31 research outputs found

    Intra-Operative Needle Tracking Using Optical Shape Sensing Technology

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    RÉSUMÉ Contexte : Les métastases hépatiques colorectales sont la principale cause de décès liée au cancer du foie dans le monde. Au cours de la dernière décennie, il a été démontré que l’ablation par radiofréquence (RFA, pour radiofrequency ablation) est une méthode de traitement percutané très efficace contre ce type de métastases. Cela dit, un positionnement précis de l’embout de l’aiguille utilisé en RFA est essentiel afin de se départir adéquatement de la totalité des cellules cancéreuses. Une technologie prometteuse pour obtenir la forme et la position de l’aiguille en temps réel est basée sur l’utilisation de réseaux de Bragg (FBG, pour fiber Bragg grating) à titre de senseur de contrainte. En effet, ce type de senseurs a une vitesse d’acquisition allant jusqu’à 20 kHz, ce qui est suffisamment rapide pour permettre des applications de guidage en temps réel. Méthode : Les travaux présentés au sein de ce mémoire décrivent le développement d’une technologie, compatible aux systèmes d’imageries par résonance magnétique (IRM), permettant d’effectuer le suivi de la forme de l’aiguille utilisée en RFA. Premièrement, trois fibres contenant une série de réseaux de Bragg ont été collées dans une géométrie spécifique et intégrées à l’intérieur d’une aiguille 20G-150 mm. Ensuite, un algorithme de reconstruction de forme tridimensionnelle a été développé, basé sur les mesures de translation spectrales des FBGs acquises en temps réel durant le guidage de l’aiguille. La position du bout de l’aiguille ainsi que la forme tridimensionnelle complète de celle-ci ont été représentées et comparées à la position de la zone ciblée à la suite d’une simple méthode de calibration. Finalement, nous avons validé notre système de navigation en effectuant une série d’expériences in vitro. La précision du système de reconstruction tridimensionnelle de la forme et de l’orientation de l’aiguille a été évaluée en utilisant deux caméras positionnées perpendiculairement de manière à connaitre la position de l’aiguille dans le système d’axes du laboratoire. L’évaluation de la précision au bout de l’aiguille a quant à elle été faite en utilisant des fantômes précisément conçus à cet effet. Finalement, des interventions guidées en IRM ont été testées et comparées au système de navigation électromagnétique NDI Aurora (EMTS, pour Electromagnétic tracking system) par le biais du FRE (fiducial registration error) et du TRE (target registration error). Résultats: Lors de nos premières expériences in vitro, la précision obtenue quant à la position du bout de l’aiguille était de 0,96 mm pour une déflexion allant jusqu’à ±10,68 mm. À titre comparatif, le système d’Aurora a une précision de 0.84 mm dans des circonstances similaires. Les résultats obtenus lors de nos seconds tests ont démontré que l’erreur entre la position réelle du bout de l’aiguille et la position fournie par notre système de reconstruction de forme est de 1,04 mm, alors qu’elle est de 0,82 mm pour le EMTS d’Aurora. Pour ce qui est de notre dispositif, cette erreur est proportionnelle à l’amplitude de déflexion de l’aiguille, contrairement à l’EMTS pour qui l’erreur demeure relativement constante. La dernière expérience a été effectuée à l’aide d’un fantôme en gélatine, pour laquelle nous avons obtenu un TRE de 1,19 mm pour notre système basé sur les FBG et de 1.06 mm pour le système de navigation par senseurs électromagnétiques (EMTS). Les résultats démontrent que l’évaluation du FRE est similaire pour les deux approches. De plus, l’information fournie par les caméras permet d’estimer la précision de notre dispositif en tout point le long de l’aiguille. Conclusion : En analysant et en interprétant les résultats obtenus lors de nos expériences in vitro, nous pouvons conclure que la précision de notre système de navigation basé sur les FBG est bien adaptée pour l’évaluation de la position du bout et la forme de l’aiguille lors d’interventions RFA des tumeurs du foie. La précision de notre système de navigation est fortement comparable avec celle du système basé sur des senseurs électromagnétiques commercialisé par Aurora. L’erreur obtenue par notre système est attribuable à un mauvais alignement des réseaux de Bragg par rapport au plan associé à la région sensorielle et aussi à la différence entre le diamètre des fibres et celui de la paroi interne de l’aiguille.----------ABSTRACT Background: Colorectal liver metastasis is the leading cause of liver cancer death in the world. In the past decade, radiofrequency ablation (RFA) has proven to be an effective percutaneous treatment modality for the treatment of metastatic hepatic cancer. Accurate needle tip placement is essential for RFA of liver tumors. A promising technology to obtain the real-time information of the shape of the needle is by using fiber Bragg grating (FBG) sensors at high frequencies (up to 20 kHz). Methods: In this thesis work, we developed an MR-compatible needle tracking technology designed for RFA procedures in liver cancer. At first, three fibers each containing a series of FBGs were glued together and integrated inside a 20G-150 mm needle. Then a three-dimensional needle shape reconstruction algorithm was developed, based on the FBG measurements collected in real-time during needle guidance. The tip position and shape of the reconstructed 3D needle model were represented with respect to the target defined in the image space by performing a fiducial-based registration. Finally, we validated our FBG-based needle navigation by doing a series of in-vitro experiments. The shape of the 3D reconstructed needle was compared to measurements obtained from camera images. In addition, the needle tip accuracy was assessed on the ground-truth phantoms. Finally, MRI guided intervention was tested and compared to an NDI Aurora EM tracking system (EMTS) in terms of fiducial registration error (FRE) and target registration error (TRE). Results: In our first in-vitro experiment, the tip tracking accuracy of our FBG tracking system was of 0.96 mm for the maximum tip deflection of up to ±10.68 mm, while the tip tracking accuracy of the Aurora system for the similar test was 0.84 mm. Results obtained from the second in-vitro experiment demonstrated tip tracking accuracy of 1.04 mm and 0.82 mm for our FBG tracking system and Aurora EMTS, respectively for the maximum tip deflection of up to ±16.83 mm. The tip tracking error in the developed FBG-based system reduced linearly with decreasing tip deflection, while the error was similar but randomly varying for the EMTS. The last experiment was done with a gel phantom, yielding a TRE of 1.19 mm and 1.06 mm for the FBG and EM tracking, respectively. Results showed that across all experiments, the computed FRE of both tracking systems was similar. Moreover, actual shape information obtained from the camera images ensured the shape accuracy of our FBG-based needle shape model. Conclusion: By analyzing and interpreting the results obtained from the in-vitro experiments, we conclude that the accuracy of our FBG-based tracking system is suitable for needle tip detection in RFA of liver tumors. The accuracy of our tracking system is nearly comparable to that of the Aurora EMTS. The error given by our tracking system is attributed to the misalignment of the FBG sensors in a single axial plane and also to the gap between the needle's inner wall and the fibers inside

    Navigation system based in motion tracking sensor for percutaneous renal access

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    Tese de Doutoramento em Engenharia BiomédicaMinimally-invasive kidney interventions are daily performed to diagnose and treat several renal diseases. Percutaneous renal access (PRA) is an essential but challenging stage for most of these procedures, since its outcome is directly linked to the physician’s ability to precisely visualize and reach the anatomical target. Nowadays, PRA is always guided with medical imaging assistance, most frequently using X-ray based imaging (e.g. fluoroscopy). Thus, radiation on the surgical theater represents a major risk to the medical team, where its exclusion from PRA has a direct impact diminishing the dose exposure on both patients and physicians. To solve the referred problems this thesis aims to develop a new hardware/software framework to intuitively and safely guide the surgeon during PRA planning and puncturing. In terms of surgical planning, a set of methodologies were developed to increase the certainty of reaching a specific target inside the kidney. The most relevant abdominal structures for PRA were automatically clustered into different 3D volumes. For that, primitive volumes were merged as a local optimization problem using the minimum description length principle and image statistical properties. A multi-volume Ray Cast method was then used to highlight each segmented volume. Results show that it is possible to detect all abdominal structures surrounding the kidney, with the ability to correctly estimate a virtual trajectory. Concerning the percutaneous puncturing stage, either an electromagnetic or optical solution were developed and tested in multiple in vitro, in vivo and ex vivo trials. The optical tracking solution aids in establishing the desired puncture site and choosing the best virtual puncture trajectory. However, this system required a line of sight to different optical markers placed at the needle base, limiting the accuracy when tracking inside the human body. Results show that the needle tip can deflect from its initial straight line trajectory with an error higher than 3 mm. Moreover, a complex registration procedure and initial setup is needed. On the other hand, a real-time electromagnetic tracking was developed. Hereto, a catheter was inserted trans-urethrally towards the renal target. This catheter has a position and orientation electromagnetic sensor on its tip that function as a real-time target locator. Then, a needle integrating a similar sensor is used. From the data provided by both sensors, one computes a virtual puncture trajectory, which is displayed in a 3D visualization software. In vivo tests showed a median renal and ureteral puncture times of 19 and 51 seconds, respectively (range 14 to 45 and 45 to 67 seconds). Such results represent a puncture time improvement between 75% and 85% when comparing to state of the art methods. 3D sound and vibrotactile feedback were also developed to provide additional information about the needle orientation. By using these kind of feedback, it was verified that the surgeon tends to follow a virtual puncture trajectory with a reduced amount of deviations from the ideal trajectory, being able to anticipate any movement even without looking to a monitor. Best results show that 3D sound sources were correctly identified 79.2 ± 8.1% of times with an average angulation error of 10.4º degrees. Vibration sources were accurately identified 91.1 ± 3.6% of times with an average angulation error of 8.0º degrees. Additionally to the EMT framework, three circular ultrasound transducers were built with a needle working channel. One explored different manufacture fabrication setups in terms of the piezoelectric materials, transducer construction, single vs. multi array configurations, backing and matching material design. The A-scan signals retrieved from each transducer were filtered and processed to automatically detect reflected echoes and to alert the surgeon when undesirable anatomical structures are in between the puncture path. The transducers were mapped in a water tank and tested in a study involving 45 phantoms. Results showed that the beam cross-sectional area oscillates around the ceramics radius and it was possible to automatically detect echo signals in phantoms with length higher than 80 mm. Hereupon, it is expected that the introduction of the proposed system on the PRA procedure, will allow to guide the surgeon through the optimal path towards the precise kidney target, increasing surgeon’s confidence and reducing complications (e.g. organ perforation) during PRA. Moreover, the developed framework has the potential to make the PRA free of radiation for both patient and surgeon and to broad the use of PRA to less specialized surgeons.Intervenções renais minimamente invasivas são realizadas diariamente para o tratamento e diagnóstico de várias doenças renais. O acesso renal percutâneo (ARP) é uma etapa essencial e desafiante na maior parte destes procedimentos. O seu resultado encontra-se diretamente relacionado com a capacidade do cirurgião visualizar e atingir com precisão o alvo anatómico. Hoje em dia, o ARP é sempre guiado com recurso a sistemas imagiológicos, na maior parte das vezes baseados em raios-X (p.e. a fluoroscopia). A radiação destes sistemas nas salas cirúrgicas representa um grande risco para a equipa médica, aonde a sua remoção levará a um impacto direto na diminuição da dose exposta aos pacientes e cirurgiões. De modo a resolver os problemas existentes, esta tese tem como objetivo o desenvolvimento de uma framework de hardware/software que permita, de forma intuitiva e segura, guiar o cirurgião durante o planeamento e punção do ARP. Em termos de planeamento, foi desenvolvido um conjunto de metodologias de modo a aumentar a eficácia com que o alvo anatómico é alcançado. As estruturas abdominais mais relevantes para o procedimento de ARP, foram automaticamente agrupadas em volumes 3D, através de um problema de optimização global com base no princípio de “minimum description length” e propriedades estatísticas da imagem. Por fim, um procedimento de Ray Cast, com múltiplas funções de transferência, foi utilizado para enfatizar as estruturas segmentadas. Os resultados mostram que é possível detetar todas as estruturas abdominais envolventes ao rim, com a capacidade para estimar corretamente uma trajetória virtual. No que diz respeito à fase de punção percutânea, foram testadas duas soluções de deteção de movimento (ótica e eletromagnética) em múltiplos ensaios in vitro, in vivo e ex vivo. A solução baseada em sensores óticos ajudou no cálculo do melhor ponto de punção e na definição da melhor trajetória a seguir. Contudo, este sistema necessita de uma linha de visão com diferentes marcadores óticos acoplados à base da agulha, limitando a precisão com que a agulha é detetada no interior do corpo humano. Os resultados indicam que a agulha pode sofrer deflexões à medida que vai sendo inserida, com erros superiores a 3 mm. Por outro lado, foi desenvolvida e testada uma solução com base em sensores eletromagnéticos. Para tal, um cateter que integra um sensor de posição e orientação na sua ponta, foi colocado por via trans-uretral junto do alvo renal. De seguida, uma agulha, integrando um sensor semelhante, é utilizada para a punção percutânea. A partir da diferença espacial de ambos os sensores, é possível gerar uma trajetória de punção virtual. A mediana do tempo necessário para puncionar o rim e ureter, segundo esta trajetória, foi de 19 e 51 segundos, respetivamente (variações de 14 a 45 e 45 a 67 segundos). Estes resultados representam uma melhoria do tempo de punção entre 75% e 85%, quando comparados com o estado da arte dos métodos atuais. Além do feedback visual, som 3D e feedback vibratório foram explorados de modo a fornecer informações complementares da posição da agulha. Verificou-se que com este tipo de feedback, o cirurgião tende a seguir uma trajetória de punção com desvios mínimos, sendo igualmente capaz de antecipar qualquer movimento, mesmo sem olhar para o monitor. Fontes de som e vibração podem ser corretamente detetadas em 79,2 ± 8,1% e 91,1 ± 3,6%, com erros médios de angulação de 10.4º e 8.0 graus, respetivamente. Adicionalmente ao sistema de navegação, foram também produzidos três transdutores de ultrassom circulares com um canal de trabalho para a agulha. Para tal, foram exploradas diferentes configurações de fabricação em termos de materiais piezoelétricos, transdutores multi-array ou singulares e espessura/material de layers de suporte. Os sinais originados em cada transdutor foram filtrados e processados de modo a detetar de forma automática os ecos refletidos, e assim, alertar o cirurgião quando existem variações anatómicas ao longo do caminho de punção. Os transdutores foram mapeados num tanque de água e testados em 45 phantoms. Os resultados mostraram que o feixe de área em corte transversal oscila em torno do raio de cerâmica, e que os ecos refletidos são detetados em phantoms com comprimentos superiores a 80 mm. Desta forma, é expectável que a introdução deste novo sistema a nível do ARP permitirá conduzir o cirurgião ao longo do caminho de punção ideal, aumentado a confiança do cirurgião e reduzindo possíveis complicações (p.e. a perfuração dos órgãos). Além disso, de realçar que este sistema apresenta o potencial de tornar o ARP livre de radiação e alarga-lo a cirurgiões menos especializados.The present work was only possible thanks to the support by the Portuguese Science and Technology Foundation through the PhD grant with reference SFRH/BD/74276/2010 funded by FCT/MEC (PIDDAC) and by Fundo Europeu de Desenvolvimento Regional (FEDER), Programa COMPETE - Programa Operacional Factores de Competitividade (POFC) do QREN

    Mixed-reality visualization environments to facilitate ultrasound-guided vascular access

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    Ultrasound-guided needle insertions at the site of the internal jugular vein (IJV) are routinely performed to access the central venous system. Ultrasound-guided insertions maintain high rates of carotid artery puncture, as clinicians rely on 2D information to perform a 3D procedure. The limitations of 2D ultrasound-guidance motivated the research question: “Do 3D ultrasound-based environments improve IJV needle insertion accuracy”. We addressed this by developing advanced surgical navigation systems based on tracked surgical tools and ultrasound with various visualizations. The point-to-line ultrasound calibration enables the use of tracked ultrasound. We automated the fiducial localization required for this calibration method such that fiducials can be automatically localized within 0.25 mm of the manual equivalent. The point-to-line calibration obtained with both manual and automatic localizations produced average normalized distance errors less than 1.5 mm from point targets. Another calibration method was developed that registers an optical tracking system and the VIVE Pro head-mounted display (HMD) tracking system with sub-millimetre and sub-degree accuracy compared to ground truth values. This co-calibration enabled the development of an HMD needle navigation system, in which the calibrated ultrasound image and tracked models of the needle, needle trajectory, and probe were visualized in the HMD. In a phantom experiment, 31 clinicians had a 96 % success rate using the HMD system compared to 70 % for the ultrasound-only approach (p= 0.018). We developed a machine-learning-based vascular reconstruction pipeline that automatically returns accurate 3D reconstructions of the carotid artery and IJV given sequential tracked ultrasound images. This reconstruction pipeline was used to develop a surgical navigation system, where tracked models of the needle, needle trajectory, and the 3D z-buffered vasculature from a phantom were visualized in a common coordinate system on a screen. This system improved the insertion accuracy and resulted in 100 % success rates compared to 70 % under ultrasound-guidance (p=0.041) across 20 clinicians during the phantom experiment. Overall, accurate calibrations and machine learning algorithms enable the development of advanced 3D ultrasound systems for needle navigation, both in an immersive first-person perspective and on a screen, illustrating that 3D US environments outperformed 2D ultrasound-guidance used clinically

    Enabling technologies for MRI guided interventional procedures

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    This dissertation addresses topics related to developing interventional assistant devices for Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI). MRI can provide high-quality 3D visualization of target anatomy and surrounding tissue, but the benefits can not be readily harnessed for interventional procedures due to difficulties associated with the use of high-field (1.5T or greater) MRI. Discussed are potential solutions to the inability to use conventional mecha- tronics and the confined physical space in the scanner bore. This work describes the development of two apparently dissimilar systems that repre- sent different approaches to the same surgical problem - coupling information and action to perform percutaneous (through the skin) needle placement with MR imaging. The first system addressed takes MR images and projects them along with a surgical plan directly on the interventional site, thus providing in-situ imaging. With anatomical images and a corresponding plan visible in the appropriate pose, the clinician can use this information to perform the surgical action. My primary research effort has focused on a robotic assistant system that overcomes the difficulties inherent to MR-guided procedures, and promises safe and reliable intra-prostatic needle placement inside closed high-field MRI scanners. The robot is a servo pneumatically operated automatic needle guide, and effectively guides needles under real- time MR imaging. This thesis describes development of the robotic system including requirements, workspace analysis, mechanism design and optimization, and evaluation of MR compatibility. Further, a generally applicable MR-compatible robot controller is de- veloped, the pneumatic control system is implemented and evaluated, and the system is deployed in pre-clinical trials. The dissertation concludes with future work and lessons learned from this endeavor

    Intraoperative Navigation Systems for Image-Guided Surgery

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    Recent technological advancements in medical imaging equipment have resulted in a dramatic improvement of image accuracy, now capable of providing useful information previously not available to clinicians. In the surgical context, intraoperative imaging provides a crucial value for the success of the operation. Many nontrivial scientific and technical problems need to be addressed in order to efficiently exploit the different information sources nowadays available in advanced operating rooms. In particular, it is necessary to provide: (i) accurate tracking of surgical instruments, (ii) real-time matching of images from different modalities, and (iii) reliable guidance toward the surgical target. Satisfying all of these requisites is needed to realize effective intraoperative navigation systems for image-guided surgery. Various solutions have been proposed and successfully tested in the field of image navigation systems in the last ten years; nevertheless several problems still arise in most of the applications regarding precision, usability and capabilities of the existing systems. Identifying and solving these issues represents an urgent scientific challenge. This thesis investigates the current state of the art in the field of intraoperative navigation systems, focusing in particular on the challenges related to efficient and effective usage of ultrasound imaging during surgery. The main contribution of this thesis to the state of the art are related to: Techniques for automatic motion compensation and therapy monitoring applied to a novel ultrasound-guided surgical robotic platform in the context of abdominal tumor thermoablation. Novel image-fusion based navigation systems for ultrasound-guided neurosurgery in the context of brain tumor resection, highlighting their applicability as off-line surgical training instruments. The proposed systems, which were designed and developed in the framework of two international research projects, have been tested in real or simulated surgical scenarios, showing promising results toward their application in clinical practice

    Ultrasound Guidance in Perioperative Care

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    Ultrasound Guidance in Perioperative Care

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    Preoperative trajectory planning for percutaneous procedures in deformable environments

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    International audienceIn image-guided percutaneous interventions, a precise planning of the needle path is a key factor to a successful intervention. In this paper we propose a novel method for computing a patient-specific optimal path for such interventions, accounting for both the deformation of the needle and soft tissues due to the insertion of the needle in the body. To achieve this objective, we propose an optimization method for estimating preoperatively a curved trajectory allowing to reach a target even in the case of tissue motion and needle bending. Needle insertions are simulated and regarded as evaluations of the objective function by the iterative planning process. In order to test the planning algorithm, it is coupled with a fast needle insertion simulation involving a flexible needle model and soft tissue finite element modeling, and experimented on the use-case of thermal ablation of liver tumors. Our algorithm has been successfully tested on twelve datasets of patient-specific geometries. Fast convergence to the actual optimal solution has been shown. This method is designed to be adapted to a wide range of percutaneous interventions


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    Electromagnetic tracking systems prove to have great potential for serving as the tracking component of image guided surgery (IGS) systems. However, despite their major advantage over other trackers in that they do not require line-of-sight to the sensors, their use has been limited primarily due to their inherent measurement distortion problem. Presented here are methods of mapping the measurement field distortion and results describing the distortion present in various environments. Further, a framework for calibration and characterization of the tracking system’s systematic error is presented. The error maps are used to generate polynomial models of the distortion that can be used to dynamically compensate for measurement errors. The other core theme of this work is related to optimal design of electromagnetically tracked tools; presented here are mathematical tools for analytically predicting error propagation and optimally configuring sensors on a tool. A software simulator, using a model of the magnetic field distortion, is used to further design and test these tools in a simulation of actual measurement environments before ever even being built. These tools are used to design and test a set of electromagnetically tracked instruments, specifically for ENT surgical applications