42 research outputs found

    Securing Low-Power Blockchain-Enabled IoT Devices Against Energy Depletion Attack

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    Blockchain-enabled Internet of Things (IoT) envisions a world with rapid development and implementations to change our everyday lives based on smart devices. These devices are attached to the internet that can communicate with each other without human interference. A well-known wireless network in blockchain-enabled IoT frameworks is the Low Power and Lossy Network (LLN) that uses a novel protocol known as Routing protocol for low power and lossy networks (RPL) to provide effective and energy-efficient routing. LLNs that run on RPL are inherently prone to multiple Denial of Service (DoS) attacks due to the low cost, shared medium. and resource-constrained nature of blockchain-enabled IoT devices. A Spam DODAG Information Solicitation (DIS) attack is one of the novel attacks that drain the energy source of legitimate nodes and ends up causing the legitimate nodes to suffer from DoS. To address this problem, a mitigation scheme named DIS Spam Attack Mitigation (DISAM) is proposed. The proposed scheme effectively mitigates the effects of the Spam DIS attack on the network’s performance. The experimental results show that DISAM detects and mitigates the attack quickly and efficiently

    A Novel Jamming Attacks Detection Approach Based on Machine Learning for Wireless Communication

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    Jamming attacks target a wireless network creating an unwanted denial of service. 5G is vulnerable to these attacks despite its resilience prompted by the use of millimeter wave bands. Over the last decade, several types of jamming detection techniques have been proposed, including fuzzy logic, game theory, channel surfing, and time series. Most of these techniques are inefficient in detecting smart jammers. Thus, there is a great need for efficient and fast jamming detection techniques with high accuracy. In this paper, we compare the efficiency of several machine learning models in detecting jamming signals. We investigated the types of signal features that identify jamming signals, and generated a large dataset using these parameters. Using this dataset, the machine learning algorithms were trained, evaluated, and tested. These algorithms are random forest, support vector machine, and neural network. The performance of these algorithms was evaluated and compared using the probability of detection, probability of false alarm, probability of miss detection, and accuracy. The simulation results show that jamming detection based random forest algorithm can detect jammers with a high accuracy, high detection probability and low probability of false alarm

    Bibliographical review on cyber attacks from a control oriented perspective

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    This paper presents a bibliographical review of definitions, classifications and applications concerning cyber attacks in networked control systems (NCSs) and cyber-physical systems (CPSs). This review tackles the topic from a control-oriented perspective, which is complementary to information or communication ones. After motivating the importance of developing new methods for attack detection and secure control, this review presents security objectives, attack modeling, and a characterization of considered attacks and threats presenting the detection mechanisms and remedial actions. In order to show the properties of each attack, as well as to provide some deeper insight into possible defense mechanisms, examples available in the literature are discussed. Finally, open research issues and paths are presented.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Vulnerabilities of the 6P protocol for the Industrial Internet of Things: Impact analysis and mitigation

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    The 6TiSCH architecture defined by the IETF provides a standard solution for extending the Internet of Things (IoT) paradigm to industrial applications with stringent reliability and timeliness requirements. In this context, communication security is another crucial requirement, which is currently less investigated in the literature. In this article, we present a deep assessment of the security vulnerabilities of 6P, the protocol used for resource negotiation at the core of the 6TiSCH architecture. Specifically, we highlight two possible attacks against 6P, namely the Traffic Dispersion and the Overloading attacks. These two attacks effectively and stealthy alter the communication schedule of victim nodes and severely thwart network basic functionalities and efficiency, by specifically impacting network availability and energy consumption of victim nodes. To assess the impact of the attacks two analytical models have been defined, while, to demonstrate their feasibility, they have been implemented in Contiki-NG. The implementation has been used to quantitatively evaluate the impact of the two attacks by both simulations and measurements in a real testbed. Our results show that the impact of both attacks may be very significant. The impact, however, strongly depends on the position of the victim node(s) in the network and it is highly influenced by the dynamics of the routing protocol. We have investigated mitigation strategies to alleviate this impact and proposed an extended version of the Minimal Scheduling Function (MSF), i.e., the reference scheduling algorithm for 6TiSCH. This allows network nodes to early detect anomalies in their schedules possibly due to an Overloading attack, and thus curb the attack impact by appropriately revising their schedule

    Securing industrial control system environments: the missing piece

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    Cyberattacks on industrial control systems (ICSs) are no longer matters of anticipation. These systems are continually subject to malicious attacks without much resistance. Network breaches, data theft, denial of service, and command and control functions are examples of common attacks on ICSs. Despite available security solutions, safety, security, resilience, and performance require both private public sectors to step-up strategies to address increasing security concerns on ICSs. This paper reviews the ICS security risk landscape, including current security solution strategies in order to determine the gaps and limitations for effective mitigation. Notable issues point to a greater emphasis on technology security while discounting people and processes attributes. This is clearly incongruent with; emerging security risk trends, the biased security strategy of focusing more on supervisory control and data acquisition systems, and the emergence of more sector-specific solutions as against generic security solutions. Better solutions need to include approaches that follow similar patterns as the problem trend. These include security measures that are evolutionary by design in response to security risk dynamics. Solutions that recognize and include; people, process and technology security enhancement into asingle system, and addressing all three-entity vulnerabilities can provide a better solution for ICS environments

    Information fusion architectures for security and resource management in cyber physical systems

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    Data acquisition through sensors is very crucial in determining the operability of the observed physical entity. Cyber Physical Systems (CPSs) are an example of distributed systems where sensors embedded into the physical system are used in sensing and data acquisition. CPSs are a collaboration between the physical and the computational cyber components. The control decisions sent back to the actuators on the physical components from the computational cyber components closes the feedback loop of the CPS. Since, this feedback is solely based on the data collected through the embedded sensors, information acquisition from the data plays an extremely vital role in determining the operational stability of the CPS. Data collection process may be hindered by disturbances such as system faults, noise and security attacks. Hence, simple data acquisition techniques will not suffice as accurate system representation cannot be obtained. Therefore, more powerful methods of inferring information from collected data such as Information Fusion have to be used. Information fusion is analogous to the cognitive process used by humans to integrate data continuously from their senses to make inferences about their environment. Data from the sensors is combined using techniques drawn from several disciplines such as Adaptive Filtering, Machine Learning and Pattern Recognition. Decisions made from such combination of data form the crux of information fusion and differentiates it from a flat structured data aggregation. In this dissertation, multi-layered information fusion models are used to develop automated decision making architectures to service security and resource management requirements in Cyber Physical Systems --Abstract, page iv

    Routing and Mobility on IPv6 over LoWPAN

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    The IoT means a world-wide network of interconnected objects based on standard communication protocols. An object in this context is a quotidian physical device augmented with sensing/actuating, processing, storing and communication capabilities. These objects must be able to interact with the surrounding environment where they are placed and to cooperate with neighbouring objects in order to accomplish a common objective. The IoT objects have also the capabilities of converting the sensed data into automated instructions and communicating them to other objects through the communication networks, avoiding the human intervention in several tasks. Most of IoT deployments are based on small devices with restricted computational resources and energy constraints. For this reason, initially the scientific community did not consider the use of IP protocol suite in this scenarios because there was the perception that it was too heavy to the available resources on such devices. Meanwhile, the scientific community and the industry started to rethink about the use of IP protocol suite in all IoT devices and now it is considered as the solution to provide connectivity between the IoT devices, independently of the Layer 2 protocol in use, and to connect them to the Internet. Despite the use of IP suite protocol in all devices and the amount of solutions proposed, many open issues remain unsolved in order to reach a seamless integration between the IoT and the Internet and to provide the conditions to IoT service widespread. This thesis addressed the challenges associated with the interconnectivity between the Internet and the IoT devices and with the security aspects of the IoT. In the interconnectivity between the IoT devices and the Internet the problem is how to provide valuable information to the Internet connected devices, independently of the supported IP protocol version, without being necessary accessed directly to the IoT nodes. In order to solve this problem, solutions based on Representational state transfer (REST) web services and IPv4 to IPv6 dual stack transition mechanism were proposed and evaluated. The REST web service and the transition mechanism runs only at the border router without penalizing the IoT constrained devices. The mitigation of the effects of internal and external security attacks minimizing the overhead imposed on the IoT devices is the security challenge addressed in this thesis. Three different solutions were proposed. The first is a mechanism to prevent remotely initiated transport level Denial of Service attacks that avoids the use of inefficient and hard to manage traditional firewalls. It is based on filtering at the border router the traffic received from the Internet and destined to the IoT network according to the conditions announced by each IoT device. The second is a network access security framework that can be used to control the nodes that have access to the network, based on administrative approval, and to enforce security compliance to the authorized nodes. The third is a network admission control framework that prevents IoT unauthorized nodes to communicate with IoT authorized nodes or with the Internet, which drastically reduces the number of possible security attacks. The network admission control was also exploited as a management mechanism as it can be used to manage the network size in terms of number of nodes, making the network more manageable, increasing its reliability and extending its lifetime.A IoT (Internet of Things) tem suscitado o interesse tanto da comunidade académica como da indústria, uma vez que os campos de aplicação são inúmeros assim como os potenciais ganhos que podem ser obtidos através do uso deste tipo de tecnologia. A IoT significa uma rede global de objetos ligados entre si através de uma rede de comunicações baseada em protocolos standard. Neste contexto, um objeto é um objeto físico do dia a dia ao qual foi adicionada a capacidade de medir e de atuar sobre variáveis físicas, de processar e armazenar dados e de comunicar. Estes objetos têm a capacidade de interagir com o meio ambiente envolvente e de cooperar com outros objetos vizinhos de forma a atingirem um objetivo comum. Estes objetos também têm a capacidade de converter os dados lidos em instruções e de as comunicar a outros objetos através da rede de comunicações, evitando desta forma a intervenção humana em diversas tarefas. A maior parte das concretizações de sistemas IoT são baseados em pequenos dispositivos autónomos com restrições ao nível dos recursos computacionais e de retenção de energia. Por esta razão, inicialmente a comunidade científica não considerou adequado o uso da pilha protocolar IP neste tipo de dispositivos, uma vez que havia a perceção de que era muito pesada para os recursos computacionais disponíveis. Entretanto, a comunidade científica e a indústria retomaram a discussão acerca dos benefícios do uso da pilha protocolar em todos os dispositivos da IoT e atualmente é considerada a solução para estabelecer a conetividade entre os dispositivos IoT independentemente do protocolo da camada dois em uso e para os ligar à Internet. Apesar do uso da pilha protocolar IP em todos os dispositivos e da quantidade de soluções propostas, são vários os problemas por resolver no que concerne à integração contínua e sem interrupções da IoT na Internet e de criar as condições para a adoção generalizada deste tipo de tecnologias. Esta tese versa sobre os desafios associados à integração da IoT na Internet e dos aspetos de segurança da IoT. Relativamente à integração da IoT na Internet o problema é como fornecer informação válida aos dispositivos ligados à Internet, independentemente da versão do protocolo IP em uso, evitando o acesso direto aos dispositivos IoT. Para a resolução deste problema foram propostas e avaliadas soluções baseadas em web services REST e em mecanismos de transição IPv4 para IPv6 do tipo pilha dupla (dual stack). O web service e o mecanismo de transição são suportados apenas no router de fronteira, sem penalizar os dispositivos IoT. No que concerne à segurança, o problema é mitigar os efeitos dos ataques de segurança internos e externos iniciados local e remotamente. Foram propostas três soluções diferentes, a primeira é um mecanismo que minimiza os efeitos dos ataques de negação de serviço com origem na Internet e que evita o uso de mecanismos de firewalls ineficientes e de gestão complexa. Este mecanismo filtra no router de fronteira o tráfego com origem na Internet é destinado à IoT de acordo com as condições anunciadas por cada um dos dispositivos IoT da rede. A segunda solução, é uma framework de network admission control que controla quais os dispositivos que podem aceder à rede com base na autorização administrativa e que aplica políticas de conformidade relativas à segurança aos dispositivos autorizados. A terceira é um mecanismo de network admission control para redes 6LoWPAN que evita que dispositivos não autorizados comuniquem com outros dispositivos legítimos e com a Internet o que reduz drasticamente o número de ataques à segurança. Este mecanismo também foi explorado como um mecanismo de gestão uma vez que pode ser utilizado a dimensão da rede quanto ao número de dispositivos, tornando-a mais fácil de gerir e aumentando a sua fiabilidade e o seu tempo de vida

    An Empirical Analysis of Security and Privacy in Health and Medical Systems

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    Healthcare reform, regulation, and adoption of technology such as wearables are substantially changing both the quality of care and how we receive it. For example, health and fitness devices contain sensors that collect data, wireless interfaces to transmit data, and cloud infrastructures to aggregate, analyze, and share data. FDA-defined class III devices such as pacemakers will soon share these capabilities. While technological growth in health care is clearly beneficial, it also brings new security and privacy challenges for systems, users, and regulators. We group these concepts under health and medical systems to connect and emphasize their importance to healthcare. Challenges include how to keep user health data private, how to limit and protect access to data, and how to securely store and transmit data while maintaining interoperability with other systems. The most critical challenge unique to healthcare is how to balance security and privacy with safety and utility concerns. Specifically, a life-critical medical device must fail-open (i.e., work regardless) in the event of an active threat or attack. This dissertation examines some of these challenges and introduces new systems that not only improve security and privacy but also enhance workflow and usability. Usability is important in this context because a secure system that inhibits workflow is often improperly used or circumvented. We present this concern and our solution in its respective chapter. Each chapter of this dissertation presents a unique challenge, or unanswered question, and solution based on empirical analysis. We present a survey of related work in embedded health and medical systems. The academic and regulatory communities greatly scrutinize the security and privacy of these devices because of their primary function of providing critical care. What we find is that securing embedded health and medical systems is hard, done incorrectly, and is analogous to non-embedded health and medical systems such as hospital servers, terminals, and personally owned mobile devices. A policy called bring your own device (BYOD) allows the use and integration of mobile devices in the workplace. We perform an analysis of Apple iMessage which both implicates BYOD in healthcare and secure messaging protocols used by health and medical systems. We analyze direct memory access engines, a special-purpose piece of hardware to transfer data into and out of main memory, and show that we can chain together memory transfers to perform arbitrary computation. This result potentially affects all computing systems used for healthcare. We also examine HTML5 web workers as they provide stealthy computation and covert communication. This finding is relevant to web applications such as personal and electronic health record portals. We design and implement two novel and secure health and medical systems. One is a wearable device that addresses the problem of authenticating a user (e.g., physician) to a terminal in a usable way. The other is a light-weight and low-cost wireless device we call Beacon+. This device extends the design of Apple's iBeacon specification with unspoofable, temporal, and authenticated advertisements; of which, enables secure location sensing applications that could improve numerous healthcare processes