3,928 research outputs found

    Partially shared buffers with full or mixed priority

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    This paper studies a finite-sized discrete-time two-class priority queue. Packets of both classes arrive according to a two-class discrete batch Markovian arrival process (2-DBMAP), taking into account the correlated nature of arrivals in heterogeneous telecommunication networks. The model incorporates time and space priority to provide different types of service to each class. One of both classes receives absolute time priority in order to minimize its delay. Space priority is implemented by the partial buffer sharing acceptance policy and can be provided to the class receiving time priority or to the other class. This choice gives rise to two different queueing models and this paper analyses both these models in a unified manner. Furthermore, the buffer finiteness and the use of space priority raise some issues on the order of arrivals in a slot. This paper does not assume that all arrivals from one class enter the queue before those of the other class. Instead, a string representation for sequences of arriving packets and a probability measure on the set of such strings are introduced. This naturally gives rise to the notion of intra-slot space priority. Performance of these queueing systems is then determined using matrix-analytic techniques. The numerical examples explore the range of service differentiation covered by both models

    Decomposing the queue length distribution of processor-sharing models into queue lengths of permanent customer queues

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    We obtain a decomposition result for the steady state queue length distribution in egalitarian processor-sharing (PS) models. In particular, for an egalitarian PS queue with KK customer classes, we show that the marginal queue length distribution for class kk factorizes over the number of other customer types. The factorizing coefficients equal the queue length probabilities of a PS queue for type kk in isolation, in which the customers of the other types reside \textit{ permanently} in the system. Similarly, the (conditional) mean sojourn time for class kk can be obtained by conditioning on the number of permanent customers of the other types. The decomposition result implies linear relations between the marginal queue length probabilities, which also hold for other PS models such as the egalitarian processor-sharing models with state-dependent system capacity that only depends on the total number of customers in the system. Based on the exact decomposition result for egalitarian PS queues, we propose a similar decomposition for discriminatory processor-sharing (DPS) models, and numerically show that the approximation is accurate for moderate differences in service weights. \u

    Adaptive Matching for Expert Systems with Uncertain Task Types

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    A matching in a two-sided market often incurs an externality: a matched resource may become unavailable to the other side of the market, at least for a while. This is especially an issue in online platforms involving human experts as the expert resources are often scarce. The efficient utilization of experts in these platforms is made challenging by the fact that the information available about the parties involved is usually limited. To address this challenge, we develop a model of a task-expert matching system where a task is matched to an expert using not only the prior information about the task but also the feedback obtained from the past matches. In our model the tasks arrive online while the experts are fixed and constrained by a finite service capacity. For this model, we characterize the maximum task resolution throughput a platform can achieve. We show that the natural greedy approaches where each expert is assigned a task most suitable to her skill is suboptimal, as it does not internalize the above externality. We develop a throughput optimal backpressure algorithm which does so by accounting for the `congestion' among different task types. Finally, we validate our model and confirm our theoretical findings with data-driven simulations via logs of Math.StackExchange, a StackOverflow forum dedicated to mathematics.Comment: A part of it presented at Allerton Conference 2017, 18 page


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    International audienceThis booklet contains the proceedings of the second European Conference in Queueing Theory (ECQT) that was held from the 18th to the 20th of July 2016 at the engineering school ENSEEIHT, Toulouse, France. ECQT is a biannual event where scientists and technicians in queueing theory and related areas get together to promote research, encourage interaction and exchange ideas. The spirit of the conference is to be a queueing event organized from within Europe, but open to participants from all over the world. The technical program of the 2016 edition consisted of 112 presentations organized in 29 sessions covering all trends in queueing theory, including the development of the theory, methodology advances, computational aspects and applications. Another exciting feature of ECQT2016 was the institution of the TakĂĄcs Award for outstanding PhD thesis on "Queueing Theory and its Applications"

    Analysis of a batch-service queue with variable service capacity, correlated customer types and generally distributed class-dependent service times

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    Queueing models with batch service have been studied frequently, for instance in the domain of telecommunications or manufacturing. Although the batch server's capacity may be variable in practice, only a few authors have included variable capacity in their models. We analyse a batch server with multiple customer classes and a variable service capacity that depends on both the number of waiting customers and their classes. The service times are generally distributed and class-dependent. These features complicate the analysis in a non-trivial way. We tackle it by examining the system state at embedded points, and studying the resulting Markov Chain. We first establish the joint probability generating function (pgf) of the service capacity and the number of customers left behind in the queue immediately after service initiation epochs. From this joint pgf, we extract the pgf for the number of customers in the queue and in the system respectively at service initiation epochs and departure epochs, and the pgf of the actual server capacity. Combined with additional techniques, we also obtain the pgf of the queue and system content at customer arrival epochs and random slot boundaries, and the pgf of the delay of a random customer. In the numerical experiments, we focus on the impact of correlation between the classes of consecutive customers, and on the influence of different service time distributions on the system performance. (C) 2019 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    Spare parts provisioning for multiple k-out-of-n:G systems

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    In this paper, we consider a repair shop that fixes failed components from different k-out-of-n:G systems. We assume that each system consists of the same type of component; to increase availability, a certain number of components are stocked as spare parts. We permit a shared inventory serving all systems and/or reserved inventories for each system; we call this a hybrid model. Additionally, we consider two alternative dispatching rules for the repaired component. The destination for a repaired component can be chosen either on a first-come-first-served basis or by following a static priority rule. Our analysis gives the steady-state system size distribution of the two alternative models at the repair shop. We conduct numerical examples minimizing the spare parts held while subjecting the availability of each system to exceed a targeted value. Our findings show that unless the availabilities of systems are close, the HP policy is better than the HF policy
