12 research outputs found

    Video summary - Neptus, command and control infrastructure for heterogeneous teams of autonomous vehicles

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    This video shows a brief overview over Neptus, a command and control infrastructure for heterogeneous teams of autonomous vehicles. Having different,types of vehicles at our laboratory and from our partners, there was an increasing need to create a common infrastructure to all these systems. Additionally, a tool to support the entire mission life cycle (Planning, Execution, Review and Dissemination) was lacking. Neptus was created to provide vehicle independence and seamless inter-systems communications. Currently, Neptus has been already tested with Remotely Operated Vehicles, Autonomous Underwater Vehicles, Unmanned Air Vehicles, Autonomous Surface Vehicles and Wireless Sensor Networks. Some of these systems were operated simultaneously by various operating consoles that were sharing the same communication infrastructure. The received data was being relayed to a web server that allowed for the real-time mission following by using a common web browser

    Marine Operations with the SWORDFISH Autonomous Surface Vehicle

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    IEEE Robótica 2007 - 7th Conference on Mobile Robots and Competitions, Paderne, Portugal 2007This paper describes the design and development of the Swordfish Autonomous Surface Vehicle (ASV) system. The work focuses the sensors, actuators, communications and C4I of an unmanned vehicle for marine operations. SWORDFISH is an autonomous surface vehicle used as the central communications link between air, undersea, and terrestrial robotic vehicles of a network centric operation. It is used as a test bed platform for deployment and testing of advanced control and operational concepts for multi-vehicles systems. This new unmanned marine vehicle was done in the context of the PISCIS project. The PISCIS project concerns the development, test and evaluation of new vehicles and new concepts of operation for networked vehicle systems in oceanographic data collection. The PISCIS system includes two autonomous underwater vehicles, the Swordfish ASV, an acoustic navigation system, acoustic and radio communications and a distributed command and control system

    Autonomous Underwater Vehicle Untuk Survei Dan Pemantauan Laut

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    AUV is an unmanned submersible platform to accomplish a mission. Side-scan sonar, Conductivity Temperature Depth (CTD), and underwater video camera are usually attached on AUV. These sensors were used for identifying seawater and seabed condition. Data acquired from a survey with an AUV in Kepulauan Riau processed by Neptus software. Side-scan sonar (SSS) visualization is compared to the video image. SSS signal visualization has a unique pattern that can be identified within the video image. Different substrate structure caused different signal visualization. The relation between the video image and SSS visualization can be used for identifying habitat benthic profile

    NEPTUS - a framework to support the mission life cycle

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    The Neptus distributed command and control framework for operations withvehicles, sensors, and human operators in inter-operated networks is presented. This isdone in the context of applications, technologies, and field tests. There are applicationsfor world representation and modeling, mission planning, simulation, execution controland supervision, and post-mission analysis. This is done in a mixed initiative fashionallowing the intervention by experienced human operators. XML abstract data types andXSLT technologies facilitate vehicle-interoperability and the standardization ofinteractions. A publish/subscribe (P/S) middleware framework for communications in adistributed environment enables the transparent inter-operability of communicationnetworks. A console builder together with the P/S middleware allow the user to configureoperating consoles for different vehicles. Results from field tests validate the overallframework and provide directions for future work

    EVA Radio DRATS 2011 Report

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    In the Fall of 2011, National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Glenn Research Center (GRC) participated in the Desert Research and Technology Studies (DRATS) field experiments held near Flagstaff, Arizona. The objective of the DRATS outing is to provide analog mission testing of candidate technologies for space exploration, especially those technologies applicable to human exploration of extra- terrestrial rocky bodies. These activities are performed at locations with similarities to extra-terrestrial conditions. This report describes the Extravehicular Activity (EVA) Dual-Band Radio Communication System which was demonstrated during the 2011 outing. The EVA radio system is designed to transport both voice and telemetry data through a mobile ad hoc wireless network and employs a dual-band radio configuration. Some key characteristics of this system include: 1. Dual-band radio configuration. 2. Intelligent switching between two different capability wireless networks. 3. Self-healing network. 4. Simultaneous data and voice communication

    Visualização de dados para redes de veículos autónomos

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    Tese de Mestrado Integrado. Engenharia Electrotécnica e de Computadores (Major Automação). Faculdade de Engenharia. Universidade do Porto. 201

    Surveyor lunar roving vehicle, phase I. Volume III - Preliminary design and system description. Book 2 - Validation of preliminary design, sections 7-13 Final technical report

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    Systems design validation of Surveyor lunar roving vehicle - navigation, control and display, television, telecommunications, power supply, and thermal contro

    Veículo aéreo não tripulado para integração com redes de sensores sem fios

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    Tese de mestrado. Mestrado integrado em Engenharia Electrotécnica e de Computadores. Faculdade de Engenharia. Universidade do Porto. 201

    Controle de missão baseado na teoria de controle supervisório com aplicação a veículos subaquáticos autônomos

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    Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Tecnológico, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia de Automação e Sistemas, Florianópolis, 2015.Veículo subaquático autônomo (AUV, do inglês autonomous underwater vehicle) é uma classe de dispositivo robótico que se move sob a água, controlado pelo seu próprio sistema embarcado, acionado por um sistema de propulsão adequado e com fonte autônoma de energia. O Sistema de Controle de Missão (SCM) é o elemento do sistema embarcado de um veículo autônomo responsável em coordenar as ações realizadas pelos demais subsistemas, guiando o veículo durante todas as fases da missão, com base em um plano previamente elaborado e no comportamento discreto dos diversos componentes do veículo. Esta tese propõe uma arquitetura para o SCM baseado em dois componentes principais: uma estrutura de controle supervisório e um gerenciador de missão. O primeiro componente é baseado na Teoria de Controle Supervisório (TCS). A TCS é neste caso usada para a modelagem dos vários subsistemas e restrições relacionadas com a realização de missões de AUVs em ambientes não-estruturados, e para a síntese de supervisores responsáveis em garantir que especificações de segurança e operação sejam atendidas para qualquer missão do veículo. O segundo componente é responsável pela execução de um plano de missão, escolhendo a melhor sequência de eventos habilitada pelo controle supervisório segundo um critério de otimização baseado em algoritmos de planejamento e busca. Para validação da arquitetura proposta, o SCM é implementado empregando o ROS (robot operating system) com a estrutura de controle supervisório integrada mediante geração automática de código. O teste do SCM proposto é realizado em um ambiente para simulação do comportamento dinâmico contínuo e dirigido a eventos de todo o sistema embarcado de um AUV. Os resultados demonstram que o SCM proposto é capaz de garantir a realização de missões em ambientes não-estruturados, atendendo a critérios de segurança especificados pelos modelos formais da TCS. Ao mesmo tempo, o SCM permite o replanejamento de missões ao gerar um plano de missão alternativo possibilitando o tratamento de diversas situações não previstas no plano original. Além disso, a arquitetura proposta para o SCM combina ações deliberativas, que envolvem planejamento, com ações reativas sem necessidade de planejamento e com tempos de execuções relativamente pequenos.Abstract : Autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV) is a class of robotic device that moves beneath the water, it is controlled by its own embedded system, triggered by a suitable propulsion system and with an autonomous source of energy. The Mission Control System (MCS) is the element of the embedded system of an autonomous vehicle responsible for coordinating the actions conducted by several subsystems, driving the vehicle during all phases of the mission based on a previously elaborated plan and on the discrete behavior of the vehicle remaining components. This thesis proposes an MCS architecture based on two main components: a supervisory control structure and a mission manager. The supervisory structure is based on Supervisory Control Theory (SCT) and it is used for modelling the several subsystems and constraints related to the AUV missions in unstructured environments, as well as for the synthesis of supervisores responsible for ensuring that safety and operation specifications are met for any kind of vehicle mission. The second component, the mission manager, is responsabile for carrying out a mission plan, choosing the best sequence of events enabled by the supervisory control according to an optimization criterion based on planning and search algorithms. To validate the proposed architecture, the MCS is implemented using ROS (robot operating system) with the supervisory control models integrated through automatic code generation. The test of the MCS is performed in a simulation environment that emulates the whole AUV continous and event-driven dynamics. The results demonstrate that the proposed MCS is capable of performing missions in unstructured environments, meeting safety criteria specified by the formal models of the CST. In the meantime, the MCS allows the mission replanning by generating an alternative mission enabling the treatment of several situtations unforeseen in the original plan. Moreover, the proposed architecture for the MCS combines deliberative actions, related to planning, with reactive actions without planning and with relatively small execution times