30 research outputs found

    Content Replication and Placement Schemes for Wireless Mesh Networks

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    Recently, Wireless Mesh Networks (WMNs) have attracted much of interest from both academia and industry, due to their potential to provide an alternative broadband wireless Internet connectivity. However, due to different reasons such as multi-hop forwarding and the dynamic wireless link characteristics, the performance of current WMNs is rather low when clients are soliciting Web contents. Due to the evolution of advanced mobile computing devices; it is anticipated that the demand for bandwidth-onerous popular content (especially multimedia content) in WMNs will dramatically increase in the coming future. Content replication is a popular approach for outsourcing content on behalf of the origin content provider. This area has been well explored in the context of the wired Internet, but has received comparatively less attention from the research community when it comes to WMNs. There are a number of replica placement algorithms that are specifically designed for the Internet. But they do not consider the special features of wireless networks such as insufficient bandwidth, low server capacity, contention to access the wireless medium, etc. This thesis studies the technical challenges encountered when transforming the traditional model of multi-hop WMNs from an access network into a content network. We advance the thesis that support from packet relaying mesh routers to act as replica servers for popular content such as media streaming, results in significant performance improvement. Such support from infrastructure mesh routers benefits from knowledge of the underlying network topology (i.e., information about the physical connections between network nodes is available at mesh routers). The utilization of cross-layer information from lower layers opens the door to developing efficient replication schemes that account for the specific features of WMNs (e.g., contention between the nodes to access the wireless medium and traffic interference). Moreover, this can benefit from the underutilized resources (e.g., storage and bandwidth) at mesh routers. This utilization enables those infrastructure nodes to participate in content distribution and play the role of replica servers. In this thesis, our main contribution is the design of two lightweight, distributed, and scalable object replication schemes for WMNs. The first scheme follows a hierarchical approach, while the second scheme follows a flat one. The challenge is to replicate content as close as possible to the requesting clients and thus, reduce the access latency per object, while minimizing the number of replicas. The two schemes aim to address the questions of where and how many replicas should be placed in the WMN. In our schemes, we consider the underlying topology joint with link-quality metrics to improve the quality of experience. We show using simulation tests that the schemes significantly enhance the performance of a WMN in terms of reducing the access cost, bandwidth consumption and computation/communication cost

    Towards video streaming in IoT environments: vehicular communication perspective

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    Multimedia oriented Internet of Things (IoT) enables pervasive and real-time communication of video, audio and image data among devices in an immediate surroundings. Today's vehicles have the capability of supporting real time multimedia acquisition. Vehicles with high illuminating infrared cameras and customized sensors can communicate with other on-road devices using dedicated short-range communication (DSRC) and 5G enabled communication technologies. Real time incidence of both urban and highway vehicular traffic environment can be captured and transmitted using vehicle-to-vehicle and vehicle-to-infrastructure communication modes. Video streaming in vehicular IoT (VSV-IoT) environments is in growing stage with several challenges that need to be addressed ranging from limited resources in IoT devices, intermittent connection in vehicular networks, heterogeneous devices, dynamism and scalability in video encoding, bandwidth underutilization in video delivery, and attaining application-precise quality of service in video streaming. In this context, this paper presents a comprehensive review on video streaming in IoT environments focusing on vehicular communication perspective. Specifically, significance of video streaming in vehicular IoT environments is highlighted focusing on integration of vehicular communication with 5G enabled IoT technologies, and smart city oriented application areas for VSV-IoT. A taxonomy is presented for the classification of related literature on video streaming in vehicular network environments. Following the taxonomy, critical review of literature is performed focusing on major functional model, strengths and weaknesses. Metrics for video streaming in vehicular IoT environments are derived and comparatively analyzed in terms of their usage and evaluation capabilities. Open research challenges in VSV-IoT are identified as future directions of research in the area. The survey would benefit both IoT and vehicle industry practitioners and researchers, in terms of augmenting understanding of vehicular video streaming and its IoT related trends and issues

    Designing peer-to-peer overlays:a small-world perspective

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    The Small-World phenomenon, well known under the phrase "six degrees of separation", has been for a long time under the spotlight of investigation. The fact that our social network is closely-knitted and that any two people are linked by a short chain of acquaintances was confirmed by the experimental psychologist Stanley Milgram in the sixties. However, it was only after the seminal work of Jon Kleinberg in 2000 that it was understood not only why such networks exist, but also why it is possible to efficiently navigate in these networks. This proved to be a highly relevant discovery for peer-to-peer systems, since they share many fundamental similarities with the social networks; in particular the fact that the peer-to-peer routing solely relies on local decisions, without the possibility to invoke global knowledge. In this thesis we show how peer-to-peer system designs that are inspired by Small-World principles can address and solve many important problems, such as balancing the peer load, reducing high maintenance cost, or efficiently disseminating data in large-scale systems. We present three peer-to-peer approaches, namely Oscar, Gravity, and Fuzzynet, whose concepts stem from the design of navigable Small-World networks. Firstly, we introduce a novel theoretical model for building peer-to-peer systems which supports skewed node distributions and still preserves all desired properties of Kleinberg's Small-World networks. With such a model we set a reference base for the design of data-oriented peer-to-peer systems which are characterized by non-uniform distribution of keys as well as skewed query or access patterns. Based on this theoretical model we introduce Oscar, an overlay which uses a novel scalable network sampling technique for network construction, for which we provide a rigorous theoretical analysis. The simulations of our system validate the developed theory and evaluate Oscar's performance under typical conditions encountered in real-life large-scale networked systems, including participant heterogeneity, faults, as well as skewed and dynamic load-distributions. Furthermore, we show how by utilizing Small-World properties it is possible to reduce the maintenance cost of most structured overlays by discarding a core network connectivity element – the ring invariant. We argue that reliance on the ring structure is a serious impediment for real life deployment and scalability of structured overlays. We propose an overlay called Fuzzynet, which does not rely on the ring invariant, yet has all the functionalities of structured overlays. Fuzzynet takes the idea of lazy overlay maintenance further by eliminating the need for any explicit connectivity and data maintenance operations, relying merely on the actions performed when new Fuzzynet peers join the network. We show that with a sufficient amount of neighbors, even under high churn, data can be retrieved in Fuzzynet with high probability. Finally, we show how peer-to-peer systems based on the Small-World design and with the capability of supporting non-uniform key distributions can be successfully employed for large-scale data dissemination tasks. We introduce Gravity, a publish/subscribe system capable of building efficient dissemination structures, inducing only minimal dissemination relay overhead. This is achieved through Gravity's property to permit non-uniform peer key distributions which allows the subscribers to be clustered close to each other in the key space where data dissemination is cheap. An extensive experimental study confirms the effectiveness of our system under realistic subscription patterns and shows that Gravity surpasses existing approaches in efficiency by a large margin. With the peer-to-peer systems presented in this thesis we fill an important gap in the family of structured overlays, bringing into life practical systems, which can play a crucial role in enabling data-oriented applications distributed over wide-area networks

    Supporting Device Mobility and State Distribution through Indirection, Topological Isomorphism and Evolutionary Algorithms

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    The Internet of Things will result in the deployment of many billions of wireless embedded systems, creating interactive pervasive environments. These pervasive networks will provide seamless access to sensor actuators, enabling organisations and individuals to control and monitor their environment. The majority of devices attached to the Internet of Things will be static. However, it is anticipated that with the advent of body and vehicular networks, we will see many mobile Internet of Things Devices. During emergency situations, the flow of data across the Internet of Things may be disrupted, giving rise to a requirement for machine-to-machine interaction within the remaining environment. Current approaches to routing on the Internet and wireless sensor networks fail to address the requirements of mobility, isolated operation during failure or deal with the imbalance caused by either initial or failing topologies when applying geographic coordinate-based peer-to-peer storage mechanisms. The use of global and local DHT mechanisms to facilitate improved reachability and data redundancy are explored in this thesis. Resulting in the development of an Architecture to support the global reachability of static and mobile Internet of Things Devices. This is achieved through the development of a global indirection mechanism supporting position relative wireless environments. To support the distribution and preservation of device state within the wireless domain a new geospatial keying mechanism is presented, this enables a device to persist state within an overlay with certain guarantees as to its survival. The guarantees relating to geospatial storage rely on the balanced allocation of distributed information. This thesis details a mechanism to balance the address space utilising evolutionary techniques. Following the generation of an initial balanced topology, we present a protocol that applies Topological Isomorphism to provide the continued balancing and reachability of data following partial network failure. This dissertation details the analysis of the proposed protocols and their evaluation through simulation. The results show that our proposed Architecture operates within the capabilities of the devices that operate in this space. The evaluation of Geospatial Keying within the wireless domain showed that the mechanism presented provides better device state preservation than would be found in the random placement exhibited by the storage of state in overlay DHT schemes. Experiments confirm device storage imbalance when using geographic routing; however, the results provided in this thesis show that the use of genetic algorithms can provide an improved identity assignment through the application of alternating fitness between reachability and ideal key displacement. This topology, as is commonly found in geographical routing, was susceptible to imbalance following device failure. The use of topological isomorphism provided an improvement over existing geographical routing protocols to counteract the reachability and imbalance caused by failure

    Convergence du web et des services de communication

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    Les services de communication, du courrier postal à la téléphonie, en passant par la voix et la vidéo sur IP (Internet Protocol), la messagerie électronique, les salons de discussion sur Internet, les visioconférences ou les télécommunications immersives ont évolué au fil du temps. Un système de communication voix-vidéo sur IP est réalisé grâce à deux couches architecturales fondamentales : la couche de signalisation et la couche média. Le protocole de signalisation est utilisé pour créer, modifier et terminer des sessions multimédias entre des participants. La couche de signalisation est divisée en deux sous-couches - la couche de service et celle de contrôle - selon la spécification de l IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS). Deux systèmes de communication largement utilisés sont l IMS et SIP Pair-à- Pair (P2P SIP). Les fournisseurs de services, qui se comportent en tant qu intermédiaires entre appelants et appelés, implémentent les systèmes de communication, contrôlant strictement la couche signalisation. Or ces fournisseurs de services ne prennent pas en compte la diversité des utilisateurs. Cette thèse identifie trois barrières technologiques dans les systèmes de communication actuels et plus précisément concernant la couche de signalisation. I. Un manque d ouverture et de flexibilité dans la couche de signalisation pour les utilisateurs. II. Un développement difficile des services basés sur le réseau et les sessions. III. Une complexification du la couche de signalisation lors d un très grand nombre d appels. Ces barrières technologiques gênent l innovation des utilisateurs avec ces services de communication. Basé sur les barrières technologiques listées cidessus, le but initial de cette thèse est de définir un concept et une architecture de système de communication dans lequel chaque individu devient un fournisseur de service. Le concept, "My Own Communication Service Provider" (MOCSP) et le système MOCSP sont proposés, accompagné d un diagramme de séquence. Ensuite, la thèse fournit une analyse qui compare le système MOCSP avec les systèmes de communication existants en termes d ouverture et de flexibilité. La seconde partie de la thèse présente des solutions pour les services basés sur le réseau ou les sessions, mettant en avant le système MOCSP proposé. Deux services innovants, user mobility et partial session transfer/retrieval (PSTR) sont pris comme exemples de services basés sur le réseau ou les sessions. Les services basés sur un réseau ou des sessions interagissent avec une session ou sont exécutés dans une session. Dans les deux cas, une seule entité fonctionnelle entre l appelant et l appelé déclenche le flux multimédia pendant l initialisation de l appel et/ou en cours de communication. De plus, la coopération entre le contrôle d appel réseau et les différents pairs est facilement réalisé. La dernière partie de la thèse est dédiée à l extension de MOCSP en cas de forte densité d appels, elle inclut une analyse comparative. Cette analyse dépend de quatre facteurs - limite de passage à l échelle, niveau de complexité, ressources de calcul requises et délais d établissement de session - qui sont considérés pour évaluer le passage à l échelle de la couche de signalisation. L analyse comparative montre clairement que la solution basée sur MOCSP est simple et améliore l usage effectif des ressources de calcul par rapport aux systèmes de communication traditionnelsDifferent communication services from delivery of written letters to telephones, voice/video over Internet Protocol(IP), email, Internet chat rooms, and video/audio conferences, immersive communications have evolved over time. A communication system of voice/video over IP is the realization of a two fundamental layered architecture, signaling layer and media layer. The signaling protocol is used to create, modify, and terminate media sessions between participants. The signaling layer is further divided into two layers, service layer and service control layer, in the IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS) specification. Two widely used communication systems are IMS, and Peer-to-Peer Session Initiation Protocol (P2P SIP). Service providers, who behave as brokers between callers and callees, implement communication systems, heavily controlling the signaling layer. These providers do not take the diversity aspect of end users into account. This dissertation identifies three technical barriers in the current communication systems especially in the signaling layer. Those are: I. lack of openness and flexibility in the signaling layer for end users. II. difficulty of development of network-based, session-based services. III. the signaling layer becomes complex during the high call rate. These technical barriers hinder the end-user innovation with communication services. Based on the above listed technical barriers, the first part of this thesis defines a concept and architecture for a communication system in which an individual user becomes the service provider. The concept, My Own Communication Service Provider (MOCSP) and MOCSP system is proposed and followed by a call flow. Later, this thesis provides an analysis that compares the MOCSP system with existing communication systems in terms of openness and flexibility. The second part of this thesis presents solutions for network-based, session based services, leveraging the proposed MOCSP system. Two innovative services, user mobility and partial session transfer/retrieval are considered as examples for network-based, session-based services. The network-based, sessionbased services interwork with a session or are executed within a session. In both cases, a single functional entity between caller and callee consistently enables the media flow during the call initiation and/or mid-call. In addition, the cooperation of network call control and end-points is easily achieved. The last part of the thesis is devoted to extending the MOCSP for a high call rate and includes a preliminary comparative analysis. This analysis depends on four factors - scalability limit, complexity level, needed computing resources and session setup latency - that are considered to specify the scalability of the signaling layer. The preliminary analysis clearly shows that the MOCSP based solution is simple and has potential for improving the effective usage of computing resources over the traditional communication systemsEVRY-INT (912282302) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Efficient Passive Clustering and Gateways selection MANETs

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    Passive clustering does not employ control packets to collect topological information in ad hoc networks. In our proposal, we avoid making frequent changes in cluster architecture due to repeated election and re-election of cluster heads and gateways. Our primary objective has been to make Passive Clustering more practical by employing optimal number of gateways and reduce the number of rebroadcast packets

    A novel service discovery model for decentralised online social networks.

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    Online social networks (OSNs) have become the most popular Internet application that attracts billions of users to share information, disseminate opinions and interact with others in the online society. The unprecedented growing popularity of OSNs naturally makes using social network services as a pervasive phenomenon in our daily life. The majority of OSNs service providers adopts a centralised architecture because of its management simplicity and content controllability. However, the centralised architecture for large-scale OSNs applications incurs costly deployment of computing infrastructures and suffers performance bottleneck. Moreover, the centralised architecture has two major shortcomings: the single point failure problem and the lack of privacy, which challenges the uninterrupted service provision and raises serious privacy concerns. This thesis proposes a decentralised approach based on peer-to-peer (P2P) networks as an alternative to the traditional centralised architecture. Firstly, a self-organised architecture with self-sustaining social network adaptation has been designed to support decentralised topology maintenance. This self-organised architecture exhibits small-world characteristics with short average path length and large average clustering coefficient to support efficient information exchange. Based on this self-organised architecture, a novel decentralised service discovery model has been developed to achieve a semantic-aware and interest-aware query routing in the P2P social network. The proposed model encompasses a service matchmaking module to capture the hidden semantic information for query-service matching and a homophily-based query processing module to characterise user’s common social status and interests for personalised query routing. Furthermore, in order to optimise the efficiency of service discovery, a swarm intelligence inspired algorithm has been designed to reduce the query routing overhead. This algorithm employs an adaptive forwarding strategy that can adapt to various social network structures and achieves promising search performance with low redundant query overhead in dynamic environments. Finally, a configurable software simulator is implemented to simulate complex networks and to evaluate the proposed service discovery model. Extensive experiments have been conducted through simulations, and the obtained results have demonstrated the efficiency and effectiveness of the proposed model.University of Derb

    Efficient Authentication, Node Clone Detection, and Secure Data Aggregation for Sensor Networks

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    Sensor networks are innovative wireless networks consisting of a large number of low-cost, resource-constrained sensor nodes that collect, process, and transmit data in a distributed and collaborative way. There are numerous applications for wireless sensor networks, and security is vital for many of them. However, sensor nodes suffer from many constraints, including low computation capability, small memory, limited energy resources, susceptibility to physical capture, and the lack of infrastructure, all of which impose formidable security challenges and call for innovative approaches. In this thesis, we present our research results on three important aspects of securing sensor networks: lightweight entity authentication, distributed node clone detection, and secure data aggregation. As the technical core of our lightweight authentication proposals, a special type of circulant matrix named circulant-P2 matrix is introduced. We prove the linear independence of matrix vectors, present efficient algorithms on matrix operations, and explore other important properties. By combining circulant-P2 matrix with the learning parity with noise problem, we develop two one-way authentication protocols: the innovative LCMQ protocol, which is provably secure against all probabilistic polynomial-time attacks and provides remarkable performance on almost all metrics except one mild requirement for the verifier's computational capacity, and the HBC^C protocol, which utilizes the conventional HB-like authentication structure to preserve the bit-operation only computation requirement for both participants and consumes less key storage than previous HB-like protocols without sacrificing other performance. Moreover, two enhancement mechanisms are provided to protect the HB-like protocols from known attacks and to improve performance. For both protocols, practical parameters for different security levels are recommended. In addition, we build a framework to extend enhanced HB-like protocols to mutual authentication in a communication-efficient fashion. Node clone attack, that is, the attempt by adversaries to add one or more nodes to the network by cloning captured nodes, imposes a severe threat to wireless sensor networks. To cope with it, we propose two distributed detection protocols with difference tradeoffs on network conditions and performance. The first one is based on distributed hash table, by which a fully decentralized, key-based caching and checking system is constructed to deterministically catch cloned nodes in general sensor networks. The protocol performance of efficient storage consumption and high security level is theoretically deducted through a probability model, and the resulting equations, with necessary adjustments for real application, are supported by the simulations. The other is the randomly directed exploration protocol, which presents notable communication performance and minimal storage consumption by an elegant probabilistic directed forwarding technique along with random initial direction and border determination. The extensive experimental results uphold the protocol design and show its efficiency on communication overhead and satisfactory detection probability. Data aggregation is an inherent requirement for many sensor network applications, but designing secure mechanisms for data aggregation is very challenging because the aggregation nature that requires intermediate nodes to process and change messages, and the security objective to prevent malicious manipulation, conflict with each other to a great extent. To fulfill different challenges of secure data aggregation, we present two types of approaches. The first is to provide cryptographic integrity mechanisms for general data aggregation. Based on recent developments of homomorphic primitives, we propose three integrity schemes: a concrete homomorphic MAC construction, homomorphic hash plus aggregate MAC, and homomorphic hash with identity-based aggregate signature, which provide different tradeoffs on security assumption, communication payload, and computation cost. The other is a substantial data aggregation scheme that is suitable for a specific and popular class of aggregation applications, embedded with built-in security techniques that effectively defeat outside and inside attacks. Its foundation is a new data structure---secure Bloom filter, which combines HMAC with Bloom filter. The secure Bloom filter is naturally compatible with aggregation and has reliable security properties. We systematically analyze the scheme's performance and run extensive simulations on different network scenarios for evaluation. The simulation results demonstrate that the scheme presents good performance on security, communication cost, and balance