15,254 research outputs found

    Mirror, Mirror, On The Wall: Collaborative Screen-Mirroring for Small Groups

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    Screen mirroring has been available to consumers for some time, however if every mobile device in the room supports screen mirroring to the main display (e.g. a shared TV), this necessitates a mechanism for managing its use. As such, this paper investigates allowing users in small intimacy groups (friends, family etc.) to self-manage mirrored use of the display, through passing/taking/requesting the display from whomever is currently mirroring to it. We examine the collaborative benefits this scheme could provide for the home, compared to existing multi-device use and existing screen mirroring implementations. Results indicate shared screen mirroring improves perceived collaboration, decreases dominance, preserves independence and has a positive effect on a group's activity awareness

    Mobile access to personal digital photograph archives

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    Handheld computing devices are becoming highly connected devices with high capacity storage. This has resulted in their being able to support storage of, and access to, personal photo archives. However the only means for mobile device users to browse such archives is typically a simple one-by-one scroll through image thumbnails in the order that they were taken, or by manually organising them based on folders. In this paper we describe a system for context-based browsing of personal digital photo archives. Photos are labeled with the GPS location and time they are taken and this is used to derive other context-based metadata such as weather conditions and daylight conditions. We present our prototype system for mobile digital photo retrieval, and an experimental evaluation illustrating the utility of location information for effective personal photo retrieval

    Morpes: A Model for Personalized Rendering of Web Content on Mobile Devices

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    With the tremendous growth in the information communication sector, the mobile phones have become the prime information communication devices. The convergence of traditional telephony with the modern web enabled communication in the mobile devices has made the communication much effective and simpler. As mobile phones are becoming the crucial source of accessing the contents of the World Wide Web which was originally designed for personal computers, has opened up a new challenge of accommodating the web contents in to the smaller mobile devices. This paper proposes an approach towards building a model for rendering the web pages in mobile devices. The proposed model is based on a multi-dimensional web page segment evaluation model. The incorporation of personalization in the proposed model makes the rendering user-centric. The proposed model is validated with a prototype implementation.Comment: 10 Pages, 2 Figure

    Virtual Location-Based Services: Merging the Physical and Virtual World

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    Location-based services gained much popularity through providing users with helpful information with respect to their current location. The search and recommendation of nearby locations or places, and the navigation to a specific location are some of the most prominent location-based services. As a recent trend, virtual location-based services consider webpages or sites associated with a location as 'virtual locations' that online users can visit in spite of not being physically present at the location. The presence of links between virtual locations and the corresponding physical locations (e.g., geo-location information of a restaurant linked to its website), allows for novel types of services and applications which constitute virtual location-based services (VLBS). The quality and potential benefits of such services largely depends on the existence of websites referring to physical locations. In this paper, we investigate the usefulness of linking virtual and physical locations. For this, we analyze the presence and distribution of virtual locations, i.e., websites referring to places, for two Irish cities. Using simulated tracks based on a user movement model, we investigate how mobile users move through the Web as virtual space. Our results show that virtual locations are omnipresent in urban areas, and that the situation that a user is close to even several such locations at any time is rather the normal case instead of the exception

    Development tools for mobile devices in market price information systems

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    There are already several applications on mobile devices that can be useful in agriculture. For example: GPS-enabled map software, individual cattle identification and tracking software and even complex agricultural systems. These are just beginning to spread in the Hungarian agrifood sector. The possibility of using for agribusiness of mobile internet and mobile tools is increasing. Mobile tools are really suitable for tasks like inspecting the evolution of prices of agricultural products. One of our application development is a mobile extension to access the Market Price Information System run by the Hungarian Agricultural Economics Research Institute. The accessibility of information demanded by market actors can be ensured effectively by using mobile tools. The biggest limitation for PDA is screen size. If it is getting smaller from full screen to PDA-sized and yet further to mobile phone dimensions, user performance drops. The main reason for this is that smaller screens make it more difficult for a user to make good judgements about the usefulness of any particular information. The development methods and tools help us to solve one part of these problems

    CHORUS Deliverable 2.2: Second report - identification of multi-disciplinary key issues for gap analysis toward EU multimedia search engines roadmap

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    After addressing the state-of-the-art during the first year of Chorus and establishing the existing landscape in multimedia search engines, we have identified and analyzed gaps within European research effort during our second year. In this period we focused on three directions, notably technological issues, user-centred issues and use-cases and socio- economic and legal aspects. These were assessed by two central studies: firstly, a concerted vision of functional breakdown of generic multimedia search engine, and secondly, a representative use-cases descriptions with the related discussion on requirement for technological challenges. Both studies have been carried out in cooperation and consultation with the community at large through EC concertation meetings (multimedia search engines cluster), several meetings with our Think-Tank, presentations in international conferences, and surveys addressed to EU projects coordinators as well as National initiatives coordinators. Based on the obtained feedback we identified two types of gaps, namely core technological gaps that involve research challenges, and “enablers”, which are not necessarily technical research challenges, but have impact on innovation progress. New socio-economic trends are presented as well as emerging legal challenges

    Effect of oil palm empty fruit bunches (OPEFB) fibers to the compressive strength and water absorption of concrete

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    Growing popularity based on environmentally-friendly, low cost and lightweight building materials in the construction industry has led to a need to examine how these characteristics can be achieved and at the same time giving the benefit to the environment and maintain the material requirements based on the standards required. Recycling of waste generated from industrial and agricultural activities as measures of building materials is not only a viable solution to the problem of pollution but also to produce an economic design of building

    Impact factors for mobile internet applications in the agri-food sectors

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    Mobile communication and the mobile Internet can provide important opportunities, economic advantages for enterprises end organisations and support their more efficient operating as they can be used anytime and anywhere. We can make their wide spread use, innovative effects and advantages economical if we consider the effect system of technologies and services. The technological, social and economical complex effect system puts a pressure on the spreading of business applications. The types of applicable equipment are increasing. According to social aspects there are four player groups: manufacturers, enterprises, customers and workers. The Internet technology and the Internet network have become essential communication tools in business processes recently. Using the Internet by means of mobile appliances increases the possibilities. By studying the business process the expenses, advantages, disadvantages can well be seen. Nowadays these applications are more and more successful in areas such as agriculture, different parts of the food industry, extension services, precision agriculture and logistics. It can be stated that the international and the Hungarian development tendencies of the mobile Internet, the RTD Programmes of EU help the wide-spread use of mobile services. The rapid development of the Hungarian domestic mobile market over the last years is the basis for the wide spread use of new broadband mobile services and applications. This system can contribute to the development of agriculture, enterprises and rural areas and can support production, commerce, services and product tracing. But for successful applications we have to consider the impact factors

    Context-awareness in mobile tourist information systems: challenges for user interaction

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    Context in mobile tourist information systems is typically captured as the current location of the user. Few systems consider the user's interests or wider context of the sights. This paper explores ideas of how to model, observe, evaluate, and exploit a richer notion of context in this application area. We discuss the influence of such a richer context model on the user interaction for both the capturing of context and the context-aware user/device interactions