage of COBIT tools is analyzed and compared to their theoretical design. Practical problems of COBIT framework are identified. A COBIT-BSC model is proposed to illustrate a simple way of structuring COBIT control objectives. This study will contribute some practical insights to COBIT framework and help organizations take advantage of COBIT as well as other IT control frameworks.Algorithms and the Foundations of Software technolog

    ISO/IEC 15504 measurement applied to COBIT process maturity

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    Purpose: The assessment of COBIT process maturity levels is fraught with a number of problems regarding the objectivity of the assessment results. Unlike ISO/IEC 15504, COBIT does not define an assessment model. The purpose of this paper is to align the behavioural aspects of the six COBIT process attributes with achievement results defined for the nine process attributes associated with the ISO/IEC 15504-2 measurement scale. The authors believe that this alignment permits a translation of the ISO/IEC 15504 assessment data into an objective COBIT process maturity rating. Design/methodology/approach: The tables presented in the paper identify the COBIT process attributes, the applicable ISO/IEC 15504 process attribute achievement results and the aggregated rating that pertains to the selected achievement results. A final table lists the derived COBIT process maturity level in terms of the ratings for the ISO/IEC 15504 process attribute achievement results for an assessed process. Findings: The objectivity of the aggregated result (COBIT process maturity level) appeals strongly to end-users of this measurement result, particularly where contractual obligations must be satisfied. Practical implications: The method is useful where measurement rigour must be demonstrated in the computation of the COBIT process maturity levels. Originality/value: This assessment and computational method was developed and trialled in the second half of 2010 in the context of the assessment of 13 information technology (IT) service management processes at two different customer sites. The material is of special value to service managers in companies that have outsourced IT service management processes to external IT service providers. © Emerald Group Publishing Limited

    Analisa Dan Perencanaan Strategis Sistem Dan Teknologi Informasi Menggunakan Balance Scorecard Pada Institut Bisnis Dan Informatika Kwik Kian Gie

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    Kemajuan suatu institusi sangat ditentukan oleh visi, misi dan tujuan institusi tersebut yang didukung secarasungguh-sungguh oleh semua komponen institusi serta dikendalikan dengan kepemimpinan yang kuat dandiimplementasikan dengan pendekatan balanced scorecard. Penyelarasan dan pengelolaan teknologiinformasi dalam menyediakan sarana dan prasarana untuk mendukung tujuan institusi dalam mencapaitingkatan world class university yang mengacu kepada beberapa kriteria seperti DIKTI, ARWU danWebometric dilakukan dengan COBIT Framework. Investigasi akan kebutuhan dan pengembangan sumberdaya manusia yang berkualitas dalam mendukung kegiatan tersebut dilakukan dengan menggunakanZachman Framework. Dengan menggunakan pendekatan di atas maka didapat roadmap Teknologi Informasiyang akan dibangun dalam jangka waktu 15 tahun yang dibagi ke dalam 3 kategori, yaitu jaringan &infrastruktur, Sistem Informasi, dan Sistem Organisasi yang masing-masing kategori dibagi ke dalam 3tahapan 5 tahunan

    A Framework for Auditing Web-Based Information Systems

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    The last decade has seen an unprecedented rate of development of Web-Based Information System (WBIS). Enormous investment is currently being made in WBIS systems. There is a concern about whether the true capability of WBIS is being realized. As a consequence, growing attention is being paid to assessing the inherent contribution of WBIS. In this paper, we propose a WBIS audit methodology. The latter has two main features: 1) it structures the audit process as a hierarchical evaluation tree, using an Analytic Hierarchy Process model, 2) it allows the evaluation of a WBIS according to a specific set of criteria based on quality, security and readability requirements. Unlike past approaches, our methodology allows independent auditors, companies and users to minimize the time and effort needed to evaluate WBIS. It has been applied to a real-life example which is described in the paper, allowing us to validate our WBIS audit approach

    A Comparison of IT Governance & Control Frameworks in Cloud Computing

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    Multi-framework implementation of the problem management process

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    Many different information technology frameworks have been proposed to assist organizations implementing information technology. However, these frameworks are complex, difficult to implement and overlap each other turning their simultaneous implementation even more difficult to accomplish by organizations. This study proposes to develop an overlapless maturity model that not only help organizations dealing with the problems aforementioned. The model was applied and evaluated by experts in five organizations. The artefact was recognized as useful, complete and helpful in a multi-framework implementation by PM experts. This research provides contributions for academics since it distinguishes itself from the existing artefacts in the body of knowledge and is a baseline for further investigation.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio