10 research outputs found

    형태적응형 이력현상 모형을 이용한 유연구동 메커니즘의 모델링

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    학위논문 (박사) -- 서울대학교 대학원 : 공과대학 기계항공공학부, 2020. 8. 김종원.Flexible surgical robots and instruments are slowly paving its way into the modern surgical arena. Compared to conventional laparoscopic surgical systems, flexible systems have some distinct advantages in that it can approach surgical targets that were unreachable before, leaves less scar and therefore reducing recovery time for patients. In order to drive the articulated surgical instruments joints, flexible instruments require a tendon-sheath mechanism (TSM). Utilization of TSM brings about a different attribute in a position control standpoint, compared to the rather simple cable-pulley system found in conventional robotic surgical instruments. In this research, a tendon-sheath mechanism was configured, taking into account the actual size constraint of a robotic surgical instrument and the material characteristics of the components. An experiment hardware was designed to measure the input signal and the corresponding output response while varying the shape configuration parameters of TSM. Twenty four distinct experiments with different shape configuration parameters were carried out to identify how the shape affects the performance and the hysteresis curve of the TSM. For modeling the hysteretic behavior of the TSM, a composite model consisting of elementary hysteresis operators is proposed. Such a composite models parameters are empirically identified with least-squares optimization, for every shape configurations defined. The model processes the input to produce an estimated output for a certain shape, and this was verified with various types of input signals. Lastly, for compensating TSMs hysteretic behavior, a recursive algorithm producing inverse control signal from the empirical model is proposed, with a guaranteed real-time performance. The inverse algorithms position control effectiveness was verified under various shape configurations and input signal types.본 연구에서는 유연한 로봇 수술도구를 구현하기 위해 사용되는 Tendon-Sheath Mechanism (TSM)이 형상에 따른 이력현상의 변화가 발생하는 것을 실험적으로 확인하였으며, 이러한 이력현상을 표현하기 위한 모형을 제안하고 이를 이용하여 이력현상을 보상할 수 있는 알고리즘을 제안하였다. 첫 단계로 TSM을 구성하는 부품인 Tendon과 Sheath를 선정하는데 있어, 이력현상에 일조 하는 비선형적 특성을 최소화하는 재료와 공정 및 후처리 방법을 고려하여 적용하였다. 다음으로 TSM의 형상 변수를 정의하고 이를 다양한 형상하에서 이력현상의 변화를 관찰하는 실험장치를 설계하여 실험 데이터를 수집하였다. 이를 토대로 입력에 대한 출력의 관계를 Preisach type 연산자를 이용하여 표현하였고 실험 데이터에 기반한 연산자의 변수들을 최소자승 최적화를 통해 탐색하였으며, 모델의 적합성을 다양한 형상하에서, 각기 다른 종류의 입력 신호에 대한 출력을 모델을 통해 생성되는 출력 추정치와의 오차 분석으로 검증하였다. 이러한 모델로 이력현상을 보상하기 위해서 Set-Point 출력에 대한 Inverse Control 신호를 생성하는 재귀적 알고리즘을 제안하였으며, 이러한 알고리즘이 다양한 Set-point 출력의 형태에 대해서 실시간성이 보장되는 빠른 연산이 가능하다는 점을 보였다. 이력현상이 보상된 실험데이터와 기존의 보상전 실험데이터의 비교를 통해 보상전략이 효과적이라는 것을 보였으며, 다양한 형태에서도 적용이 가능함을 검증하였다.Table of Contents Chapter 1. Introduction 1 1.1 Background 1 1.1.1 Evolution of surgical robots 1 1.1.2 Flexible robotic systems 3 1.2 Tendon-sheath mechanism 6 1.2.1 Application of TSM in flexible surgical instruments 6 1.2.2 Effects on motion transfer characteristics 8 1.3 Previous studies 10 1.4 Research objectives 12 Chapter 2. Configuration and fabrication of TSM 14 2.1 Sheath 17 2.2 Tendon 19 2.2.1 Cable 19 2.2.2 Fitting 23 Chapter 3. Hysteretic behavior of TSM 25 3.1 Experiment setup 26 3.1.1 Experiment design 26 3.1.2 Hardware design 28 3.2 Experiment results 34 3.2.1 Effect of curve angle variation 34 3.2.2 Effect of radius of curvature variation 39 3.2.3 Summary of results of hysteretic behavior 46 Chapter 4. Modeling Hysteresis of TSM 49 4.1 Preisach model and Hysterons 50 4.2 Mechanical play operator 53 4.3 Complex hysteresis operator: 56 4.4 Parameter identification for complex hysteresis operator 59 4.5 Result of experimental verification of complex hysteresis operator 60 4.5.1 Result of reference input profile sinusoidal excitation 63 4.5.2 Result of validation input profile triangular excitation 65 4.5.3 Result of reference input profile trapezoidal excitation 67 4.5.4 Obtained weights for all shape configurations and summary 69 4.6 Inverse operator formulation 60 4.7 Experimental verification of hysteresis compensation with the inverse operator: 77 4.7.1 Experiment setup 77 4.7.2 Result of hysteresis compensation for shape =90,r=30mm 79 4.7.3 Result of hysteresis compensation for shape =60,r=60mm 82 4.7.4 Error statistic and result analysis 85 Chapter 6. Conclusion 87 Bibliography 88 Abstract in Korean 92Docto

    Investigação e desenvolvimento de cabos em material polimérico para acionamento de autoclismos

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    Dissertação de mestrado integrado em Engenharia de PolímerosA otimização de artigos técnicos produzidos em grandes séries, designadamente para a redução do seu custo de produção, é hoje um aspeto prioritário para as empresas. Neste sentido, a empresa Oliveira & Irmão, S.A pretende a substituição do conjunto cabo-de-aço/manga-polimérica no mecanismo de acionamento de autoclismos Atlas Cabos, por um monofilamento polimérico com valor de produção mais baixo. Neste trabalho estudaram-se vários materiais poliméricos disponíveis no mercado, tanto monofilamentares como multifilamentares. As possíveis soluções alternativas foram testadas em situação real de serviço e, também, num equipamento-protótipo de ensaio de conjuntos cabo-manga desenvolvido no âmbito deste estudo. Foi analisada a variação da força de acionamento do mecanismo de acionamento de autoclismos em condições de serviço real. O equipamento-protótipo foi usado para a análise preliminar da variação da força de atrito no acionamento de vários conjuntos cabo-manga. No equipamento-protótipo verificou-se não existir variação da força de atrito com o aumento do número de ciclos. Também se obtiveram os melhores resultados (menor força de atrito) com o conjunto cabo monofilamentar em PEEK, com diâmetro de 0,5 mm e manga em HDPE segmentada transversalmente, com um espaçamento entre cortes de 20 mm. Este conjunto também teve o melhor desempenho em condições de serviço reais.The optimization of technical articles produced in large series, namely to reduce their cost of production, is now a priority issue in the industry. In this regard, the company Oliveira & Irmão, S.A aims at replacing the steel cable in the flush mechanism Atlas Cabos, by a lower costing polymeric monofilament. In this study various polymeric materials available in the market, both monofilament and multifilament, were investigated. Possible alternative solutions were tested in service operation conditions and also in a prototype-equipment specially designed for testing cable-sleeve sets. The variation of the activation force of cable-sleeve sets of the flushing mechanism driving force in real operating conditions was analysed. The prototype was used for the preliminary analyses of the variation of the friction force in the operation of the cable-sleeve sets. In the prototype equipment it was found that here is no variation of the friction force with the increasing number of cycles. The best results (lowest frictional force) were achieved with the PEEK cable / HDPE sleeve consisting of a cable of PEEK monofilament with diameter of 0.5 mm and HDPE sleeve transversely segmented with 20 mm spacing between cuts. This set also showed the best in the service operation tests

    Tendon-Sheath Mechanisms in Flexible Membrane Wing Mini-UAVs: Control and Performance

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    Flexible membrane wings (FMWs) are known for two inherent advantages, that is, adaptability to gusty airflow as the wings can flex according to the gust load to reduce the effective angle of attack and the ability to be folded for compact storage purposes. However, the maneuverability of UAV with FMWs is rather limited as it is impossible to install conventional ailerons. The maneuver relies only on the rudders. Some applications utilize torque rods to warp the wings, but this approach makes the FMW become unfoldable. In this research, we proposed the application of a tendon-sheath mechanism to manipulate the wing shape of UAV. Tendon-sheath mechanism is relatively flexible; thus, it can also be folded together with the wings. However, its severe nonlinearity in its dynamics makes the wing warping difficult to control. To compensate for the nonlinearity, a dedicated adaptive controller is designed and implemented. The proposed approach is validated experimentally in a wind tunnel facility with imitated gusty condition and subsequently tested in a real flight condition. The results demonstrate a stable and robust wing warping actuation, while the adaptive washout capability is also validated. Accurate wing warping is achieved and the UAV is easily controlled in a real flight test

    Pattern recognition-based real-time myoelectric control for anthropomorphic robotic systems : a thesis presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Mechatronics at Massey University, Manawatū, New Zealand

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    All copyrighted Figures have been removed but may be accessed via their source cited in their respective captions.Advanced human-computer interaction (HCI) or human-machine interaction (HMI) aims to help humans interact with computers smartly. Biosignal-based technology is one of the most promising approaches in developing intelligent HCI systems. As a means of convenient and non-invasive biosignal-based intelligent control, myoelectric control identifies human movement intentions from electromyogram (EMG) signals recorded on muscles to realise intelligent control of robotic systems. Although the history of myoelectric control research has been more than half a century, commercial myoelectric-controlled devices are still mostly based on those early threshold-based methods. The emerging pattern recognition-based myoelectric control has remained an active research topic in laboratories because of insufficient reliability and robustness. This research focuses on pattern recognition-based myoelectric control. Up to now, most of effort in pattern recognition-based myoelectric control research has been invested in improving EMG pattern classification accuracy. However, high classification accuracy cannot directly lead to high controllability and usability for EMG-driven systems. This suggests that a complete system that is composed of relevant modules, including EMG acquisition, pattern recognition-based gesture discrimination, output equipment and its controller, is desirable and helpful as a developing and validating platform that is able to closely emulate real-world situations to promote research in myoelectric control. This research aims at investigating feasible and effective EMG signal processing and pattern recognition methods to extract useful information contained in EMG signals to establish an intelligent, compact and economical biosignal-based robotic control system. The research work includes in-depth study on existing pattern recognition-based methodologies, investigation on effective EMG signal capturing and data processing, EMG-based control system development, and anthropomorphic robotic hand design. The contributions of this research are mainly in following three aspects: Developed precision electronic surface EMG (sEMG) acquisition methods that are able to collect high quality sEMG signals. The first method was designed in a single-ended signalling manner by using monolithic instrumentation amplifiers to determine and evaluate the analog sEMG signal processing chain architecture and circuit parameters. This method was then evolved into a fully differential analog sEMG detection and collection method that uses common commercial electronic components to implement all analog sEMG amplification and filtering stages in a fully differential way. The proposed fully differential sEMG detection and collection method is capable of offering a higher signal-to-noise ratio in noisy environments than the single-ended method by making full use of inherent common-mode noise rejection capability of balanced signalling. To the best of my knowledge, the literature study has not found similar methods that implement the entire analog sEMG amplification and filtering chain in a fully differential way by using common commercial electronic components. Investigated and developed a reliable EMG pattern recognition-based real-time gesture discrimination approach. Necessary functional modules for real-time gesture discrimination were identified and implemented using appropriate algorithms. Special attention was paid to the investigation and comparison of representative features and classifiers for improving accuracy and robustness. A novel EMG feature set was proposed to improve the performance of EMG pattern recognition. Designed an anthropomorphic robotic hand construction methodology for myoelectric control validation on a physical platform similar to in real-world situations. The natural anatomical structure of the human hand was imitated to kinematically model the robotic hand. The proposed robotic hand is a highly underactuated mechanism, featuring 14 degrees of freedom and three degrees of actuation. This research carried out an in-depth investigation into EMG data acquisition and EMG signal pattern recognition. A series of experiments were conducted in EMG signal processing and system development. The final myoelectric-controlled robotic hand system and the system testing confirmed the effectiveness of the proposed methods for surface EMG acquisition and human hand gesture discrimination. To verify and demonstrate the proposed myoelectric control system, real-time tests were conducted onto the anthropomorphic prototype robotic hand. Currently, the system is able to identify five patterns in real time, including hand open, hand close, wrist flexion, wrist extension and the rest state. With more motion patterns added in, this system has the potential to identify more hand movements. The research has generated a few journal and international conference publications