977 research outputs found

    Wireless industrial monitoring and control networks: the journey so far and the road ahead

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    While traditional wired communication technologies have played a crucial role in industrial monitoring and control networks over the past few decades, they are increasingly proving to be inadequate to meet the highly dynamic and stringent demands of today’s industrial applications, primarily due to the very rigid nature of wired infrastructures. Wireless technology, however, through its increased pervasiveness, has the potential to revolutionize the industry, not only by mitigating the problems faced by wired solutions, but also by introducing a completely new class of applications. While present day wireless technologies made some preliminary inroads in the monitoring domain, they still have severe limitations especially when real-time, reliable distributed control operations are concerned. This article provides the reader with an overview of existing wireless technologies commonly used in the monitoring and control industry. It highlights the pros and cons of each technology and assesses the degree to which each technology is able to meet the stringent demands of industrial monitoring and control networks. Additionally, it summarizes mechanisms proposed by academia, especially serving critical applications by addressing the real-time and reliability requirements of industrial process automation. The article also describes certain key research problems from the physical layer communication for sensor networks and the wireless networking perspective that have yet to be addressed to allow the successful use of wireless technologies in industrial monitoring and control networks

    AdamRTP: Adaptive multi-flow real-time multimedia transport protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks

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    Real-time multimedia applications are time sensitive and require extra resources from the network, e.g. large bandwidth and big memory. However, Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) suffer from limited resources such as computational, storage, and bandwidth capabilities. Therefore, sending real-time multimedia applications over WSNs can be very challenging. For this reason, we propose an Adaptive Multi-flow Real-time Multimedia Transport Protocol (AdamRTP) that has the ability to ease the process of transmitting real-time multimedia over WSNs by splitting the multimedia source stream into smaller independent flows using an MDC-aware encoder, then sending each flow to the destination using joint/disjoint path. AdamRTP uses dynamic adaptation techniques, e.g. number of flows and rate adaptation. Simulations experiments demonstrate that AdamRTP enhances the Quality of Service (QoS) of transmission. Also, we showed that in an ideal WSN, using multi-flows consumes less power than using a single flow and extends the life-time of the network

    Analytical Modelling of Power Efficient Reliable Operation of Data Fusion in Wireless Sensor Network

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    Irrespective of inclusion of Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) in majority of the research proposition for smart city planning, it is still shrouded with some significant issues. A closer look into problems in WSN shows that energy parameter is the origination point of majority of the other problems in resource-constrained sensors as well as it significant minimizes the reliability in standard sensory operation in adverse environment. Therefore, this manuscript presents a novel analytical model that is meant for establishing a well balance between energy efficiency over multi-path data forwarding and reliable operation with improved network performance. The complete process is emphasized during data fusion stage to ensure data quality too. A simulation study has been carried out using benchmarked test-bed of MEMSIC nodes to find that proposed system offers good energy conservation process during data fusion operation as well as it also ensure good reliable operation in comparison to existing system

    Exploiting the power of multiplicity: a holistic survey of network-layer multipath

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    The Internet is inherently a multipath network: For an underlying network with only a single path, connecting various nodes would have been debilitatingly fragile. Unfortunately, traditional Internet technologies have been designed around the restrictive assumption of a single working path between a source and a destination. The lack of native multipath support constrains network performance even as the underlying network is richly connected and has redundant multiple paths. Computer networks can exploit the power of multiplicity, through which a diverse collection of paths is resource pooled as a single resource, to unlock the inherent redundancy of the Internet. This opens up a new vista of opportunities, promising increased throughput (through concurrent usage of multiple paths) and increased reliability and fault tolerance (through the use of multiple paths in backup/redundant arrangements). There are many emerging trends in networking that signify that the Internet's future will be multipath, including the use of multipath technology in data center computing; the ready availability of multiple heterogeneous radio interfaces in wireless (such as Wi-Fi and cellular) in wireless devices; ubiquity of mobile devices that are multihomed with heterogeneous access networks; and the development and standardization of multipath transport protocols such as multipath TCP. The aim of this paper is to provide a comprehensive survey of the literature on network-layer multipath solutions. We will present a detailed investigation of two important design issues, namely, the control plane problem of how to compute and select the routes and the data plane problem of how to split the flow on the computed paths. The main contribution of this paper is a systematic articulation of the main design issues in network-layer multipath routing along with a broad-ranging survey of the vast literature on network-layer multipathing. We also highlight open issues and identify directions for future work

    Intelligent Routing Metric for Wireless Body Area Networks

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    Routing in Wireless Body Area Networks (WBANs) is a critical requirement due to its dynamic behaviour. This paper proposes an intelligent framework for link cost evaluation. A suitable Quality of Service (QoS) parameters based function has been proposed. The sensors in WBANs would be capable of computing the Link Cost (LC) function based upon the current values of QoS parameters: throughput, delay of the link and residual energy of the sensor. A fuzzy logic based system is proposed at the sensor to evaluate the LC. Nodes of architecture evaluate a set of possible paths between source-terminal pairs. This LC is then used to evaluate the suitable path for the routing

    Dynamic Network State Learning Model for Mobility Based WMSN Routing Protocol

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    The rising demand of wireless multimedia sensor networks (WMSNs) has motivated academia-industries to develop energy efficient, Quality of Service (QoS) and delay sensitive communication systems to meet major real-world demands like multimedia broadcast, security and surveillance systems, intelligent transport system, etc. Typically, energy efficiency, QoS and delay sensitive transmission are the inevitable requirements of WMSNs. Majority of the existing approaches either use physical layer or system level schemes that individually can’t assure optimal transmission decision to meet the demand. The cumulative efficiency of physical layer power control, adaptive modulation and coding and system level dynamic power management (DPM) are found significant to achieve these demands. With this motivation, in this paper a unified model is derived using enhanced reinforcement learning and stochastic optimization method. Exploiting physical as well as system level network state information, our proposed dynamic network state learning model (NSLM) applies stochastic optimization to learn network state-activity that derives an optimal DPM policy and PHY switching scheduling. NSLM applies known as well as unknown network state variables to derive transmission and PHY switching policy, where it considers DPM as constrained Markov decision process (MDP) problem. Here,the use of Hidden Markov Model and Lagrangian relaxation has made NSLM convergence swift that assures delay-sensitive, QoS enriched, and bandwidth and energy efficient transmission for WMSN under uncertain network conditions. Our proposed NSLM DPM model has outperformed traditional Q-Learning based DPM in terms of buffer cost, holding cost, overflow, energy consumption and bandwidth utilization

    Hybrid Satellite-Terrestrial Communication Networks for the Maritime Internet of Things: Key Technologies, Opportunities, and Challenges

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    With the rapid development of marine activities, there has been an increasing number of maritime mobile terminals, as well as a growing demand for high-speed and ultra-reliable maritime communications to keep them connected. Traditionally, the maritime Internet of Things (IoT) is enabled by maritime satellites. However, satellites are seriously restricted by their high latency and relatively low data rate. As an alternative, shore & island-based base stations (BSs) can be built to extend the coverage of terrestrial networks using fourth-generation (4G), fifth-generation (5G), and beyond 5G services. Unmanned aerial vehicles can also be exploited to serve as aerial maritime BSs. Despite of all these approaches, there are still open issues for an efficient maritime communication network (MCN). For example, due to the complicated electromagnetic propagation environment, the limited geometrically available BS sites, and rigorous service demands from mission-critical applications, conventional communication and networking theories and methods should be tailored for maritime scenarios. Towards this end, we provide a survey on the demand for maritime communications, the state-of-the-art MCNs, and key technologies for enhancing transmission efficiency, extending network coverage, and provisioning maritime-specific services. Future challenges in developing an environment-aware, service-driven, and integrated satellite-air-ground MCN to be smart enough to utilize external auxiliary information, e.g., sea state and atmosphere conditions, are also discussed