3,918,482 research outputs found

    Utilising ontology-based modelling for learning content management

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    Learning content management needs to support a variety of open, multi-format Web-based software applications. We propose multidimensional, model-based semantic annotation as a way to support the management of access to and change of learning content. We introduce an information architecture model as the central contribution that supports multi-layered learning content structures. We discuss interactive query access, but also change management for multi-layered learning content management. An ontology-enhanced traceability approach is the solution

    An evaluation of break-the-glass access control model for medical data in wireless sensor networks

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    Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) have recently attracted a lot of attention in the research community because it is easy to deploy them in the physical environment and collect and disseminate environmental data from them. The collected data from sensor nodes can vary based on what kind of application is used for WSNs. Data confidentiality and access control to that collected data are the most challenging issues in WSNs because the users are able to access data from the different location via ad-hoc manner. Access control is one of the critical requirements to prevent unauthorised access from users. The current access control models in information systems cannot be applied straightforwardly because of some limitations namely limited energy, resource and memory, and low computation capability. Based on the requirements of WSNs, we proposed the Break-The-Glass Access Control (BTG-AC) model which is the modified and redesigned version of Break-The-Glass Role-Based Access Control (BTG-RBAC) model. The several changes within the access control engine are made in BTG-RBAC to apply and fit in WSNs. We developed the BTG-AC model in Ponder2 package. Also a medical scenario was developed to evaluate the BTG-AC model for medical data in WSNs. In this paper, detail design, implementation phase, evaluation result and policies evaluation for the BTG-AC model are presented. Based on the evaluation result, the BTG-AC model can be used in WSNs after several modifications have been made under Ponder2 Package

    Location-Quality-aware Policy Optimisation for Relay Selection in Mobile Networks

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    Relaying can improve the coverage and performance of wireless access networks. In presence of a localisation system at the mobile nodes, the use of such location estimates for relay node selection can be advantageous as such information can be collected by access points in linear effort with respect to number of mobile nodes (while the number of links grows quadratically). However, the localisation error and the chosen update rate of location information in conjunction with the mobility model affect the performance of such location-based relay schemes; these parameters also need to be taken into account in the design of optimal policies. This paper develops a Markov model that can capture the joint impact of localisation errors and inaccuracies of location information due to forwarding delays and mobility; the Markov model is used to develop algorithms to determine optimal location-based relay policies that take the aforementioned factors into account. The model is subsequently used to analyse the impact of deployment parameter choices on the performance of location-based relaying in WLAN scenarios with free-space propagation conditions and in an measurement-based indoor office scenario.Comment: Accepted for publication in ACM/Springer Wireless Network

    A conditional role-involved purpose-based access control model

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    This paper presents a role-involved conditional purpose-based access control (RCPBAC) model, where a purpose is defined as the intension of data accesses or usages. RCPBAC allows users using some data for certain purpose with conditions. The structure of RCPBAC model is defined and investigated. An algorithm is developed to achieve the compliance computation between access purposes (related to data access) and intended purposes (related to data objects) and is illustrated with role-based access control (RBAC) to support RCPBAC. According to this model, more information from data providers can be extracted while at the same time assuring privacy that maximizes the usability of consumers' data. It extends traditional access control models to a further coverage of privacy preserving in data mining environment as RBAC is one of the most popular approach towards access control to achieve database security and available in database management systems. The structure helps enterprises to circulate clear privacy promise, to collect and manage user preferences and consent

    A virtual repository approach to departmental information sharing

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    Realising the difficulties in information sharing among the academicians, this paper introduces an alternative information sharing model supporting information management features. The model is designed in an attempt to facilitate information distribution and information sharing at minimum effort and cost. A centralised database approach is used in the model enabling any educator in the higher learning institution to participate and manage the database, conceptualizing that the database is their very own ‘personal library’. This model is then implemented in an application given a persona name ViRepo –-a web-based internal virtual repository. The process of analysing, designing, and implementing the model into ViRepo is sufficiently reported in this paper. ViRepo proved that the model, in actual fact, allows information access, information sharing, information management, partnership enhancement, and allows an utmost repository control by each and every participating educator

    Developing a model for e-prints and open access journal content in UK further and higher education

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    A study carried out for the UK Joint Information Systems Committee examined models for the provision of access to material in institutional and subject-based archives and in open access journals. Their relative merits were considered, addressing not only technical concerns but also how e-print provision (by authors) can be achieved – an essential factor for an effective e-print delivery service (for users). A "harvesting" model is recommended, where the metadata of articles deposited in distributed archives are harvested, stored and enhanced by a national service. This model has major advantages over the alternatives of a national centralized service or a completely decentralized one. Options for the implementation of a service based on the harvesting model are presented

    Ontology-based domain modelling for consistent content change management

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    Ontology-based modelling of multi-formatted software application content is a challenging area in content management. When the number of software content unit is huge and in continuous process of change, content change management is important. The management of content in this context requires targeted access and manipulation methods. We present a novel approach to deal with model-driven content-centric information systems and access to their content. At the core of our approach is an ontology-based semantic annotation technique for diversely formatted content that can improve the accuracy of access and systems evolution. Domain ontologies represent domain-specific concepts and conform to metamodels. Different ontologies - from application domain ontologies to software ontologies - capture and model the different properties and perspectives on a software content unit. Interdependencies between domain ontologies, the artifacts and the content are captured through a trace model. The annotation traces are formalised and a graph-based system is selected for the representation of the annotation traces