10 research outputs found

    E-Services Effectiveness: A Case of Companies Commission of Malaysia

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    E-Technology has become a reason for enabling more effective government through better access to services and the democratic process. Technology make both the public and private sector work more effectively by giving attention to the needs of customers while, at the same time, reducing costs, time and improving the quality of services. This paper, will discusses some of the key aspects of e-Service providing in Companies Commission of Malaysia (CCM) and the role of internal IT department and operational department to encourage the eservices in CCM to cater the drastically increasing application. Method undertaken in this study was throughinterviews with project sponsors and a number of other stakeholders and surveys of several focus groups of users. Data were collected using online questionnaire from CCM customers, employees and interview the stakeholders such as board of members. An online questionnaire survey of CCM employees was sent, accompanied by email imitating respondents to existing customer. This study will add more information on how to examine the value and the effectiveness of e-Services with a focus on three specific aspects of effectiveness such as the view of management and IT department; social, cultural and ethical implications; and the customers view of the usefulness and success of e-Service initiatives

    Aplikasi Smart Province “Jogja Istimewa”: Penyediaan Informasi Terintegrasi dan Pemanfaatannya

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    Pemerintah Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta menyediakan aplikasi Smart Province ”Jogja Istimewa” untuk mempermudah masyarakat dalam memperoleh informasi terintegrasi. Penelitian ini bertujuan; 1) mengidentifikasi penyediaan informasi terintegrasi dalam Aplikasi ”Jogja Istimewa”, 2) menganalisis optimalitas pemanfaatan Aplikasi”Jogja Istimewa”. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah kualitatif dan kuantitatif. Data sekunder diperoleh melalui laporan instansi dan fitur  aplikasi melalui smart phone, sedangkan data primer diperoleh dengan jalan indepth interview, focus group discussion, dan wawancara terstruktur. Teknik analisis yang digunakan adalah deskriptif kualitatif dan kuantitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Aplikasi ”Jogja Istimewa” terdiri atas informasi terintegrasi dengan penyajian informasi berupa visual, deskripsi  yang terintegrasi dengan ruang dan lokasi dalam bentuk peta dan augmented reality. Pemanfaatan Aplikasi ”Jogja Istimewa” melalui pemantauan sistem menunjukkan pemanfaatan yang baik dengan jangkauan pengguna sampai luar wilayah. Disisi lain hasil survei menunjukkan belum optimalnya pemanfaatan aplikasi oleh masyarakat dan wisatawan. Strategi pengenalan dan sosialisasi Aplikasi ”Jogja Istimewa” diperlukan untuk mengoptimalkan pemanfaatan. The Government of Yogyakarta Special Region provides Smart Province application "Jogja Istimewa" to facilitate the community in obtaining integrated information. The aim of this study; 1) identifying the provision of integrated information in the "Special Jogja" Application, 2) analyzing the optimal use of the "Jogja Istimewa" Application. The research method used is qualitative and quantitative. Secondary data is obtained through agency reports and application features through smart phones, while primary data is obtained through indepth interviews, focus group discussions, and structured interviews. The analysis technique used is descriptive qualitative and quantitative. The results show that the "Jogja Istimewa" application consists of integrated information with the presentation of visual information and description integrated with space and location in the form of maps and augmented reality. Application Utilization "Jogja Istimewa" through monitoring system shows good utilization with the reach of users to outside the region. On the other hand the survey results show not optimal application utilization by society and tourists. The introduction and dissemination strategy of the "Special Jogja" App is required to optimize utilization

    E-government services effectiveness evaluation framework (E-GEEF) : a case study of Indian e-tax service

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    Technological amplification has expended the involvement of information and communication technology in public sectors and enhanced governmental dependence on information systems which restrains the management attention towards improving the effectiveness of e-government services. Based on the analytical review of literature, it was found that most of the e-government evaluation models address the e-service dimensions that assess the quality of e-government websites. This gives a very constrict perspective to e-government and ignores the key dimensions. It becomes important to understand how citizens perceive and evaluate e-government services. This involves defining what e-government service is, identifying its underlying dimensions, and determining how it can be measured. Therefore, periodical evaluation of the effectiveness of e-government services becomes essential. Foregoing discussion clearly indicates the necessity of developing a well founded e-government e-service effectiveness evaluation framework which not only evaluates the e-government service effectiveness but also evaluates the e-government service quality criteria and the citizens‟ perception in the form of citizens‟ trust in offered e-services. Thus, the objective of this study was to develop a framework (E-GEEF) "e-government service effectiveness evaluation framework" that assesses e-government service effectiveness from the citizens‟ (G2C) perspective. A systematic study of the existing e-government service assessment frameworks has been carried out to establish the basis for conceptualizing a theoretical framework called e-government service effectiveness evaluation framework (E-GEEF). In this research, the author attempts to explore the underlying dimensions and factors of e-government services, and has proposed an effectiveness evaluation framework (E-GEEF). Present empirical research adapted DeLone and McLean, (2003) IS success model as base model which is upgradable and extendable, hence additional dimensions were incorporated to develop a novel framework (E-GEEF) for evaluating the effectiveness of e-government service. The suggested framework has identified number of measuring dimensions and associated items within each dimension for (E-GEEF). System quality, information quality, and service quality dimensions were adopted from DeLone and McLean (2003) IS success model and “intention to use and user satisfaction” dimensions were re-specified in proposed framework (E-GEEF) as “citizens‟ use / usefulness” and “citizens‟ satisfaction”. Further, "citizens" trust, perceived e-government service quality, and perceived effectiveness” were incorporated as new dimensions in the proposed framework (E-GEEF). Three new dimensions were identified and two existing dimensions were re-specified for evaluating the effectiveness of e-government service. Sixteen hypotheses were formulated from literature on existing e-government assessment frameworks to test the proposed framework (E-GEEF). In order to test the proposed framework and their associated dimensions, Indian e-tax service was considered, because e-tax service of Indian e-government is utilized by several Indian citizens for filing their taxes. Preliminary qualitative study was carried out carefully to ensure whether all important dimensions and measurement items were included in the proposed framework E-GEEF in the right research context or not. Empirical research has used quantitative analysis for validating the proposed framework (E-GEEF). Data collection was done using survey which was conducted among citizens of India who have been utilizing e-tax service as users. Descriptive statistical analysis was performed to ensure the data normality by using SPSS 20. Structural equation modeling statistical technique was applied using AMOS 21 on the collected data for testing the hypotheses. The empirical research findings have confirmed most of the hypothesized relationships within the validated framework (E-GEEF). Consequently, in terms of the theoretical implications, this study emphasizes the significance of such hypothesized relationships when performing empirical research in e-government context. Key findings demonstrated the strong relationships of perceived e-government service quality with system quality, information quality, service quality, and citizens‟ satisfaction. Further, citizens‟ trust exhibited direct relationships with perceived e-government service quality and perceived effectiveness of e-government service. Thus, as a major contribution to the proposed research, the identified new dimensions “perceived e-government service quality, citizens‟ trust, perceived effectiveness” and re-specified dimensions “citizens‟ use/usefulness and citizens‟ satisfaction” have shown great significance in evaluating effectiveness of e-government e-tax service in Indian G2C context. The developed and validated framework (E-GEEF) provides government agencies with an appropriate approach and dimensions in order to evaluate the effectiveness of e-government services

    Gobierno electrónico y calidad de servicio judicial en una corte superior de justicia de Lima, 2022

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    La investigación tuvo como objetivo determinar la relación entre el gobierno electrónico y la calidad de servicio de una corte superior de justicia de Lima, 2022. Tuvo enfoque cuantitativo, de tipo básico con un diseño no experimental y transversal; asimismo el ámbito de estudio fue una corte superior de justicia de Lima, cuyas unidades de análisis fueron los trabajadores del ámbito de estudio mencionado; como técnica de recolección de datos fue la encuesta y el instrumento fue el cuestionario, el cual está conformado por una escala politómica del 01 al 05. Se estableció como conclusión que el gobierno electrónico se encuentra relacionada de manera significativa con la calidad de servicio judicial en una corte superior de justicia de Lima, 2022; puesto que, se señala un coeficiente de correlación de nivel 0,419 y un nivel de significancia 0,000<0,001. Por lo que podemos afirmar que la eficacia de la implementación de un gobierno electrónico propiciará una mejora de la calidad del servicio judicial

    A model for enhancing customer satisfaction for quality services and awareness through community participation

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    Customer satisfaction as a means of measuring government performance has been on top of global debates of developmental programs at local government. The background of this study highlighted the position of customer satisfaction in many municipal coun-cils in the world and with special focus on Batu Pahat Municipal Council (BPMC). The research problem statement was that it has been observed that municipal aware-ness and community participation have not been harnessed for customer satisfaction for municipal councils’ service delivery. The aim and objectives of the study were to investigate the effects of Community Participation (CP) on customer satisfaction. Four research questions and five hypotheses were formulated to guide the study. The study population was 401,902 defined as a group of service users who are directly involved in receiving the services provided by the BPMC. The sample for the study was 400 survey respondents from the citizens living within BPMC. A structured questionnaire was presented to the respondents, selected through simple random sampling. Explor-atory Factor Analysis (EFA), Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) were used to test the validity and reliability of the conceptual research model. The survey results sup-ported three hypotheses (H1, H2, H3) confirming that community participation has a mediating effect on customer satisfaction in BPMC. Hypothesis five (H5) was sup-ported in the main research, which indicates that CP has a mediating effects on cus-tomer satisfaction and also confirmed the pilot study that municipal awareness has an effect on customer satisfaction. The unique finding of the study is that, it has espoused the importance of CP as a mediator towards achieving customer satisfaction. This re-search has only been applied to BPMC, and further testing across different MC’s in Malaysia is needed to generalise the findings. The researcher concludes that commu-nity participation can enhance customer satisfaction through comprehensive model at the grass root level

    Kuntien digitaalisuusasteen mittaaminen : asiakaspalveluprosessien digitalisoinnin kehityksen arviointi suomalaisissa kunnissa

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    Tämä tutkimus keskittyi digitaalisuusasteen mittaamiseen suomalaisten kuntien näkökulmasta. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli selvittää, mitä hyötyä kuntapalveluiden digitalisoinnista on, miksi palveluiden digitalisointia kannattaa mitata, ja miten kuntien asiakaspalveluprosessien digitaalisuusastetta ja sen kehitystä voidaan mitata. Julkishallinnon sähköistymistä on tutkittu paljon, ja muun muassa erilaisia e-hallinnon kehityksen mittareita löytyy runsaasti. Tieteellinen kirjallisuus ei kuitenkaan ole tarjonnut ratkaisua siihen, miten yksittäinen julkishallinnon organisaatio voisi selvittää sen asiakkaille suunnattujen palveluiden digitaalisuusasteen eli digitalisoitujen palveluiden osuuden kaikista organisaation asiakkaille suunnatuista palveluista. Tutkimus pyrki täyttämään tämän tutkimusaukon luomalla digitaalisuusasteen mittarin suomalaiselle kunnalle. Tutkimus toteutettiin pääasiassa design science -metodologiaa noudattaen, mutta tutkimuksessa sovellettiin myös laadullisen case-tutkimuksen metodeja. Tutkimus pohjautui aiempaan kirjallisuuteen julkishallinnon sähköistymisestä, ja luodun mittarin pohjana toimi 15 eri julkisen sektorin sähköistymisen mittaria ja työkalua. Tutkimuksen aineisto kerättiin haastattelemalla 13 Turun kaupungin työntekijää, jotka edustivat neljää eri toimialaa sekä konsernihallintoa. Tutkimuksen tulokset osoittivat, että digitalisointi koetaan pääasiassa hyödylliseksi ja kuntapalveluiden digitalisoinnin kautta on saatavissa merkittäviä hyötyjä, mutta aikaisempaan kirjallisuuteen verrattuna korostavat kunnan työntekijät digitalisoinnin hyödyissä arkipäiväisempiä ja käytännönläheisempiä asioita. Myös digitalisoinnin mittauksesta koetaan olevan hyötyä erityisesti resursoinnissa ja palveluiden digitalisoinnin priorisoinnissa. Mittauksen osalta tulokset osoittivat, että palveluiden digitalisoitavuuteen vaikuttavat erilaiset kriteerit. Suoraan digitalisoinnin estäviä kriteerejä nähtiin olevan tarve keskustelulle kasvokkain asiakkaan kanssa, palvelun fyysisyys tai elämyksellisyys, saavutettavuuden heikentyminen sekä laadun ja vastuullisuuden puuttuminen. Digitalisoinnin kannattavuuteen vaikuttivat aiemman kirjallisuuden ja haastatteluiden perusteella vuorovaikutus, palvelun laatu, saavutettavuus, luotettavuus, yhteentoimivuus ja tehokkuus. Johtopäätökset osoittavat, että kuntaorganisaatiossa ei ole kannattavaa luoda mahdollisimman tarkkaa ja kaiken kattavaa mittaria vaan mittaukselle täytyy luoda selkeät päämäärät ja tavoitteet, joita pyritään noudattamaan tarkasti. Lisäksi mittaus vaatii palveluiden jaottelua pieniin prosessin osiin sekä keskittymistä digitalisoitavissa oleviin palveluihin. Tutkimuksen lopputuloksena syntynyt mittari tuo uuden näkökulman julkisen sektorin digitalisoinnin mittaamiseen sekä tieteellisestä että käytännön näkökulmasta

    Gobierno electrónico y su influencia en la calidad del servicio del SIS en el distrito de Trujillo, año 2020

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    La presente investigación tuvo como objetivo determinar en qué medida el gobierno electrónico influyó en la calidad del servicio del SIS en el distrito de Trujillo, año 2020. La metodología que se usó fue aplicada, con un enfoque cuantitativo y de alcance correlacional, de diseño no experimental-transversal donde se tuvo como población de usuarios del SIS del distrito de Trujillo, con una muestra de 100 personas usuarias a quienes se le aplicó una encuesta para recoger sus opiniones sobre las variables de estudio. Los resultados obtenidos correspondientes a la variable Gobierno Electrónico demostraron que el nivel bajo está representando el 3%, el nivel medio representa el 26%, el nivel alto contiene la mayor representación porcentual con un valor de 36% y por último el nivel muy alto representa el 35%, omitiéndose el valor del nivel Muy Bajo al ser de 0% y con respecto a la variable Servicio del SIS se obtuvo que el nivel Bajo está representando el 13%, el nivel medio representa el 22%, el nivel Alto contiene la mayor representación porcentual con un valor de 42% y por último el nivel Muy Alto representa el 23%. En la prueba de correlación Rho de Spearman se obtuvo un coeficiente de correlación de ,643. Se llegó a la conclusión que existe una correlación media entre el gobierno electrónico y la calidad del servicio SIS

    A critical analysis of the service quality dimensions of a mobile telecommunication service provider

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    In the current age, companies are redesigning the way they perform daily operations based on the principles of the Fourth Industrial Revolution. Industry 4.0 will lead to the integration of the Internet of Things (IoT), cloud computing and mobilisation into the daily operations of companies across various industries which stay connected to guidance software by means of 3G or 4G SIM cards. This increasing demand for mobilisation and communication technologies has encouraged more interest from investors to invest in the Mobile Telecommunication Industry (MTI). The aforementioned leads to heightened competition among Mobile Telecommunication Service Providers (MTSP), already competing in a fiercely contested market. For service providers to guarantee success in such a highly competitive market, companies should endeavour to provide superior quality and customer-centric services to retain and attract customers. Service providers that provide their customers with quality experiences gain a competitive advantage over rival firms and enjoy increased financial returns. Thus, companies measure their service quality (SQ) continuously to understand what consumers need and want as well as to ascertain how customers perceive the quality of service provision of the organisation. Therefore, this research study introduces and discusses various SQ measurement instruments and dimensions that may be relevant for a MTSP to consider when measuring SQ. This study further provides a broad overview of the latest techniques and best practices that popular service providers have applied globally, to enhance their SQ measurement In order to facilitate the SQ measurement process, researchers have designed different instruments, tailored for measuring SQ in various particular industries, by identifying and incorporating relevant industry-specific SQ dimensions. This enables the measurement of the customer perceived performance of each individual dimension for a particular service provided in a specific industry. In order to initiate a SQ measurement project, companies employ a variety of techniques to collect data. In this research study, the SQ data collection technique and resultant data set of a South African Mobile Telecommunication Service Provider (SAMTSP) were analysed to evaluate present service quality processes and provide guidelines to a SAMTSP on improved processes to implement to determine its service quality levels. Eight independent variables were identified from the quantitative data in the service quality data set provided by a SAMTSP for the purposes of this study. The dependent variable was identified as Performance which served as the unit of measurement for the independent variables. The qualitative data analysis applied to the qualitative data in the provided data set, revealed three Attitudes (key patterns) namely Positive, Neutral and Negative. Moreover, 14 themes were extracted from these Attitudes and which provide deeper insight into customer sentiments with regards to the overall performance of a SAMTSP. The results indicated that the SAMTSP may not have targeted the necessary SQ dimensions. It was also found that the data collection technique employed by the SAMTSP to create the SQ data set had certain limitations that might have negatively impacted upon the relevance and quality of the SQ data collected. The findings further suggest that the MTSP could follow a better SQ measurement process