147 research outputs found

    Secure Authentication for Mobile Users

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    RÉSUMÉ :L’authentification biométrique telle que les empreintes digitales et la biométrie faciale a changé la principale méthode d’authentification sur les appareils mobiles. Les gens inscrivent facilement leurs modèles d’empreintes digitales ou de visage dans différents systèmes d’authentification pour profiter de leur accès facile au smartphone sans avoir besoin de se souvenir et de saisir les codes PIN/mots de passe conventionnels. Cependant, ils ne sont pas conscients du fait qu’ils stockent leurs caractéristiques physiologiques ou comportementales durables sur des plates-formes non sécurisées (c’est-à-dire sur des téléphones mobiles ou sur un stockage en nuage), menaçant la confidentialité de leurs modèles biométriques et de leurs identités. Par conséquent, un schéma d’authentification est nécessaire pour préserver la confidentialité des modèles biométriques des utilisateurs et les authentifier en toute sécurité sans compter sur des plates-formes non sécurisées et non fiables.La plupart des études ont envisagé des approches logicielles pour concevoir un système d’authentification sécurisé. Cependant, ces approches ont montré des limites dans les systèmes d’authentification sécurisés. Principalement, ils souffrent d’une faible précision de vérification, en raison des transformations du gabarit (cancelable biometrics), de la fuite d’informations (fuzzy commitment schemes) ou de la réponse de vérification non en temps réel, en raison des calculs coûteux (homomorphic encryption).---------- ABSTRACT: Biometric authentication such as fingerprint and face biometrics has changed the main authentication method on mobile devices. People easily enroll their fingerprint or face template on different authentication systems to take advantage of their easy access to the smartphone with no need to remember and enter the conventional PINs/passwords. However, they are not aware that they store their long-lasting physiological or behavioral characteristics on insecure platforms (i.e., on mobile phones or on cloud storage), threatening the privacy of their biometric templates and their identities. Therefore, an authentication scheme is required to preserve the privacy of users’ biometric templates and securely authenticate them without relying on insecure and untrustworthy platforms. Most studies have considered software-based approaches to design a privacy-reserving authentication system. However, these approaches have shown limitations in secure authentication systems. Mainly, they suffer from low verification accuracy, due to the template transformations (in cancelable biometrics), information leakage (in fuzzy commitment schemes), or non real-time verification response, due to the expensive computations (in homomorphic encryption)

    Recent Advances in Biometric Technology for Mobile Devices

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    International audienceThe prevalent commercial deployment of mobile biometrics as a robust authentication method on mobile devices has fueled increasingly scientific attention. Motivated by this, in this work we seek to provide insight on recent development in mobile biometrics. We present parallels and dissimilarities of mobile biometrics and classical biometrics, enumerate related benefits and challenges. Further we provide an overview of recent techniques in mobile biometrics, as well as application systems adopted by industry. Finally, we discuss open research problems in this field

    Usability analysis of authentication techniques

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    This document will be divided into two main parts. The first one will be the classification of the authentication techniques. We will search the main electronic databases for papers related to authentication techniques. We will then summarize the related papers and show what classifications they use for the authentication techniques. After all of the documents have been read and summarized we will analyse them and group the authentication techniques into the classifications found. For the second part of the document we will focus on the study of usability attributes in the authentication techniques. This to know how authentications techniques compare to one another based on their usability attributes. We will search the main electronic databases for papers related to the usability attributes of authentication techniques based on the usability definition of ISO/IEC 25010 (SQuaRE) and its attributes. We will then summarize the related papers and show what authentication methods they describe and which usability attributes they measure. After all of the documents have been read and summarized we will analyse them depending on their usability attribute. At the end we will elaborate those results to show which authentication techniques have better usability in terms of a specific usability attribute. This will help practitioners who are interested in using authentication methods but want or need to focus on a specific usability attribute. They will be able to use this as a guide to help them chose the best option that fits their purpose

    Multi-Factor Authentication: A Survey

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    Today, digitalization decisively penetrates all the sides of the modern society. One of the key enablers to maintain this process secure is authentication. It covers many different areas of a hyper-connected world, including online payments, communications, access right management, etc. This work sheds light on the evolution of authentication systems towards Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) starting from Single-Factor Authentication (SFA) and through Two-Factor Authentication (2FA). Particularly, MFA is expected to be utilized for human-to-everything interactions by enabling fast, user-friendly, and reliable authentication when accessing a service. This paper surveys the already available and emerging sensors (factor providers) that allow for authenticating a user with the system directly or by involving the cloud. The corresponding challenges from the user as well as the service provider perspective are also reviewed. The MFA system based on reversed Lagrange polynomial within Shamir’s Secret Sharing (SSS) scheme is further proposed to enable more flexible authentication. This solution covers the cases of authenticating the user even if some of the factors are mismatched or absent. Our framework allows for qualifying the missing factors by authenticating the user without disclosing sensitive biometric data to the verification entity. Finally, a vision of the future trends in MFA is discussed.Peer reviewe

    New authentication applications in the protection of caller ID and banknote

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    In the era of computers and the Internet, where almost everything is interconnected, authentication plays a crucial role in safeguarding online and offline data. As authentication systems face continuous testing from advanced attacking techniques and tools, the need for evolving authentication technology becomes imperative. In this thesis, we study attacks on authentication systems and propose countermeasures. Considering various nominated techniques, the thesis is divided into two parts. The first part introduces caller ID verification (CIV) protocol to address caller ID spoofing in telecommunication systems. This kind of attack usually follows fraud, which not only inflicts financial losses on victims but also reduces public trust in the telephone system. We propose CIV to authenticate the caller ID based on a challenge-response process. We show that spoofing can be leveraged, in conjunction with dual tone multi-frequency (DTMF), to efficiently implement the challenge-response process, i.e., using spoofing to fight against spoofing. We conduct extensive experiments showing that our solution can work reliably across the legacy and new telephony systems, including landline, cellular and Internet protocol (IP) network, without the cooperation of telecom providers. In the second part, we present polymer substrate fingerprinting (PSF) as a method to combat counterfeiting of banknotes in the financial area. Our technique is built on the observation that the opacity coating leaves uneven thickness in the polymer substrate, resulting in random translucent patterns when a polymer banknote is back-lit by a light source. With extensive experiments, we show that our method can reliably authenticate banknotes and is robust against rough daily handling of banknotes. Furthermore, we show that the extracted fingerprints are extremely scalable to identify every polymer note circulated globally. Our method ensures that even when counterfeiters have procured the same printing equipment and ink as used by a legitimate government, counterfeiting banknotes remains infeasible

    Anomalous behaviour detection using heterogeneous data

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    Anomaly detection is one of the most important methods to process and find abnormal data, as this method can distinguish between normal and abnormal behaviour. Anomaly detection has been applied in many areas such as the medical sector, fraud detection in finance, fault detection in machines, intrusion detection in networks, surveillance systems for security, as well as forensic investigations. Abnormal behaviour can give information or answer questions when an investigator is performing an investigation. Anomaly detection is one way to simplify big data by focusing on data that have been grouped or clustered by the anomaly detection method. Forensic data usually consists of heterogeneous data which have several data forms or types such as qualitative or quantitative, structured or unstructured, and primary or secondary. For example, when a crime takes place, the evidence can be in the form of various types of data. The combination of all the data types can produce rich information insights. Nowadays, data has become ‘big’ because it is generated every second of every day and processing has become time-consuming and tedious. Therefore, in this study, a new method to detect abnormal behaviour is proposed using heterogeneous data and combining the data using data fusion technique. Vast challenge data and image data are applied to demonstrate the heterogeneous data. The first contribution in this study is applying the heterogeneous data to detect an anomaly. The recently introduced anomaly detection technique which is known as Empirical Data Analytics (EDA) is applied to detect the abnormal behaviour based on the data sets. Standardised eccentricity (a newly introduced within EDA measure offering a new simplified form of the well-known Chebyshev Inequality) can be applied to any data distribution. Then, the second contribution is applying image data. The image data is processed using pre-trained deep learning network, and classification is done using a support vector machine (SVM). After that, the last contribution is combining anomaly result from heterogeneous data and image recognition using new data fusion technique. There are five types of data with three different modalities and different dimensionalities. The data cannot be simply combined and integrated. Therefore, the new data fusion technique first analyses the abnormality in each data type separately and determines the degree of suspicious between 0 and 1 and sums up all the degrees of suspicion data afterwards. This method is not intended to be a fully automatic system that resolves investigations, which would likely be unacceptable in any case. The aim is rather to simplify the role of the humans so that they can focus on a small number of cases to be looked in more detail. The proposed approach does simplify the processing of such huge amounts of data. Later, this method can assist human experts in their investigations and making final decisions

    Non-Intrusive Continuous User Authentication for Mobile Devices

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    The modern mobile device has become an everyday tool for users and business. Technological advancements in the device itself and the networks that connect them have enabled a range of services and data access which have introduced a subsequent increased security risk. Given the latter, the security requirements need to be re-evaluated and authentication is a key countermeasure in this regard. However, it has traditionally been poorly served and would benefit from research to better understand how authentication can be provided to establish sufficient trust. This thesis investigates the security requirements of mobile devices through literature as well as acquiring the user’s perspectives. Given the findings it proposes biometric authentication as a means to establish a more trustworthy approach to user authentication and considers the applicability and topology considerations. Given the different risk and requirements, an authentication framework that offers transparent and continuous is developed. A thorough end-user evaluation of the model demonstrates many positive aspects of transparent authentication. The technical evaluation however, does raise a number of operational challenges that are difficult to achieve in a practical deployment. The research continues to model and simulate the operation of the framework in an controlled environment seeking to identify and correlate the key attributes of the system. Based upon these results and a number of novel adaptations are proposed to overcome the operational challenges and improve upon the impostor detection rate. The new approach to the framework simplifies the approach significantly and improves upon the security of the system, whilst maintaining an acceptable level of usability

    Consumer-facing technology fraud : economics, attack methods and potential solutions

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    The emerging use of modern technologies has not only benefited society but also attracted fraudsters and criminals to misuse the technology for financial benefits. Fraud over the Internet has increased dramatically, resulting in an annual loss of billions of dollars to customers and service providers worldwide. Much of such fraud directly impacts individuals, both in the case of browser-based and mobile-based Internet services, as well as when using traditional telephony services, either through landline phones or mobiles. It is important that users of the technology should be both informed of fraud, as well as protected from frauds through fraud detection and prevention systems. In this paper, we present the anatomy of frauds for different consumer-facing technologies from three broad perspectives - we discuss Internet, mobile and traditional telecommunication, from the perspectives of losses through frauds over the technology, fraud attack mechanisms and systems used for detecting and preventing frauds. The paper also provides recommendations for securing emerging technologies from fraud and attacks

    Authentication and Identity Management for the EPOS Project

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    The increase in the number of online services emphasizes the value of authentication and identity management that we, even without realizing, depend on. In EPOS this authentication and identity management are also crucial, by dealing and being responsible for large amounts of heterogeneous data in multiple formats and from various providers, that can be public or private. Controlling and identify the access to this data is the key. For this purpose, it is necessary to create a system capable of authenticating, authorizing, and account the usage of these services. While services in a development phase can have authentication and authorization modules directly implemented in them, this is not an option for legacy services that cannot be modified. This thesis regards the issue of providing secure and interoperable authentication and authorization framework, associated with correct identity management and an accounting module, stating the difficulties faced and how to be addressed. These issues are approached by implementing the proposed methods in one of the GNSS Data and Products TCS services, that will serve as a study case. While authentication mechanisms have improved constantly over the years, with the addition of multiple authentication factors, there is still not a clear and defined way of how authentication should be done. New security threats are always showing up, and authentication systems need to adapt and improve while maintaining a balance between security and usability. Our goal is, therefore, to propose a system that can provide a good user experience allied to security, which can be used in the TCS services or other web services facing similar problems.A importância da autenticação e gestão de identidades, de que dependemos inconscientemente, aumenta com o crescimento do número de serviços online ao nosso dispor. No EPOS, devido à disponibilização e gestão de dados heterogéneos de várias entidades, que podem ser públicas ou privadas, a existência de um sistema de autenticação e gestão de identidades é também crucial, em que o controlo e identificação do acesso a estes dados é a chave. Numa fase de desenvolvimento dos serviços, estes módulos de autenticação e autorização podem ser diretamente implementados e é possível existir uma adaptação do software aos mesmos. No entanto, há serviços já existentes, cujas alterações implicam mudanças de grande escala e uma reformulação de todo o sistema, e como tal não é exequível fazer alterações diretas aos mesmos. Esta dissertação aborda o desenvolvimento de um sistema de autenticação e autorização seguro e interoperável, associado a uma correta gestão de identidades e um módulo de controlo, identificando os problemas encontrados e propondo soluções para os mesmos. Este desenvolvimento é aplicado num dos serviços do TCS GNSS Data and Products e servirá como caso de estudo. Embora os mecanismos de autenticação tenham melhorado continuamente ao longo dos anos, com a adição de vários fatores de autenticação, ainda não existe um método único e claro de como a autenticação deve ser feita. Novas ameaças estão sempre a surgir e os sistemas atuais precisam de se adaptar e melhorar, mantendo um equilíbrio entre segurança e usabilidade. O nosso objetivo é propor um sistema que possa aliar a segurança a uma boa experiência para o utilizador, e que possa ser utilizado não só nos serviços do TCS, mas também em outros serviços web que enfrentem problemas semelhantes