1,988 research outputs found

    Motivic Pattern Classification of Music Audio Signals Combining Residual and LSTM Networks

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    Motivic pattern classification from music audio recordings is a challenging task. More so in the case of a cappella flamenco cantes, characterized by complex melodic variations, pitch instability, timbre changes, extreme vibrato oscillations, microtonal ornamentations, and noisy conditions of the recordings. Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) have proven to be very effective algorithms in image classification. Recent work in large-scale audio classification has shown that CNN architectures, originally developed for image problems, can be applied successfully to audio event recognition and classification with little or no modifications to the networks. In this paper, CNN architectures are tested in a more nuanced problem: flamenco cantes intra-style classification using small motivic patterns. A new architecture is proposed that uses the advantages of residual CNN as feature extractors, and a bidirectional LSTM layer to exploit the sequential nature of musical audio data. We present a full end-to-end pipeline for audio music classification that includes a sequential pattern mining technique and a contour simplification method to extract relevant motifs from audio recordings. Mel-spectrograms of the extracted motifs are then used as the input for the different architectures tested. We investigate the usefulness of motivic patterns for the automatic classification of music recordings and the effect of the length of the audio and corpus size on the overall classification accuracy. Results show a relative accuracy improvement of up to 20.4% when CNN architectures are trained using acoustic representations from motivic patterns

    Proceedings of the 6th International Workshop on Folk Music Analysis, 15-17 June, 2016

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    The Folk Music Analysis Workshop brings together computational music analysis and ethnomusicology. Both symbolic and audio representations of music are considered, with a broad range of scientific approaches being applied (signal processing, graph theory, deep learning). The workshop features a range of interesting talks from international researchers in areas such as Indian classical music, Iranian singing, Ottoman-Turkish Makam music scores, Flamenco singing, Irish traditional music, Georgian traditional music and Dutch folk songs. Invited guest speakers were Anja Volk, Utrecht University and Peter Browne, Technological University Dublin

    Towards building a Deep Learning based Automated Indian Classical Music Tutor for the Masses

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    Music can play an important role in the well-being of the world. Indian classical music is unique in its requirement for rigorous, disciplined, expert-led training that typically goes on for years before the learner can reach a reasonable level of performance. This keeps many, including the first author of this paper, away from mastering the skill. The problem is particularly compounded in rural areas, where the available expertise may be limited and prohibitively expensive, but the interest in learning classical music still prevails, nevertheless. Machine Learning has been complementing, enhancing, and replacing many white-collar jobs and we believe it can help with this problem as well. This paper describes efforts at using Machine Learning techniques, particularly, Long Short-Term Memory for building a system that is a step toward provisioning an Indian Classical Music Tutor for the masses. The system is deployed in the cloud using orchestrated containerization for potential worldwide access, load balancing, and other robust features

    DeepSRGM -- Sequence Classification and Ranking in Indian Classical Music with Deep Learning

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    A vital aspect of Indian Classical Music (ICM) is Raga, which serves as a melodic framework for compositions and improvisations alike. Raga Recognition is an important music information retrieval task in ICM as it can aid numerous downstream applications ranging from music recommendations to organizing huge music collections. In this work, we propose a deep learning based approach to Raga recognition. Our approach employs efficient pre possessing and learns temporal sequences in music data using Long Short Term Memory based Recurrent Neural Networks (LSTM-RNN). We train and test the network on smaller sequences sampled from the original audio while the final inference is performed on the audio as a whole. Our method achieves an accuracy of 88.1% and 97 % during inference on the Comp Music Carnatic dataset and its 10 Raga subset respectively making it the state-of-the-art for the Raga recognition task. Our approach also enables sequence ranking which aids us in retrieving melodic patterns from a given music data base that are closely related to the presented query sequence

    Detection of Melodic Patterns in Automatic Transcriptions of Flamenco Singing

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    The spontaneous expressive interpretation of melodic templates is a fundamental concept in flamenco music. Consequently, the automatic detection of such patterns in music collections sets the basis for a number of challenging analysis and retrieval tasks. We present a novel algorithm for the automatic detection of manually defined melodies within a corpus of automatic transcriptions of flamenco recordings. We evaluate the performance on the example of five characteristic patterns from the fandango de Valverde style and demonstrate that the algorithm is capable of retrieving ornamented instances of query patterns. Furthermore, we discuss limitations, possible extensions and applications of the proposed system

    Computational analysis of world music corpora

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    PhDThe comparison of world music cultures has been considered in musicological research since the end of the 19th century. Traditional methods from the field of comparative musicology typically involve the process of manual music annotation. While this provides expert knowledge, the manual input is timeconsuming and limits the potential for large-scale research. This thesis considers computational methods for the analysis and comparison of world music cultures. In particular, Music Information Retrieval (MIR) tools are developed for processing sound recordings, and data mining methods are considered to study similarity relationships in world music corpora. MIR tools have been widely used for the study of (mainly) Western music. The first part of this thesis focuses on assessing the suitability of audio descriptors for the study of similarity in world music corpora. An evaluation strategy is designed to capture challenges in the automatic processing of world music recordings and different state-of-the-art descriptors are assessed. Following this evaluation, three approaches to audio feature extraction are considered, each addressing a different research question. First, a study of singing style similarity is presented. Singing is one of the most common forms of musical expression and it has played an important role in the oral transmission of world music. Hand-designed pitch descriptors are used to model aspects of the singing voice and clustering methods reveal singing style similarities in world music. Second, a study on music dissimilarity is performed. While musical exchange is evident in the history of world music it might be possible that some music cultures have resisted external musical influence. Low-level audio features are combined with machine learning methods to find music examples that stand out in a world music corpus, and geographical patterns are examined. The last study models music similarity using descriptors learned automatically with deep neural networks. It focuses on identifying music examples that appear to be similar in their audio content but share no (obvious) geographical or cultural links in their metadata. Unexpected similarities modelled in this way uncover possible hidden links between world music cultures. This research investigates whether automatic computational analysis can uncover meaningful similarities between recordings of world music. Applications derive musicological insights from one of the largest world music corpora studied so far. Computational analysis as proposed in this thesis advances the state-of-the-art in the study of world music and expands the knowledge and understanding of musical exchange in the world.Queen Mary Principal’s research studentship

    Repertoire-Specific Vocal Pitch Data Generation for Improved Melodic Analysis of Carnatic Music

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    Deep Learning methods achieve state-of-the-art in many tasks, including vocal pitch extraction. However, these methods rely on the availability of pitch track annotations without errors, which are scarce and expensive to obtain for Carnatic Music. Here we identify the tradition-related challenges and propose tailored solutions to generate a novel, large, and open dataset, the Saraga-Carnatic-Melody-Synth (SCMS), comprising audio mixtures and time-aligned vocal pitch annotations. Through a cross-cultural evaluation leveraging this novel dataset, we show improvements in the performance of Deep Learning vocal pitch extraction methods on Indian Art Music recordings. Additional experiments show that the trained models outperform the currently used heuristic-based pitch extraction solutions for the computational melodic analysis of Carnatic Music and that this improvement leads to better results in the musicologically relevant task of repeated melodic pattern discovery when evaluated using expert annotations. The code and annotations are made available for reproducibility. The novel dataset and trained models are also integrated into the Python package compIAM1 which allows them to be used out-of-the-box
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