8 research outputs found

    The minimum number of triangular edges and a symmetrization method for multiple graphs

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    We give an asymptotic formula for the minimum number of edges contained in triangles in a graph having n vertices and e edges. Our main tool is a generalization of Zykov's symmetrization method that can be applied for several graphs simultaneously.Comment: Same paper, better presentation. Now it has 10 pages with 7 figure

    The dimension of the region of feasible tournament profiles

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    Erd\H os, Lov\'asz and Spencer showed in the late 1970s that the dimension of the region of kk-vertex graph profiles, i.e., the region of feasible densities of kk-vertex graphs in large graphs, is equal to the number of non-trivial connected graphs with at most kk vertices. We determine the dimension of the region of kk-vertex tournament profiles. Our result, which explores an interesting connection to Lyndon words, yields that the dimension is much larger than just the number of strongly connected tournaments, which would be the answer expected as the analogy to the setting of graphs

    C5C_5 is almost a fractalizer

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    We determine the maximum number of induced copies of a 5-cycle in a graph on nn vertices for every nn. Every extremal construction is a balanced iterated blow-up of the 5-cycle with the possible exception of the smallest level where for n=8n=8, the M\"obius ladder achieves the same number of induced 5-cycles as the blow-up of a 5-cycle on 8 vertices. This result completes work of Balogh, Hu, Lidick\'y, and Pfender [Eur. J. Comb. 52 (2016)] who proved an asymptotic version of the result. Similarly to their result, we also use the flag algebra method but we extend its use to small graphs.Comment: 24 page

    Maximum Number of Almost Similar Triangles in the Plane

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    A triangle T′ is ε-similar to another triangle T if their angles pairwise differ by at most ε. Given a triangle T, ε\u3e0 and n∈N, Bárány and Füredi asked to determine the maximum number of triangles h(n,T,ε) being ε-similar to T in a planar point set of size n. We show that for almost all triangles T there exists ε=ε(T)\u3e0 such that h(n,T,ε)=n3/24(1+o(1)). Exploring connections to hypergraph Turán problems, we use flag algebras and stability techniques for the proof

    Minimum number of edges that occur in odd cycles

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    If a graph has n≥4kn\ge4k vertices and more than n2/4n^2/4 edges, then it contains a copy of C2k+1C_{2k+1}. In 1992, Erd\H{o}s, Faudree and Rousseau showed even more, that the number of edges that occur in a triangle is at least 2⌊n/2⌋+12\lfloor n/2\rfloor+1, and this bound is tight. They also showed that the minimum number of edges that occur in a C2k+1C_{2k+1} for k≥2k\ge2 is at least 11n2/144−O(n)11n^2/144-O(n), and conjectured that for any k≥2k\ge2, the correct lower bound should be 2n2/9−O(n)2n^2/9-O(n). Very recently, F\"uredi and Maleki constructed a counterexample for k=2k=2 and proved asymptotically matching lower bound, namely that for any ε>0\varepsilon>0 graphs with (1+ε)n2/4(1+\varepsilon)n^2/4 edges contain at least (2+2)n2/16≈0.2134n2(2+\sqrt{2})n^2/16 \approx 0.2134n^2 edges that occur in C5C_5. In this paper, we use a different approach to tackle this problem and obtain the following stronger result: Any nn-vertex graph with at least ⌊n2/4⌋+1\lfloor n^2/4\rfloor+1 edges has at least (2+2)n2/16−O(n15/8)(2+\sqrt{2})n^2/16-O(n^{15/8}) edges that occur in C5C_5. Next, for all k≥3k\ge 3 and nn sufficiently large, we determine the exact minimum number of edges that occur in C2k+1C_{2k+1} for nn-vertex graphs with more than n2/4n^2/4 edges, and show it is indeed equal to ⌊n24⌋+1−⌊n+46⌋⌊n+16⌋=2n2/9−O(n)\lfloor\frac{n^2}4\rfloor+1-\lfloor\frac{n+4}6\rfloor\lfloor\frac{n+1}6\rfloor=2n^2/9-O(n). For both results, we give a structural description of the extremal configurations as well as obtain the corresponding stability results, which answer a conjecture of F\"uredi and Maleki. The main ingredient is a novel approach that combines the flag algebras together with ideas from finite forcibility of graph limits. This approach allowed us to keep track of the extra edge needed to guarantee an existence of a C2k+1C_{2k+1}. Also, we establish the first application of semidefinite method in a setting, where the set of tight examples has exponential size, and arises from different constructions

    Minimizing the Number of Triangular Edges

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    We consider the problem of minimizing the number of edges that are contained in triangles, among n-vertex graphs with a given number of edges. For sufficiently large n, we prove an exact formula for this minimum, which partially resolves a conjecture of Füredi and Maleki