891 research outputs found

    On the Distributability of Mobile Ambients

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    Modern society is dependent on distributed software systems and to verify them different modelling languages such as mobile ambients were developed. To analyse the quality of mobile ambients as a good foundational model for distributed computation, we analyse the level of synchronisation between distributed components that they can express. Therefore, we rely on earlier established synchronisation patterns. It turns out that mobile ambients are not fully distributed, because they can express enough synchronisation to express a synchronisation pattern called M. However, they can express strictly less synchronisation than the standard pi-calculus. For this reason, we can show that there is no good and distributability-preserving encoding from the standard pi-calculus into mobile ambients and also no such encoding from mobile ambients into the join-calculus, i.e., the expressive power of mobile ambients is in between these languages. Finally, we discuss how these results can be used to obtain a fully distributed variant of mobile ambients.Comment: In Proceedings EXPRESS/SOS 2018, arXiv:1808.08071. Conference version of arXiv:1808.0159

    An overview of Boxed Ambients (Abstract)

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    AbstractIn this lecture we present some work we published in [2,3] and hint at some new current lines of research on information flow and security.More precisely, we describe the calculus of Boxed Ambients a variant of Cardelli and Gordon's Mobile Ambients [4] a calculus of mobile and dynamically reconfigurable agents. Boxed Ambients inherit from Mobile Ambients (part of) the mobility primitives but rely on a completely different model of communication. The new communication primitives fit nicely the design principles of Mobile Ambients, and complement the existing constructs for ambient mobility with finer-grained, and more effective, mechanisms for ambient interaction. As a result Boxed Ambients retain the expressive power and the computational flavor of Ambient Calculus, as well as the elegance of its formal presentation. In addition, they enhance the flexibility of typed communications over Mobile Ambients, and provide new insight into the relationship between synchronous and asynchronous input-output

    Mutual Mobile Membranes with Timers

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    A feature of current membrane systems is the fact that objects and membranes are persistent. However, this is not true in the real world. In fact, cells and intracellular proteins have a well-defined lifetime. Inspired from these biological facts, we define a model of systems of mobile membranes in which each membrane and each object has a timer representing their lifetime. We show that systems of mutual mobile membranes with and without timers have the same computational power. An encoding of timed safe mobile ambients into systems of mutual mobile membranes with timers offers a relationship between two formalisms used in describing biological systems

    A Mobile Ambients-based Approach for Network Attack Modelling and Simulation

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    Attack Graphs are an important support for assessment and subsequent improvement of network security. They reveal possible paths an attacker can take to break through security perimeters and traverse a network to reach valuable assets deep inside the network. Although scalability is no longer the main issue, Attack Graphs still have some problems that make them less useful in practice. First, Attack Graphs remain difficult to relate to the network topology. Second, Attack Graphs traditionally only consider the exploitation of vulnerable hosts. Third, Attack Graphs do not rely on automatic identification of potential attack targets. We address these gaps in our MsAMS (Multi-step Attack Modelling and Simulation) tool, based on Mobile Ambients. The tool not only allows the modelling of more static aspects of the network, such as the network topology, but also the dynamics of network attacks. In addition to Mobile Ambients, we use the PageRank algorithm to determine targets and hub scores produced by the HITS (Hypertext Induced Topic Search) algorithm to guide the simulation of an attacker searching for targets

    A Mobile Ambients-based Approach for Network Attack Modelling and Simulation

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    Attack Graphs are an important support for assessment and subsequent improvement of network security. They reveal possible paths an attacker can take to break through security perimeters and traverse a network to reach valuable assets deep inside the network. Although scalability is no longer the main issue, Attack Graphs still have some problems that make them less useful in practice. First, Attack Graphs remain difficult to relate to the network topology. Second, Attack Graphs traditionally only consider the exploitation of vulnerable hosts. Third, Attack Graphs do not rely on automatic identification of potential attack targets. We address these gaps in our MsAMS (Multi-step Attack Modelling and Simulation) tool, based on Mobile Ambients. The tool not only allows the modelling of more static aspects of the network, such as the network topology, but also the dynamics of network attacks. In addition to Mobile Ambients, we use the PageRank algorithm to determine targets and hub scores produced by the HITS (Hypertext Induced Topic Search) algorithm to guide the simulation of an attacker searching for targets

    A Type Inference Algorithm for Secure Ambients

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    We consider a type discipline for the Ambient Calculus that associates ambients with security levels and constrains them to be traversed by or opened in ambients of higher security clearance only. We present a bottom-up algorithm that, given an untyped process PP, computes a minimal set of constraints on security levels such that all actions during runs of PP are performed without violating the security level priorities. Such an algorithm appears to be a prerequisite to use type systems to ensure security properties in the web scenario

    Expressiveness of Generic Process Shape Types

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    Shape types are a general concept of process types which work for many process calculi. We extend the previously published Poly* system of shape types to support name restriction. We evaluate the expressiveness of the extended system by showing that shape types are more expressive than an implicitly typed pi-calculus and an explicitly typed Mobile Ambients. We demonstrate that the extended system makes it easier to enjoy advantages of shape types which include polymorphism, principal typings, and a type inference implementation.Comment: Submitted to Trustworthy Global Computing (TGC) 2010