200 research outputs found

    Source identification for mobile devices, based on wavelet transforms combined with sensor imperfections

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    One of the most relevant applications of digital image forensics is to accurately identify the device used for taking a given set of images, a problem called source identification. This paper studies recent developments in the field and proposes the mixture of two techniques (Sensor Imperfections and Wavelet Transforms) to get better source identification of images generated with mobile devices. Our results show that Sensor Imperfections and Wavelet Transforms can jointly serve as good forensic features to help trace the source camera of images produced by mobile phones. Furthermore, the model proposed here can also determine with high precision both the brand and model of the device

    Efficient Unified Demosaicing for Bayer and Non-Bayer Patterned Image Sensors

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    As the physical size of recent CMOS image sensors (CIS) gets smaller, the latest mobile cameras are adopting unique non-Bayer color filter array (CFA) patterns (e.g., Quad, Nona, QxQ), which consist of homogeneous color units with adjacent pixels. These non-Bayer sensors are superior to conventional Bayer CFA thanks to their changeable pixel-bin sizes for different light conditions but may introduce visual artifacts during demosaicing due to their inherent pixel pattern structures and sensor hardware characteristics. Previous demosaicing methods have primarily focused on Bayer CFA, necessitating distinct reconstruction methods for non-Bayer patterned CIS with various CFA modes under different lighting conditions. In this work, we propose an efficient unified demosaicing method that can be applied to both conventional Bayer RAW and various non-Bayer CFAs' RAW data in different operation modes. Our Knowledge Learning-based demosaicing model for Adaptive Patterns, namely KLAP, utilizes CFA-adaptive filters for only 1% key filters in the network for each CFA, but still manages to effectively demosaic all the CFAs, yielding comparable performance to the large-scale models. Furthermore, by employing meta-learning during inference (KLAP-M), our model is able to eliminate unknown sensor-generic artifacts in real RAW data, effectively bridging the gap between synthetic images and real sensor RAW. Our KLAP and KLAP-M methods achieved state-of-the-art demosaicing performance in both synthetic and real RAW data of Bayer and non-Bayer CFAs

    Extracción y análisis de características para identificación, agrupamiento y modificación de la fuente de imágenes generadas por dispositivos móviles

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    Tesis inédita de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Facultad de Informática, Departamento de Ingeniería del Software e Inteligencia Artificial, leída el 02/10/2017.Nowadays, digital images play an important role in our society. The presence of mobile devices with integrated cameras is growing at an unrelenting pace, resulting in the majority of digital images coming from this kind of device. Technological development not only facilitates the generation of these images, but also the malicious manipulation of them. Therefore, it is of interest to have tools that allow the device that has generated a certain digital image to be identified. The digital image source can be identified through the features that the generating device permeates it with during the creation process. In recent years most research on techniques for identifying the source has focused solely on traditional cameras. The forensic analysis techniques of digital images generated by mobile devices are therefore of particular importance since they have specific characteristics which allow for better results, and forensic techniques for digital images generated by another kind of device are often not valid. This thesis provides various contributions in two of the main research lines of forensic analysis, the field of identification techniques and the counter-forensics or attacks on these techniques. In the field of digital image source acquisition identification techniques, both closed and open scenarios are addressed. In closed scenarios, the images whose acquisition source are to be determined belong to a group of devices known a priori. Meanwhile, an open scenario is one in which the images under analysis belong to a set of devices that is not known a priori by the fo rensic analyst. In this case, the objective is not t he concrete image acquisition source identification, but their classification into groups whose images all belong to the same mobile device. The image clustering t echniques are of particular interest in real situations since in many cases the forensic analyst does not know a priori which devices have generated certain images. Firstly, techniques for identifying the device type (computer, scanner or digital camera of the mobile device) or class (make and model) of the image acquisition source in mobile devices are proposed, which are two relevant branches of forensic analysis of mobile device images. An approach based on different types of image features and Support Vector Machine as a classifier is presented. Secondly, a technique for the ident ification in open scenarios that consists of grouping digital images of mobile devices according to the acquisition source is developed, that is to say, a class-grouping of all input images is performed. The proposal is based on the combination of hierarchical grouping and flat grouping using the Sensor Pattern Noise. Lastly, in the area of att acks on forensic t echniques, topics related to the robustness of the image source identificat ion forensic techniques are addressed. For this, two new algorithms based on the sensor noise and the wavelet transform are designed, one for the destruction of t he image identity and another for its fo rgery. Results obtained by the two algorithms were compared with other tools designed for the same purpose. It is worth mentioning that the solution presented in this work requires less amount and complexity of input data than the tools to which it was compared. Finally, these identification t echniques have been included in a tool for the forensic analysis of digital images of mobile devices called Theia. Among the different branches of forensic analysis, Theia focuses mainly on the trustworthy identification of make and model of the mobile camera that generated a given image. All proposed algorithms have been implemented and integrated in Theia thus strengthening its functionality.Actualmente las imágenes digitales desempeñan un papel importante en nuestra sociedad. La presencia de dispositivos móviles con cámaras fotográficas integradas crece a un ritmo imparable, provocando que la mayoría de las imágenes digitales procedan de este tipo de dispositivos. El desarrollo tecnológico no sólo facilita la generación de estas imágenes, sino también la manipulación malintencionada de éstas. Es de interés, por tanto, contar con herramientas que permitan identificar al dispositivo que ha generado una cierta imagen digital. La fuente de una imagen digital se puede identificar a través de los rasgos que el dispositivo que la genera impregna en ella durante su proceso de creación. La mayoría de las investigaciones realizadas en los últimos años sobre técnicas de identificación de la fuente se han enfocado únicamente en las cámaras tradicionales. Las técnicas de análisis forense de imágenes generadas por dispositivos móviles cobran, pues, especial importancia, ya que éstos presentan características específicas que permiten obtener mejores resultados, no siendo válidas muchas veces además las técnicas forenses para imágenes digitales generadas por otros tipos de dispositivos. La presente Tesis aporta diversas contribuciones en dos de las principales líneas del análisis forense: el campo de las t écnicas de identificación de la fuente de adquisición de imágenes digitales y las contramedidas o at aques a est as técnicas. En el primer campo se abordan tanto los escenarios cerrados como los abiertos. En el escenario denominado cerrado las imágenes cuya fuente de adquisición hay que determinar pertenecen a un grupo de dispositivos conocidos a priori. Por su parte, un escenario abierto es aquel en el que las imágenes pertenecen a un conjunto de dispositivos que no es conocido a priori por el analista forense. En este caso el obj etivo no es la identificación concreta de la fuente de adquisición de las imágenes, sino su clasificación en grupos cuyas imágenes pertenecen todas al mismo dispositivo móvil. Las técnicas de agrupamiento de imágenes son de gran interés en situaciones reales, ya que en muchos casos el analist a forense desconoce a priori cuáles son los dispositivos que generaron las imágenes. En primer lugar se presenta una técnica para la identificación en escenarios cerrados del tipo de dispositivo (computador, escáner o cámara digital de dispositivo móvil) o la marca y modelo de la fuente en dispositivos móviles, que son dos problemáticas relevantes del análisis forense de imágenes digitales. La propuesta muestra un enfoque basado en distintos tipos de características de la imagen y en una clasificación mediante máquinas de soporte vectorial. En segundo lugar se diseña una técnica para la identificación en escenarios abiertos que consiste en el agrupamiento de imágenes digitales de dispositivos móviles según la fuente de adquisición, es decir, se realiza un agrupamiento en clases de todas las imágenes de ent rada. La propuesta combina agrupamiento jerárquico y agrupamiento plano con el uso del patrón de ruido del sensor. Por último, en el área de los ataques a las técnicas fo renses se tratan temas relacionados con la robustez de las técnicas forenses de identificación de la fuente de adquisición de imágenes. Se especifican dos algoritmos basados en el ruido del sensor y en la transformada wavelet ; el primero destruye la identidad de una imagen y el segundo falsifica la misma. Los resultados obtenidos por estos dos algoritmos se comparan con otras herramientas diseñadas para el mismo fin, observándose que la solución aquí presentada requiere de menor cantidad y complejidad de datos de entrada. Finalmente, estas técnicas de identificación han sido incluidas en una herramienta para el análisis forense de imágenes digitales de dispositivos móviles llamada Theia. Entre las diferentes ramas del análisis forense, Theia se centra principalmente en la identificación confiable de la marca y el modelo de la cámara móvil que generó una imagen dada. Todos los algoritmos desarrollados han sido implementados e integrados en Theia, reforzando así su funcionalidad.Depto. de Ingeniería de Software e Inteligencia Artificial (ISIA)Fac. de InformáticaTRUEunpu

    Reliable and Fast Forgery Detection using FINE GRAINED approach

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    Forensic science encompassing the recovery and investigation of material found in digital devices, often in relation to computer crime. A digital forensic investigation commonly consists of 3 stages: acquisition or imaging of exhibits, analysis, and reporting. Previously, it is able to detect tampered images at high accuracy based on some carefully designed mechanisms,localization of the tampered regions in a fake image still presents many challenges, especially when the type of tampering operation is unknown. Later on, necessary to integrate different forensic approaches in order to obtain better localization performance. However, several important issues have not been comprehensively studied, to improve/readjust proper forensic approaches, and to fuse the detection results of different forensic approaches to obtain good localization results. In this paper, we propose a framework to improve the performance of forgery localization via implementing tampering possibility maps along with fusion based technique. In the proposed framework, we first select and improve existing forensic approaches, i.e., copy-move forgery detector and statistical feature based approach, and then improve their results to obtain tampering possibility maps

    Physical Invisible Backdoor Based on Camera Imaging

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    Backdoor attack aims to compromise a model, which returns an adversary-wanted output when a specific trigger pattern appears yet behaves normally for clean inputs. Current backdoor attacks require changing pixels of clean images, which results in poor stealthiness of attacks and increases the difficulty of the physical implementation. This paper proposes a novel physical invisible backdoor based on camera imaging without changing nature image pixels. Specifically, a compromised model returns a target label for images taken by a particular camera, while it returns correct results for other images. To implement and evaluate the proposed backdoor, we take shots of different objects from multi-angles using multiple smartphones to build a new dataset of 21,500 images. Conventional backdoor attacks work ineffectively with some classical models, such as ResNet18, over the above-mentioned dataset. Therefore, we propose a three-step training strategy to mount the backdoor attack. First, we design and train a camera identification model with the phone IDs to extract the camera fingerprint feature. Subsequently, we elaborate a special network architecture, which is easily compromised by our backdoor attack, by leveraging the attributes of the CFA interpolation algorithm and combining it with the feature extraction block in the camera identification model. Finally, we transfer the backdoor from the elaborated special network architecture to the classical architecture model via teacher-student distillation learning. Since the trigger of our method is related to the specific phone, our attack works effectively in the physical world. Experiment results demonstrate the feasibility of our proposed approach and robustness against various backdoor defenses

    A Future for Integrated Diagnostic Helping

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    International audienceMedical systems used for exploration or diagnostic helping impose high applicative constraints such as real time image acquisition and displaying. A large part of computing requirement of these systems is devoted to image processing. This chapter provides clues to transfer consumers computing architecture approaches to the benefit of medical applications. The goal is to obtain fully integrated devices from diagnostic helping to autonomous lab on chip while taking into account medical domain specific constraints.This expertise is structured as follows: the first part analyzes vision based medical applications in order to extract essentials processing blocks and to show the similarities between consumer’s and medical vision based applications. The second part is devoted to the determination of elementary operators which are mostly needed in both domains. Computing capacities that are required by these operators and applications are compared to the state-of-the-art architectures in order to define an efficient algorithm-architecture adequation. Finally this part demonstrates that it's possible to use highly constrained computing architectures designed for consumers handled devices in application to medical domain. This is based on the example of a high definition (HD) video processing architecture designed to be integrated into smart phone or highly embedded components. This expertise paves the way for the industrialisation of intergraded autonomous diagnostichelping devices, by showing the feasibility of such systems. Their future use would also free the medical staff from many logistical constraints due the deployment of today’s cumbersome systems

    Recent Advances in Digital Image and Video Forensics, Anti-forensics and Counter Anti-forensics

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    Image and video forensics have recently gained increasing attention due to the proliferation of manipulated images and videos, especially on social media platforms, such as Twitter and Instagram, which spread disinformation and fake news. This survey explores image and video identification and forgery detection covering both manipulated digital media and generative media. However, media forgery detection techniques are susceptible to anti-forensics; on the other hand, such anti-forensics techniques can themselves be detected. We therefore further cover both anti-forensics and counter anti-forensics techniques in image and video. Finally, we conclude this survey by highlighting some open problems in this domain

    Non-linear echo cancellation - a Bayesian approach

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    Echo cancellation literature is reviewed, then a Bayesian model is introduced and it is shown how how it can be used to model and fit nonlinear channels. An algorithm for cancellation of echo over a nonlinear channel is developed and tested. It is shown that this nonlinear algorithm converges for both linear and nonlinear channels and is superior to linear echo cancellation for canceling an echo through a nonlinear echo-path channel
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