10,249 research outputs found

    Towards knowledge-based gene expression data mining

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    The field of gene expression data analysis has grown in the past few years from being purely data-centric to integrative, aiming at complementing microarray analysis with data and knowledge from diverse available sources. In this review, we report on the plethora of gene expression data mining techniques and focus on their evolution toward knowledge-based data analysis approaches. In particular, we discuss recent developments in gene expression-based analysis methods used in association and classification studies, phenotyping and reverse engineering of gene networks

    Prospect patents, data markets, and the commons in data-driven medicine : openness and the political economy of intellectual property rights

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    Scholars who point to political influences and the regulatory function of patent courts in the USA have long questioned the courts’ subjective interpretation of what ‘things’ can be claimed as inventions. The present article sheds light on a different but related facet: the role of the courts in regulating knowledge production. I argue that the recent cases decided by the US Supreme Court and the Federal Circuit, which made diagnostics and software very difficult to patent and which attracted criticism for a wealth of different reasons, are fine case studies of the current debate over the proper role of the state in regulating the marketplace and knowledge production in the emerging information economy. The article explains that these patents are prospect patents that may be used by a monopolist to collect data that everybody else needs in order to compete effectively. As such, they raise familiar concerns about failure of coordination emerging as a result of a monopolist controlling a resource such as datasets that others need and cannot replicate. In effect, the courts regulated the market, primarily focusing on ensuring the free flow of data in the emerging marketplace very much in the spirit of the ‘free the data’ language in various policy initiatives, yet at the same time with an eye to boost downstream innovation. In doing so, these decisions essentially endorse practices of personal information processing which constitute a new type of public domain: a source of raw materials which are there for the taking and which have become most important inputs to commercial activity. From this vantage point of view, the legal interpretation of the private and the shared legitimizes a model of data extraction from individuals, the raw material of information capitalism, that will fuel the next generation of data-intensive therapeutics in the field of data-driven medicine

    How to understand the cell by breaking it: network analysis of gene perturbation screens

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    Modern high-throughput gene perturbation screens are key technologies at the forefront of genetic research. Combined with rich phenotypic descriptors they enable researchers to observe detailed cellular reactions to experimental perturbations on a genome-wide scale. This review surveys the current state-of-the-art in analyzing perturbation screens from a network point of view. We describe approaches to make the step from the parts list to the wiring diagram by using phenotypes for network inference and integrating them with complementary data sources. The first part of the review describes methods to analyze one- or low-dimensional phenotypes like viability or reporter activity; the second part concentrates on high-dimensional phenotypes showing global changes in cell morphology, transcriptome or proteome.Comment: Review based on ISMB 2009 tutorial; after two rounds of revisio

    Processing of Electronic Health Records using Deep Learning: A review

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    Availability of large amount of clinical data is opening up new research avenues in a number of fields. An exciting field in this respect is healthcare, where secondary use of healthcare data is beginning to revolutionize healthcare. Except for availability of Big Data, both medical data from healthcare institutions (such as EMR data) and data generated from health and wellbeing devices (such as personal trackers), a significant contribution to this trend is also being made by recent advances on machine learning, specifically deep learning algorithms

    Fast Multi-Task SCCA Learning with Feature Selection for Multi-Modal Brain Imaging Genetics

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    Brain imaging genetics studies the genetic basis of brain structures and functions via integrating both genotypic data such as single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) and imaging quantitative traits (QTs). In this area, both multi-task learning (MTL) and sparse canonical correlation analysis (SCCA) methods are widely used since they are superior to those independent and pairwise univariate analyses. MTL methods generally incorporate a few of QTs and are not designed for feature selection from a large number of QTs; while existing SCCA methods typically employ only one modality of QTs to study its association with SNPs. Both MTL and SCCA encounter computational challenges as the number of SNPs increases. In this paper, combining the merits of MTL and SCCA, we propose a novel multi-task SCCA (MTSCCA) learning framework to identify bi-multivariate associations between SNPs and multi-modal imaging QTs. MTSCCA could make use of the complementary information carried by different imaging modalities. Using the G2,1-norm regularization, MTSCCA treats all SNPs in the same group together to enforce sparsity at the group level. The l2,1-norm penalty is used to jointly select features across multiple tasks for SNPs, and across multiple modalities for QTs. A fast optimization algorithm is proposed using the grouping information of SNPs. Compared with conventional SCCA methods, MTSCCA obtains improved performance regarding both correlation coefficients and canonical weights patterns. In addition, our method runs very fast and is easy-to-implement, and thus could provide a powerful tool for genome-wide brain-wide imaging genetic studies
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