60 research outputs found

    IP multicast receiver mobility support using PMIPv6 in a global satellite network

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    YesA new generation of satellite systems that support regenerative on-board processors (OBPs) and multiple spot beam technology have opened new and efficient possibilities of implementing IP multicast communication over satellites. These new features have widened the scope of satellite-based applications and also enable satellite operators to efficiently utilize their allocated bandwidth resources. This makes it possible to provide cost effective satellite network services. IP multicast is a network layer protocol designed for group communication to save bandwidth resources and reduce processing overhead on the source side. The inherent broadcast nature of satellites, their global coverage (air, land, and sea), and direct access to a large number of subscribers imply satellites have unrivalled advantages in supporting IP multicast applications. IP mobility support in general and IP mobile multicast support in particular on mobile satellite terminals like the ones mounted on long haul flights, maritime vessels, continental trains, etc., still remain big challenges that have received very little attention from the research community. This paper proposes how Proxy Mobile IPv6 (PMIPv6)-based IP multicast mobility support defined for terrestrial networks can be adopted and used to support IP mobile multicast in future satellite networks, taking cognizance of the trend in the evolution of satellite communications

    Multicast Mobility in Mobile IP Version 6 (MIPv6) : Problem Statement and Brief Survey

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    Mobile multicast source support in PMIPv6 networks

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    With the widespread use of multimedia contents via mobile nodes (MNs), IP mobile multicast becomes more important for wireless, mobile, and ubiquitous multimedia applications. Until now, many research efforts have been made to provide IP multicast for the MNs. However, the existing mobile multicast schemes mostly focus on the mobility of receivers based on the host-based mobility solution that requires the MN to participate in the mobility management. Recent work has shown that service connectivity for mobile multicast sources is still a problem and attracts very little concern. With the development of the network-based mobility support protocol, mobile multicast source support schemes in Proxy Mobile IPv6 (PMIPv6) networks are needed urgently. In this paper, we propose a base solution (BS) and also a direct multicast routing scheme (DMRS) for mobile multicast source support in PMIPv6 networks. In the BS, the multicast listener discover (MLD) proxy function is adopted to transmit multicast data through the PMIPv6 tunnel. The DMRS can provide locally optimized traffic flows and avoid inefficient routing present in the BS. We evaluate and compare the performance of the proposed schemes with the Mobile IP bidirectional tunneling (MIP-BT) and Mobile IP remote subscription (MIP-RS) schemes by theoretical analysis and also implement the proposed schemes on the test-bed. The numerical results show that the BS and DMRS outperform the MIP-BT and MIP-RS in terms of signaling cost. Meanwhile, the experimental results verify the feasibility and validity of our proposed schemes. Furthermore, we study the optimal PMIPv6 domain size to reduce the total signaling cost for the proposed schemes

    A Survey on Proxy Mobile IPv6 Handover

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    [EN] As wireless technologies have been improving in recent years, a mobility management mechanism is required to provide seamless and ubiquitous mobility for end users who are roaming among points of attachment in wireless networks. Thus, Mobile IPv6 was developed by the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) to support the mobility service. However, Mobile IPv6 is unable to fulfill the requirements of real-time applications, such as video streaming service and voice over IP service, due to its high handover (HO) latency. To address this problem, Proxy Mobile IPv6 (PMIPv6) has been introduced by the IETF. In PMIPv6, which is a network-based approach, the serving network controls mobility management on behalf of the mobile node (MN). Thus, the MN is not required to participate in any mobility-related signaling. However, the PMIPv6 still suffers from lengthy HO latency and packet loss during a HO. This paper explores an elaborated survey on the HO procedure of PMIPv6 protocols and proposed approaches accompanied by a discussion about their points of weakness.This work was supported in part by the University of Malaya under UMRG Grant (RG080/11ICT).Modares, H.; Moravejosharieh, A.; Lloret, J.; Salleh, R. (2016). A Survey on Proxy Mobile IPv6 Handover. IEEE Systems Journal. 10(1):208-217. https://doi.org/10.1109/JSYST.2013.2297705S20821710

    Multicast source mobility support for regenerative satellite networks

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    YesSatellite communications provides an effective solution to the ever increasing demand for mobile and ubiquitous communications especially in areas where terrestrial communication infrastructure is not present. IP multicasting is a bandwidth saving technology which could become an indispensable means of group communication over satellites since it can utilise the scarce and expensive satellite resources in an efficient way. In Source-Specific Multicast (SSM) the data is sent through a multicast tree from the source to all the receivers. However, if a source is a mobile node moving from one network to another, then special mechanisms are required to make sure this multicast tree does not break. Until now, while many research efforts have been made to provide IP multicast for the mobile nodes, they are mainly focused on terrestrial networks. Unfortunately, the terrestrial mobile multicast schemes are not directly applicable in a satellite environment. This paper, proposes a new mechanism to support multicast source mobility in SSM based applications for a mesh multi-beam satellite network with receivers both within the satellite network and in the Internet. In the proposed mechanism, the SSM receivers continue to receive multicast traffic from the mobile source despite the fact that the IP address of the source keeps on changing as it changes its point of attachment from one satellite gateway (GW) to another. The proposed scheme is evaluated and the results compared with the mobile IP home subscription (MIP HS)-based approach. The results show that the proposed scheme outperforms the MIP HS-based approach in terms of signalling cost and packet delivery cost

    Lossless Multicast Handovers in Proxy Fast Mobile IPv6 Networks

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    There is a demand in the Public Protection and Disaster Relief (PPDR) community for high bandwidth services on mobile devices. Group communication is an important aspect of PPDR networks. In IP based networks multicast is the preferred method to efficiently transmit data to more than one receiver simultaneously. It is important PPDR users can switch seamlessly between wireless networks. This paper describes improvements to multicast in Fast handovers for Proxy Mobile IPv6 (PFMIPv6) to provide seamless mobility to its users. We also identify and explore the specific problems stemming from difference in end-to-end delay between the old and new path during handovers for multicast traffic. A novel mechanism to determine the delay difference between two paths in a PFMIPv6 system is described and an implementation of this system is evaluated. It is shown the proposed approach can prevent multicast packet loss during a handover

    Lossless Multicast Handovers in Proxy Fast Mobile IPv6 Networks

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    Part 5: Resource Management; International audience; There is a demand in the Public Protection and Disaster Relief (PPDR) community for high bandwidth services on mobile devices. Group communication is an important aspect of PPDR networks. In IP based networks multicast is the preferred method to efficiently transmit data to more than one receiver simultaneously. It is important PPDR users can switch seamlessly between wireless networks. This paper describes improvements to multicast in Fast handovers for Proxy Mobile IPv6 (PFMIPv6) to provide seamless mobility to its users. We also identify and explore the specific problems stemming from difference in end-to-end delay between the old and new path during handovers for multicast traffic. A novel mechanism to determine the delay difference between two paths in a PFMIPv6 system is described and an implementation of this system is evaluated. It is shown the proposed approach can prevent multicast packet loss during a handover. Document type: Part of book or chapter of boo

    Host mobility management with identifier-locator split protocols in hierarchical and flat networks

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    Includes abstractIncludes bibliographical references.As the Internet increasingly becomes more mobile focused and overloaded with mobile hosts, mobile users are bound to roam freely and attach to a variety of networks. These different networks converge over an IP-based core to enable ubiquitous network access, anytime and anywhere, to support the provision of services, that is, any service, to mobile users. Therefore, in this thesis, the researcher proposed network-based mobility solutions at different layers to securely support seamless handovers between heterogeneous networks in hierarchical and flat network architectures

    Distribuição de vídeo para grupos de utilizadores em redes móveis heterogéneas19

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    The evolutions veri ed in mobile devices capabilities (storage capacity, screen resolution, processor, etc.) over the last years led to a signi cant change in mobile user behavior, with the consumption and creation of multimedia content becoming more common, in particular video tra c. Consequently, mobile operator networks, despite being the target of architectural evolutions and improvements over several parameters (such as capacity, transmission and reception performance, amongst others), also increasingly become more frequently challenged by performance aspects associated to the nature of video tra c, whether by the demanding requirements associated to that service, or by its volume increase in such networks. This Thesis proposes modi cations to the mobile architecture towards a more e cient video broadcasting, de ning and developing mechanisms applicable to the network, or to the mobile terminal. Particularly, heterogeneous networks multicast IP mobility supported scenarios are focused, emphasizing their application over di erent access technologies. The suggested changes are applicable to mobile or static user scenarios, whether it performs the role of receiver or source of the video tra c. Similarly, the de ned mechanisms propose solutions targeting operators with di erent video broadcasting goals, or whose networks have di erent characteristics. The pursued methodology combined an experimental evaluation executed over physical testbeds, with the mathematical evaluation using network simulation, allowing the veri cation of its impact on the optimization of video reception in mobile terminalsA evolução veri cada nas características dos dispositivos moveis (capacidade de armazenamento, resolução do ecrã, processador, etc.) durante os últimos anos levou a uma alteração signi cativa nos comportamentos dos utilizadores, sendo agora comum o consumo e produção de conteúdos multimédia envolvendo terminais móveis, em particular o tráfego vídeo. Consequentemente, as redes de operador móvel, embora tendo também sido alvo constante de evoluções arquitecturais e melhorias em vários parâmetros (tais como capacidade, ritmo de transmissão/recepção, entre outros), vêemse cada vez mais frequentemente desa adas por aspectos de desempenho associados à natureza do tráfego de vídeo, seja pela exigência de requisitos associados a esse serviço, quer pelo aumento do volume do mesmo nesse tipo de redes. Esta Tese propôe alterações à arquitetura móvel para a disseminação de vídeo mais e ciente, de nindo e desenvolvendo mecanismos aplicáveis à rede, ou ao utilizador móvel. Em particular, são focados cenários suportados por IP multicast em redes móveis heterogéneas, isto é, com ênfase na aplicação destes mecanismos sobre diferentes tecnologias de acesso. As alterações sugeridas aplicam-se a cenários de utilizador estático ou móvel, sendo este a fonte ou receptor do tráfego vídeo. Da mesma forma, são propostas soluções tendo em vista operadores com diferentes objectivos de disseminação de vídeo, ou cujas redes têm diferentes características. A metodologia utilizada combinou a avaliação experimental em testbeds físicas com a avaliação matemática em simulações de redes, e permitiu veri car o impacto sobre a optimização da recepção de vídeo em terminais móveisPrograma Doutoral em Telecomunicaçõe