1,519 research outputs found

    Data mining in computational proteomics and genomics

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    This dissertation addresses data mining in bioinformatics by investigating two important problems, namely peak detection and structure matching. Peak detection is useful for biological pattern discovery while structure matching finds many applications in clustering and classification. The first part of this dissertation focuses on elastic peak detection in 2D liquid chromatographic mass spectrometry (LC-MS) data used in proteomics research. These data can be modeled as a time series, in which the X-axis represents time points and the Y-axis represents intensity values. A peak occurs in a set of 2D LC-MS data when the sum of the intensity values in a sliding time window exceeds a user-determined threshold. The elastic peak detection problem is to locate all peaks across multiple window sizes of interest in the dataset. A new method, called PeakID, is proposed in this dissertation, which solves the elastic peak detection problem in 2D LC-MS data without yielding any false negative. PeakID employs a novel data structure, called a Shifted Aggregation Tree or AggTree for short, to find the different peaks in the dataset. This method works by first constructing an AggTree in a bottom-up manner from the dataset, and then searching the AggTree for the peaks in a top-down manner. PeakID uses a state-space algorithm to find the topology and structure of an efficient AggTree. Experimental results demonstrate the superiority of the proposed method over other methods on both synthetic and real-world data. The second part of this dissertation focuses on RNA pseudoknot structure matching and alignment. RNA pseudoknot structures play important roles in many genomic processes. Previous methods for comparative pseudoknot analysis mainly focus on simultaneous folding and alignment of RNA sequences. Little work has been done to align two known RNA secondary structures with pseudoknots taking into account both sequence and structure information of the two RNAs. A new method, called RKalign, is proposed in this dissertation for aligning two known RNA secondary structures with pseudoknots. RKalign adopts the partition function methodology to calculate the posterior log-odds scores of the alignments between bases or base pairs of the two RNAs with a dynamic programming algorithm. The posterior log-odds scores are then used to calculate the expected accuracy of an alignment between the RNAs. The goal is to find an optimal alignment with the maximum expected accuracy. RKalign employs a greedy algorithm to achieve this goal. The performance of RKalign is investigated and compared with existing tools for RNA structure alignment. An extension of the proposed method to multiple alignment of pseudoknot structures is also discussed. RKalign is implemented in Java and freely accessible on the Internet. As more and more pseudoknots are revealed, collected and stored in public databases, it is anticipated that a tool like RKalign will play a significant role in data comparison, annotation, analysis, and retrieval in these databases

    A General Spatio-Temporal Clustering-Based Non-local Formulation for Multiscale Modeling of Compartmentalized Reservoirs

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    Representing the reservoir as a network of discrete compartments with neighbor and non-neighbor connections is a fast, yet accurate method for analyzing oil and gas reservoirs. Automatic and rapid detection of coarse-scale compartments with distinct static and dynamic properties is an integral part of such high-level reservoir analysis. In this work, we present a hybrid framework specific to reservoir analysis for an automatic detection of clusters in space using spatial and temporal field data, coupled with a physics-based multiscale modeling approach. In this work a novel hybrid approach is presented in which we couple a physics-based non-local modeling framework with data-driven clustering techniques to provide a fast and accurate multiscale modeling of compartmentalized reservoirs. This research also adds to the literature by presenting a comprehensive work on spatio-temporal clustering for reservoir studies applications that well considers the clustering complexities, the intrinsic sparse and noisy nature of the data, and the interpretability of the outcome. Keywords: Artificial Intelligence; Machine Learning; Spatio-Temporal Clustering; Physics-Based Data-Driven Formulation; Multiscale Modelin

    Indices and Applications in High-Throughput Sequencing

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    Recent advances in sequencing technology allow to produce billions of base pairs per day in the form of reads of length 100 bp an longer and current developments promise the personal $1,000 genome in a couple of years. The analysis of these unprecedented amounts of data demands for efficient data structures and algorithms. One such data structures is the substring index, that represents all substrings or substrings up to a certain length contained in a given text. In this thesis we propose 3 substring indices, which we extend to be applicable to millions of sequences. We devise internal and external memory construction algorithms and a uniform framework for accessing the generalized suffix tree. Additionally we propose different index-based applications, e.g. exact and approximate pattern matching and different repeat search algorithms. Second, we present the read mapping tool RazerS, which aligns millions of single or paired-end reads of arbitrary lengths to their potential genomic origin using either Hamming or edit distance. Our tool can work either lossless or with a user-defined loss rate at higher speeds. Given the loss rate, we present a novel approach that guarantees not to lose more reads than specified. This enables the user to adapt to the problem at hand and provides a seamless tradeoff between sensitivity and running time. We compare RazerS with other state-of-the-art read mappers and show that it has the highest sensitivity and a comparable performance on various real-world datasets. At last, we propose a general approach for frequency based string mining, which has many applications, e.g. in contrast data mining. Our contribution is a novel and lightweight algorithm that is faster and uses less memory than the best available algorithms. We show its applicability for mining multiple databases with a variety of frequency constraints. As such, we use the notion of entropy from information theory to generalize the emerging substring mining problem to multiple databases. To demonstrate the improvement of our algorithm we compared to recent approaches on real-world experiments of various string domains, e.g. natural language, DNA, or protein sequences


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    In this dissertation, we worked on several algorithmic problems in bioinformatics using mainly three approaches: (a) a streaming model, (b) sux-tree based indexing, and (c) minwise-hashing (minhash) and locality-sensitive hashing (LSH). The streaming models are useful for large data problems where a good approximation needs to be achieved with limited space usage. We developed an approximation algorithm (Kmer-Estimate) using the streaming approach to obtain a better estimation of the frequency of k-mer counts. A k-mer, a subsequence of length k, plays an important role in many bioinformatics analyses such as genome distance estimation. We also developed new methods that use sux tree, a trie data structure, for alignment-free, non-pairwise algorithms for a conserved non-coding sequence (CNS) identification problem. We provided two different algorithms: STAG-CNS to identify exact-matched CNSs and DiCE to identify CNSs with mismatches. Using our algorithms, CNSs among various grass species were identified. A different approach was employed for identification of longer CNSs ( 100 bp, mostly found in animals). In our new method (MinCNE), the minhash approach was used to estimate the Jaccard similarity. Using also LSH, k-mers extracted from genomic sequences were clustered and CNSs were identified. Another new algorithm (MinIsoClust) that also uses minhash and LSH techniques was developed for an isoform clustering problem. Isoforms are generated from the same gene but by alternative splicing. As the isoform sequences share some exons but in different combinations, regular sequencing clustering methods do not work well. Our algorithm generates clusters for isoform sequences based on their shared minhash signatures. Finally, we discuss de novo transcriptome assembly algorithms and how to improve the assembly accuracy using ensemble approaches. First, we did a comprehensive performance analysis on different transcriptome assemblers using simulated benchmark datasets. Then, we developed a new ensemble approach (Minsemble) for the de novo transcriptome assembly problem that integrates isoform-clustering using minhash technique to identify potentially correct transcripts from various de novo transcriptome assemblers. Minsemble identified more correctly assembled transcripts as well as genes compared to other de novo and ensemble methods. Adviser: Jitender S. Deogu

    Geometric, Feature-based and Graph-based Approaches for the Structural Analysis of Protein Binding Sites : Novel Methods and Computational Analysis

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    In this thesis, protein binding sites are considered. To enable the extraction of information from the space of protein binding sites, these binding sites must be mapped onto a mathematical space. This can be done by mapping binding sites onto vectors, graphs or point clouds. To finally enable a structure on the mathematical space, a distance measure is required, which is introduced in this thesis. This distance measure eventually can be used to extract information by means of data mining techniques
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