177 research outputs found

    An approach to the pervasive formal specification and verification of an automotive system

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    A prototype security hardened field device for SCADA systems.

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    This thesis describes the development of a prototype security hardened field device (such as a remote terminal unit) based on commodity hardware and implementing a previously developed security architecture. This security architecture has not been implemented in the past due to the difficulty of providing an operating system which meets the architecture\u27s isolation requirements. Recent developments in both hardware and software have made such an operating system possible, opening the door to the implementation and development of this new security architecture in physical devices attached to supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) systems. A prototype is developed using commodity hardware selected for similarity to existing industrial systems and making use of the new OKL4 operating system. Results of prototype development are promising, showing performance values which are adequate for a broad range for industrial applications

    Towards a formally verified microkernel using the VCC verifier

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    In this thesis we present the design by contract modular approach to formal verification of an industrial real-time microkernel which was not designed with formal verification in mind. The microkernel module targeted is a particular interrupt manager of xLuna Real Time Operating System (RTOS) for embedded systems built by Critical Software S.A. The annotations were verified automatically using the Microsoft Research Verified C Compiler (VCC) tool to reason about concurrency and safety properties of xLuna kernel. The specifications are based in Hoare-style pre- and post-conditions inlined with the real code. xLuna is a microkernel based on the RTEMS Real-Time Operating System. xLuna extends RTEMS for run a GNU/Linux Operating System, providing a runtime multitasking environment for real-time (RTEMS) and non-real-time (Linux) applications. xLuna runs in a preemptable and concurrent environment. Therefore, we use VCC for reasoning about concurrent executions and some functional and safety properties of xLuna microkernel. VCC is an automated verifier for concurrent C programs that is being developed by Microsoft Research, Redmond, USA and European Microsoft Innovation Center (EMIC), Aachen, Germany. VCC is being built and used for operating system verification which makes it suitable for our verification work. Specifications were added to xLuna code following a modular approach to the verification of a specific microkernel module, namely the Interrupt Request (IRQ) module. The Verified C Compiler (VCC) annotations added cover approximately 80% of the IRQ manager C code (the remaining 20% of the code are relative to auxiliary functions outside the scope of our verification work). All the annotations were automatically verified and proven to be correct

    On the formal foundation of a verification approach for system-level concurrent programs

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    Though program verification is known and used since decades, the verification of a complete computer system still remains a grand challenge. In essence, this challenge stems from the interaction of various programs. Different techniques have been proposed for the verification of communicating programs. Common to all, however, is that they rely on several (usually implicit) assumptions about the underlying system. Typically, such assumptions include compiler correctness, scheduler fairness, and a certain noninterference between the local program behavior and its environment. This thesis aims at discharging these assumptions for the processes of the microkernel Vamos. More specifically, this work formally justifies the abstraction from a kernel model with explicit, deterministic scheduling to a concurrent process system with non-deterministic but temporally fair scheduling. Our formal results form the foundation of a verification approach for system-level concurrent programs. We outline this approach on example properties of a user-mode operating system.Obwohl es schon jahrzehntelang Programmverifikation gibt, wird die Verifikation eines kompletten Computersystems auch heute noch als eine große Herausforderung angesehen. Im Wesentlichen ergibt sich diese Herausforderung aus der vielfältigen Interaktion von Programmen. Verschiedene Techniken wurden für die Verifikation kommunizierender Programme vorgeschlagen. Alle haben jedoch gemein, dass sie sich auf mehrere (meist implizite) Annahmen über das zugrunde liegende System stützen. In der Regel sind solche Annahmen Compiler-Korrektheit, Scheduler-Fairness und eine gewisse Störfreiheit des lokalen Programmverhaltens vom Verhalten seiner Umgebung. Die vorliegende Dissertation beschäftigt sich mit der Entlastung dieser Annahmen für die Prozesse des Mikrokerns Vamos. Genauer gesagt, rechtfertigt diese Arbeit formal die Abstraktion von einem Kernmodell mit explizitem, deterministischem Scheduling zu einem nebenläufigen Prozesssystem mit nicht-deterministischem, aber temporal fairem Scheduling. Die formalen Ergebnisse bilden die Grundlage eines Verifikationsansatzes für nebenläufige, systemnahe Programme. Dieser Ansatz wird am Beispiel von Eigenschaften eines User-Mode-Betriebssystems erläutert

    On the formal foundation of a verification approach for system-level concurrent programs

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    Though program verification is known and used since decades, the verification of a complete computer system still remains a grand challenge. In essence, this challenge stems from the interaction of various programs. Different techniques have been proposed for the verification of communicating programs. Common to all, however, is that they rely on several (usually implicit) assumptions about the underlying system. Typically, such assumptions include compiler correctness, scheduler fairness, and a certain noninterference between the local program behavior and its environment. This thesis aims at discharging these assumptions for the processes of the microkernel Vamos. More specifically, this work formally justifies the abstraction from a kernel model with explicit, deterministic scheduling to a concurrent process system with non-deterministic but temporally fair scheduling. Our formal results form the foundation of a verification approach for system-level concurrent programs. We outline this approach on example properties of a user-mode operating system.Obwohl es schon jahrzehntelang Programmverifikation gibt, wird die Verifikation eines kompletten Computersystems auch heute noch als eine große Herausforderung angesehen. Im Wesentlichen ergibt sich diese Herausforderung aus der vielfältigen Interaktion von Programmen. Verschiedene Techniken wurden für die Verifikation kommunizierender Programme vorgeschlagen. Alle haben jedoch gemein, dass sie sich auf mehrere (meist implizite) Annahmen über das zugrunde liegende System stützen. In der Regel sind solche Annahmen Compiler-Korrektheit, Scheduler-Fairness und eine gewisse Störfreiheit des lokalen Programmverhaltens vom Verhalten seiner Umgebung. Die vorliegende Dissertation beschäftigt sich mit der Entlastung dieser Annahmen für die Prozesse des Mikrokerns Vamos. Genauer gesagt, rechtfertigt diese Arbeit formal die Abstraktion von einem Kernmodell mit explizitem, deterministischem Scheduling zu einem nebenläufigen Prozesssystem mit nicht-deterministischem, aber temporal fairem Scheduling. Die formalen Ergebnisse bilden die Grundlage eines Verifikationsansatzes für nebenläufige, systemnahe Programme. Dieser Ansatz wird am Beispiel von Eigenschaften eines User-Mode-Betriebssystems erläutert

    Microkernel security evaluation.

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    This thesis documents the successful development and testing of a more secure industrial control system field device architecture and software. The implementation of a secure field device has had limitations in the past due to a lack of secure operating system and guidelines. With the recent verification of OK Labs SEL4 microkernel, a verified operating system for such devices is possible, creating a possibility for a secure field device following open standards using known security protocols and low level memory and functionary isolation. The virtualized prototype makes use of common hardware and an existing secure field device architecture to implement a new level of security where the device is verified to function as expected. The experimental evaluation provides performance data which indicates the usefulness of the architecture in the field and security function integration testing to guarantee secure programs can be implemented on the device. Results of the devices functionality are hopeful, showing useful performance for many applications and further development as a fully functional secure field device

    Formal Verification of Demand Paging

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    Formal verification of a small real-time operating system

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    The foundation of this thesis is a distributed real-time system that connects several electronic control units (ECUs) with a communication bus. Each ECU consists of a processor executing the real-time operating system OLOS and several applications on the one hand, and an interface to the bus (ABC) on the other hand. OLOS provides application scheduling and controls the communication with the bus. The applications may communicate with OLOS via so-called system calls. For applications written in high-level languages these calls are available in terms of library functions. First, we present the design and the implementation of OLOS and its necessary library functions. Thereafter, we introduce the abstract model of an entire ECU which specifies the interface to the bus (ABC), process models and the behaviour of OLOS. Then, we formulate a simulation theorem between the abstract ECU model and a model that embeds the concrete OLOS implementation. The proof of this theorem provides us with the implementation correctness of OLOS. Based on the formal correctness of our operating system, the last section of this thesis presents an approach to pervasively verify applications that are executed under OLOS on a single ECU.Grundlage dieser Arbeit ist ein verteiltes Echtzeitsystem, welches mehrere elektronische Kontrolleinheiten (ECUs) mit einem Kommunikationsbus verbindet. Jede dieser Kontrolleinheiten besteht aus einer Schnittstelle zum Bus (ABC) und einem Prozessor, welcher das Echtzeitbetriebssystem Olos und mehrere Anwendungen ausführt. Olos organisiert die Ausführungszeit der Anwendungen auf dem Prozessor und steuert deren Kommunikation mit dem Bus. Die Anwendungen haben die Möglichkeit, über sogenannte Systemaufrufe mit dem Betriebssystem zu kommunizieren. Diese stehen den Anwendungen, die in höheren Programmiersprachen geschrieben sind, in Form von Bibliotheksfunktionen zur Verfügung. Zuerst stellen wir den Entwurf und die Implementierung von Olos und den notwendigen Bibliotheksfunktionen vor. Danach beschreiben wir das abstrakte Modell einer vollständigen ECU, welches die Schnittstelle zum Bus (ABC), Prozessmodelle und das Verhalten des Betriebssystems Olos festlegt. Wir formulieren ein Simulationstheorem zwischen dem abstrakten ECU Modell und einem Modell mit eingebetteter konkreter Olos-Implementierung. Der Beweis dieser Aussage liefert uns die Implementierungskorrektheit von Olos. Im letzten Teil der Arbeit benutzen wir dieses Ergebnis als Grundlage für einen Ansatz, mit dem durchgängig Anwendungen verifiziert werden können, die unter Olos auf einer elektronischen Kontrolleinheit ausgeführt werden