2,404 research outputs found

    Graph-based Modelling of Concurrent Sequential Patterns

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    Structural relation patterns have been introduced recently to extend the search for complex patterns often hidden behind large sequences of data. This has motivated a novel approach to sequential patterns post-processing and a corresponding data mining method was proposed for Concurrent Sequential Patterns (ConSP). This article refines the approach in the context of ConSP modelling, where a companion graph-based model is devised as an extension of previous work. Two new modelling methods are presented here together with a construction algorithm, to complete the transformation of concurrent sequential patterns to a ConSP-Graph representation. Customer orders data is used to demonstrate the effectiveness of ConSP mining while synthetic sample data highlights the strength of the modelling technique, illuminating the theories developed

    Efficient Web Usage Mining Process for Sequential Patterns

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    The tremendous growth in volume of web usage data results in the boost of web mining research with focus on discovering potentially useful knowledge from web usage data. This paper presents a new web usage mining process for finding sequential patterns in web usage data which can be used for predicting the possible next move in browsing sessions for web personalization. This process consists of three main stages: preprocessing web access sequences from the web server log, mining preprocessed web log access sequences by a tree-based algorithm, and predicting web access sequences by using a dynamic clustering-based model. It is designed based on the integration of the dynamic clustering-based Markov model with the Pre-Order Linked WAP-Tree Mining (PLWAP) algorithm to enhance mining performance. The proposed mining process is verified by experiments with promising results

    Web Usage Mining to Extract Knowledge for Modelling Users of Taiwan Travel Recommendation Mobile APP

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    This work presents the design of a web mining system to understand the navigational behavior of passengers in developed Taiwan travel recommendation mobile app that provides four main functions including recommend by location , hot topic , nearby scenic spots information , my favorite and 2650 scenic spots. To understand passenger navigational patterns, log data from actual cases of app were collected and analysed by web mining system. This system analysed 58981 sessions of 1326 users for the month of June, 2014. Sequential profiles for passenger navigational patterns were captured by applying sequence-based representation schemes in association with Markov models and enhanced K-mean clustering algorithms for sequence behavior mining cluster patterns. The navigational cycle, time, function numbers, and the depth and extent (range) of app were statistically analysed. The analysis results can be used improved the passengers\u27 acceptance of app and help generate potential personalization recommendations for achieving an intelligent travel recommendation service

    Data-driven conceptual modeling: how some knowledge drivers for the enterprise might be mined from enterprise data

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    As organizations perform their business, they analyze, design and manage a variety of processes represented in models with different scopes and scale of complexity. Specifying these processes requires a certain level of modeling competence. However, this condition does not seem to be balanced with adequate capability of the person(s) who are responsible for the task of defining and modeling an organization or enterprise operation. On the other hand, an enterprise typically collects various records of all events occur during the operation of their processes. Records, such as the start and end of the tasks in a process instance, state transitions of objects impacted by the process execution, the message exchange during the process execution, etc., are maintained in enterprise repositories as various logs, such as event logs, process logs, effect logs, message logs, etc. Furthermore, the growth rate in the volume of these data generated by enterprise process execution has increased manyfold in just a few years. On top of these, models often considered as the dashboard view of an enterprise. Models represents an abstraction of the underlying reality of an enterprise. Models also served as the knowledge driver through which an enterprise can be managed. Data-driven extraction offers the capability to mine these knowledge drivers from enterprise data and leverage the mined models to establish the set of enterprise data that conforms with the desired behaviour. This thesis aimed to generate models or knowledge drivers from enterprise data to enable some type of dashboard view of enterprise to provide support for analysts. The rationale for this has been started as the requirement to improve an existing process or to create a new process. It was also mentioned models can also serve as a collection of effectors through which an organization or an enterprise can be managed. The enterprise data refer to above has been identified as process logs, effect logs, message logs, and invocation logs. The approach in this thesis is to mine these logs to generate process, requirement, and enterprise architecture models, and how goals get fulfilled based on collected operational data. The above a research question has been formulated as whether it is possible to derive the knowledge drivers from the enterprise data, which represent the running operation of the enterprise, or in other words, is it possible to use the available data in the enterprise repository to generate the knowledge drivers? . In Chapter 2, review of literature that can provide the necessary background knowledge to explore the above research question has been presented. Chapter 3 presents how process semantics can be mined. Chapter 4 suggest a way to extract a requirements model. The Chapter 5 presents a way to discover the underlying enterprise architecture and Chapter 6 presents a way to mine how goals get orchestrated. Overall finding have been discussed in Chapter 7 to derive some conclusions

    iWAP: ASingle Pass Approach for Web Access Sequential Pattern Mining

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    With the explosive growth of data availability on the World Wide Web, web usage mining becomes very essential for improving designs of websites, analyzing system performance as well as network communications, understanding user reaction, motivation and building adaptive websites. Web Access Pattern mining (WAP-mine) is a sequential pattern mining technique for discovering frequent web log access sequences. It first stores the frequent part of original web access sequence database on a prefix tree called WAP-tree and mines the frequent sequences from that tree according to a user given minimum support threshold. Therefore, this method is not applicable for incremental and interactive mining. In this paper, we propose an algorithm, improved Web Access Pattern (iWAP) mining, to find web access patterns from web logs more efficiently than the WAP-mine algorithm. Our proposed approach can discover all web access sequential patterns with a single pass of web log databases. Moreover, it is applicable for interactive and incremental mining which are not provided by the earlier one. The experimental and performance studies show that the proposed algorithm is in general an order of magnitude faster than the existing WAP-mine algorithm

    Mining of uncertain Web log sequences with access history probabilities

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    An uncertain data sequence is a sequence of data that exist with some level of doubt or probability. Each data item in the uncertain sequence is represented with a label and probability values, referred to as existential probability, ranging from 0 to 1. Existing algorithms are either unsuitable or inefficient for discovering frequent sequences in uncertain data. This thesis presents mining of uncertain Web sequences with a method that combines access history probabilities from several Web log sessions with features of the PLWAP web sequential miner. The method is Uncertain Position Coded Pre-order Linked Web Access Pattern (U-PLWAP) algorithm for mining frequent sequential patterns in uncertain web logs. While PLWAP only considers a session of weblogs, U-PLWAP takes more sessions of weblogs from which existential probabilities are generated. Experiments show that U-PLWAP is at least 100% faster than U-apriori, and 33% faster than UF-growth. The UF-growth algorithm also fails to take into consideration the order of the items, thereby making U-PLWAP a richer algorithm in terms of the information its result contains

    Skipping-Based Collaborative Recommendations inspired from Statistical Language Modeling

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    Due to the almost unlimited resource space on the Web, efficient search engines and recommender systems have become a key element for users to find resources corresponding to their needs. Recommender systems aims at helping users in this task by providing them some pertinent resources according to their context and their profiles, by applying various techniques such as statistical and knowledge discovery algorithms. One of the most successful approaches is Collaborative Filtering, which consists in considering user ratings to provide recommendations, without considering the content of the resources; however the ratings are the only criterion taken into account to provide the recommendations, although including some other criterion should enhance their accuracy. One such criterion is the context, which can be geographical, meteorological, social, etc. In this chapter we focus on the temporal context, more specifically on the order in which the resources were consulted. The appropriateness of considering the order is domain dependent: for instance, it seems of little help in domains such as online moviestores, in which user transactions are barely sequential; however it is especially appropriate for domains such as Web navigation, which has a sequential structure. We propose to follow this direction for this domain, the challenge being to find a low enough complexity sequential model while providing a better accuracy. We first put forward similarities between Web navigation and natural language, and propose to adapt statistical language models to Web navigation to compute recommendations. Second, we propose a new model inspired from the n-gram skipping model. This model has several advantages: (1) It has both a low time and a low space complexity while providing a full coverage, (2) it is able to handle parallel navigations and noise, (3) it is able to perform recommendations in an anytime framework, (4) weighting schemes are used to alleviate the importance of distant resources. Third, we provide a comparison of this SLM inspired model to the state of the art in terms of features, complexity, accuracy and robustness and present experimental results. Tests are performed on a browsing dataset extracted from Intranet logs provided by a French bank. Results show that the use of exponential decay weighting schemes when taking into account non contiguous resources highly improves the accuracy, and that the anytime configuration is able to provide a satisfying trade-off between an even lower computation time and a good accuracy while conserving a good coverage

    Finding patterns from a user-centric perspective using knowledge discovery methods

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    [EN] Chained advertisement involves breaking down a marketing campaign message into multiple banners that are shown to a user in a specific sequence in order to create a less intrusive and more effective campaign. The challenge is determining the most effective sequence of websites and banner order. This study aims to develop a recommendation system to assist with this issue. To address the vast size of the internet and the complexity of the problem, the research uses a data-driven computational approach to estimate the probability of different sequence events and apply this to real user data from a leading company. The proposed method is faster and more efficient than previous approaches.Palomino, A.; Gibert, K. (2023). Finding patterns from a user-centric perspective using knowledge discovery methods. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 307-317. https://doi.org/10.4995/CARMA2023.2023.1604130731

    Mining multimodal sequential patterns : a case study on affect detection

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    Temporal data from multimodal interaction such as speech and bio-signals cannot be easily analysed without a preprocessing phase through which some key characteristics of the signals are extracted. Typically, standard statistical signal features such as average values are calculated prior to the analysis and, subsequently, are presented either to a multimodal fusion mechanism or a computational model of the interaction. This paper proposes a feature extraction methodology which is based on frequent sequence mining within and across multiple modalities of user input. The proposed method is applied for the fusion of physiological signals and gameplay information in a game survey dataset. The obtained sequences are analysed and used as predictors of user affect resulting in computational models of equal or higher accuracy compared to the models built on standard statistical features.peer-reviewe
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