276 research outputs found

    Cell assembly dynamics of sparsely-connected inhibitory networks: a simple model for the collective activity of striatal projection neurons

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    Striatal projection neurons form a sparsely-connected inhibitory network, and this arrangement may be essential for the appropriate temporal organization of behavior. Here we show that a simplified, sparse inhibitory network of Leaky-Integrate-and-Fire neurons can reproduce some key features of striatal population activity, as observed in brain slices [Carrillo-Reid et al., J. Neurophysiology 99 (2008) 1435{1450]. In particular we develop a new metric to determine the conditions under which sparse inhibitory networks form anti-correlated cell assemblies with time-varying activity of individual cells. We found that under these conditions the network displays an input-specific sequence of cell assembly switching, that effectively discriminates similar inputs. Our results support the proposal [Ponzi and Wickens, PLoS Comp Biol 9 (2013) e1002954] that GABAergic connections between striatal projection neurons allow stimulus-selective, temporally-extended sequential activation of cell assemblies. Furthermore, we help to show how altered intrastriatal GABAergic signaling may produce aberrant network-level information processing in disorders such as Parkinson's and Huntington's diseases.Comment: 22 pages, 9 figure

    AVATAR - Machine Learning Pipeline Evaluation Using Surrogate Model

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    © 2020, The Author(s). The evaluation of machine learning (ML) pipelines is essential during automatic ML pipeline composition and optimisation. The previous methods such as Bayesian-based and genetic-based optimisation, which are implemented in Auto-Weka, Auto-sklearn and TPOT, evaluate pipelines by executing them. Therefore, the pipeline composition and optimisation of these methods requires a tremendous amount of time that prevents them from exploring complex pipelines to find better predictive models. To further explore this research challenge, we have conducted experiments showing that many of the generated pipelines are invalid, and it is unnecessary to execute them to find out whether they are good pipelines. To address this issue, we propose a novel method to evaluate the validity of ML pipelines using a surrogate model (AVATAR). The AVATAR enables to accelerate automatic ML pipeline composition and optimisation by quickly ignoring invalid pipelines. Our experiments show that the AVATAR is more efficient in evaluating complex pipelines in comparison with the traditional evaluation approaches requiring their execution

    Inférence et réseaux complexes

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    Tableau d'honneur de la Faculté des études supérieures et postdoctorales, 2018-2019Les objets d’études de la science moderne sont souvent complexes : sociétés, pandémies, grilles électriques, niches écologiques, etc. La science des réseaux cherche à mieux com- prendre ces systèmes en examinant leur structure. Elle fait abstraction du détail, en rédui- sant tout système à une simple collection de noeuds (les éléments constitutifs du système) connectés par des liens (interactions). Fort d’une vingtaine d’années de recherche, on peut constater que cette approche a mené à de grands succès scientifiques. Cette thèse est consacrée à l’intersection entre la science des réseaux et l’inférence statistique. On y traite de deux problèmes d’inférence classiques : estimation et test d’hypothèses. La partie principale de la thèse est dédiée à l’estimation. Dans un premier temps, on étu- die un modèle génératif bien connu (le modèle stochastique par blocs), développé dans le but d’identifier les régularités de la structure des réseaux complexes. Les contributions origi- nales de cette partie sont (a) l’unification de la grande majorité des méthodes de détection de régularités sous l’égide du modèle par blocs, et (b) une analyse en taille finie de la cohérence de ce modèle. La combinaison de ces analyses place l’ensemble des méthodes de détection de régularités sur des bases statistiques solides. Dans un deuxième temps, on se penche sur le problème de la reconstruction du passé d’un réseau, à partir d’une seule observation. À nouveau, on l’aborde à l’aide de modèles génératifs, le transformant ainsi en un problème d’estimation. Les résultats principaux de cette partie sont des méthodes algorithmiques per- mettant de solutionner la reconstruction efficacement, et l’identification d’une transition de phase dans la qualité de la reconstruction, lorsque le niveau d’inégalité des réseaux étudiés est varié. On se penche finalement sur un traitement par test d’hypothèses des systèmes complexes. Cette partie, plus succincte, est présentée dans un langage mathématique plus général que celui des réseaux, soit celui des complexes simpliciaux. On obtient un modèle aléatoire pour complexe simplicial, ainsi qu’un algorithme d’échantillonnage efficace pour ce modèle. On termine en montrant qu’on peut utiliser ces outils pour tester des hypothèses sur la structure des systèmes complexes réels, via une propriété inaccessible dans la représentation réseau (les groupes d’homologie des complexes).Modern science is often concerned with complex objects of inquiry: intricate webs of social interactions, pandemics, power grids, ecological niches under climatological pressure, etc. When the goal is to gain insights into the function and mechanism of these complex systems, a possible approach is to map their structure using a collection of nodes (the parts of the systems) connected by edges (their interactions). The resulting complex networks capture the structural essence of these systems. Years of successes show that the network abstraction often suffices to understand a plethora of complex phenomena. It can be argued that a principled and rigorous approach to data analysis is chief among the challenges faced by network science today. With this in mind, the goal of this thesis is to tackle a number of important problems at the intersection of network science and statistical inference, of two types: The problems of estimations and the testing of hypotheses. Most of the thesis is devoted to estimation problems. We begin with a thorough analysis of a well-known generative model (the stochastic block model), introduced 40 years ago to identify patterns and regularities in the structure of real networks. The main original con- tributions of this part are (a) the unification of the majority of known regularity detection methods under the stochastic block model, and (b) a thorough characterization of its con- sistency in the finite-size regime. Together, these two contributions put regularity detection methods on firmer statistical foundations. We then turn to a completely different estimation problem: The reconstruction of the past of complex networks, from a single snapshot. The unifying theme is our statistical treatment of this problem, again based on generative model- ing. Our major results are: the inference framework itself; an efficient history reconstruction method; and the discovery of a phase transition in the recoverability of history, driven by inequalities (the more unequal, the harder the reconstruction problem). We conclude with a short section, where we investigate hypothesis testing in complex sys- tems. This epilogue is framed in the broader mathematical context of simplicial complexes, a natural generalization of complex networks. We obtain a random model for these objects, and the associated efficient sampling algorithm. We finish by showing how these tools can be used to test hypotheses about the structure of real systems, using their homology groups

    Structural learning for large scale image classification

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    To leverage large-scale collaboratively-tagged (loosely-tagged) images for training a large number of classifiers to support large-scale image classification, we need to develop new frameworks to deal with the following issues: (1) spam tags, i.e., tags are not relevant to the semantic of the images; (2) loose object tags, i.e., multiple object tags are loosely given at the image level without their locations in the images; (3) missing object tags, i.e. some object tags are missed due to incomplete tagging; (4) inter-related object classes, i.e., some object classes are visually correlated and their classifiers need to be trained jointly instead of independently; (5) large scale object classes, which requires to limit the computational time complexity for classifier training algorithms as well as the storage spaces for intermediate results. To deal with these issues, we propose a structural learning framework which consists of the following key components: (1) cluster-based junk image filtering to address the issue of spam tags; (2) automatic tag-instance alignment to address the issue of loose object tags; (3) automatic missing object tag prediction; (4) object correlation network for inter-class visual correlation characterization to address the issue of missing tags; (5) large-scale structural learning with object correlation network for enhancing the discrimination power of object classifiers. To obtain enough numbers of labeled training images, our proposed framework leverages the abundant web images and their social tags. To make those web images usable, tag cleansing has to be done to neutralize the noise from user tagging preferences, in particularly junk tags, loose tags and missing tags. Then a discriminative learning algorithm is developed to train a large number of inter-related classifiers for achieving large-scale image classification, e.g., learning a large number of classifiers for categorizing large-scale images into a large number of inter-related object classes and image concepts. A visual concept network is first constructed for organizing enumorus object classes and image concepts according to their inter-concept visual correlations. The visual concept network is further used to: (a) identify inter-related learning tasks for classifier training; (b) determine groups of visually-similar object classes and image concepts; and (c) estimate the learning complexity for classifier training. A large-scale discriminative learning algorithm is developed for supporting multi-class classifier training and achieving accurate inter-group discrimination and effective intra-group separation. Our discriminative learning algorithm can significantly enhance the discrimination power of the classifiers and dramatically reduce the computational cost for large-scale classifier training

    Computation in Complex Networks

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    Complex networks are one of the most challenging research focuses of disciplines, including physics, mathematics, biology, medicine, engineering, and computer science, among others. The interest in complex networks is increasingly growing, due to their ability to model several daily life systems, such as technology networks, the Internet, and communication, chemical, neural, social, political and financial networks. The Special Issue “Computation in Complex Networks" of Entropy offers a multidisciplinary view on how some complex systems behave, providing a collection of original and high-quality papers within the research fields of: • Community detection • Complex network modelling • Complex network analysis • Node classification • Information spreading and control • Network robustness • Social networks • Network medicin

    Time-Series Embedded Feature Selection Using Deep Learning: Data Mining Electronic Health Records for Novel Biomarkers

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    As health information technologies continue to advance, routine collection and digitisation of patient health records in the form of electronic health records present as an ideal opportunity for data-mining and exploratory analysis of biomarkers and risk factors indicative of a potentially diverse domain of patient outcomes. Patient records have continually become more widely available through various initiatives enabling open access whilst maintaining critical patient privacy. In spite of such progress, health records remain not widely adopted within the current clinical statistical analysis domain due to challenging issues derived from such “big data”.Deep learning based temporal modelling approaches present an ideal solution to health record challenges through automated self-optimisation of representation learning, able to man-ageably compose the high-dimensional domain of patient records into data representations able to model complex data associations. Such representations can serve to condense and reduce dimensionality to emphasise feature sparsity and importance through novel embedded feature selection approaches. Accordingly, application towards patient records enable complex mod-elling and analysis of the full domain of clinical features to select biomarkers of predictive relevance.Firstly, we propose a novel entropy regularised neural network ensemble able to highlight risk factors associated with hospitalisation risk of individuals with dementia. The application of which, was able to reduce a large domain of unique medical events to a small set of relevant risk factors able to maintain hospitalisation discrimination.Following on, we continue our work on ensemble architecture approaches with a novel cas-cading LSTM ensembles to predict severe sepsis onset within critical patients in an ICU critical care centre. We demonstrate state-of-the-art performance capabilities able to outperform that of current related literature.Finally, we propose a novel embedded feature selection application dubbed 1D convolu-tion feature selection using sparsity regularisation. Said methodology was evaluated on both domains of dementia and sepsis prediction objectives to highlight model capability and generalisability. We further report a selection of potential biomarkers for the aforementioned case study objectives highlighting clinical relevance and potential novelty value for future clinical analysis.Accordingly, we demonstrate the effective capability of embedded feature selection ap-proaches through the application of temporal based deep learning architectures in the discovery of effective biomarkers across a variety of challenging clinical applications
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