91,394 research outputs found

    Natural resource inventories and management applications in the Great Basin

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    ERTS-1 resolution capabilities and repetitive coverage have allowed the acquisition of several statewide inventories of natural resource features not previously completed or that could not be completed in any other way. Familiarity with landform, tone, pattern and other converging factors, along with multidate imagery, has been required. Nevada's vegetation has been mapped from ERTS-1. Dynamic characteristics of the landscape have been studied. Sequential ERTS-1 imagery has proved its usefulness for mapping vegetation, following vegetation phenology changes, monitoring changes in lakes and reservoirs (including water quality), determining changes in surface mining use, making fire fuel estimates and determining potential hazard, mapping the distribution of rain and snow events, making range readiness determinations, monitoring marshland management practices and other uses. Feasibility has been determined, but details of incorporating the data in management systems awaits further research and development. The need is to accurately define the steps necessary to extract required or usable information from ERTS imagery and fit it into on-going management programs

    Maintainability analysis of mining trucks with data analytics.

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    The mining industry is one of the biggest industries in need of a large budget, and current changes in global economic challenges force the industry to reduce its production expenses. One of the biggest expenditures is maintenance. Thanks to the data mining techniques, available historical records of machines’ alarms and signals might be used to predict machine failures. This is crucial because repairing machines after failures is not as efficient as utilizing predictive maintenance. In this case study, the reasons for failures seem to be related to the order of signals or alarms, called events, which come from trucks. The trucks ran twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week, and drivers worked twelve-hour shifts during a nine-month period. Sequential pattern mining was implemented as a data mining methodology to discover which failures might be connected to groups of events, and SQL was used for analyzing the data. According to results, there are several sequential patterns in alarms and signals before machine breakdowns occur. Furthermore, the results are shown differently depending on shifts’ sizes. Before breakdowns occur in the last five shifts a hundred percent detection rates are observed. However, in the last three shifts it is observed less than a hundred-percentage detection rate

    Exploring the Evolution of Node Neighborhoods in Dynamic Networks

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    Dynamic Networks are a popular way of modeling and studying the behavior of evolving systems. However, their analysis constitutes a relatively recent subfield of Network Science, and the number of available tools is consequently much smaller than for static networks. In this work, we propose a method specifically designed to take advantage of the longitudinal nature of dynamic networks. It characterizes each individual node by studying the evolution of its direct neighborhood, based on the assumption that the way this neighborhood changes reflects the role and position of the node in the whole network. For this purpose, we define the concept of \textit{neighborhood event}, which corresponds to the various transformations such groups of nodes can undergo, and describe an algorithm for detecting such events. We demonstrate the interest of our method on three real-world networks: DBLP, LastFM and Enron. We apply frequent pattern mining to extract meaningful information from temporal sequences of neighborhood events. This results in the identification of behavioral trends emerging in the whole network, as well as the individual characterization of specific nodes. We also perform a cluster analysis, which reveals that, in all three networks, one can distinguish two types of nodes exhibiting different behaviors: a very small group of active nodes, whose neighborhood undergo diverse and frequent events, and a very large group of stable nodes

    Graph-based discovery of ontology change patterns

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    Ontologies can support a variety of purposes, ranging from capturing conceptual knowledge to the organisation of digital content and information. However, information systems are always subject to change and ontology change management can pose challenges. We investigate ontology change representation and discovery of change patterns. Ontology changes are formalised as graph-based change logs. We use attributed graphs, which are typed over a generic graph with node and edge attribution.We analyse ontology change logs, represented as graphs, and identify frequent change sequences. Such sequences are applied as a reference in order to discover reusable, often domain-specific and usagedriven change patterns. We describe the pattern discovery algorithms and measure their performance using experimental result

    CloSpan Sequential Pattern Mining for Books Recommendation System in Petra Christian University Library

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    Petra Christian University (PCU) Library has been using website for their books search system. To further improve the service, it is necessary to develop the automatic system which can recommends the book or the correlation or the book which often being lend at the same time or sequentially by prospective borrowers. The algorithm used to explore the lending sequential patterns is CloSpan Sequential Mining algorithm. The output generated by this application is closed sequential pattern rules and the tree of sequential patterns. They can be used as a reference to establish a list of recommended related books. From the test results it can be concluded that the more data and smaller minimum support, the longer the process takes, and the more patterns that is produced. From the questionnaire outcome that are distributed to employees and users of the library can be concluded that the system can create right recommendations and useful

    An Efficient Algorithm for Mining Frequent Sequence with Constraint Programming

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    The main advantage of Constraint Programming (CP) approaches for sequential pattern mining (SPM) is their modularity, which includes the ability to add new constraints (regular expressions, length restrictions, etc). The current best CP approach for SPM uses a global constraint (module) that computes the projected database and enforces the minimum frequency; it does this with a filtering algorithm similar to the PrefixSpan method. However, the resulting system is not as scalable as some of the most advanced mining systems like Zaki's cSPADE. We show how, using techniques from both data mining and CP, one can use a generic constraint solver and yet outperform existing specialized systems. This is mainly due to two improvements in the module that computes the projected frequencies: first, computing the projected database can be sped up by pre-computing the positions at which an symbol can become unsupported by a sequence, thereby avoiding to scan the full sequence each time; and second by taking inspiration from the trailing used in CP solvers to devise a backtracking-aware data structure that allows fast incremental storing and restoring of the projected database. Detailed experiments show how this approach outperforms existing CP as well as specialized systems for SPM, and that the gain in efficiency translates directly into increased efficiency for other settings such as mining with regular expressions.Comment: frequent sequence mining, constraint programmin
