164 research outputs found

    Wideband and UWB antennas for wireless applications. A comprehensive review

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    A comprehensive review concerning the geometry, the manufacturing technologies, the materials, and the numerical techniques, adopted for the analysis and design of wideband and ultrawideband (UWB) antennas for wireless applications, is presented. Planar, printed, dielectric, and wearable antennas, achievable on laminate (rigid and flexible), and textile dielectric substrates are taken into account. The performances of small, low-profile, and dielectric resonator antennas are illustrated paying particular attention to the application areas concerning portable devices (mobile phones, tablets, glasses, laptops, wearable computers, etc.) and radio base stations. This information provides a guidance to the selection of the different antenna geometries in terms of bandwidth, gain, field polarization, time-domain response, dimensions, and materials useful for their realization and integration in modern communication systems

    Full-3D Printed Electronics Fabrication of Radiofrequency Circuits and Passive Components

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    [eng] This doctoral thesis raises the idea that 3D printing can change the paradigm of radio- frequency electronics, which has been traditionally developed mainly conceiving planar topologies. A review on additive manufacturing and the different existing technologies is reported. To focus on the concerning topic, several applications of 3D-printed electronics in the RF field are collected to elaborate the State-of-the-Art. The main objectives of this project is to develop a 3D manufacturing technology for RF electronics passive components and circuits and to generate innovative research about the possibilities of AM in this area. Once the context is exposed, the manufacturing process for 3D-printed electronics developed within the frame of this project is described and characterized. This technology consists of three different steps. First of all, the 3D model of the prototype is designed using a CAD environment with electromagnetic simulation features, hence size parameters are adjusted to fit the specifications. Hereon, the 3D polymer substrate is printed by using either stereolithography or material jetting techniques. Stereolithography is found to be a cheaper AM technology while material jetting offers a better printing resolution and softer surface endings. Finally the object is partially metallized to obtain the conductive layer of the component or circuit using an electrolytic process, such as electroless plating or electroplating. The characterization includes the electromagnetic specifications of the dielectric substrates (i.e. the dielectric constant and the loss tangent) and the quality of the metallization (i.e. the resistivity and the layer thickness). The results of the plating resitivity are found to be competitive compared to the SoA. In order to demonstrate the possibilities of the developed technology, several devices are designed and tested. The key factor of these prototypes is that they would be very difficult, costly or impossible to manufacture using conventional technologies. As a preliminary demonstration, a hello-world circuit to turn on a LED proves that almost any kind of shape can be plated, including vias; both through hole and SMD components can be soldered and that mechanical stress such as USB plugging is resisted by the metal layer. In addition, a study on conical inductors is carried out showing the advantages of these components for broadband applications with compact devices. They offer a larger bandwidth cylindrical solenoids and are more compact than planar coils. As an application example, they are used in the manufacturing of 3D passive filters. The prototypes present agreement with simulations and the ideal response. Slight discrepancies are caused by the manufacturing tolerances. Moreover, 3D filters are also designed as one single-printed part, a new technique for 3D discrete component integration. That permits to reduce the number of components to assembly so that it does not increase with the order of the filter. These single 3D-printed prototypes present improvement in performance and compactness as well. In addition to the lumped circuits, a whole chapter is dedicated to distributed-element devices. A study on helical-microstrip transmission lines is carried out showing an important enhancement for line segment miniaturization. Hereon, they are implemented on the design of impedance transformers, which also benefit from bandwidth broadening. Another proposed device is the hybrid branch-line coupler, which, besides the implementation of helical lines, it has been designed conceiving a capacitively loaded folded structure. This coupler gives very interesting results in compactness improvement, without significant reduction of the bandwidth. The prototypes have been compared to the conventional topology as well as to other designs found within the SoA. Finally, helical-microstrip coupled-line couplers have also been designed, fabricated and studied. They offer a good enhancement in terms of compactness though it goes in slight detriment of the coupling factor due to the manufacturing tolerances.[cat] Aquesta tesi doctoral proposa la idea que la impressió 3D pot canviar el paradigma de l’electrònica de radiofreqüència. S’hi anomenen i expliquen les tecnologies de manufactura additiva existents. Per centrar-se en el principal tema d’interès, s’exposa un compendi d’aplicacions d’electrònica impresa en 3D en el camp de la RF amb el qual s’ha confeccionat l’estat de la qüestió. Un cop exposat el context, el procés de manufactura per a electrònica impresa en 3D que s’ha desenvolupat en el marc d’aquest projecte és descrit i caracteritzat. Aquesta tecnologia consisteix en la impressió en 3D d’un substrat de polímer utilitzant tècniques basades, o bé en estereolitografia, o bé en material jetting. Posteriorment, el component o circuit es metal·litza parcialment mitjançant un procés electrolític ja sigui electroless plating o electroplating. La caracterització inclou les especificacions electromagnètiques del substrat dielèctric i la qualitat de metal·lització, que s’han resultat ser competitives relació amb l’estat de la qüestió. Amb l’objectiu de demostrar les possibilitats de la tecnologia desenvolupada, s’han dissenyat i testejat dispositius electrònics de RF, concebent-los en l’espai tridimensional. El punt clau és que els dispositius dissenyats serien molt difícils, costosos o directament impossibles de fabricar usant tecnologies convencionals. A remarcar, s’ha dut a terme un estudi sobre inductors cònics, mostrant els avantatges d’aquests components per a aplicacions de banda ampla amb dispositius compactes. Aquests inductors shan fet servir per a la fabricació de filtres passius en 3D. A més, a més, s’han dissenyat filtres 3D per ser impresos en una sola part, una tècnica nova que per produir circuits 3D amb components discrets integrats. A part dels circuits d’elements discrets, s’ha dedicat un capítol sencer als dispositius d’elements distribuïts. S’ha dut a terme un estudi sobre línies de transmissió microstrip helicoidals, les quals aporten una millora important de miniaturització dels segments de línia. Partint d’aquí, aquestes línies s’han implementat en el disseny de transformadors d’impedància, que també milloren en termes d’ample de banda, acobladors híbrids de tipus branch-line i acobladors basats en línies acoblades. Aquests dispositius han resultat tenir millores importants de compacitat respecte els dissenys convencionals fabricats en estructures planars

    Microstrip zero-sum antenna; CAD and experimental study

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    A microstrip antenna array consisting of two elements combined with a stripline hybrid (rat-race) ring coupler is used to implement a zero-sum antenna. Numerical optimization of individual antenna elements in terms of feed location and patch size was achieved using IE3D (Zeland Software Inc., Fremont, CA), a fullwave 3-D planar electromagnetic simulation software. Further, design of a hybrid (rat-race) ring coupler in a stripline environment was carried out, yielding the sum and difference functions as 0.5 dB and 40 dB, respectively. A combination of a two-element antenna array and a hybrid (rat-race) ring coupler as a zero sum antenna has been studied numerically revealing that 40 dB differences can be expected between the sum and difference patterns in the forward direction at the operating frequency. Experimental results using MC5 material (εr=3.26 and thickness t=60 mils) (Glasteel Industrial Laminates, Colliervile, TN) have shown that satisfactory performance can be achieved at the chosen operating frequency f=2.254 GHz

    Design of Antennas for RFID Application

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    Design of novel radiating elements for SATCOM phased arrays in Ku-Band

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    The present thesis deals with the design of a planar antenna array for the communication between a civil aircraft (Dassault's Falcon) and an Inmarsat satellite. The final goal is to provide high speed Internet access in X/Ku-Band (8-12GHz / 12-18GHz), and possibly even in K/Ka- Band (18-27GHz / 17-40GHz). The study starts with the Ku-Band only, then evolves towards the transmission band and finishes with their Ka-Band counterparts. The main constraint of the thesis is that the final result should be a low profile antenna that will be easy to integrate below the fuselage of an aircraft. At the same time, the antenna has to provide a beam steering mechanism in order to track the position of the targetted satellite while the aircraft is moving. The usual way to achieve it is to implement some dedicated electronic chips below each radiating element of array. Dassault Aviation has its own alternate and more mechanical oriented solutions. Since the communication system is intended for top-notch business jets produced in small series, cost is not here a decisive criterion. This thesis assumes the existence of the beam-steering system and concentrates on a proof of concept and careful design of the antenna elements that will constitute the final array. They have to satisfy tight constraints in terms of size, return loss, mutual coupling with neighbors, efficiency, radiation pattern and dual circular polarization quality. Printed multilayer antennas have been retained as the best candidates, and themain parts of the thesis have been dedicated to their study. The thesis concludes with the presentation of an apparently completely unrelated and independant topic, namely the simulation of nanoscale 2D planar structures based on Graphene. The rationale for this last chapter is to provide a prospective study of the use of Graphene to create a variable capacitance. This component is always needed in the beamforming network of reconfigurable and scanning arrays. Our laboratory is developing a deep knowledge of the electromagnetic properties of Graphene-based devices and these varicaps could lead to very interesting applications in high frequencies, once the Graphene technology has definitely progressed. Thanks to electrostatics Green's functions, a variable capacitor based on Graphene has been simulated, and a Quantumeffect -the Quantum capacitance of Graphene- has been successfully tackled from a numerical point of view

    New quasi-TEM waveguides using artificial surfaces and their application to antennas and circuits

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    Research interest: In recent years we have seen the emergence of commercial applications at high frequencies, such as the top part of the microwave band and the millimeter and sub-millimeter bands, and it is expected a big increase in the coming years. This growing demand requires a rapid development of low-cost technology with good performance at these frequencies, where common technologies, such as microstrip and standard waveguides, have some shortcomings. In particular, existing solutions for high-gain planar scanning antennas at these frequencies su er from the disadvantages of these technologies giving rise to high-cost products not suitable for high volume production. Objectives: The main objective of this thesis is to study the feasibility of a new proposal to improve existing solutions to date for low-cost high-gain planar scanning antennas at high frequencies. This overall objective has resulted in another central objective of this thesis, which is the research of new quasi-TEM waveguides that are more appropriate than current technologies for the realization of circuits and components at these frequency bands. These guided solutions make use of periodic or arti cial surfaces in order to con- ne and channel the elds within these waveguides. Methodology: The work follows a logical sequence of speci c tasks aimed at achieving the main objective of this thesis. Chapter 2 presents the proposed guiding solution and shows its performance numerical and experimentally. The optimized design of high-gain antennas based on waveguide slot arrays requires the development of e cient ad-hoc codes. The implementation and validation of this code is presented in Chapter 3, where a new method for the analysis of corrugated surfaces is proposed, and in Chapter 4, which extends this code to the analysis of waveguide slot arrays. The process design and optimization of a two-dimensional array is described in Chapter 5, where a preliminary experimental validation is also described. Moreover, the proposed guiding solution has inspired the development of a new guiding technology of wider bandwidth and more versatile for the realization of circuits and components at high frequencies. Chapter 6 presents the contributions to the study of this technology and its application to the design of circuits.Alfonso Alós, E. (2011). New quasi-TEM waveguides using artificial surfaces and their application to antennas and circuits [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/11073Palanci

    Analysis and design of metal-surface mounted radio frequency identification (RFID) transponders

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    With the development of the radio frequency integrated circuit (RFIC), contactless radio frequency identification (RFID) technology, as one of the fastest growing sectors of automatic identification procedures (Auto-ID), gains broad application in tracking assets in supply chain management. However, one of the largest challenges for the RFID industry is that the ultra high frequency (UHF) RFID transponder doesn\u27t function well when it is applied to any conductive surface. In this dissertation, the communication principle of wireless transceivers is illustrated. As one fast-growing application field of wireless communication, the distinct operating principle of the RFID is clarified. The factors that limit the reading/writing distance of UHF RFID transponders are discussed in detail. Some potential solutions are proposed and verified. One nondestructive solution is to apply a metamaterial such as a frequency selective surface (FSS) or a mushroom-like electromagnetic bandgap (EBG) surface to block the transmission of electromagnetic waves from the RFID antenna to the metal ground and thus boost the antenna radiation efficiency. For this solution, a new design approach suppressing the TM wave but supporting the TE wave is demonstrated. Another low-cost solution is to use an inexpensive substrate material and obtain the most power-efficient antenna structure. More than six potentially patentable planar RFID transponder antennas were invented, designed and tested. Their compact size, low profile, low cost and superior performance paves the way for the RFID industry to expand their market share in the near future

    The Coaxial L-P Cryogenic Receiver of the Sardinia Radio Telescope

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    The design and characterization of the coaxial dual-band L-P radio astronomical receiver for the prime focus of the Sardinia radio telescope are presented. The main feature of this receiver is to allow simultaneous radio astronomical observations in the P (305-410 MHz) and L (1.3-1.8 GHz) frequency bands. This functionality, which has been requested by the Pulsar research group at the National Institute for Astrophysics to estimate, among the others, the ionospheric dispersion in Pulsar observation, is currently missing in any other radio astronomical facility throughout the world. Also, single band operation is ensured by the proposed design both in linear and circular polarization, making this L-P receiver an ideal instrument for a wide range of radio astronomical and space applications. Some components of the receiver chain have been housed inside a cryostat and refrigerated at 20 K to reduce the noise temperature, resulting in a good performance compared to the receivers of other large radio telescopes. Several challenging issues have been faced in the design, mainly due to the large dimension and weight of the overall structure to be mounted in the prime focus position. Moreover, the design of the cryostat was constrained by the limited space available in the direction of the optical axis inside the focal cabin of the radio telescope, requiring a compact and light realization of the components of the receiver chain. This called for a home-made design of several devices, requiring a strong collaborative effort by researchers, engineers, and astronomers
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