17 research outputs found

    Refinement of Kripke Models for Dynamics

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    We propose a property-preserving refinement/abstraction theory for Kripke Modal Labelled Transition Systems incorporating not only state mapping but also label and proposition lumping, in order to have a compact but informative abstraction. We develop a 3-valued version of Public Announcement Logic (PAL) which has a dynamic operator that changes the model in the spirit of public broadcasting. We prove that the refinement relation on static models assures us to safely reason about any dynamic properties in terms of PAL-formulas on the abstraction of a model. The theory is in particular interesting and applicable for an epistemic setting as the example of the Muddy Children puzzle shows, especially in the view of the growing interest for epistemic modelling and (automatic) verification of communication protocols

    Multi-Valued Bounded Model Checking

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    Extended full computation-tree logics for paraconsistent model checking

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    It is known that the full computation-tree logic CTL * is an important base logic for model checking. The bisimulation theorem for CTL* is known to be useful for abstraction in model checking. In this paper, the bisimulation theorems for two paraconsistent four-valued extensions 4CTL* and 4LCTL* of CTL* are shown, and a translation from 4CTL* into CTL* is presented. By using 4CTL* and 4LCTL*, inconsistency-tolerant and spatiotemporal reasoning can be expressed as a model checking framework

    Integrating Topological Proofs with Model Checking to Instrument Iterative Design

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    System development is not a linear, one-shot process. It proceeds through refinements and revisions. To support assurance that the system satisfies its requirements, it is desirable that continuous verification can be performed after each refinement or revision step. To achieve practical adoption, formal verification must accommodate continuous verification efficiently and effectively. Model checking provides developers with information useful to improve their models only when a property is not satisfied, i.e., when a counterexample is returned. However, it is desirable to have some useful information also when a property is instead satisfied. To address this problem we propose TOrPEDO, an approach that supports verification in two complementary forms: model checking and proofs. While model checking is typically used to pinpoint model behaviors that violate requirements, proofs can instead explain why requirements are satisfied. In our work, we introduce a specific notion of proof, called Topological Proof. A topological proof produces a slice of the original model that justifies the property satisfaction. Because models can be incomplete, TOrPEDO supports reasoning on requirements satisfaction, violation, and possible satisfaction (in the case where satisfaction depends on unknown parts of the model). Evaluation is performed by checking how topological proofs support software development on 12 modeling scenarios and 15 different properties obtained from 3 examples from literature. Results show that: (i) topological proofs are ≈60% smaller than the original models; (ii) after a revision, in ≈78% of cases, the property can be re-verified by relying on a simple syntactic check

    Recognizable tree series with discounting

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    We consider weighted tree automata with discounting over commutative semirings. For their behaviors we establish a Kleene theorem and an MSO-logic characterization. We introduce also weighted Muller tree automata with discounting over the max-plus and the min-plus semirings, and we show their expressive equivalence with two fragments of weighted MSO-sentences

    Weighted automata and multi-valued logics over arbitrary bounded lattices

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    AbstractWe show that L-weighted automata, L-rational series, and L-valued monadic second order logic have the same expressive power, for any bounded lattice L and for finite and infinite words. We also prove that aperiodicity, star-freeness, and L-valued first-order and LTL-definability coincide. This extends classical results of Kleene, Büchi–Elgot–Trakhtenbrot, and others to arbitrary bounded lattices, without any distributivity assumption that is fundamental in the theory of weighted automata over semirings. In fact, we obtain these results for large classes of strong bimonoids which properly contain all bounded lattices

    Multi-Valued Verification of Strategic Ability

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    Some multi-agent scenarios call for the possibility of evaluating specifications in a richer domain of truth values. Examples include runtime monitoring of a temporal property over a growing prefix of an infinite path, inconsistency analysis in distributed databases, and verification methods that use incomplete anytime algorithms, such as bounded model checking. In this paper, we present multi-valued alternating-time temporal logic (mv-ATL*), an expressive logic to specify strategic abilities in multi-agent systems. It is well known that, for branching-time logics, a general method for model-independent translation from multi-valued to two-valued model checking exists. We show that the method cannot be directly extended to mv-ATL*. We also propose two ways of overcoming the problem. Firstly, we identify constraints on formulas for which the model-independent translation can be suitably adapted. Secondly, we present a model-dependent reduction that can be applied to all formulas of mv-ATL*. We show that, in all cases, the complexity of verification increases only linearly when new truth values are added to the evaluation domain. We also consider several examples that show possible applications of mv-ATL* and motivate its use for model checking multi-agent systems