13 research outputs found

    Mining Frequent Itemsets for Evolving Database Involving Insertion

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    Mining frequent itemsets is one of the popular task in data mining. There are many applications like location-based services, sensor monitoring systems, and data integration in which the content of transaction is uncertain in nature. This initiates the requirements of uncertain data mining. The frequent itemsets mining in uncertain transaction databases semantically and computationally differs from techniques applied to standard certain databases. The goal of proposed model is to deal with the problem of extracting frequent itemsets from evolving databases using Possible World Semantics (PWS). As evolving databases contains exponential number of possible worlds mining process can be modeled as Poisson Binomial Distribution (PBD). In this proposed work apriori-based PFI mining algorithm and approximate incremental mining algorithm are developed. An approximate incremental mining algorithm can efficiently and accurately discover frequent itemsets. Also, focus is on the issue of maintaining mining results for uncertain databases. DOI: 10.17762/ijritcc2321-8169.150615

    Efficient mining of frequent item sets on large uncertain databases

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    The data handled in emerging applications like location-based services, sensor monitoring systems, and data integration, are often inexact in nature. In this paper, we study the important problem of extracting frequent item sets from a large uncertain database, interpreted under the Possible World Semantics (PWS). This issue is technically challenging, since an uncertain database contains an exponential number of possible worlds. By observing that the mining process can be modeled as a Poisson binomial distribution, we develop an approximate algorithm, which can efficiently and accurately discover frequent item sets in a large uncertain database. We also study the important issue of maintaining the mining result for a database that is evolving (e.g., by inserting a tuple). Specifically, we propose incremental mining algorithms, which enable Probabilistic Frequent Item set (PFI) results to be refreshed. This reduces the need of re-executing the whole mining algorithm on the new database, which is often more expensive and unnecessary. We examine how an existing algorithm that extracts exact item sets, as well as our approximate algorithm, can support incremental mining. All our approaches support both tuple and attribute uncertainty, which are two common uncertain database models. We also perform extensive evaluation on real and synthetic data sets to validate our approaches. © 1989-2012 IEEE.published_or_final_versio

    Efficient itemset generator discovery over a stream sliding window

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    ABSTRACT Mining generator patterns has raised great research interest in recent years. The main purpose of mining itemset generators is that they can form equivalence classes together with closed itemsets, and can be used to generate simple classification rules according to the MDL principle. In this paper, we devise an efficient algorithm called StreamGen to mine frequent itemset generators over a stream sliding window. We adopt a novel enumeration tree structure to help keep the information of mined generators and the border between generators and non-generators, and propose some optimization techniques to speed up the mining process. We further extend the algorithm to directly mine a set of high quality classification rules over stream sliding windows while keeping high performance. The extensive performance study shows that our algorithm outperforms other state-of-the-art algorithms which perform similar tasks in terms of both runtime and memory usage efficiency, and has high utility in terms of classification

    Mining frequent itemsets in a stream, in:

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    Abstract Mining frequent itemsets in a datastream proves to be a difficult problem, as itemsets arrive in rapid succession and storing parts of the stream is typically impossible. Nonetheless, it has many useful applications; e.g. opinion and sentiment analysis from social networks. Current stream mining algorithms are based on approximations. In earlier work, mining frequent items in a stream under the max-frequency measure proved to be effective for items. In this article, we extended our work from items to itemsets. Firstly, an optimized incremental algorithm for mining frequent itemsets in a stream is presented. The algorithm maintains a very compact summary of the stream for selected itemsets. Secondly, we show that further compacting the summary is non-trivial. Thirdly, we establish a connection between the size of a summary and results from number theory. Fourthly, we report results of extensive experimentation, both of synthetic and real-world datasets, showing the efficiency of the algorithm both in terms of time and space

    Incremental mining techniques

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    Dissertação de mestrado em Sistemas de Dados e Processamento Analítico.The increasing necessity of organizational data exploration and analysis, seeking new knowledge that may be implicit in their operational systems, has made the study of data mining techniques gain a huge impulse. This impulse can be clearly noticed in the e-commerce domain, where the analysis of client’s past behaviours is extremely valuable and may, eventually, bring up important working instruments for determining his future behaviour. Therefore, it is possible to predict what a Web site visitor might be looking for, and thus restructuring the Web site to meet his needs. Thereby, the visitor keeps longer navigating in the Web site, what increases his probability of getting attracted by some product, leading to its purchase. To achieve this goal, Web site adaptation has to be fast enough to change while the visitor navigates, and has also to ensure that this adaptation is made according to the most recent visitors’ navigation behaviour patterns, which requires a mining algorithm with a sufficiently good response time for frequently update the patterns. Typical databases are continuously changing over the time, what can invalidate some patterns or introduce new ones. Thus, conventional data mining techniques were proved to be inefficient, as they needed to re-execute to update the mining results with the ones derived from the last database changes. Incremental mining techniques emerged to avoid algorithm re-execution and to update mining results when incremental data are added or old data are removed, ensuring a better performance in the data mining processes. In this work, we analyze some existing incremental mining strategies and models, giving a particular emphasis in their application on Web sites, in order to develop models to discover Web user behaviour patterns and automatically generate some recommendations to restructure sites in useful time. For accomplishing this task, we designed and implemented Spottrigger, a system responsible for the whole data life cycle in a Web site restructuring work. This life cycle includes tasks specially oriented to extract the raw data stored in Web servers, pass these data by intermediate phases of cleansing and preparation, perform an incremental data mining technique to extract users’ navigation patterns and finally suggesting new locations of spots on the Web site according to the patterns found and the profile of the visitor. We applied Spottrigger in our case study, which was based on data gathered from a real online newspaper. Our main goal was to collect, in a useful time, information about users that at a given moment are consulting the site and thus restructuring the Web site in a short term, delivering the scheduled advertisements, activated according to the user’s profile. Basically, our idea is to have advertisements classified in levels and restructure the Web site to have the higher level advertisements in pages the visitor will most probably access. In order to do that, we construct a page ranking for the visitor, based on results obtained through the incremental mining technique. Since visitors’ navigation behaviour may change during time, the incremental mining algorithm will be responsible for catching this behaviour changes and fast update the patterns. Using Spottrigger as a decision support system for advertisement, a newspaper company may significantly improve the merchandising of its publicity spots guaranteeing that a given advertisement will reach to a higher number of visitors, even if they change their behaviour when visiting pages that were usually not visited.A crescente necessidade de exploração e análise dos dados, na procura de novo conhecimento sobre o negócio de uma organização nos seus sistemas operacionais, tem feito o estudo das técnicas de mineração de dados ganhar um grande impulso. Este pode ser notado claramente no domínio do comércio electrónico, no qual a análise do comportamento passado dos clientes é extremamente valiosa e pode, eventualmente, fazer emergir novos elementos de trabalho, bastante válidos, para a determinação do seu comportamento no futuro. Desta forma, é possível prever aquilo que um visitante de um sítio Web pode andar à procura e, então, preparar esse sítio para atender melhor as suas necessidades. Desta forma, consegue-se fazer com que o visitante permaneça mais tempo a navegar por esse sítio o que aumenta naturalmente a possibilidade dele ser atraído por novos produtos e proceder, eventualmente, à sua aquisição. Para que este objectivo possa ser alcançado, a adaptação do sítio tem de ser suficientemente rápida para que possa acompanhar a navegação do visitante, ao mesmo tempo que assegura os mais recentes padrões de comportamento de navegação dos visitantes. Isto requer um algoritmo de mineração de dados com um nível de desempenho suficientemente bom para que se possa actualizar os padrões frequentemente. Com as constantes mudanças que ocorrem ao longo do tempo nas bases de dados, invalidando ou introduzindo novos padrões, as técnicas de mineração de dados convencionais provaram ser ineficientes, uma vez que necessitam de ser reexecutadas a fim de actualizar os resultados do processo de mineração com os dados subjacentes às modificações ocorridas na base de dados. As técnicas de mineração incremental surgiram com o intuito de evitar essa reexecução do algoritmo para actualizar os resultados da mineração quando novos dados (incrementais) são adicionados ou dados antigos são removidos. Assim, consegue-se assegurar uma maior eficiência aos processos de mineração de dados. Neste trabalho, analisamos algumas das diferentes estratégias e modelos para a mineração incremental de dados, dando-se particular ênfase à sua aplicação em sítios Web, visando desenvolver modelos para a descoberta de padrões de comportamento dos visitantes desses sítios e gerar automaticamente recomendações para a sua reestruturação em tempo útil. Para atingir esse objectivo projectámos e implementámos o sistema Spottrigger, que cobre todo o ciclo de vida do processo de reestruturação de um sítio Web. Este ciclo é composto, basicamente, por tarefas especialmente orientadas para a extracção de dados “crus” armazenados nos servidores Web, passar estes dados por fases intermédias de limpeza e preparação, executar uma técnica de mineração incremental para extrair padrões de navegação dos utilizadores e, finalmente, reestruturar o sítio Web de acordo com os padrões de navegação encontrados e com o perfil do próprio utilizador. Além disso, o sistema Spottrigger foi aplicado no nosso estudo de caso, o qual é baseado em dados reais provenientes de um jornal online. Nosso principal objectivo foi colectar, em tempo útil, alguma informação sobre o perfil dos utilizadores que num dado momento estão a consultar o sítio e, assim, fazer a reestruturação do sítio num período de tempo tão curto quanto o possível, exibindo os anúncios desejáveis, activados de acordo com o perfil do utilizador. Os anúncios do sistema estão classificados por níveis. Os sítios são reestruturados para que os anúncios de nível mais elevado sejam lançados nas páginas com maior probabilidade de serem visitadas. Nesse sentido, foi definida uma classificação das páginas para o utilizador, baseada nos padrões frequentes adquiridos através do processo de mineração incremental. Visto que o comportamento de navegação dos visitantes pode mudar ao longo do tempo, o algoritmo de mineração incremental será também responsável por capturar essas mudanças de comportamento e rapidamente actualizar os padrões.

    An investigation into the issues of multi-agent data mining

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    Multi-agent systems (MAS) often deal with complex applications that require distributedproblem solving. In many applications the individual and collective behaviourof the agents depends on the observed data from distributed sources. The field of DistributedData Mining (DDM) deals with these challenges in analyzing distributed dataand offers many algorithmic solutions to perform different data analysis and miningoperations in a fundamentally distributed manner that pays careful attention to the resourceconstraints. Since multi-agent systems are often distributed and agents haveproactive and reactive features, combining DM with MAS for data intensive applicationsis therefore appealing.This Chapter discusses a number of research issues concerned with the use ofMulti-Agent Systems for Data Mining (MADM), also known as agent-driven datamining. The Chapter also examines the issues affecting the design and implementationof a generic and extendible agent-based data mining framework. An ExtendibleMulti-Agent Data mining System (EMADS) Framework for integrating distributeddata sources is presented. This framework achieves high-availability and highperformance without compromising the data integrity and security. © 2010 Nova Science Publishers, Inc. All rights reserved