14 research outputs found

    ISOMP: An Instant Service-Orchestration Mobile M2M Platform

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    Challenges of migrating legacies web to mobile: A systematic literature review

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    The multi-device era comes thanks to mobile computing which gives remote access to resources from anywhere changing the people’s life and opening new business opportunities. However, the legacy systems do not render the content properly in mobile devices because they were thought to be only compliant with Web browsers. Economic availability is often the reason why these have not been modernized. This work proposes a systematic literature review about the approaches used for the portabilization or modernization of web 1.0 business applications to mobile devices in the period 2006-2017, from SCOPUS, IEEE, and ACM. The search obtained 824 articles, where 37 were selected based on the inclusion criteria. The research questions were: PI1. What have been the contribution to the portability of business applications to mobile devices? PI2. What methods have been used? PI3. What is the nature of the contribution found? PI4. What are the objectives that are pursued in the research work?. The conclusions were obtained through the classification of selected papers with respect to focus, scope, type of research and type of contribution to give an answer to research questions. Then, the state of the art determines the main approaches such as model-driven development, content reorganization, augmentation, and specific migrations. However, certain research gaps were detected and detailed which represent exploration opportunities.Fil: Cajas, Viviana. Universidad Tecnologica Indoamerica.; EcuadorFil: Urbieta, Mario Matías. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Informática; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - La Plata; ArgentinaFil: Rossi, Gustavo Héctor. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Informática; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - La Plata; ArgentinaFil: Domínguez Mayo, Francisco. Universidad de Sevilla; Españ

    Challenges of Migrating Legacies Web to Mobile: A Systematic Literature Review

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    The multi-device era comes thanks to mobile com puting which gives remote access to resources from anywhere changing the people’s life and opening new business opportu nities. However, the legacy systems do not render the content properly in mobile devices because they were thought to be only compliant with Web browsers. Economic availability is often the reason why these have not been modernized. This work proposes a systematic literature review about the approaches used for the portabilization or modernization of web 1.0 business applications to mobile devices in the period 2006-2017, from SCOPUS, IEEE, and ACM. The search obtained 824 articles, where 37 were selected based on the inclusion criteria. The research questions were: PI1. What have been the contribution to the portability of business applications to mobile devices? PI2. What methods have been used? PI3. What is the nature of the contribution found? PI4. What are the objectives that are pursued in the research work?. The conclusions were obtained through the classification of selected papers with respect to focus, scope, type of research and type of contribution to give an answer to research questions. Then, the state of the art determines the main approaches such as model-driven development, content reorganization, augmentation, and specific migrations. However, certain research gaps were detected and detailed which represent exploration opportunities

    Challenges of Migrating Legacies Web to Mobile: A Systematic Literature Review

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    The multi-device era comes thanks to mobile computing which gives remote access to resources from anywhere changing the people’s life and opening new business opportunities. However, the legacy systems do not render the content properly in mobile devices because they were thought to be only compliant with Web browsers. Economic availability is often the reason why these have not been modernized. This work proposes a systematic literature review about the approaches used for the portabilization or modernization of web 1.0 business applications to mobile devices in the period 2006-2017, from SCOPUS, IEEE, and ACM. The search obtained 824 articles, 44 were selected and classified with respect to focus, scope, type of research and type of contribution. The results obtained allowed us to reach conclusions about the state of the subject and to determine the research gaps, such as the need for better use of the mobile characteristics because the adaptations are mostly basic. In addition, an approach is proposed and compared with the aforementioned them.Facultad de InformáticaLaboratorio de Investigación y Formación en Informática Avanzad

    Service Oriented Architecture for Mobile Cloud Computing

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    abstract: The Open Services Gateway initiative (OSGi) framework is a standard of module system and service platform that implements a complete and dynamic component model. Currently most of OSGi implementations are implemented by Java, which has similarities of Android language. With the emergence of Android operating system, due to the similarities between Java and Android, the integration of module system and service platform from OSGi to Android system attracts more and more attention. How to make OSGi run in Android is a hot topic, further, how to find a mechanism to enable communication between OSGi and Android system is a more advanced area than simply making OSGi running in Android. This paper, which aimed to fulfill SOA (Service Oriented Architecture) and CBA (Component Based Architecture), proposed a solution on integrating Felix OSGi platform with Android system in order to build up Distributed OSGi framework between mobile phones upon XMPP protocol. And in this paper, it not only successfully makes OSGi run on Android, but also invents a mechanism that makes a seamless collaboration between these two platforms.Dissertation/ThesisM.S. Computer Science 201

    Interfaces proactivas móviles desde Legacies Web: Un enfoque de diseño conductual

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    Contexto: Los sistemas heredados o legacies son sistemas independientes construidos en una era tecnológica anterior que disponen de precaria documentación que se resisten significativamente a su modificación y evolución, para cubrir cambios en sus requerimientos, además son grandes sistemas parcialmente desconocidos y vitales para las organizaciones y que en su mayoría no poseen financiamiento para mejoras. En contraposición a los legacies, las aplicaciones móviles cambiaron inesperadamente la vida de las personas dado que las aplicaciones son una herramienta omnipresente en la vida cotidiana y clave fundamental en los modelos de negocio en todo el mundo. Los problemas de usabilidad de aplicaciones heredadas se han estudiado en diferentes trabajos, debido a que desde este auge estos inconvenientes se han hecho evidentes cada día, algunos de los más relevantes radican en la legibilidad de la tipografía, los iconos, el tamaño, la orientación de la pantalla, la pérdida de tiempo y la excesiva carga cognitiva para los usuarios debido al tamaño de la pantalla, entre otras limitaciones de los dispositivos. Objetivo: En esta tesis se propone un enfoque empático multidisciplinario que permite la correcta portabilización de legacies web a móviles a través de algoritmos predictivos como las cadenas de Markov que ofrecen una mejorada experiencia de usuario a través de la obtención del modelo de comportamiento de navegación avalada por métricas de usabilidad, de manera adicional se logra la mejora de la productividad laboral y el cumplimiento de las heurísticas de Nielsen. Método: Este estudio se basó en el método de ingeniería del paradigma evolutivo el cual se trata de observar las soluciones existentes, etapa realizada a través de un mapeo y revisión sistemática de la literatura de la última década, luego se debe proponer mejores soluciones, crear o desarrollar, medir y analizar y repetir hasta que no haya más mejoras posibles, etapa en la cual se propone el enfoque empático basado en el modelo Markoviano para obtener el modelo de navegación del usuario, entregado a través del mínimo producto viable en varias iteraciones hasta lograr perfeccionar el modelo. Por lo tanto, llegar a una mejor propuesta final depende en gran medida de la creatividad y el sentido común aplicado a la construcción del nuevo método. Esta vista orientada a la mejora evolutiva supone que el investigador ya tiene modelos del proceso de software, producto, personas, del entorno y modifica el modelo o los aspectos del modelo para mejorar lo que se está estudiando. Resultados: En el mapeo sistemático se obtienen 44 artículos que presentan diferentes enfoques que solucionan de manera básica, parcial o especifica la portabilización, se evidencia que no existen enfoques de diseño centrados en el usuario, tampoco basados en modelos de Markov y que las propuestas no son evaluadas con métricas como la de la productividad laboral, heurísticas de Nielsen ni las de la ISO 9241-11, así como la Leyes de Fitts y Hick. Al proponer y posteriormente implementar este enfoque empático a través de una herramienta se logra demostrar que la productividad laboral mejora en un rango de 75% a 530% con respecto a la aplicación original, por otro lado, los tiempos de consecución de las tareas se reducen en una proporción de 3 a 1 para los casos analizados. Los deslizamientos en pantalla se reducen en promedio a la mitad. Además, la satisfacción del usuario a través de una encuesta muestra un aumento en la calificación de parámetros de estética y diseño, la facilidad de uso, los contenidos e información, y la utilidad para el 100% de los usuarios. Cabe destacar que a partir de este estudio se han logrado cinco publicaciones SCOPUS. Conclusiones: La contribución incluye un trabajo transdisciplinario que demuestra que este modelo hace posible un diseño de interfaz inteligente y proactivo, considerando además variables sociodemográficas directamente relacionadas que contribuyen a la economía del contexto. Este estudio apoya la idea de que incluir cadenas de Markov para predecir el comportamiento del usuario podría ser una de las teorías conductuales que se pueden aplicar para mejorar otros enfoques, como los sistemas basados en modelos, en términos de asignación automática de pesos y prioridades. Por otro lado la tecnología al fin de cuentas debe apoyar la producción de valor en el negocio, por lo que los enfoques para el desarrollo y diseño de sistemas deben considerar metodologías interdisciplinarias, transversales que incluyan profesionales o teorías establecidas por otras áreas como la sociología, economía, matemática que permitan humanizar el software con la capacitad de predecir las conductas para que el producto llegue a ser lo que el cliente quiere, inclusive alcanzar una investigación aplicada al ciudadano. A través de este tipo de enfoques, las empresas pueden llegar a ser más independientes de las redes sociales enriqueciendo la base de clientes, generando su propio big data, CRMs, business intelligence y finalmente inbound marketing que permita ser una organización orientada por los datos generando la hiperpersonalización. Por tanto, los perfiles de usuario juegan un papel importante ya que ayudan a definir diferentes niveles de personalización para aumentar el valor de vida útil del cliente (CLV) y también el retorno sobre inversión (ROI) en la transformación digital. Como trabajo futuro, se planea la mejora continua del enfoque e integrar en primera instancia todas las personalizaciones en un solo sitio web para que el usuario con un único inicio de sesión pueda acceder a todas sus personalizaciones y comportamientos de navegación para que no deba instalar el script de un dispositivo a otro.Context: Inherited systems or legacies are independent systems built in a previous technological era that have precarious documentation that significantly resist to its modification and evolution, to cover changes in its requirements, furthermore, are large systems that are partially unknown and vital for organizations and most of them do not have financing for improvements. In contrast to legacies, mobile applications have unexpectedly changed people’s lives due to applications are an omnipresent tool in daily life and a fundamental key in business models around the world. The usability problems of legacy inherited applications have been studied in different works, because since this boom these drawbacks have become evident every day, some of the most relevant lie in the legibility of typography, icons, size, orientation of the screen, the waste of time and the excessive cognitive load for the users due to the size of the screen among other limitations of the devices. Objective: In this thesis, a multidisciplinary empathic approach is proposed that allows the correct portability of web legacies to mobiles through predictive algorithms such as Markov chains that offer an improved user experience through obtaining the guaranteed navigation behavior model by usability metrics, additionally the improvement of labor productivity and compliance of Nielsen heuristics is achieved. Method: This study was based on the evolutionary paradigm engineering method which tries to observe the existing solutions, a stage carried out through a mapping and systematic review of the literature of the last decade, then better solutions must be proposed, created or developed, to measure and analyze and repeat until no more improvements are possible, stage in which the empathic approach based on the Markovian model is proposed to obtain the user navigation model, delivered through the minimum viable product in several interactions until the model becomes perfected. Therefore, reaching a better final proposal depends largely on creativity and common sense applied to the construction of the new method. This evolutionary improvement oriented view assumes that the researcher already has models of the software process, product, people, and environment as well as modifies the model or aspect of the model to improve what is being studied. Results: In the systematic mapping, 44 articles are obtained that present different approaches that solve portability in a basic, partial or specific way, it is evident that there are no user- centered design approaches, nor are based on Markov models and that the proposals are not evaluated with metrics as the labor productivity, Nielsen heuristics nor the ISO 9241-11, as well as the Laws of Fitts and Hicks. By proposing and subsequently implementing this empathetic approach through a tool, it is possible to demonstrate that labor productivity improves in a range of 75% to 530% with respect to the original application, on the other hand, the times for completing tasks are reduced in a proportion of 3 to 1. Screen swipes are reduced by half on average. In addition, user satisfaction through a survey shows an increase in the rating of aesthetic and design parameters, ease of use, content and information, and usefulness for 100% of users. Noteworthy, that from this study five SCOPUS publications have been achieved. Conclusions: The contribution includes a transdisciplinary work that demonstrated that this model makes possible an intelligent and proactive interface design, also considering directly related sociodemographic variables that contribute to the economy of the context. This study supports the idea that including Markov chains to predict user behavior could be one of the behavioral theories that can be applied to improve other approaches, such as models based on systems, in terms of automatic assignment of weights and priorities. On the other hand, technology, in the end, must support the production of value in business, so the approaches for the development and design of systems must consider interdisciplinary, transversal methodologies that include professionals or theories established by other areas such as sociology, economics, mathematics that allow humanizing the software with the ability to predict behaviors so that the product becomes what the client wants, including achieving applied research for the citizen. Through this type of approach, companies can become more independent of social networks, enriching the customer base, generating their own big data, CRMs, business intelligence and finally inbound marketing that allows them to be an organization guided through the data generating hyperpersonalization. Therefore, user profiles play a significant role as they help define distinct levels of personalization to increase customer lifetime value (CLV) and return on investment (ROI) in digital transformation. As future work, it is planned to continuously improve the approach and integrate in the first instance all the customizations in a single website so that the user with a single login can access all their customizations and browsing behaviors, so the user should not have to install the script from one device to another.Facultad de Informátic

    Cloud computing and context-awareness : a study of the adapted user experience

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    Today, mobile technology is part of everyday life and activities and the mobile ecosystems are blossoming, with smartphones and tablets being the major growth drivers. The mobile phones are no longer just another device, we rely on their capabilities in work and in private. We look to our mobile phones for timely and updated information and we rely on this being provided any time of any day at any place. Nevertheless, no matter how much you trust and love your mobile phone the quality of the information and the user experience is directly associated with the sources and presentation of information. In this perspective, our activities, interactions and preferences help shape the quality of service, content and products we use. Context-aware systems use such information about end-users as input mechanisms for producing applications based on mobile, location, social, cloud and customized content services. This represents new possibilities for extracting aggregated user-centric information and includes novel sources for context-aware applications. Accordingly, a Design Research based approach has been taken to further investigate the creation, presentation and tailoring of user-centric information. Through user evaluated experiments findings show how multi-dimensional context-aware information can be used to create adaptive solutions tailoring the user experience to the users’ needs. Research findings in this work; highlight possible architectures for integration of cloud computing services in a heterogeneous mobile environment in future context-aware solutions. When it comes to combining context-aware results from local computations with those of cloud based services, the results provide findings that give users tailored and adapted experiences based on the collective efforts of the two.EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceGBUnited Kingdo

    Investigation into a best practice model for providing an integrated user experience with mobile cloud applications

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    Mobile Cloud Computing promises to overcome the physical limitations of mobile devices by executing demanding mobile applications on cloud infrastructure. In practice, implementing this paradigm is difficult; network disconnection often occurs, bandwidth may be limited, and a large power draw is required from the battery, resulting in a poor user experience. This thesis presents a mobile cloud middleware solution, Context Aware Mobile Cloud Services (CAMCS), which provides cloudbased services to mobile devices, in a disconnected fashion. An integrated user experience is delivered by designing for anticipated network disconnection, and low data transfer requirements. CAMCS achieves this by means of the Cloud Personal Assistant (CPA); each user of CAMCS is assigned their own CPA, which can complete user-assigned tasks, received as descriptions from the mobile device, by using existing cloud services. Service execution is personalised to the user's situation with contextual data, and task execution results are stored with the CPA until the user can connect with his/her mobile device to obtain the results. Requirements for an integrated user experience are outlined, along with the design and implementation of CAMCS. The operation of CAMCS and CPAs with cloud-based services is presented, specifically in terms of service description, discovery, and task execution. The use of contextual awareness to personalise service discovery and service consumption to the user's situation is also presented. Resource management by CAMCS is also studied, and compared with existing solutions. Additional application models that can be provided by CAMCS are also presented. Evaluation is performed with CAMCS deployed on the Amazon EC2 cloud. The resource usage of the CAMCS Client, running on Android-based mobile devices, is also evaluated. A user study with volunteers using CAMCS on their own mobile devices is also presented. Results show that CAMCS meets the requirements outlined for an integrated user experience

    Investigation of a hierarchical context-aware architecture for rule-based customisation of mobile computing service

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    The continuous technical progress in mobile device built-in modules and embedded sensing techniques creates opportunities for context-aware mobile applications. The context-aware computing paradigm exploits the relevant context as implicit input to characterise the user and physical environment and provide a computing service customised to the contextual situation. However, heterogeneity in techniques, complexity of contextual situation, and gap between raw sensor data and usable context keep the techniques from truly integration for extensive use. Studies in this area mainly focus on feasibility demonstration of the emerging techniques, and they lack general architecture support and appropriate service customisation strategy. This investigation aims to provide general system architecture and technical approaches to deal with the heterogeneity problem and efficiently utilise the dynamic context towards proactive computing service that is customised to the contextual situation. The main efforts of this investigation are the approaches to gathering, handling, and utilising the dynamic context information in an efficient way and the decision making and optimisation methods for computing service customisation. In brief, the highlights of this thesis cover the following aspects: (1) a hierarchical context-aware computing architecture supporting interoperable distribution and further use of context; (2) an in-depth analysis and classification of context and the corresponding context acquisition methods; (3) context modelling and context data representation for efficient and interoperable use of context; (4) a rule-based service customisation strategy with a rule generation mechanism to supervise the service customisation. In addition, feasibility demonstration of the proposed system and contribution justification of this investigation are conducted through case studies and prototype implementations. One case study uses mobile built-in sensing techniques to improve the usability and efficiency of mobile applications constrained by resource limitation, and the other employs the mobile terminal and embedded sensing techniques to predict users’ expectations for home facility automatic control. Results demonstrate the feasibility of the proposed context handling architecture and service customisation methods. It shows great potential for employing the context of the computing environment for context-aware adaptation in pervasive and mobile applications but also indicates some underlying problems for further study