6 research outputs found

    Augmenting TV Viewing using Acoustically Transparent Auditory Headsets

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    This paper explores how acoustically transparent auditory headsets can improve TV viewing by intermixing headset and TV audio, facilitating personal, private auditory enhancements and augmentations of TV content whilst minimizing occlusion of the sounds of reality. We evaluate the impact of synchronously mirroring select audio channels from the 5.1 mix (dialogue, environmental sounds, and the full mix), and selectively augmenting TV viewing with additional speech (e.g. Audio Description, Directors Commentary, and Alternate Language). For TV content, auditory headsets enable better spatialization and more immersive, enjoyable viewing; the intermixing of TV and headset audio creates unique listening experiences; and private augmentations offer new ways to (re)watch content with others. Finally, we reflect on how these headsets might facilitate more immersive augmented TV viewing experiences within reach of consumers

    Automatic Mobile Video Remixing and Collaborative Watching Systems

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    In the thesis, the implications of combining collaboration with automation for remix creation are analyzed. We first present a sensor-enhanced Automatic Video Remixing System (AVRS), which intelligently processes mobile videos in combination with mobile device sensor information. The sensor-enhanced AVRS system involves certain architectural choices, which meet the key system requirements (leverage user generated content, use sensor information, reduce end user burden), and user experience requirements. Architecture adaptations are required to improve certain key performance parameters. In addition, certain operating parameters need to be constrained, for real world deployment feasibility. Subsequently, sensor-less cloud based AVRS and low footprint sensorless AVRS approaches are presented. The three approaches exemplify the importance of operating parameter tradeoffs for system design. The approaches cover a wide spectrum, ranging from a multimodal multi-user client-server system (sensor-enhanced AVRS) to a mobile application which can automatically generate a multi-camera remix experience from a single video. Next, we present the findings from the four user studies involving 77 users related to automatic mobile video remixing. The goal was to validate selected system design goals, provide insights for additional features and identify the challenges and bottlenecks. Topics studied include the role of automation, the value of a video remix as an event memorabilia, the requirements for different types of events and the perceived user value from creating multi-camera remix from a single video. System design implications derived from the user studies are presented. Subsequently, sport summarization, which is a specific form of remix creation is analyzed. In particular, the role of content capture method is analyzed with two complementary approaches. The first approach performs saliency detection in casually captured mobile videos; in contrast, the second one creates multi-camera summaries from role based captured content. Furthermore, a method for interactive customization of summary is presented. Next, the discussion is extended to include the role of users’ situational context and the consumed content in facilitating collaborative watching experience. Mobile based collaborative watching architectures are described, which facilitate a common shared context between the participants. The concept of movable multimedia is introduced to highlight the multidevice environment of current day users. The thesis presents results which have been derived from end-to-end system prototypes tested in real world conditions and corroborated with extensive user impact evaluation

    La importancia internacional del sector audiovisual

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    Este Trabajo de Fin de Grado es una parte de un estudio conjunto del Derecho Audiovisual, donde desarrollo la parte internacional de esta materia, analizando la situación de varios países, sus normativas, sus legislaciones, organismos, análisis de sentecias y la aplicación de las mismas en cada estado y finalizo el Trabajo de Fin de Grado con una comparativa con España

    Diseño de interfaz y diseño de la interacción. El rol del diseño en el cambio de paradigma televisivo

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    [spa] Diversos factores están transformando la televisión. El proceso de digitalización, su convergencia con Internet, la ampliación de las posibilidades de interactividad y los nuevos hábitos de consumo de los telespectadores están produciendo un cambio de paradigma del medio de comunicación. Ante esta situación, desde la perspectiva del diseño se propone investigar cuál es el rol que asume esta disciplina. A partir de un estudio documental y bibliográfico se ha analizado la televisión interactiva como fenómeno a través de sus interfaces y de las prácticas asociadas al diseño de la interacción. Para el análisis se ha abordado la evolución histórica de la interactividad entre telespectador, televisor y televisión; se han contextualizado los cambios sociales, culturales, económicos y tecnológicos que acompañan esta transformación; y se ha propuesto un mapa de la televisión interactiva con el fin de delimitar su alcance. A partir de este escenario se ha examinado qué significa diseñar televisión interactiva teniendo en cuenta los elementos y factores que la caracterizan. Fruto de la investigación se ha identificado qué responsabilidades debería asumir el diseño y se han propuesto directrices a tener en cuenta para su práctica proyectual y su estudio teórico. También se han identificado los retos del diseño en la transformación del concepto de interactividad, en la figura del telespectador y en las formas de mejorar la usabilidad y accesibilidad de las interfaces televisivas

    Consumer experience study of mobile and Interactive Social Television

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